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production"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
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- research paper about pineapple peelings as substitute for cork oak in the
production"><img class="_6d41fbf37f93" alt="Chap-1-5 - research paper about
pineapple peelings as substitute for cork oak in the production" width="115px"
loading="lazy"></picture></div></div><div class="_877289fd4b01 _840d7e1b8ec6
_1b41049cf10c"><span class="_0795523f10c1 _376fb131f5ee _daadd3d4605f">Chap-1-5 -
research paper about pineapple peelings as substitute for cork oak in the
production</span><div class="_aab4dd595a65"><span class="_bcb174e7ef65
_9a364591048d _376fb131f5ee _9eb69220278d"><svg aria-hidden="true"
focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="folder" class="svg-inline--fa fa-
folder fa-fw _db78be352894 _6d88284663af _8a5d148f7a6a" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor"
d="M64 480H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H288c-10.1 0-19.6-4.7-
25.6-12.8L243.2 57.6C231.1 41.5 212.1 32 192 32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3
28.7 64 64 64z"></path></svg><span>Science, Technology &amp;
Society</span></span><div class="_2ba7fc27d04e"><div class="_c4580885cdb8"><span
class="_d346163caedd _7b08f5c503f6 _373920139ede">Mandatory
assignments</span></div><span class="_f6abcc23cb27 _cb7fa4c9966c _c84e9e845541
_8b3eb9b29035"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fad" data-
icon="thumbs-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-thumbs-up fa-fw _f8652aa48a51
_96b1fb6b6d9a _ae2ca0e53526" role="img" xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g class="fa-duotone-group"><path class="fa-secondary"
fill="currentColor" d="M351.1 89.4c5.2-26-11.7-51.3-37.7-56.5s-51.3 11.7-56.5
37.7L254.6 82c-6.6 33.2-24.8 63-51.2 84.2l-7.4 5.9c-22.8 18.2-36 45.8-36 75V272v48
38.3c0 32.1 16 62.1 42.7 79.9l38.5 25.7c15.8 10.5 34.3 16.1 53.3 16.1H392c26.5 0
48-21.5 48-48c0-3.6-.4-7-1.1-10.4c19.2-6.3 33.1-24.3 33.1-45.6c0-9.1-2.5-17.6-6.9-
24.9c22.2-4.2 38.9-23.7 38.9-47.1c0-15.1-7-28.6-17.9-37.4c15.4-8 25.9-24.1 25.9-
42.6c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H320c13.7-23.1 23.5-48.5 28.8-75.2l2.3-11.4z"></path><path
class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M0 224c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H96c17.7 0 32
14.3 32 32V448c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7
(7)</span></span></div></div></div></div></a></div></li><li class="_02c243b5916d
_690accc7d73b"><div class="_f7649a8e4d1a"><a
recommendation-2" class="_d82dd67e7c52 _8772048f81aa _52ace323c711"><div
title="Solution Manual - Bustax" class="_81c763605e51 _1b41049cf10c"><div
class="_b3eefd590156 _e1aa688bce3f"><div class="_537e0c639be1
_e1aa688bce3f">59</div><div class="_a0aa8cc897bc _c00dc23c5228"><picture
class="_6d41fbf37f93" width="115px"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
3e8a28074532fda830d19f6ebdcd7e13/thumb_300_388.webp" type="image/webp"
alt="Solution Manual - Bustax"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
3e8a28074532fda830d19f6ebdcd7e13/thumb_300_388.png" type="image/png" alt="Solution
Manual - Bustax"><img class="_6d41fbf37f93" alt="Solution Manual - Bustax"
width="115px" loading="lazy"></picture></div></div><div class="_877289fd4b01
_840d7e1b8ec6 _1b41049cf10c"><span class="_0795523f10c1 _376fb131f5ee
_daadd3d4605f">Solution Manual - Bustax</span><div class="_aab4dd595a65"><span
class="_bcb174e7ef65 _9a364591048d _376fb131f5ee _9eb69220278d"><svg aria-
hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="folder" class="svg-
inline--fa fa-folder fa-fw _db78be352894 _6d88284663af _8a5d148f7a6a" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor"
d="M64 480H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H288c-10.1 0-19.6-4.7-
25.6-12.8L243.2 57.6C231.1 41.5 212.1 32 192 32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3
28.7 64 64 64z"></path></svg><span>BS Accountancy</span></span><div
class="_2ba7fc27d04e"><div class="_c4580885cdb8"><span class="_d346163caedd
_7b08f5c503f6 _373920139ede">Other</span></div><span class="_f6abcc23cb27
_cb7fa4c9966c _c84e9e845541 _8b3eb9b29035"><svg aria-hidden="true"
focusable="false" data-prefix="fad" data-icon="thumbs-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-
thumbs-up fa-fw _f8652aa48a51 _96b1fb6b6d9a _ae2ca0e53526" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g class="fa-duotone-
group"><path class="fa-secondary" fill="currentColor" d="M351.1 89.4c5.2-26-11.7-
51.3-37.7-56.5s-51.3 11.7-56.5 37.7L254.6 82c-6.6 33.2-24.8 63-51.2 84.2l-7.4 5.9c-
22.8 18.2-36 45.8-36 75V272v48 38.3c0 32.1 16 62.1 42.7 79.9l38.5 25.7c15.8 10.5
34.3 16.1 53.3 16.1H392c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48c0-3.6-.4-7-1.1-10.4c19.2-6.3 33.1-24.3
33.1-45.6c0-9.1-2.5-17.6-6.9-24.9c22.2-4.2 38.9-23.7 38.9-47.1c0-15.1-7-28.6-17.9-
37.4c15.4-8 25.9-24.1 25.9-42.6c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H320c13.7-23.1 23.5-48.5 28.8-
75.2l2.3-11.4z"></path><path class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M0 224c0-
17.7 14.3-32 32-32H96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V448c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-
14.3-32-32V224z"></path></g></svg><span class="_45814bf45482">100%</span><span>
(26)</span></span></div></div></div></div></a></div></li><li class="_02c243b5916d
_690accc7d73b"><div class="_f7649a8e4d1a"><a
23828183?origin=viewer-recommendation-3" class="_d82dd67e7c52 _8772048f81aa
_52ace323c711"><div title="Application Letter of Sample for Government Employees"
class="_81c763605e51 _1b41049cf10c"><div class="_b3eefd590156 _e1aa688bce3f"><div
_e1aa688bce3f">1</div><div class="_a0aa8cc897bc _c00dc23c5228"><picture
class="_6d41fbf37f93" width="115px"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
22f4e6ddbf17cb07464b956cb653cb50/thumb_300_388.webp" type="image/webp"
alt="Application Letter of Sample for Government Employees"><source
22f4e6ddbf17cb07464b956cb653cb50/thumb_300_388.png" type="image/png"
alt="Application Letter of Sample for Government Employees"><img
class="_6d41fbf37f93" alt="Application Letter of Sample for Government Employees"
width="115px" loading="lazy"></picture></div></div><div class="_877289fd4b01
_840d7e1b8ec6 _1b41049cf10c"><span class="_0795523f10c1 _376fb131f5ee
_daadd3d4605f">Application Letter of Sample for Government Employees</span><div
class="_aab4dd595a65"><span class="_bcb174e7ef65 _9a364591048d _376fb131f5ee
_9eb69220278d"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-
icon="folder" class="svg-inline--fa fa-folder fa-fw _db78be352894 _6d88284663af
_8a5d148f7a6a" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512
512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M64 480H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-
64-64-64H288c-10.1 0-19.6-4.7-25.6-12.8L243.2 57.6C231.1 41.5 212.1 32 192
32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64z"></path></svg><span>BS
Accountancy</span></span><div class="_2ba7fc27d04e"><div
class="_c4580885cdb8"><span class="_d346163caedd _7b08f5c503f6
_373920139ede">Other</span></div><span class="_f6abcc23cb27 _cb7fa4c9966c
_c84e9e845541 _8b3eb9b29035"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-
prefix="fad" data-icon="thumbs-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-thumbs-up fa-fw
_f8652aa48a51 _96b1fb6b6d9a _ae2ca0e53526" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g class="fa-duotone-
group"><path class="fa-secondary" fill="currentColor" d="M351.1 89.4c5.2-26-11.7-
51.3-37.7-56.5s-51.3 11.7-56.5 37.7L254.6 82c-6.6 33.2-24.8 63-51.2 84.2l-7.4 5.9c-
22.8 18.2-36 45.8-36 75V272v48 38.3c0 32.1 16 62.1 42.7 79.9l38.5 25.7c15.8 10.5
34.3 16.1 53.3 16.1H392c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48c0-3.6-.4-7-1.1-10.4c19.2-6.3 33.1-24.3
33.1-45.6c0-9.1-2.5-17.6-6.9-24.9c22.2-4.2 38.9-23.7 38.9-47.1c0-15.1-7-28.6-17.9-
37.4c15.4-8 25.9-24.1 25.9-42.6c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H320c13.7-23.1 23.5-48.5 28.8-
75.2l2.3-11.4z"></path><path class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M0 224c0-
17.7 14.3-32 32-32H96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V448c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-
14.3-32-32V224z"></path></g></svg><span class="_45814bf45482">94%</span><span>
(83)</span></span></div></div></div></div></a></div></li><li class="_02c243b5916d
_690accc7d73b"><div class="_f7649a8e4d1a"><a
origin=viewer-recommendation-4" class="_d82dd67e7c52 _8772048f81aa
_52ace323c711"><div title="CPALE TOS Effective May 2019 -May 2022"
class="_81c763605e51 _1b41049cf10c"><div class="_b3eefd590156 _e1aa688bce3f"><div
class="_537e0c639be1 _e1aa688bce3f">25</div><div class="_a0aa8cc897bc
_c00dc23c5228"><picture class="_6d41fbf37f93" width="115px"><source
39cf4d8ddabe00239ab4d4faa83776e9/thumb_300_196.webp" type="image/webp" alt="CPALE
TOS Effective May 2019 -May 2022"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
39cf4d8ddabe00239ab4d4faa83776e9/thumb_300_196.png" type="image/png" alt="CPALE TOS
Effective May 2019 -May 2022"><img class="_6d41fbf37f93" alt="CPALE TOS Effective
May 2019 -May 2022" width="115px" loading="lazy"></picture></div></div><div
class="_877289fd4b01 _840d7e1b8ec6 _1b41049cf10c"><span class="_0795523f10c1
_376fb131f5ee _daadd3d4605f">CPALE TOS Effective May 2019 -May 2022</span><div
class="_aab4dd595a65"><span class="_bcb174e7ef65 _9a364591048d _376fb131f5ee
_9eb69220278d"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-
icon="folder" class="svg-inline--fa fa-folder fa-fw _db78be352894 _6d88284663af
_8a5d148f7a6a" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512
512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M64 480H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-
64-64-64H288c-10.1 0-19.6-4.7-25.6-12.8L243.2 57.6C231.1 41.5 212.1 32 192
32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64z"></path></svg><span>BS
Accountancy</span></span><div class="_2ba7fc27d04e"><div
class="_c4580885cdb8"><span class="_d346163caedd _7b08f5c503f6
_373920139ede">Other</span></div><span class="_f6abcc23cb27 _cb7fa4c9966c
_c84e9e845541 _8b3eb9b29035"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-
prefix="fad" data-icon="thumbs-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-thumbs-up fa-fw
_f8652aa48a51 _96b1fb6b6d9a _ae2ca0e53526" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g class="fa-duotone-
group"><path class="fa-secondary" fill="currentColor" d="M351.1 89.4c5.2-26-11.7-
51.3-37.7-56.5s-51.3 11.7-56.5 37.7L254.6 82c-6.6 33.2-24.8 63-51.2 84.2l-7.4 5.9c-
22.8 18.2-36 45.8-36 75V272v48 38.3c0 32.1 16 62.1 42.7 79.9l38.5 25.7c15.8 10.5
34.3 16.1 53.3 16.1H392c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48c0-3.6-.4-7-1.1-10.4c19.2-6.3 33.1-24.3
33.1-45.6c0-9.1-2.5-17.6-6.9-24.9c22.2-4.2 38.9-23.7 38.9-47.1c0-15.1-7-28.6-17.9-
37.4c15.4-8 25.9-24.1 25.9-42.6c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H320c13.7-23.1 23.5-48.5 28.8-
