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Freshwater Biology (2010) 55, 282–298 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02294.


Ecological and socio-economic impacts of invasive water

hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): a review
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, U.S.A.

1. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is one of the world’s most invasive aquatic plants
and is known to cause significant ecological and socio-economic effects.
2. Water hyacinth can alter water clarity and decrease phytoplankton production,
dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, heavy metals and concentrations of other
3. The effects of water hyacinth on ecological communities appear to be largely nonlinear.
Abundance and diversity of aquatic invertebrates generally increase in response to
increased habitat heterogeneity and structural complexity provided by water hyacinth but
decrease due to decreased phytoplankton (food) availability.
4. Effects of water hyacinth on fish are largely dependent on original community
composition and food-web structure. A more diverse and abundant epiphytic invertebrate
community may increase fish abundance and diversity, but a decrease in phytoplankton
may decrease dissolved oxygen concentrations and planktivorous fish abundance,
subsequently affecting higher trophic levels.
5. Little is known about the effects of water hyacinth on waterbird communities; however,
increases in macroinvertebrate and fish abundance and diversity suggest a potentially
positive interaction with waterbirds when water hyacinth is at moderate density.
6. The socio-economic effects of water hyacinth are dependent on the extent of the
invasion, the uses of the impacted waterbody, control methods and the response to control
efforts. Ecosystem-level research programmes that simultaneously monitor the effects of
water hyacinth on multiple trophic-levels are needed to further our understanding of
invasive species.

Keywords: aquatic plant, Eichhornia crassipes, freshwater, invasive species, water hyacinth

