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Assignment Day 1 - Operations Manager

1. Pick a video of counseling from your zone in the drive Videos . Audit the counselor video
according to the below rubric.
Write down your feedback for the counselor about 200 words on how the pitch can
be improved in accordance with the premium product pitch

2. As an operations manager you are handling the infrastructure and other functionalities
with great competence. In this year there is a sudden addition to your role stating that
you will be handling the sales responsibilities as well with stringent targets. There are 3
PRM’s reporting to you in order to manage and take care of this process. However there
is a persistent issue which you are facing in the branch where the PRM’s are wasting
time on mobile and laptops without doing quality work. The report on call audits shows
that the talk time is too less. When enquired about this the PRM state that the leads are
of very poor quality and hence the talk time is less. There is a huge attrition in the PRM
role and hence you are not able to take very strict action fearing the PRM’s may resign.
As an operations manager you find that this will lead to poor admissions in the next year.
a. What are your action steps to solve this problem?
b. How will you improve the calls made by the PRM’s?
c. This sudden addition to your role should not hamper the quality of your existing
responsibilities. How are you going to manage the same?

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