75.2l2.3-11.4z"></path><path class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M0 224c0-
17.7 14.3-32 32-32H96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V448c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-
14.3-32-32V224z"></path></g></svg><span class="_45814bf45482">92%</span><span>
(25)</span></span></div></div></div></div></a></div></li><li class="_02c243b5916d
_690accc7d73b"><div class="_f7649a8e4d1a"><a
origin=viewer-recommendation-5" class="_d82dd67e7c52 _8772048f81aa
_52ace323c711"><div title="RRL 2- review of related literature in research"
class="_81c763605e51 _1b41049cf10c"><div class="_b3eefd590156 _e1aa688bce3f"><div
class="_537e0c639be1 _e1aa688bce3f">2</div><div class="_a0aa8cc897bc
_c00dc23c5228"><picture class="_6d41fbf37f93" width="115px"><source
b4d30d46e64b93abd5d227e4e5e3434a/thumb_300_388.webp" type="image/webp" alt="RRL 2-
review of related literature in research"><source class="_6d41fbf37f93"
b4d30d46e64b93abd5d227e4e5e3434a/thumb_300_388.png" type="image/png" alt="RRL 2-
review of related literature in research"><img class="_6d41fbf37f93" alt="RRL 2-
review of related literature in research" width="115px"
loading="lazy"></picture></div></div><div class="_877289fd4b01 _840d7e1b8ec6
_1b41049cf10c"><span class="_0795523f10c1 _376fb131f5ee _daadd3d4605f">RRL 2-
review of related literature in research</span><div class="_aab4dd595a65"><span
class="_bcb174e7ef65 _9a364591048d _376fb131f5ee _9eb69220278d"><svg aria-
hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="folder" class="svg-
inline--fa fa-folder fa-fw _db78be352894 _6d88284663af _8a5d148f7a6a" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor"
d="M64 480H448c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H288c-10.1 0-19.6-4.7-
25.6-12.8L243.2 57.6C231.1 41.5 212.1 32 192 32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3
28.7 64 64 64z"></path></svg><span>BS Accountancy</span></span><div
class="_2ba7fc27d04e"><div class="_c4580885cdb8"><span class="_d346163caedd
_7b08f5c503f6 _373920139ede">Other</span></div><span class="_f6abcc23cb27
_cb7fa4c9966c _c84e9e845541 _8b3eb9b29035"><svg aria-hidden="true"
focusable="false" data-prefix="fad" data-icon="thumbs-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-
thumbs-up fa-fw _f8652aa48a51 _96b1fb6b6d9a _ae2ca0e53526" role="img"
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g class="fa-duotone-
group"><path class="fa-secondary" fill="currentColor" d="M351.1 89.4c5.2-26-11.7-
51.3-37.7-56.5s-51.3 11.7-56.5 37.7L254.6 82c-6.6 33.2-24.8 63-51.2 84.2l-7.4 5.9c-
22.8 18.2-36 45.8-36 75V272v48 38.3c0 32.1 16 62.1 42.7 79.9l38.5 25.7c15.8 10.5
34.3 16.1 53.3 16.1H392c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48c0-3.6-.4-7-1.1-10.4c19.2-6.3 33.1-24.3
33.1-45.6c0-9.1-2.5-17.6-6.9-24.9c22.2-4.2 38.9-23.7 38.9-47.1c0-15.1-7-28.6-17.9-
37.4c15.4-8 25.9-24.1 25.9-42.6c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H320c13.7-23.1 23.5-48.5 28.8-
75.2l2.3-11.4z"></path><path class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M0 224c0-
17.7 14.3-32 32-32H96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V448c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-
14.3-32-32V224z"></path></g></svg><span class="_45814bf45482">100%</span><span>
section><section class="_054ec94cacd6"><div><h3 class="_550fbc3b0f2a
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w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" fetchpriority="high" decoding="auto"><div class="t m0 x1
h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Art as a Humanistic Discipline</div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 y2 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The T<span class="_ _0"></span>wo General Fields
of Le<span class="_ _1"></span>arning</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y3 ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">THE SCIENCES<span class="_ _2"> </span>THE HUMANITIES</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y4 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Deals w/ natural,<span class="_ _3">
</span>Deals w/ human </div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Physical phenomena<span class="_ _4"> </span>phenomena</div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 y6 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Paradigm for Learning in the Sciences</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y7 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Subject-knower<span class="_
_5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>–<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>Scientific<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>Method<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>–<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>Object–</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3
y8 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">known</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">“The scientist learns about things in th<span class="_ _1"></span>e
world.”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 ya ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Paradigm for
Learning in the Humaniti<span class="_ _1"></span>es</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Subject-knower = Object- known</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3
yc ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Reflexive Method</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yd ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“The humanist learns about the se<span class="_
_1"></span>lf.”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 ye ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Thinkers<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>Whose<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>Tho<span class="_
_1"></span>ughts<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>W<span
class="_ _1"></span>ere<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>The<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>Basis</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 yf ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Of The Method In The Humaniti<span
class="_ _1"></span>es</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y10 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">“Know thyself”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y11 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">-<span
class="_ _7"> </span>SOCRA<span class="_ _0"></span>TES <span class="ff2">(470-399
BC)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">“<span
class="ff3 ws6">Withdraw<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>into<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>yourself.<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>T<span class="_
_0"></span>ruth<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>dwells<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>in<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>the</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y12 ff3 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">inner man.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y13 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-
<span class="ff1 ls2 ws6">St. <span class="_ _1"></span>AUGUSTI<span class="_
_1"></span>NE OF HIPPO <span class="ff2">(354-430 <span class="_
_0"></span>AD)</span></span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y14 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">THE SCIENCES<span class="_ _2"> </span>THE HUMANITIES</div><div class="t m0 x2
h3 y15 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws1">KNOWLEDGE<span class="_"> </span>WISDOM</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y16 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The scientist becomes<span class="_
_a"> </span>The humanist </div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y17 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">A<span class="_ _0"></span> LEARNED MAN.<span class="_ _b"> </span>Becomes a
WISE MAN.</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y18 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“A<span class="_
_1"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>scientist <span class="_
_c"></span>tends<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>to<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>know<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>eve<span class="_ _c"></span>rything <span class="_
_c"></span>about<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>the</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y19 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">world<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _6"></span>that<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>he<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>forgets<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>to<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>know<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>anything<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>about</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">himself.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1b ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">-<span
class="_ _7"> </span>THALES OF MILETUS <span class="ff2">(624-546
BC)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“What<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>superior<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>man<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>seeks<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>is<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>in<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_
_8"> </span>himself,</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">what
the small man seeks is in others.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1e ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">-<span class="_ _7"> </span>CONFUCIUS <span class="ff2">(551-479
BC)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y1f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">WHO <span
class="_ _1"></span>AM I?</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y20 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">What is the basic answer to this qu<span class="_ _1"></span>estion?</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y21 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“I am a human being.”</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h2 y22 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE<span class="_ _e"> </span> <span
class="_ _e"> </span>HUMANITIES<span class="_ _e"> </span> <span class="_ _e">
</span>IN<span class="_ _e"> </span> <span class="_ _e"> </span>WESTERN</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h2 y23 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">CIVILIZA<span class="_