cinth, a free-floating vascular plant, is known to cause

major ecological and socio-economic changes (Center,
Originally from South America, water hyacinth, Eich- 1994). It commonly forms dense, interlocking mats
hornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, is one of the world’s due to its rapid reproductive rate and complex root
most prevalent invasive aquatic plants. Water hya- structure (Mitchell, 1985). Water hyacinth reproduces
both sexually and asexually. Seeds generally germi-
Correspondence: Amy M. Villamagna, Department of Fisheries nate within six months, with dry conditions promot-
and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State ing germination (Ueki & Oki, 1979). Low nutrient
University, 100 Cheatham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. concentrations and temperature (air and water) are
E-mail: considered the strongest determinants for water
282  2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 283
hyacinth growth and reproduction (Wilson et al., assess the full extent of ecological changes (i.e. abiotic
2005). Salinity generally limits water hyacinth estab- and biotic) that may occur in response to the estab-
lishment in coastal areas and within estuaries, lishment and management of this non-native species.
although at least one case of such is documented Determining the consequences of controlling an
(Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez, 2004). Water established water hyacinth population is contingent
hyacinth is not restricted to shallow water like many on our ability to understand how water hyacinth
submersed and emergent macrophytes because its affects the systems that it inhabits. There are very few
roots are free-floating near the surface of the water. studies that report the ecological conditions prior to
Water hyacinth has invaded freshwater systems in invasion (Abu-Gideiri & Yousif, 1974). This makes it
over 50 countries on five continents and, according to difficult to understand fully how water hyacinth alters
recent climate change models, its distribution may an ecosystem. We rely on scientific accounts that
expand into higher latitudes as temperatures rise either compare water quality and ecological condition
(Rodrı́guez-Gallego et al., 2004; Hellmann et al., 2008; between sites with and without water hyacinth, or
Rahel & Olden, 2008). Water hyacinth is especially examine the changes that occur after a control
pervasive throughout Southeast Asia, the southeast- programme is implemented. Many investigations
ern United States, central and western Africa and focus on one element of an ecosystem at a time (e.g.
Central America (Bartodziej & Weymouth, 1995; nutrient concentration, dissolved oxygen, plant or
Brendonck et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2007; Martinez- animal community composition); however, it is nec-
Jimenez & Gomez-Balandra, 2007). It is prevalent in essary to look at effects on the system as a whole to
tropical and sub-tropical waterbodies where water comprehend the direct and indirect impacts of this
nutrient concentrations are often high due to agricul- aquatic plant.
tural runoff, deforestation and insufficient wastewater The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, we
treatment. There is not a clear record of how, why and provide a concise review of publications from the last
when water hyacinth was introduced to waterbodies 30 years that examine the effects of water hyacinth on
outside of its native range, but many populations are water quality, the community composition of zoo-
well established and persistent despite control efforts. plankton, macroinvertebrates, fish and birds, and
Introductions to non-native waterbodies have been socioeconomic condition. We discuss the dominant
accidental and intentional; intentional introductions to control programmes and ecological consequences,
ponds are common as water hyacinth is an orna- and provide several cases as examples. Second, we
mental plant that reduces nutrient concentrations and identify gaps in current scientific understanding, and
algae blooms. Its success as an invader is attributed to offer suggestions for future research that will promote
its ability to outcompete native vegetation and phy- stronger understanding of water hyacinth dynamics
toplankton and the absence of consumers found and aid in the management of this invasive species.
within its native range such as Neochetina eichhorniae The literature on water hyacinth is far-reaching, and
Warner and Neochetina bruchi Hustache (Wilson et al., accessibility can be challenging. While we extensively
2005). Invasions vary in extent and duration, but searched literature published using a variety of search
generally cause similar problems. Changes to water engines and databases, we recognise that there may be
hyacinth density have the potential to affect other articles pertaining to water hyacinth that have been
ecological and human communities in areas where it published in Spanish and Portuguese regional and
is established; these changes may be perceived as local journals that we were unable to include in this
positive or negative depending on the designated or review. By synthesising the results of these studies,
beneficial uses of the waterbody (Gibbons, Gibbons & we hope to enhance managers’ access to global
Sytsma, 1994). scientific information and their understanding of
Water hyacinth is extremely difficult to eradicate water hyacinth as an invasive species.
once established. Therefore, the goal of most manage-
ment efforts is to minimise economic costs and
Water quality impacts
ecological damage. Recent literature on the manage-
ment of water hyacinth focuses on techniques to Research on water hyacinth’s effects on water quality
remove the weed; however, little has been done to has focused mainly on the consequences of the dense
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284 A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy
mats formed by the interlocking of individual plants. water column (Aoi & Hayashi, 1996). In California
The most commonly documented effects are lower (U.S.A.), water hyacinth leaf tissue was found to have
phytoplankton productivity and dissolved oxygen the same mercury concentration as the sediment
concentrations beneath these mats (Rommens et al., beneath, suggesting that plant harvesting could help
2003; Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez, 2004; Perna mediate mercury contamination if disposed of prop-
& Burrows, 2005). Other water quality effects include erly (Greenfield et al., 2007). On a similar note, water
higher sedimentation rates within the plant’s complex hyacinth’s capacity to absorb nutrients makes it a
root structure and higher evapotranspiration rates potential biological alternative to secondary and
from water hyacinth leaves when compared to evap- tertiary treatment for wastewater (Ho & Wong, 1994;
oration rates from open water (Gopal, 1987). Water Cossu et al., 2001).
hyacinth also has been found to stabilise pH levels In a laboratory-based experiment designed to
and temperature within lotic systems, increasing mimic nutrient conditions of Lake Chivero (Uganda),
mixing within the water column and potentially Rommens et al. (2003) tested water hyacinth’s capacity
preventing stratification (Giraldo & Garzon, 2002). to absorb nitrate, ammonium and phosphate from the
Water hyacinth mats decrease dissolved oxygen con- water column and found that the average water
centrations beneath mats by preventing the transfer of hyacinth plant absorbed 2.36 mg of ammonium
oxygen from the air to the water’s surface (Hunt & (3.39 mg in the presence of nitrate), 1.13 mg of nitrate
Christiansen, 2000) and by blocking light used for (1.23 mg in the presence of ammonium) and 0.39 mg
photosynthesis by phytoplankton and submersed of phosphate per kilogram of water hyacinth (wet
vegetation. Unlike phytoplankton and submersed weight) each hour. From a management perspective,
vegetation, water hyacinth does not release oxygen these results could be used to estimate potential
