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Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication | Resti, Shindu

Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication

Authors :
Resti Qathrunnada Adisyah 1 , Shindu Ayunita Pristiandani 2nd ,Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus 3rd

Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

“Late Adolescent Self-Disclosure in the Family Communication of Strict Parents” investigates the
communication dynamics between late adolescents and their families in the context of strict parenting. This
study aims to provide insight into the challenges that late adolescents face in expressing themselves within a
rigorous education context. Research methods included questionnaires and interviews with adolescents and
parents. The results indicate that adolescents' level of self-disclosure influences the quality of family
communication. Due to strict upbringing, children in late adolescence tend not to open up to their parents, resulting
in limited communication and superficial discussions that mainly focus on education and work, leading to deep
and We know that there is a lack of desire for accurate conversation and that favoritism occurs. Or other family
members rather than parents. On the other hand, more open adolescents tend to communicate better with their
parents. The contribution of this report lies in providing a deeper understanding of the importance of
adolescents' self-disclosure in the context of families with rigid communication patterns. This study may serve
as the basis for intervention programs to improve family communication in authoritarian parenting

Keywords: Late adolescents. Self-disclosure, Family communication, Strict Parenting style

This article explores the communication dynamics between late adolescents and their
families, particularly in the context of strict parenting, reflecting the complexities of modern
family dynamics. The research aims to examine the impact of strict parenting on the ability of
late adolescents to communicate openly with their parents, focusing on the challenges they
face in expressing themselves under strict parental supervision.

Developmental psychologists emphasize the significance of late adolescent self-

discovery within the family environment, where openness not only facilitates the exchange of
information but also builds a healthy emotional relationship between parents and children.
However, Li's research identifies that strict parents, characterized by rigid rules and demands,
create communication barriers resulting in limited and superficial conversations centered
around education or work, and a reluctance to engage in deep discussions.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for delving into the complexity of parent-
adolescent relationships, providing insights for parents, educators, and mental health
professionals to support healthy communication and emotional development among late

Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication | Resti, Shindu

adolescents under strict parenting. Research on late adolescents' self-disclosure in the context
of strict parenting environments is expected to shed light on how psychological and
environmental factors influence family interactions. The outcomes may guide parents,
professionals, and researchers in fostering positive development among adolescents.

Literature review
A. Strict Parenting Styles and Adolescent Identity Development

The parenting style adopted by parents, particularly those characterized as strict,

plays a pivotal role in shaping the identity of adolescents. Strict parenting is often
associated with high expectations, clear rules, and limited autonomy for the adolescent.
Examining the impact of such parenting styles on the development of self-identity
provides valuable insights into the factors influencing late adolescent self-disclosure.

B. Challenges and Constraints in Strict Family Communication

Within the realm of strict family communication, adolescents may encounter

unique challenges and constraints that affect their willingness to engage in self-openness.
The rigid structure imposed by strict parents may create an environment where
adolescents feel inhibited or restricted in expressing their thoughts and feelings.
Exploring these challenges sheds light on the intricacies of self-disclosure within strict
familial contexts.

C. Cultural Influences on Late Adolescent Self-Openness

It is also imperative to consider cultural influences that may shape the dynamics of
late adolescent self-openness in strict family communication. Different cultural norms
and expectations can impact how adolescents navigate self-disclosure within the
constraints of a strict parenting environment. Examining these cultural dimensions
provides a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between cultural factors and


This study involves parents voluntarily recruited from PAUD/TK/PAUD schools in

Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Those agreeing to participate provide informed consent and receive

Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication | Resti, Shindu

writing tools as appreciation. Utilizing a descriptive qualitative approach with a

Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication | Resti, Shindu

phenomenological focus, the research examines the communication experiences of late

adolescents with parents practicing strict parenting.

Purposive sampling selects four late adolescents from strict parenting families, in

addition to two parents and one clinical psychologist as informants. Data collection spans

three months (April to June 2022), involving interviews, observations, and documentation.

Source triangulation enhances data validity by comparing interview results among late

adolescents, parents, and the clinical psychologist. The primary objective is to analyze late

adolescents' self- disclosure in communication within the context of strict parenting


Result and finding

In this study, it was found that late adolescents rarely communicate with their parents,
attributed to misunderstandings, busyness, negative responses, and age differences. Despite
acknowledging the importance of communication, concerns about parents' negative reactions
act as a barrier. These factors influence the quantity dimension of interaction, indicating that
the intensity of communication is influenced by the behavior and responses of the
conversational partner.

Regarding values, main informants tend to avoid discussing personal or sensitive

issues, preferring topics related to work, education, or light subjects. Parents provide advice
on time management but sometimes feel they only play the role of listeners. Late adolescents
with strict parenting styles are less likely to open up about personal issues.

In terms of accuracy, informants tend to control the information they convey,

especially on sensitive topics, making discussions feel formal and rigid. Adolescents prefer
solving problems on their own or with others, avoiding burdening parents with their
concerns. The accuracy of self-disclosure is influenced by emotional attachment to parents
and the positive responses received. In conclusion, the self-disclosure of late adolescents is
influenced by interpersonal factors and a sense of security in the parent-child relationship.

Late Adolescent Self-Openness in Strict Parents Family Communication | Resti, Shindu


The research aims to examine the impact of strict parenting on the ability of late
adolescents to communicate openly with their parents, focusing on the challenges they face in
expressing themselves under strict parental supervision. Research on late adolescents' self-
disclosure in the context of strict parenting environments is expected to shed light on how
psychological and environmental factors influence family interactions. The outcomes may
guide parents, professionals, and researchers in fostering positive development among
In this study, it was found that late adolescents rarely communicate with their parents,
attributed to misunderstandings, busyness, negative responses, and age differences. Despite
acknowledging the importance of communication, concerns about parents' negative reactions
act as a barrier. Parents provide advice on time management but sometimes feel they only
play the role of listeners. Adolescents prefer solving problems independently or with
others, avoiding burdening parents with their concerns. The accuracy of self-disclosure is
influenced by emotional attachment to parents and the positive responses received.


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