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Effective communication is important for a manager to perform basic function of management -

planning, leading, contro lling and orga nizing. Moreover in today's h ighly advanced environment
error free communicatio n is must. United Commercial Bank is amongst the pioneer in banking
ind ustry to provide sophisticated internal communication among its employees. There are 149
branches of UCBL across the country and their communication between the branches is very
effective, error free and real time. I f anybody faces any problem, que ry or needs to k now any
information they can easily ask it to their branch manager , the head office or any other brunches
where it is req uired . Most of their communication is done by phone and e- mail. The practice of e-
ma il for any sort of official articulation and correspondence in UC BL is highly ad visable. Other
than these internal business memo is also popular whe n it comes to ask for a decisio n from the
higher management.

The Ba nasree bra ach of UCB Bank is facilitated with W i-F i syste1n Beside t he ent ire
computer system of t he branches is interconnected, so that any employee can take initial help
to do any work ordered by the authority. Using the updated technology has cut down time,
which affects on working simu ltaneous ly on d ifferent issues and a lso increasing efficiency.
Computer software
is developed to perform core operatio ns of banking like recording of transact ions, profit
calculations on loans and deposits, customer records, balance of payments and withdrawal This
software is installed at different branc hes of bank and then interconnected by means of
communication lines like satellite, internet etc.

United Comrrercia l Bank is amongst the pio neer in banking industry to provide sophisticated On-
line banking services to its custo1rers thro ugh the network of all 1 10 bra aches. Moreover, UCB
has entered into an agreement wit h Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. for sharing ATM facilities with
them to extend a wide range of banking service to its valued customers.

For ensuring high security service the branch is under close supervision by the Head of Branch
thro ugh CCTV system There is a big screen of central unit of cct v which is opened for t he
whole office ho ur under close observat ion of the branch manager, UC B bank is committed to
the customer for providing high security appliances.

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