into the water column (Meerhoff et al., 2003). In changes in nutrient concentrations in systems where
Louisiana (U.S.A.), water hyacinth was associated water hyacinth has been introduced or where it has
with significantly lower concentrations of dissolved been removed.
oxygen within the water column when compared to Water hyacinth’s absorption capacity has been
Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle and Sagittaria lancifolia validated in several field studies as well. Overall,
L. (Troutman, Rutherford & Kelso, 2007). Similarly, nutrient absorption is thought to vary by season, with
areas with water hyacinth had the lowest dissolved greater absorption in the summer when temperatures
oxygen concentrations when compared to areas with are higher and more favourable for plant growth
Myriophyllum spicatum L., Hydrilla verticillata, and (Rommens et al., 2003; Rodrı́guez-Gallego et al., 2004).
Potamogeton spp. in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Rommens et al. (2003) found that littoral sites with
California (U.S.A.), and water hyacinth was the only water hyacinth in Lake Chivero (Zimbabwe) had
plant associated with average dissolved oxygen con- significantly less ammonium, nitrate and dissolved
centrations less than 5 mg L)1 (Toft et al., 2003). oxygen (mg L)1) in the water column than limnetic
Masifwa, Twongo & Denny (2001) found an inverse sites or than littoral sites without water hyacinth;
relationship between dissolved oxygen concentrations however, chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in
beneath water hyacinth mats and the distance to open sites with water hyacinth. This may have been
water in Lake Victoria (Uganda). The percent cover- attributed to the ability of water hyacinth to trap
age, or mat size, of water hyacinth that causes notable existing phytoplankton and detritus, but it is unlikely
decreases in dissolved oxygen is not known, but likely that chlorophyll a concentrations would remain high
varies with the system. McVea & Boyd (1975) found a as water hyacinth density increased and light pene-
negative relationship between dissolved oxygen and tration decreased. Greenfield et al. (2007) found sig-
water hyacinth coverage, but water hyacinth covering nificantly higher total nitrogen and phosphorus in the
up to 25% of 0.04-ha experimental ponds did not water column following the shredding of water
decrease dissolved oxygen to dangerous concentra- hyacinth. Similarly, Marshall (1997) noted an increase
tions for fish survival (<2 mg L)1). in nitrogen and phosphorus in the water column after
Water hyacinth also absorbs heavy metals (Tiwari, water hyacinth was controlled biologically in Lake
Dixit & Verma, 2007), organic contaminants (Zimmels, Chivero during the 1990s; prior to control, water
Kirzhner & Malkovskaja, 2007) and nutrients from the hyacinth covered 30% of the lake. Increased nutrient
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Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 285
concentrations may be attributed to a release from Therefore, free-floating plants can dominate phyto-
decomposing plants as well as nutrients added to the plankton and submersed vegetation when natural
lake over time. Although there is potential for water controls do not exist outside of the native range
hyacinth to provide phytoremediation in highly (Scheffer et al., 2003). Water hyacinth was found to
eutrophic systems (Rodrı́guez-Gallego et al., 2004), selectively inhibit planktonic green algae in a shal-
the nutrient reductions depend on the density and low Portuguese lake (Almeida et al., 2006), yet
extent of water hyacinth coverage (Pinto-Coelho & phytoplankton density in littoral sites with water
Greco, 1999). Therefore, the net benefits of a phyto- hyacinth in Lake Chivero (Uganda) was 10–30 times
remediation approach also depend on other impacts higher than littoral sites without water hyacinth
by water hyacinth. Table 1 provides a summary of the (Brendonck et al., 2003). Water hyacinth can trap
reports that focused on water quality impacts. phytoplankton and detritus, thereby increasing, at
least temporarily, phytoplankton densities beneath
mats (Brendonck et al., 2003). Following the removal
Impact of water hyacinth on ecological
of water hyacinth in its native range, Bicudo et al.
(2007) found a substantial increase in total phyto-
The structure of a macrophyte community plays a plankton as well as cyanobacteria biomass that
large role in determining community composition of contributed to the loss of water clarity in a shallow
phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish in freshwater Brazilian reservoir. Similar results were found in two
ecosystems (Meerhoff et al., 2007). The plant provides Mexican reservoirs where phytoplankton and cyano-
complex structure to the upper portion of the water bacteria increased after removal of water hyacinth
column that may be novel in ecosystems that (Lugo et al., 1998; Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez,
otherwise lack floating vegetation (Arora & Mehra, 2004). Overall, water hyacinth seems to limit the
2003). The interconnectivity among organisms within productivity of phytoplankton and submersed vege-
an aquatic system make the plant’s overall influence tation under mats, with the exception of certain
challenging to assess. A shift in the primary-produc- colonial types that may initially be captured within
tion base of a lake can resonate throughout the water hyacinth roots. The literature also suggests at
ecosystem, affecting multiple trophic levels both least a temporary shift toward cyanobacteria follow-
directly through changes in habitat availability, and ing removal of water hyacinth.
indirectly through shifts in energy pathways. The
strong interdependence among biological communi-
ties within aquatic ecosystems makes it difficult to
predict the impacts of a non-native species without Zooplankton distribution can be influenced by turbu-
understanding fully the existing system and the lence, light intensity, temperature, chlorophyll-a, dis-
effects of the non-native on various components of solved oxygen (Kiorboe & Saiz, 1995) and food
the ecosystem. In the subsections to follow, we availability (Richards, Small & Osborne, 1985;
examine the ecological effects of water hyacinth on Maceina et al., 1992). Changes to zooplankton com-
specific components of the ecosystem as illustrated in munity diversity and abundance are commonly
Fig. 1. linked to a shift in the macrophyte community via
changes to habitat (Richards et al., 1985), but they are
also attributed to changes in the density and commu-
Phytoplankton and macrophytes
nity composition of zooplankton predators (Meerhoff
Water hyacinth often establishes in areas that lack et al., 2003). Reduced phytoplankton productivity can
significant aquatic vegetation, but it is also able to decrease zooplankton abundance by decreasing food
out-compete submersed vegetation and phytoplank- availability (Richards et al., 1985; Maceina et al., 1992).
ton (Mitchell, 1985). Free-floating plants are able to On the other hand, the complex structure provided by
monopolise light and absorb nutrients from the macrophytes may provide more microhabitats for
water column, preventing phytoplankton and sub- epiphytic zooplankton. This was documented in the
mersed vegetation from obtaining sufficient re- Yamuna River (Egypt) where there was a more
sources for photosynthesis (McVea & Boyd, 1975). abundant and diverse epiphytic rotifer community
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Table 1 A summary of 19 studies that focused on the effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on dissolved oxygen concentrations, nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton
density (chlorophyll a concentrations), heavy metals and other contaminants. Downward arrows represent a decrease in the parameter with an increase in water hyacinth; upward
arrows represent an increase in the parameter with an increase in water hyacinth cover