_0"></span>TION</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y24 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Panofsky<span class="_ _0"></span>, “Art as a Huma<span
class="_ _1"></span>nistic Discipline”</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y25 ff1
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">“HUMANITIES”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y26 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">LA<span class="_ _0"></span>TIN <span class="_ _f">
</span>ENGLISH</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y27 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws2">humanitas<span class="_"> </span>humanity/ies</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y28
ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws3">divinitas<span class="_"> </span><span class="ff2
ws6">Gods<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>in<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>state<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>of<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>p<span
class="_ _c"></span>erfection<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>in</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y29 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls1
ws4">heaven</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y2a ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws5">humanitas<span
class="_"> </span><span class="ff2 ws6">People <span class="_ _9"> </span>in<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span>
state <span class="_ _11"> </span>of<span class="_ _11"> </span> culture<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>in</span></div><div class="t m0 x2
h3 y2b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">civilized society</div></div><div class="pi" data-
id="pf2" data-page-no="2" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display: block;"><div class="pc pc2 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img
class="bi x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y1 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws7">barbaritas<span class="_">
</span><span class="ff2 ws6">Savages <span class="_ _c"></span>in<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>state<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>of <span
class="_ _c"></span>nature<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>for</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y12 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">survival</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y2c ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE<span
class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>PLACE<span class="_ _12">
</span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>OF<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_
_12"> </span>HUMANITIES<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>IN<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>THE</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y2d ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">HIST<span class="_
_1"></span>OR<span class="_ _1"></span>Y<span class="_ _1"></span> OF WEST<span
class="_ _1"></span>ERN CIVILIZA<span class="_ _0"></span>TION</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h2 y2e ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ANCIENT 800 BC</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2
y2f ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">COSMOCENTRIC VIEW</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y30 ff4
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">PROT<span class="_ _0"></span>AGORAS:<span class="ff2 ls3
ws6"> <span class="ff3 ls2">Man<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>is<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the<span class="_
_12"> </span> measure<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>of<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>all</span></span></div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y31 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">things.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2
y32 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">GEOCENTRISM: <span class="_ _9"> </span><span
class="ff3">Man<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>is<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>at<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>the<span class="_ _9"> </span> center<span class="_ _5"></span>
<span class="_ _6"></span>of<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>the</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y33 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">universe.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y34 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MEDIEV<span
class="_ _0"></span>AL<span class="_ _1"></span> 300 <span class="_
_1"></span>A<span class="_ _1"></span>D</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y35 ff4 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">THEOCENTRIC VIEW</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y36 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">SCHOLASTICISM:<span class="ff2 ls4 ws6"> <span class="ff3 ls2">Man<span
class="_"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>is<span class="_ _14"> </span>
created<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>in<span class="_"> </span>
<span class="_"> </span>t<span class="_ _1"></span>he</span></span></div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y37 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">image of God</div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 y38 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man is at the center of creation.</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y39 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">RENAISSANCE 1400</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h2 y3a ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ANTHROPOCENTRIC VIEW</div><div class="t m0 x1
h3 y3b ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">HUMANISM:<span class="ff2 ls5 ws6"> <span
class="ff3 ls2">Nothing is more wonderful than </span></span></div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 y3c ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">man.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y3d ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">MODERN 1600</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y3e ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">SCIENTIFIC-TECHNOCENTRIC VIEW</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y23 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">Man is a part of nature.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y24 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">POSTMODERN 1960</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y25 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">ECLECTIC VIEW</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y26 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man is
a piece of everything.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y3f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">ANCIENT<span class="_ _15"> </span> <span class="_ _15"> </span>IMAGE<span
class="_ _15"> </span> <span class="_ _15"> </span>OF<span class="_ _15"> </span>
<span class="_ _15"> </span>COSMO</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y2a ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws0">CENTRICMAN:</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">GEOCENTRIC<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>THEORY <span
class="_ _12"> </span>E<span class="_ _1"></span>arth<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>(Man)<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>is<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y12 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">center of the universe.</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y13 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">16th-century<span class="_ _16">
</span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>representation<span class="_ _16"> </span>
<span class="_ _16"> </span>of<span class="_ _17"> </span> Ptolemy's</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y40 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">geocentric<span class="_ _18">
</span> <span class="_ _18"> </span>model<span class="_ _18"> </span> <span
class="_ _18"> </span>in<span class="_ _19"> </span> Peter<span class="_ _18">
</span> <span class="_ _1a"> </span>Apian's</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y41 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Cosmographia, 1524</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y42 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">MEDIEV<span class="_ _0"></span>AL<span class="_ _1"></span> IMAGE OF
THEOCENTRIC MA<span class="_ _1"></span>N</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y43 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man is created by God.</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y44 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">Adam<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>and<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>Eve,<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>from<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>the<span class="_ _1b"> </span> Escorial<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span
class="_ _8"> </span>Beatus<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>a</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y45 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">10th century
illuminated manuscript.</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y46 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">RENAISSANCE IMAGE OF MAN:</div></div><div class="pi" data-
id="pf3" data-page-no="3" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
none;"><div class="pc pc3 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi x0 y0 w1 h1"
alt="" src="
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ANTROPOCENTRIC MAN:</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y47 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Measure of all things</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y48 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Leonardo da V<span class="_
_1"></span>inci (V<span class="_ _1"></span>itruvian Man, 1490)</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h2 y49 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">RENAISSANCE<span class="_ _1c"> </span> <span
class="_ _1c"> </span>IMAGE<span class="_ _1c"> </span> <span class="_ _1c">
</span>OF</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y4a ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ANTHROPOCENTRIC
MAN</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The<span class="_
