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Philippine Socio-Economic

Before Pre-Colonial Period

Pre-colonial Philippines was a
collection of decentralized chiefdoms
with an agrarian economy based on
farming, fishing, and trade.

1565 to Colonial Period

During the colonial period, the Spanish
introduced cash crops and established a
feudal system with large plantations
called haciendas.

1946 to Post World War 2

Post-World War II saw reforms aimed at
modernizing the economy and reducing
poverty, with an increase in foreign
investment and trade.

1972 to Martial Law Era

The martial law era saw economic
policies aimed at promoting
industrialization and self-sufficiency but
was marred by corruption and cronyism.

1986 to Post EDSA Economy

The post-EDSA economy saw a shift
towards neoliberal economic policies,
leading to economic growth but also
rising inequality and lack of inclusive

Name: Jhaiross Vladimier C. Debalucos AB12A4

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