Dissolved Water
Author Location oxygen Nutrients Phytoplankton quality (misc) Contaminants

Rommens et al. (2003) Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe fl fl › › transparency

Mangas-Ramirez & Valsequillo Reservoir, Mexico fl fl
Elias-Gutierrez (2004)
A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy

Perna & Burrows (2005) Burdekin River, Australia fl

Gopal (1987) General review › Evaporation
Giraldo & Garzon (2002) Bogota River (reservoir), Colombia* Temperature &
pH stabilized
Meerhoff et al. (2003) Lake Rodó, Uruguay* fl
Troutman et al. (2007) Atchafalaya River, U.S.A. fl
Toft et al. (2003) Sacramento-San Joaquin River, U.S.A. fl
Masifwa et al. (2001) Lake Victoria, Uganda fl
McVea & Boyd (1975) Experimental ponds fl
Tiwari et al. (2007) Shahpura Lake, Bhopal fl
Greenfield et al. (2007) Sacramento-San Joaquin River, U.S.A. fl fl fl
Ho & Wai-kin (1994) Wastewater treatment plant fl
Cossu et al. (2001) Laboratory – Municipal waste fl
Aoi & Hayashi (1996) Outdoor batch culture system experiment fl fl
Zimmels et al. (2007) Laboratory – Waste water fl
Rodrı́guez-Gallego et al. (2004) Lake Rodó, Uruguay* fl
Pinto-Coelho & Greco (1999) Pampulha Reservoir, Brazil* fl
Marshall (1997) Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe fl fl

*Studies within native range of water hyacinth.

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Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 287

Fig. 1 Interactions within an ecosystem with an established non-native water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) population. Solid lines
represent relationships between ecological components (i.e. energy flow and habitat use) that have been reported in the literature
(Tables 1–3). Dashed lines represent potential relationships that have yet to be documented. These relationships are explained in
greater detail in the text.