_10"></span> image <span class="_ _10"></span>of <span class="_ _c"></span>man<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>i<span class="_ _c"></span>s <span
class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>image<span class="_ _c"></span> of<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>God<span class="_ _c"></span>.<span class="_ _c"></span> Man
<span class="_ _10"></span>is</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">the measure of God.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Michelangelo,<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>The<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>Creation<span class="_ _6">
</span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>of<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>Adam<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>(Sistine</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4e ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Chapel
Painting, 1512)</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y4f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">HELIOCENTRIC THEOR<span class="_ _1d"></span>Y</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y50
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Removed<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>man<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>from<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _6"></span>
center<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>universe</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y51 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">and suggested <span class="_ _c"></span>the view <span class="_ _c"></span>man
was<span class="_ _c"></span> special in<span class="_ _c"></span> the</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y52 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">universe.</div><div class="t m0 x1
h3 y53 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Nicolaus<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>Copernicus'<span class="_ _5"></span> De<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>revolutionibus<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>orbium</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y54 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">coelestium <span class="_ _1e"> </span>(On<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span
class="_ _1f"> </span>the<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _20">
</span>Revolutions<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _1f"> </span>of<span
class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _20"> </span>the</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3
y55 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Heavenly Spheres) 1543</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y56
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MODERN<span class="_ _1e"> </span> <span class="_ _1e">
</span>I<span class="_ _1"></span>MAGE<span class="_ _1e"> </span> <span class="_
_1e"> </span>OF<span class="_ _21"> </span> <span class="_ _1e"> </span>SCIENTIFIC-
</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y57 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">TECHNOCENTRIC
MAN</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y58 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man is a part of
nature</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y59 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The Human
Evolution</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y5a ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MODERN<span
class="_ _21"> </span> <span class="_ _1e"> </span>IMAGE<span class="_ _1e">
</span> <span class="_ _21"> </span>OF<span class="_ _1e"> </span> <span class="_
_1e"> </span>SCIENTIFIC-</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y5b ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">TECHNOCENTRIC MAN</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y5c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">The<span class="_ _16"> </span> scientist <span class="_ _16"> </span>is<span
class="_ _16"> </span> detached <span class="_ _16"> </span>observer <span class="_
_16"> </span>of<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>the</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y5d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">objectified man.</div><div class="t
m0 x2 h3 y5e ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Rembrandt,<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span
class="_ _1b"> </span>The<span class="_ _22"> </span> Anatomy<span class="_ _23">
</span> <span class="_ _23"> </span>Lesson<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span
class="_ _23"> </span>of<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_ _12">
</span>Dr<span class="_ _0"></span>.</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y5f ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">Nicolaes T<span class="_ _0"></span>ulp 1632</div></div><div
class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pf4" data-page-no="4" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pc4 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y60 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MODERN<span class="_ _21"> </span>
<span class="_ _1e"> </span>IMAGE<span class="_ _1e"> </span> <span class="_ _21">
</span>OF<span class="_ _1e"> </span> <span class="_ _1e">
</span>SCIENTIFIC-</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y61 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">TECHNOCENTRIC MAN</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y62 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man
is dehumanized during the industrial ag<span class="_ _1"></span>e.</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y63 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Cesar Legaspi (Gadgets
1947)</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y64 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">POSTMODERN IMAGE OF
ECLECTIC MAN</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y65 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Man is a
piece of everything.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y66 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Mideo<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>Cruz,<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>Polytheism,<span class="_ _11">
</span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>from<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_
_24"> </span>Kulo<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24">
</span>Exhib<span class="_ _1"></span>it</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y67 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">201<span class="_ _0"></span>1 </div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y68
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">HUMANISTIC DISCIPLINES</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y69 ff4
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">HIST<span class="_ _1"></span>ORY</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3
y6a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Human events happening in the world</div><div class="t
m0 x2 h2 y6b ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">LANGUAGE</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y6c ff2
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Writt<span class="_ _1"></span>en <span class="_ _25">
</span>and<span class="_ _25"> </span> oral <span class="_ _25"> </span>forms<span
class="_ _22"> </span> <span class="_ _26"> </span>of<span class="_ _25"> </span>
human</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y6d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">communication</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y6e ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">PHILOSOPHY</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y6f ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Human
reason concerning reality</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y70 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">ART</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y71 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Admiration <span
class="_ _11"> </span>(ART<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>APPRECIA<span class="_ _0"></span>TION)<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _6"></span>of<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_
_c"></span>human-</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y72 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">made<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>objects<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>and<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span> human<span class="_
_6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>creativity <span class="_ _11">
</span>(ART</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y73 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">CREA<span
class="_ _0"></span>TION) by which these o<span class="_ _1"></span>bjects are
made</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y74 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">ETYMOLOGY</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y75 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws8">LA<span class="_
_0"></span>TIN<span class="_"> </span>ENGLISH</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y76 ff2
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws9">Ars<span class="_"> </span>art</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y77
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Skillful production or performance</div><div class="t m0
x2 h3 y78 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Liberal art – <span class="_ _0"></span>Artist –
<span class="_ _0"></span>Art </div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y79 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Major <span class="_ _0"></span>Art (Architect, Sculptor)</div><div class="t
m0 x2 h3 y7a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Servile <span class="_ _0"></span>Art – <span
class="_ _1d"></span>Artisan – Craft </div></div><div class="pi" data-
id="pf5" data-page-no="5" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pc5 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Minor <span class="_ _0"></span>Art
(stone cutter<span class="_ _1d"></span>, carpenter)</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3
y47 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Professional &amp; <span class="_ _0"></span>Academic
<span class="_ _1d"></span>Artist – Fine <span class="_ _0"></span>Art</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y7b ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">WESTERN CONCEPT OF <span class="_
