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# teleport locations

# ------------------
# following syntax:
# locationname x / y / z
# locationname: must NOT have blanks, must NOT start with digit
# x, y, z: are floats (e.g. "1024", "-3.4", ...)
# blanks and "/" signs are ignored by the parser

# coordinates taken from code, core/game.cpp/CGame::Process()

# following coordinates taken from levels/

lnkvbuy 304.5 376.3 12.7

hycobuy -834.8 1306.9 11.0
ochebuy 14.0 -1500.7 12.7
washbuy 88.5 -804.7 11.2
vcptbuy 531.4 1273.7 17.6
skumbuy -560.1 703.6 20.5
hotel 209.5 -1288.9 12.4
sergio 257.1 -231.7 10.0
printbuy -1059.6 -274.5 11.4
carbuy -1007.3 -869.9 12.8
pornbuy 15.2 962.6 10.9
icebuy -864.3 -576.6 11.0
taxibuy -1011.7 203.9 11.2
bankbuy 487.2 -81.5 11.4
boatbuy -685.8 -1495.6 12.5
taxiwar -1003.1 207.0 10.0
general -246.6 -1360.5 7.3
baron -378.5 -551.3 18.2
bankjob 463.9 -58.5 10.5
phil -1101.1 343.2 10.2
porn -69.4 932.7 9.9
counter -1062.6 -278.8 11.0
lawyer 119.2 -826.9 9.7
kent 488.6 -75.4 10.4
bikers -597.3 652.9 10.0
rock -875.5 1159.3 10.2
cuban -1170.0 -606.9 10.6
haitian -962.4 143.0 8.2
strpbuy 99.5 -1468.5 9.9
nbmnbuy 428.4 605.9 12.2
icecream -865.9 -571.9 11.0
porncash -1.9 959.9 10.9
boatcash -640.8 -1491.8 13.7
taxicash -997.1 189.8 11.4

# other coordinates handy for development

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