within water hyacinth than within Salvinia molesta P. pectinatus or vegetation-free littoral sites (Meerhoff
Mitchell, a macrophyte with smaller floating and et al., 2003). Total rotifer abundance was highest in
submersed leaves. The difference in rotifer abundance open waters, but differed little among other micro-
and species richness was attributed to greater food habitats. In contrast, a decrease in calanoid copepods
availability and refuge from predators provided by was recorded after a mechanical water hyacinth
water hyacinth’s complex root structures (Arora & control programme was initiated in a Mexican
Mehra, 2003). In contrast, however, laboratory and reservoir. Cyclopoid copepod and cladoceran
field studies conducted in association with water abundance did not change after water hyacinth was
hyacinth in Lake Rodó (Uruguay) did not find water removed, but cladoceran species composition shifted
hyacinth to provide adequate refuge for large-bodied (Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez, 2004). In yet
zooplankton (Meerhoff et al., 2006, 2007). another study, microcrustacean taxa were more
Overall, zooplankton response to water hyacinth abundant at littoral sites without water hyacinth than
appears to vary by taxa and geographic location. those with (Brendonck et al., 2003).
Meerhoff et al. (2003) did not find a significant The effects of water hyacinth on zooplankton
difference in microcrustacean richness or diversity reported in the literature are inconsistent (Table 2),
among sites with water hyacinth, sites with Potamog- suggesting that factors such as algal concentrations
eten pectinatus L. (pondweed), or vegetation-free and physiochemical conditions at the time of sam-
littoral sites of Lake Rodo (Uruguay). More specifi- pling, the time of day at which zooplankton was
cally, cladoceran abundance did not differ among sampled, the presence of predators, the effects of
sites, but calanoid and cyclopoid copepods were less water hyacinth on potential predators and the spatial
abundant at sites with water hyacinth than sites with configuration of water hyacinth may be influencing

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288 A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy
Table 2 Results from four studies that focused on the effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on the zooplankton community

Author Location Differences between sites with and without water hyacinth

Meerhoff et al. (2003) Lake Rodo, Uruguay* Copepoda was less abundant at sites with water hyacinth
No difference in microcrustacea between sites Rotifera was highest
in open water at sites without water hyacinth
Arora & Mehra (2003) Yamuna River, India More abundant and diverse epiphytic rotifer groups
Mangas-Ramirez & Valsequillo Reservoir, Cladocera species composition differs within sites with water
Elias-Gutierrez (2004) Mexico hyacinth
No difference in cladoceran or cyclopoid copepod abundance
between sites
Brendonck et al. (2003) Lake Chivero, Uganda More abundant microcrustacea in sites without water hyacinth

*Studies within native range of water hyacinth.

zooplankton response. Zooplankton migrate through- to the centre. For example, the largest quantities of
out an ecosystem, both vertically and horizontally macroinvertebrates sampled from water hyacinth in
(Roijackers, Szabo & Scheffer, 2004; Iglesias et al., swamps along the Nile River (Sudan) were found
2007; Meerhoff et al., 2007); therefore, it is important to within 6 m of open water (Bailey & Litterick, 1993).
incorporate the time of day into any analysis of habitat O’Hara (1967) examined the community composi-
use. Moreover, zooplankton may be affected by water tion of macroinvertebrates within the roots of water
hyacinth differently outside of its native range. Meer- hyacinth on Lake Okeechobee, Florida (U.S.A.), out-
hoff et al. (2007) found that horizontal diel movements side of the plant’s native range. He found that the
were more pronounced in temperate than subtropical macroinvertebrates were typical benthic species in the
waterbodies, even though vertical movements were same area, but macroinvertebrate abundance within
similar. Greater horizontal movement may allow the roots of water hyacinth was greater than in benthic
temperate zooplankton to move in and out of water samples or within other plant-root systems. No
hyacinth mats to a greater extent than tropical correlation was found between macroinvertebrate
zooplankton, thus avoiding some of the detrimental abundance and root mass. Table 3 provides a list of
effects (e.g. low dissolved oxygen and lack of phyto- the dominant macroinvertebrates identified in con-
plankton) under large mats. junction with water hyacinth, but O’Hara also iden-
tified macroinvertebrates from the classes
Oligochaeta, Turbellaria, Hirudinidea, Pelecypoda,
Arachnida, Insecta and the subphylum of Crustacea.
Aquatic plants provide ideal habitat for macroinver- Rocha-Ramirez et al. (2007) also found a highly
tebrate colonisation (Sharitz & Batzer, 1999; Masifwa diverse macroinvertebrate community (96 taxa) with-
et al., 2001). Structure provided by the roots and in water hyacinth roots in a coastal lagoon of Mexico.
leaves create habitat for macroinvertebrates, espe- This study suggested that community composition
cially for epiphytic macroinvertebrates like snails, was not only affected by the presence of water
arachnids (Brendonck et al., 2003) and amphipods hyacinth, but also by physiochemical conditions such
(Toft et al., 2003; Rocha-Ramirez et al., 2007). Several as salinity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. de Marco
studies have documented a positive correlation et al. (2001) found that the invertebrate community
between epiphytic macroinvertebrate densities and associated with water hyacinth within its native range
the surface area of floating aquatic vegetation, includ- was dominated by detritivores, mainly Oligochaeta,
ing water hyacinth (Crowder, Killgore & Dick, 1982; Turbellaria and a non-native gastropod. The authors
Schramm, Jirka & Hoyer, 1987). Within its native attributed this dominance to detritus retention within
range, water hyacinth is an important substratum for the roots. They also found a positive correlation
invertebrate colonisation (de Marco et al., 2001). between the density of some invertebrates and
Macroinvertebrate densities tend to be higher near dissolved oxygen within the water hyacinth roots.
the open water edge of water hyacinth mats compared Overall, there are few differences reported in the
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Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 289
Table 3 The most abundant invertebrate groups identified in five studies of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Author Location Most abundant invertebrates

O’Hara (1967) Lake Okeechobee, U.S.A. Gastropoda and insect larvae

Bailey & Litterick (1993) Nile River, Sudan Gastropoda and Coleoptera
Masifwa et al., 2001 Lake Victoria, Uganda Gastropoda, Chironomidae,
Ephemeroptera, and Hirundinea
Rocha-Ramirez et al. (2007) Alvarado Lagoonal System, Mexico Isopoda and Ephemeroptera
de Marco et al. (2001) Pampulha Reservoir, Brazil* Oligochaeta and Turbellaria

*Studies within native range of water hyacinth.