_0"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y7c ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ACADEMIC
</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y7d ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span class="ff2 ls2
ws6">Only schooled people are artist<span class="_ _1"></span>s</span></div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y7e ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">ELITIST</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3
y7f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Meant for the higher social
class</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y80 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">HIERARCHICAL</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y81 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Liberal<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>art<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>and<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>servile<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>art,<span class="_ _5"></span> high <span class="_
_5"></span>and<span class="_ _5"></span> low<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>art<span class="_ _c"></span>,</span></div><div class="t m0 x3
h3 y82 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">major<span class="_ _c"></span> art<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>and<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>minor <span class="_ _c"></span>art<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>or<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>craft,<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>fine<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>art <span class="_
_10"></span>and</div><div class="t m0 x3 h3 y83 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">practical
art, folk<span class="_ _c"></span> art, indigenous art<span class="_ _c"></span>,
popular</div><div class="t m0 x3 h3 y84 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">art.</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y85 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">WESTRERN<span class="_ _20"> </span>
<span class="_ _20"> </span>CLASSIFICA<span class="_ _0"></span>TION<span class="_
_20"> </span> <span class="_ _20"> </span>OF<span class="_ _20"> </span> <span
class="_ _27"> </span>THE</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y1e ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">ARTS</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y86 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MAJOR <span
class="_ _1d"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y1f ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Made <span class="_ _9"> </span>by<span class="_ _11"> </span> artists <span
class="_ _9"> </span>and<span class="_ _11"> </span> primarily<span class="_
_6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>concerned <span class="_ _11">
</span>with</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y3b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">the form of
beauty</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y3c ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MINOR <span
class="_ _1d"></span>ART OR CRAFT</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y3d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">Made <span class="_ _1e"> </span>by<span class="_ _28"> </span> artisans
<span class="_ _28"> </span>and<span class="_ _1e"> </span> concerned <span
class="_ _28"> </span>with</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y87 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">functionality<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>and<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>usef<span class="_
_1"></span>ulness<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>of<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>human-made</div><div class="t m0
x1 h3 y88 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">objects (artifacts)</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2
y89 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>SEVEN<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>MAJOR<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>ARTS<span class="_ _9"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>IN<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>WESTERN</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y8a ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">CIVILIZA<span class="_ _0"></span>TION</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y8b ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">VISUAL – <span class="ff2 ws0">Painting</span></div><div class="t
m0 x4 h3 y8c ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span class="ff2 ls2
ws0">Sculpture</span></div><div class="t m0 x4 h3 y8d ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span
class="ff2 ls2 ws0">Architecture</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y8e ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">PERFORMING – <span class="ff2 ws0">Music</span></div><div class="t m0
x5 h3 y8f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span class="ff2 ls2 ws0">Dance</span></div><div
class="t m0 x6 h3 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0">-<span class="ff2 ls2
ws0">Drama</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y47 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">LINGUISTIC – <span class="ff2 ws0">Literature</span></div><div class="t m0 x2
h2 y48 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MINOR <span class="_ _1d"></span>ARTS:
CRAFT</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y7b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_">
</span>Ceramics</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y7c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span
class="_"> </span>Weavi<span class="_ _1"></span>ng</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y7d
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_"> </span>Sewing</div><div class="t m0 x7
h3 y7e ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_"> </span>Handicraft</div><div
class="t m0 x7 h3 y7f ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_">
</span>Carpentry</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y80 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span
class="_"> </span>Masonry</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y81 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">-<span class="_ _7"> </span>Stone Cutting</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3 y90 ff2
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_"> </span>Gardening</div><div class="t m0 x7 h3
y91 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsa">-<span class="_"> </span>Cooking</div><div class="t m0
x2 h3 y92 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Made<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>by<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>the<span class="_
_6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>artist<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>and<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>the<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>artisans,<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>but<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>only</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y4b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">the artist took the credit</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y93 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Michelangelo,<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>Sistine<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>Chapel<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"> </span>ceiling<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>1508-</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y4d ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws0">1512</div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pf6" data-page-no="6" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pc6 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span
class="_ _1f"> </span>HU<span class="_ _1"></span>MANITIES<span class="_ _1f">
</span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>AND<span
class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _1f"> </span>THE<span class="_ _13"> </span>
<span class="_ _1f"> </span>FILIPINO</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y12 ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">PERSONHOOD (P<span class="_ _0"></span>AGKA<span class="_
_0"></span>T<span class="_ _29"></span>AO)</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y13 ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">“HUMANITIES”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y2c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Latin – <span class="ff3 ws0">humanitas</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y14
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">English – <span class="ff3
ws0">humanities</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y15 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Filipino – “pagpapakatao”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y16 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Mula sa “pagkatao” “tao”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y17 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Covar<span class="_ _c"></span>’<span class="_ _1"></span>s Filipino <span
class="_ _1d"></span>Anthropology</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y18 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws0">Katauhan</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y94 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Biological:</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y82 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Born as a
human being </div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y95 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Act of being
human “personality”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y96 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Pagkatao</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y4a ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Cultural:</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Becoming a
human being</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y93 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Process of
becoming human “personhood”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y97 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">“<span class="ff1 ws6">Madaling maging tao; mahirap</span></div><div class="t
m0 x1 h2 y98 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">magpakatao.<span
class="ff4">”</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y99 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">“P<span class="_ _0"></span>AGP<span class="_ _29"></span>AP<span class="_