macroinvertebrate communities associated with water (Bartodziej & Leslie, 1998). Together these studies
hyacinth roots between sites within and outside the support the conclusion that water hyacinth can
plant’s native range (Table 3). enhance macroinvertebrate abundance and richness
Macroinvertebrates are generally more abundant in through the provision of additional, and in some cases
association with aquatic macrophytes than in open novel, habitat.
water (Mitchell & Marshall, 1974; Olson et al., 1994).
Floating macrophytes, including water hyacinth, at
the open-water interface supported a richer and more-
abundant macroinvertebrate community compared to There is little data to suggest a direct relationship
the rooted emergent vegetation in Lake Victoria between fish and water hyacinth in terms of food.
(Uganda). These floating macrophyte species har- Herbivorous fish, including Grass Carp (Ctenophar-
boured more macroinvertebrates than open water yngodon idellus Valenciennes), avoid feeding on water
(Masifwa et al., 2001). When macroinvertebrate hyacinth. Water hyacinth stores little protein, thus
assemblage was compared in the Sacramento-San making it a nutritionally poor dietary choice for
Joaquin Delta (U.S.A.) between water hyacinth and herbivorous fish (Cowx, 2003). The indirect effects of
pennywort, a native floating macrophyte, Toft et al. water hyacinth on fish communities depend on the
(2003) found the two macrophytes supported different initial community composition and structure, the
macroinvertebrate assemblages. Preliminary results existing food web and likely water hyacinth density
from an on-going study on Lake Chapala (Mexico) or area coverage. Fish density and species composi-
also suggest richer and more-abundant macroinver- tion are known to vary across macrophyte habitats
tebrate communities within the roots of water hya- with different levels of food availability, plant density,
cinth than found in open water or within emergent structural complexity and physiochemical factors
vegetation stands (Villamagna, 2009). (Grenouillet, Pont & Seip, 2002; Lewin, Okun &
Researchers in Florida took an experimental Mehner, 2004). Compared to submersed or emergent
approach to determine the effects of water hyacinth vegetation, water hyacinth provides a highly complex
mats on the macroinvertebrate and fish communities structure near the surface of the water, and it acts
associated with native submersed vegetation Sagittaria similar to a forest canopy by restricting vegetative
kurziana Glück. Epiphytic macroinvertebrate abun- growth below. This modification of architecture at the
dance within the submersed vegetation initially surface of the water adds habitat complexity and
decreased with the addition of a water hyacinth heterogeneity that likely affects fish assemblages
canopy, but total macroinvertebrate abundance did (Meerhoff et al., 2007). Grenouillet et al. (2002) found
not differ. Total macroinvertebrate abundance within fish abundance and species richness to increase with
sites with water hyacinth and S. kurziana was signif- food availability, and to be highest in habitats with
icantly greater than sites without water hyacinth intermediate structural complexity. Similar results
during the autumn and winter, starting approxi- were reported from Lake Rodó (Uruguay) where fish
mately 80 days after the introduction of water hya- abundance was highest in submersed vegetation,
cinth. Taxa richness was consistently greater at sites followed by water hyacinth and vegetation-free
with water hyacinth and S. kurziana and community littoral sites (Meerhoff et al., 2003). The removal of
composition differed between the plants as well submersed vegetation in this system increased use of
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290 A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy
water hyacinth and vegetation-free littoral sites by the sensitive fish may be able to benefit from the provi-
most common fish species. Although total fish bio- sion of cover and an enhanced food supply by water
mass did not differ between water hyacinth and hyacinth’s complex root system.
Hydrilla verticillata in Louisiana (U.S.A.), differences in Studies that have quantified the effects of water
species composition were detected (Troutman et al., hyacinth on the fish community have reported a range
2007). of results. Brendonck et al. (2003) found that fish
Water hyacinth can change fish diets through diversity in Lake Chivero (Zimbabwe) was higher at
changes in prey availability. Toft et al. (2003) found littoral sites with water hyacinth than without,
that the macroinvertebrates associated with water although confidence in this result was dampened by
hyacinth in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were variability associated with sampling techniques. On
not the same species as the common prey of fish the St Marks River in Florida (U.S.A.), total fish
captured near the edge of water hyacinth mats. This abundance and biomass were similar within sub-
could result in a dietary shift to include more mersed vegetation in areas with and without a water
abundant species of macroinvertebrates that occur as hyacinth canopy, but species richness was signifi-
a result of water hyacinth. A similar situation cantly higher in areas with the water hyacinth canopy.
occurred in Lake Victoria (Uganda) where Nile perch Community composition differed between sites with
shifted their diets to include a larger component of and without water hyacinth; notable differences
insects specifically associated with water hyacinth in included the presence of two insectivorous fish
that system (Njiru et al., 2004). Changes in prey species only found at sites with water hyacinth
preference could ultimately alter food web structure (Bartodziej & Leslie, 1998). After mechanical control
by decreasing populations of water hyacinth macro- of water hyacinth in a Mexican reservoir three
invertebrates and increasing populations of former common species (Cyprinus carpio L., Poecilia sphenops
prey species. Valenciennes, and Heterandria jonesii Günther) disap-
In general, submersed macrophytes and roots from peared. Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez (2004)
floating macrophytes provide shelter and cover for suggested increases in nutrients and ammonia as
juvenile and small fishes that can enhance fish probable causes for the sudden fish population
diversity (Johnson & Stein, 1979). In addition, an declines.
increase in epiphytic invertebrate abundance and An important question to ask concerning the effects
diversity associated with water hyacinth may support of water hyacinth on the fish community is, ‘‘How
a more diverse and larger fish community; however, much water hyacinth is too much?’’ Several studies
this is not always the case. Water hyacinth mats can have shown a parabolic relationship between fish
reduce natural predation and fisheries catchability, abundance and growth, and emergent or submersed
leading to increased abundance of certain species vegetation coverage (Dribble, Killgore & Harrel, 1996;
(Kateregga & Sterner, 2009); but mats can also exclude Miranda & Hodges, 2000; Brown & Maceina, 2002).
certain species from important breeding, nursery and This relationship is attributed to increased accessibil-
feeding grounds (Twongo & Howard, 1998). ity to prey, increased refuge from predators, followed
Dissolved oxygen levels can reach dangerously low by increased intra and inter-specific competition
concentrations for fish when large water hyacinth (Crowder et al., 1982; Savino & Stein, 1982; Wiley
mats limit oxygen exchange, decrease oxygen pro- et al., 1984). McVea & Boyd (1975) tested the effects of
duction by other plants and algae or when a relatively water hyacinth on fish productivity within 12 exper-
large area of plants decompose at the same time. imental ponds at Auburn University. By manipulating
Dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 4.8 mg L)1 the percent coverage of water hyacinth within each
are considered detrimental to fish growth and con- pond and stocking a fixed number of Tilapia aurea
centrations less than 2.3 mg L)1 threaten juvenile and Steindachner, they found that fish production was not
adult fish survival according to the US EPA water affected by 5% water hyacinth coverage, but 10% and
quality criteria for dissolved oxygen EPA. U.S. (1986). 25% coverage reduced fish production. In these cases,
Fish that are sensitive to changes in dissolved oxygen water hyacinth coverage was indirectly affecting fish
and plankton density may be less likely to persist in productivity via decreases in phytoplankton abun-
water-hyacinth-dominated systems; however, less- dance with increased coverage.
 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 55, 282–298
Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 291
In summary, the response of the fish communities fish that provide a prey base for many bird species
to water hyacinth is highly dependent on the pre- (Haag et al., 1987; Bartodziej & Weymouth, 1995;
existing fish community, preferred and available fish Svingen & Anderson, 1998; Brendonck et al., 2003).
habitat, food requirements and availability, physio- Similarly, the relationship between aquatic vegetation
chemical conditions and, likely although not proven, and juvenile fish has also been documented, further
water hyacinth density (Table 4). The combination of supporting the link between waterbirds and water
these factors makes it very difficult to predict specific hyacinth. Based on the assumptions stated above, we
effects. However, given that dissolved oxygen con- might expect higher bird density and diversity in
centrations decrease with increasing water hyacinth freshwater systems invaded by water hyacinth that
density, and given that macroinvertebrates and zoo- lack otherwise significant native vegetation. In sys-
plankton are found at higher densities and in great tems with abundant native vegetation, the presence of
diversity along the edges of water hyacinth mats, it is water hyacinth may have little influence on the overall
logical to suggest that fish could benefit from highly abundance of waterbirds, but could potentially shift
fragmented mats of water hyacinth. Such mats will bird community composition as a result of changes to
have a higher edge-to-core ratio, providing some of habitat structure. Furthermore, there is likely a den-
the benefits of water hyacinth and minimising the sity threshold at which waterbirds become negatively
negative effects of dense non-fragmented mats. impacted by increasing water hyacinth. The threshold
may be when dense mats physically prevent water-
bird access to prey, or if dissolved oxygen reductions
cause negative effects on prey populations. Water
Despite the fact that waterbirds play an important role hyacinth may become the dominant vegetative feature
in aquatic food webs, research on water hyacinth’s by outcompeting other vegetation types. This could
effect on birds is sparse, we know that prey availabil- result in a homogenous plant community that might
ity influences bird distributions (Bartodziej & limit the diversity of the waterbird community.
Weymouth, 1995). Moreover, aquatic vegetation pro- On the St Mark’s River in Florida (U.S.A.), birds
vides habitat and cover for aquatic invertebrates and that were seen feeding in water hyacinth mats more

Table 4 Results from studies that focused on the effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) or general macrophytes (Dribble et al.,
1996) on fish abundance, production, growth and community composition

Author Location With water hyacinth or other macrophytes

Troutman et al. (2007) Atchafalaya River, U.S.A. Species composition different

Brendonck et al. (2003) Lake Chivero, Uganda Fish diet increased in water hyacinth-associated insects
Bartodziej & Leslie (1998) St. Marks River, U.S.A. Different community composition; exclusive presence of two
insectivore fish species
Mangas-Ramirez & Valsequillo Reservoir, Loss of three common species after water hyacinth removal
Elias-Gutierrez (2004) Mexico
Kateregga & Sterner (2009) Lake Victoria, Kenya, Decreased total fish catchability (2–45%) in water hyacinth
Tanzania, and Uganda
Twongo & Howard (1998) Lake Victoria, Kenya, Water hyacinth blocked access to breeding, nursing, and feeding
Tanzania, and Uganda grounds for tilapia and young Nile perch
Increased abundance of Haplochromines and lungfish Decreased
abundance of tilapia
Dribble et al. (1996) Review paper Intermediate vegetation cover yielded maximum fish growth and
McVea & Boyd (1975) Experimental ponds <10% water hyacinth coverage had no effect on fish production
10–25% water hyacinth coverage decreased fish production
Brown & Maceina (2002) Lake Seminole, U.S.A. Slower fish growth and poorer fish conditions in embayments with
greater hydrilla (SAV) cover
Meerhoff et al. (2003) Lake Rodo, Uruguay* Response varied by fish species, size class, and feeding habits with
dominant omnivore-piscivores significantly associated with
free-floating plants

*Studies within native range of water hyacinth.