_0"></span>AKA<span class="_ _0"></span>T<span class="_ _0"></span>AO”</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y9a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The<span class="_ _d"> </span>
process <span class="_ _d"> </span>by<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>which<span class="_ _d"> </span> on<span class="_ _c"></span>e <span
class="_ _d"> </span>becomes <span class="_ _d"> </span>a<span class="_ _d">
</span> human</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y9b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">being.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y9c ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">FILIPINO
PERSONHOOD</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y9d ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">How does a
human being become a F<span class="_ _1"></span>ilipino?</div><div class="t m0 x1
h2 y9e ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The Jar and the Filipino Person<span class="_
_1"></span>hood</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y9f ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Both came
from clay</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 ya0 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 wsb">Labas<span
class="_"> </span>Loob</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 ya1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
wsc">Ulo<span class="_"> </span>isip</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 ya2 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 wsd">Dibdib<span class="_"> </span>damdamin</div><div class="t m0 x8 h2 y1
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">Lalim</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y47 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
wse">Kaluluwa<span class="_"> </span>budhi</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y48 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">(Manunggul<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>Jar<span class="_ _0"></span>,<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_
_8"> </span>T<span class="_ _29"></span>ab<span class="_ _1"></span>on<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>Cave,<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>Palawan<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>890-</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y2c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">710
B.C)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y14 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">LABAS NG P<span
class="_ _0"></span>AGKA<span class="_ _29"></span>T<span class="_
_0"></span>AO</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y15 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Katawan
(Physical)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y16 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">kulay ng balat
(maputi, maitim)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y17 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">tindig
(matangkad, pandak)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y18 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ilong
(matangos, pango)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y94 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">dibdib
(malapad, malaki)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y82 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">LOOB NG
P<span class="_ _29"></span>AGKA<span class="_ _0"></span>T<span class="_
_0"></span>AO</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y95 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Kalooban
(Intellectual,</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y96 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Emotional
and Moral)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y4a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">isip
(matalino)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y4b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ugali, asal
(mabuti)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y93 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">LALIM NG P<span
class="_ _29"></span>AGKA<span class="_ _0"></span>T<span class="_
_0"></span>AO</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y97 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Kaluluwa
(Espiritual)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y98 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">anito
(banal)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y99 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">NON-DUALISTIC
RELA<span class="_ _29"></span>TION OF TERMS</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y9a ff4
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls6 wsf">LABAS</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya3 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Malapad ang noo</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya4 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Salubong ang kilay</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Malagkit ang tingin</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya6 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Maduming bibig</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 ya7 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">LOOB</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya8 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Matalino</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ya9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Matapang o
galit</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yaa ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
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Art - 1 How can you utilize arts to express yourself, your community, and your
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can you utilize arts to express yourself, your community, and your
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Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Masamang magsalita</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h2 y47 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">LALIM</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y48 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Malinis ang kaluluwa</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y7b ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">Matuwid and budhi</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y7c ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">NON-DUALISTIC<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _12">
</span>RELA<span class="_ _0"></span>TION<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span
class="_ _23"> </span>IN<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_ _23">
</span>FILIPINO</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y15 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">PSYCHOLOGY</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y16 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws10">LABAS<span class="_"> </span>LOOB</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y17 ff3 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws11">Hipo<span class="_"> </span>dama</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y18 ff3
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws12">pigil<span class="_"> </span>timpi</div><div class="t m0 x1
h2 y94 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws13">dinig<span class="_"> </span>ulinig</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y82 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws14">tawa<span class="_">
</span>tuwa</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y95 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws15">saya<span
class="_"> </span>ligaya</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y96 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws16">sarap<span class="_"> </span>ginhawa</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y4a ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE “HUMANITIES” IN FILIPINO CONCEPT</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2
y4b ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">“P<span class="_ _0"></span>AGP<span class="_
_29"></span>AP<span class="_ _0"></span>AKA<span class="_ _0"></span>T<span
class="_ _0"></span>AO”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y93 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">The<span class="_ _9"> </span> process <span class="_ _9"> </span>how<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>a<span class="_ _9"> </span>
human<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>being<span class="_ _9">
</span> becomes <span class="_ _9"> </span>a</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y4d ff2
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">Filipino</div><div class="t m1 x1 h4 yab ff5 fs1 fc0 sc1
ls2"></div><div class="t m0 x9 h2 yab ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">In<span class="_
_16"> </span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>the<span class="_ _27"> </span> <span
class="_ _14"> </span>study<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span class="_ _27">
</span>of<span class="_ _14"> </span> <span class="_ _27"> </span>Humanities,<span
class="_ _16"> </span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>as</div><div class="t m0 x9 h2
yac ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Pagpapakatao,<span class="_ _28"> </span> <span
class="_ _c"></span><span class="ff1">the<span class="_ _27"> </span> <span
class="_ _20"> </span>students<span class="_ _27"> </span> <span class="_ _20">
</span>would</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h2 yad ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">discover <span class="_ _11"> </span>and<span class="_ _24"> </span> realize
<span class="_ _11"> </span>their<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_
_c"></span>own<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>identity</div><div class="t m0 x9 h2 y3d ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">as a
Filipino.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 yae ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Filipe del Leon
Jr<span class="_ _0"></span>. (201<span class="_ _0"></span>1)</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h3 y23 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“Defining the Filipino through the <span
class="_ _0"></span>Arts”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 yaf ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">CUL<span class="_ _0"></span>TURAL<span class="_ _1d"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>IDENTITY</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y25 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">“<span