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 55, 282–298

292 A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy
frequently found prey around the perimeter of the ically important species, such as tilapia and Nile
mats than within the core of the mats (Bartodziej & perch in Lake Victoria (Twongo & Howard, 1998). It
Weymouth, 1995). This is in agreement with studies is interesting to note that decreased catachibility of
that found higher densities of invertebrates within certain overfished species can lead to increased
water hyacinth mats than other macrophyte stands or fishery stocks (Kateregga & Sterner, 2009) which in
open water (Bailey & Litterick, 1993; Svingen & the long-run could benefit a fishery and related
Anderson, 1998; Masifwa et al., 2001; Toft et al., human society.
2003), and greater abundance and diversity of The socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth will
macroinvertebrates along the plant-water interface also vary in relation to the uses of the waterbody. An
(Masifwa et al., 2001). To date, there are no published infestation will likely have a greater socio-economic
studies that suggest water hyacinth mats significantly impact when the waterbody supports several human
affect the bird community or individual species. uses. For a system that is primarily used as a water
However, floating patches of water hyacinth in Lake source, impacts could be measured in terms of
Chapala (Mexico) have provided additional foraging changes to water quality. While it is inherently
habitat for large wading birds, such as the Great Egret difficult to assign a value to the loss of water quality,
(Ardea alba L.), Snowy Egret (Egretta thula Molina), a surrogate estimate can be used. In this example, any
Tri-colored Heron (Egretta tricolor Muller) and Great change in the cost of water treatment could be
Blue Heron (Ardea herodias L.) and a direct food considered a substitute economic value. This tech-
source for American Coots (Fulica americana Gmelin) nique is referred to as the replacement cost method. In
(Villamagna, 2009). addition to beneficial economic uses, there are also the
impacts on wildlife and ecosystem services; such
impacts are not usually reflected in our traditional
Socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth
economic market system. In these cases a non-market
There is a dichotomy of socio-economic impacts approach, such as contingent valuation, can be used to
associated with invasive species. There are the bene- account for these impacts (Holl & Howarth, 2000).
fits and costs that result from the presence of water Contingent valuation is a relatively time-consuming
hyacinth, and there are benefits and costs of prevent- option, and therefore it is likely under-used in
ing, managing or eradicating the species, including attempts to quantify the costs and benefits of invasive
the ecological impacts of those actions. species. It is also important to recognise that biological
From a socio-economic perspective, water hyacinth impacts and socio-economic impacts may not be
invasion into freshwater systems presents a problem immediately realised. Instead damages may increase
for many human uses. The most direct impacts are to over time or as a result of synergistic biological or
boating access, navigability and recreation; and to economic interactions (Parker et al., 1999). For exam-
pipe systems for agriculture, industry and municipal ple, reduced dissolved oxygen may occur as a result
water supply. Access to fishing grounds and fish of dense water hyacinth mats, but it is the risk of fish
catchability are also affected (Kateregga & Sterner, kills that would likely draw socio-economic attention.
2009). Furthermore, evapotranspiration from water Accounting for all of the impacts is inherently chal-
hyacinth can exceed open-water evaporation rates by lenging; however, in a world where the invasive
a factor of 10 in some areas (Gopal, 1987). This can be species are rapidly increasing, we should begin to
a serious concern in water-limited areas and small prioritise management efforts.
waterbodies. Water hyacinth can greatly affect a The economic cost of controlling water hyacinth
fishery if it induces changes in fish community infestations is a function of the rate of removal, cost of
composition, or if catchability of harvested species labour, cost of equipment and the frequency of
is changed. In Lake Victoria, fish catch rates treatment. Each of these factors will vary based on
decreased because water hyacinth mats blocked the extent of the infestation and the type of control
access to fishing grounds, delayed access to markets used. Since some methods have more immediate
and increased costs (effort and materials) of fishing effects on the water hyacinth population, the planned
(Kateregga & Sterner, 2009). Mats may also block rate of removal should incorporate any time lags that
breeding, nursery and feeding grounds for econom- may exist between treatment and effect. This compli-
 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 55, 282–298
Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 293
cates what appears to be a simple analysis because the follow, we discuss the three dominant control meth-
rate of removal may change over time. For example, ods and the ecological consequences of each, and
biological control requires time to build a large provide several cases as examples.
enough population of the biological agent to have
significant effects on the water hyacinth population
Mechanical control
(Center, 1994; Center et al., 1999). In terms of invasive
plant management, perhaps the most important factor Mechanical control options include harvesting plants
to consider is time of regrowth. Many management and in-situ cutting. There are several advantages and
decisions are made based on ‘least-cost control’ disadvantages to implementing a mechanical control
without consideration for the temporal duration of strategy depending on the option chosen. In general,
control efforts. This is most important in systems there are no water-use restrictions associated with
where permanent eradication is not a feasible option. mechanical control and it does not require much
Mechanical shredding of water hyacinth is cheaper technical expertise. Mechanical control immediately
than harvesting (Greenfield, Blankinship & McNabb, opens physical space (habitat) for fish, boat traffic,
2006), but there are significant consequences of fishing and recreation. In-situ cutting, where plants
allowing the plant to die and decompose within the are left to die and decompose in the water, can
system. Although mechanical control may initially be decrease dissolved oxygen and alter trophic structure
less expensive than an herbicide treatment, over time as result of changes in nutrient and carbon balances
the chemical control may cost less due to the slower (Greenfield et al., 2007). Moreover, low dissolved
regrowth time associated with the herbicide treat- oxygen conditions catalyse the releases of phosphorus
ments. However, in countries like the U.S.A., recent from the sediment. This process accelerates eutrophi-
permitting and monitoring requirements associated cation and can lead to a subsequent increase in water
with chemical control programmes may significantly hyacinth or algae blooms (Perna & Burrows, 2005;
increase the overall cost of implementation (Green- Bicudo et al., 2007). While this is an obvious downfall
field et al., 2007). of in-situ cutting, harvesting the plant can be costly
and logistically difficult. Water hyacinth is comprised
of approximately 90% water, making it very heavy to
Control efforts
transport (Gopal, 1987). Disposal of water hyacinth
Initial management of water hyacinth outside of its from polluted water bodies also becomes an impor-
native range focused on eradication but, due to the tant health and ecological consideration due to its
difficulty of this approach, management has shifted capacity to absorb contaminants and, in some cases,
towards reducing plant density to levels that mini- the cost of an offsite disposal area can be more
mise economic and ecological impacts. Mechanical, expensive than the removal process itself (Thayer &
chemical and biological control methods are com- Ramey, 1986). Mechanical control may not be cost
monly used to control water hyacinth, but no one effective for large areas when expensive cutting or
method is suitable for all situations. Each method has dredging equipment is required.
advantages and disadvantages (Seagrave, 1988), and Following mechanical removal of water hyacinth
ultimately the choice of a control method should be from reservoirs in Brazil (within native range) and
based on site-specific conditions, including the size Mexico, water transparency and dissolved oxygen
and spatial configuration of the area to be controlled decreased, while pH, total phosphorus, phytoplankton
(Thayer & Ramey, 1986), seasonal weather patterns, and cyanobacteria biomass (i.e. Mycrocystis spp.)
designated uses of the waterbody (Gibbons et al., increased (Mangas-Ramirez & Elias-Gutierrez, 2004;
1994) and budget constraints. Ultimately, the most Bicudo et al., 2007). The Brazilian reservoir became
sustainable solution for controlling water hyacinth dominated by cyanobacteria (Bicudo et al., 2007).
outside of its native range would be broad-scale Decreases in dissolved oxygen concentrations were
nutrient reduction plans (Musil & Breen, 1977); linked to mass decomposition of phytoplankton and
however, this would require extensive catchment- cyanobacteria following blooms. In contrast, mechan-
scale land-use management and regulation, which are ical harvesting of water hyacinth from an Australian
inherently difficult and expensive. In the sections to lagoon resulted in a sudden increase in dissolved
 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 55, 282–298
294 A. M. Villamagna and B. R. Murphy
oxygen (Perna & Burrows, 2005), which was possibly labour or equipment intensive, and has the potential to
due to increased water inflow into the lagoon. be self-sustaining (Seagrave, 1988). Much of the cost of
biological control programmes is mainly related to
research and development. Host specificity is critical to
Chemical control
any successful biological control programme. Ideally,
Herbicides, such as Glyphosate (Roundup), Diquat the introduced agent will have a narrow range of
and 2, 4-D amine, have been used worldwide to requirements to keep its effects focused on the target
reduce water hyacinth populations (Seagrave, 1988; plant, but broad enough to maintain a viable popula-
Gutierrez et al., 1994; Lugo et al., 1998). Per treatment, tion when the host plant is in low densities. Common
chemical control is less labour intensive and expen- biological control options for water hyacinth include
sive than mechanical control, especially at large scales various insect species, and introduced plant pathogens
(Guitierrez-Lopez, 1993); however, herbicides can (Coetzee, Byrne & Hill, 2007b). Neochetina eichhorniae
become expensive if management requires repeated and N. bruchi are two commonly used weevil species
applications. The cost of chemical control will depend from the plant’s native range (Sosa, Cordo & Sacco,
heavily on the equipment used to administer the 2007). To date, fish are not known to control water
herbicide (e.g. backpack sprayer, helicopter or air- hyacinth (Seagrave, 1988). Biological control is com-
boat). Herbicides are less selective than mechanical or monly preceded by mechanical removal or chemical
manual approaches. Herbicides can kill non-target treatment in order to quickly reduce the plant popula-
algae, a critical foundation of aquatic food webs tion, making initial conditions suitable for effective
(Wetzel, 1983), in addition to non-target macrophytes biological control (Adekoya et al., 1993). In cases where
(Seagrave, 1988), resulting in far reaching ecological Neochetina spp. was introduced, effective control of
impacts (Richards et al., 1985; Arora & Mehra, 2003; water hyacinth was not realised for many years
Rocha-Ramirez et al., 2007) and dangerous deoxygen- (Harley, 1990; Hill & Olckers, 2001; Coetzee, Byrne &
ation of water (Lugo et al., 1998). Hill, 2007a; Coetzee et al., 2007b; Wilson et al., 2007).
Following mechanical control and the application of In general, water quality impacts of biological
Diquat and 2, 4-D amine to a Mexican reservoir, algae, control methods appear quite similar to other removal
pH and dissolved oxygen increased (Lugo et al., 1998). techniques. Neochetina spp. weevils reduce water
Olaleye (2002) also reported increases in algae, pH hyacinth buoyancy, causing plants to sink to the
and dissolved oxygen after herbicides were applied to bottom and decompose (Wilson et al., 2007). While
water hyacinth under laboratory conditions. A chem- this process may not drastically affect water quality in
ical control programme in a Nigerian creek produced deep areas or where large mats of water hyacinth do
a significant increase in fish abundance 14 days after not sink at once, shallow areas are more vulnerable to
treatment. The increase was assumed to be a result of the negative effects associated with the decomposition
the removal of plant barriers to fish movement. of plants. The long-term effects of biological control of
However, not all fish species experienced a significant water hyacinth remain largely unknown. As with any
population increase following treatment, suggesting introduction, biological control agents have the
that other factors also influenced fish distribution. potential to adversely affect non-target components
A final consideration with the implementation of of the ecosystem (Simberloff & Stiling, 1996).
chemical control is the water use restrictions that may
be required by law following herbicide spraying.
Chemical control can have significant socio-economic
impacts if beneficial or designated uses of the water- Our review of the water hyacinth literature from
body are affected. the past 30 years makes it clear that there is little
consistency among field studies and experiments that
focus on the effects of water hyacinth. Studies varied in
Biological control
terms of the time frame during which impacts were
Biological control is an alternative to mechanical and analysed, and few reported pre-invasion ecological
chemical control programmes that avoids the intro- condition. Pre-invasion ecological condition would be
duction of toxic chemicals into the environment, is not helpful when delineating the subsequent effects of
 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 55, 282–298
Ecological and socio-economic impacts of water hyacinth 295
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