class="ff2 ws6">The<span class="_"> </span> worldv<span class="_ _1"></span>iew
<span class="_"> </span>and<span class="_ _24"> </span> values,<span class="_">
</span> beliefs<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>systems,</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb0 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">knowledge,<span class="_ _10"></span> skills <span class="_
_10"></span>and<span class="_ _10"></span> pra<span class="_
_c"></span>ctices,<span class="_ _10"></span> core<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>principles</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">and ideas shared by a society”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb2 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">“It<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>is<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>a<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>sine<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>qua<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>non<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>for<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>becoming<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>active<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>in<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>the</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y8d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">world…<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>a<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>source<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>social<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>empowerment.<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>Rob</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb3 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">a<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>people<span class="_ _9"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>of<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>their<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>identity<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>and<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>they<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>become</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb4 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">passive,<span class="_ _14"> </span> <span class="_ _14"> </span>lost,<span
class="_ _14"> </span> <span class="_ _14"> </span>indolent,<span class="_ _14">
</span> <span class="_ _2a"> </span>uncreative<span class="_ _14"> </span> <span
class="_ _14"> </span>and</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yb5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">unproductive.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">“The<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>first<span class="_
_5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>objective<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>a<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>colonizing<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>power<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _5"></span>is<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>to</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y12 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">erase<span
class="_ _d">
</span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_
_8"> </span>cultural<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>memory<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>of<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>conquered</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yb6 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">people,<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>to<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>induce<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>a<span class="_ _6"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>collective<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"> </span>a<span
class="_ _c"></span>mnesia<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>about</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yb7 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">their
<span class="_ _c"></span>past <span class="_ _c"></span>and<span class="_
_c"></span> supplant<span class="_ _c"></span> it<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>with <span class="_ _c"></span>the <span class="_
_c"></span>culture <span class="_ _c"></span>of<span class="_ _c"></span>
the</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yb8 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">colonizers.<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>In<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _24"> </span>this<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24">
</span>lie<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>the<span
class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>roots<span class="_ _24">
</span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>of<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_
_11"> </span>Filipino</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yb9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">derivativeness<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>and<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>inferiority<span class="_
_5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>complex<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>vis-avis</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yba ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">the W<span class="_ _1"></span>est.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 ybb ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Pre-Colonial Period <span class="ff2">(Before
1500’s)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 ybc ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Had our own cultural identity</span></div><div class="t m0 x2
h3 ybd ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Colonial Period<span class="ff2 ls8"> (1500-
1950)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 ybe ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2
ls2 ws6">Our<span class="_ _18"> </span> identity <span class="_ _18">
</span>destroyed <span class="_ _18"> </span>by<span class="_ _18"> </span>
colonizers:</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 ybf ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">West<span class="_ _1"></span>ernization <span class="_"> </span>of<span
class="_"> </span> Filipino<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>Culture<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_"> </span>making</div><div
class="t m0 xa h3 yc0 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">us alienated from our own</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 yc1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Post-Colonial Period <span
class="ff2">(1950 onwards)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yc2 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Reclamation,<span class="_"> </span> affirmation
<span class="_"> </span>and<span class="_"> </span> definition <span class="_ _1b">
</span>of</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 yc3 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">our
identify in our own terms</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yc4 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Filipino<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>Culture<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>(Subordinated)<span class="_ _9">
</span> <span class="_ _c"></span><span class="ff5 sc1 ws17"></span> <span
class="_ _11"> </span>West<span class="_ _1"></span>ern</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2
yc5 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Culture (Standard)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 yc6 ff1
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">FORMS<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>OF<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>ALIENA<span
class="_ _0"></span>TION<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _1f">
</span>C<span class="_ _1"></span>AUSED<span class="_ _13"> </span> <span class="_
_1f"> </span>BY</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 yc7 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">WESTERNIZA<span class="_ _29"></span>TION OF FILIPINO CUL<span class="_
_0"></span>TURE</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yc8 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation from Community</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5
yc9 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation<span class="_ _9">
</span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>from<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_
_9"> </span>Our<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>Sources<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>of<span class="_ _9"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>Cultural</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 yca ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Energy:<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>Thinking<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>in<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>Borrowed<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>Forms<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>and</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 ycb ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">the
Economics of Dependency</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 ycc ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>from<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>Our<span class="_
_1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>Race:<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span
class="_"> </span>The<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>Doña</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 ycd ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Victori<span class="_ _1"></span>na Syndrome:</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yce
ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation from<span class="_
_c"></span> the Indigenous: D<span class="_ _c"></span>enigrating</span></div><div
class="t m0 xa h3 ycf ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">the Local</div><div class="t m0 x2
h5 yd0 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation from the
Land</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yd1 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2
ls2 ws6">Alienation from Being Filipino</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yd2 ff5
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Alienation from Sustainable Livi<span
class="_ _1"></span>ng</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yd3 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Filipino<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>Culture<span
class="_ _14"> </span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>(Standard)<span class="_ _2b">
</span> <span class="ff5 sc1 ws17"></span> <span class="_ _2b">
</span>Other</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 yd4 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Cultures
</div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pf8" data-page-no="8" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pc8 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Some<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>Recommendations<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_
_6"></span>for<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>Developing<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>a</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 y12 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Filipino and Humanistic
Perspecti<span class="_ _1"></span>ve</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 y13 ff5 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Heightening<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span
class="_ _1f"> </span>s<span class="_ _1d"></span>oci<span class="_
_c"></span>al<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>consciousness<span class="_ _13"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>and</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yd5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">sense of
responsibility to the nat<span class="_ _1"></span>ion.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5
y2d ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Promoting<span class="_ _16">
</span> <span class="_ _14"> </span>people<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span
class="_ _16"> </span>participation,<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span class="_
_14"> </span>local</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yd6 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">genius, and cultural diversity<span class="_ _29"></span>.</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h5 yd7 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Promoting<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>local<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>but<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>thinking<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>n<span class="_ _c"></span>ational
<span class="_ _10"></span>or</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yd8 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">global:<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>human<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>not<span class="_ _5"></span>
<span class="_ _5"></span>the<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>state,</div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yd9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">are<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _10"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>ul<span class="_ _c"></span>timate<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>a<span class="_ _c"></span>ctors<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>in<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _5"></span>the<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>development</div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yda ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">process</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 ydb ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2
ls2 ws6">Integrating<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>the<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>arts<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>to<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>social<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>and<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>cultura<span class="_
_1"></span>l</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 ydc ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">phenomena<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>as<span
class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>lucid<span class="_"> </span> <span
class="_ _1b"> </span>mirrors<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>of<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>social</div><div
class="t m0 x9 h3 ydd ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">consciousness.</div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 yde ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE<span class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_
_18"> </span>COMMUNAL<span class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_ _1a">
</span>CHARACTER<span class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_ _18">
</span>OF</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 ydf ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">PHILIPPINE<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>TRADITIONAL<span class="_ _8">
</span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>CUL<span class="_ _0"></span>TURES<span class="_
_9"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>AS</div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 ye0 ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">REFLECTED IN THE <span class="_ _1d"></span>ARTS</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h5 ye1 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Integration
of the arts <span class="_ _c"></span>with other values and</span></div><div
class="t m0 x9 h3 ye2 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">functions</div><div class="t m0 x1
h5 ye3 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Unity of the
arts</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 ye4 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2
ls2 ws6">Art<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>i<span class="_
_c"></span>s<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>integrated<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>with<span class="_ _10"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>everyday<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>life<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>and<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>not</span></div><div class="t m0
x9 h3 ye5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">regarded as a separate activity<span class="_
_29"></span>.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 ye6 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Equality<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>of<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>opportunity<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>for<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _d"> </span>participation<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_
_d"> </span>in</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 ye7 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">the
artistic and creative process.</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 ye8 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Flexibility<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>material,<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>technical,<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>and<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>formal</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 ye9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">requirements</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 yea ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Use<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>of<span
class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>available<span class="_"> </span>
<span class="_"> </span>resources<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_">
</span>for<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>artistic</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yeb ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">creation</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 yec ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Emphasis<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>on<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>the<span class="_
_8"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>creative<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>process<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>rather</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 yed ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">than
the finished product</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 yee ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Simultaneity of conception and rea<span class="_
_1"></span>lization</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h2 yef ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">BECOMING FILIPINO THROUGH THE <span class="_ _1d"></span>ARTS:</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h2 yf0 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">The Process of
Pagpapakatao</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yd4 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“The <span
class="_ _c"></span>arts<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>can
<span class="_ _c"></span>provide <span class="_ _c"></span>us<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>the <span class="_ _c"></span>most<span
class="_ _c"></span> vi<span class="_ _c"></span>vid <span class="_
_c"></span>images</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yf1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">of <span
class="_ _c"></span>social <span class="_ _c"></span>relations and<span class="_
_c"></span> cultural <span class="_ _c"></span>values. They <span class="_
_c"></span>are</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yf2 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">perhaps<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>the<span class="_
_5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>most<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>lucid<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>symbols<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>of<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _5"></span>a<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>people’s</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y1 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">quality<span class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_ _1a"> </span>o<span
class="_ _c"></span>f<span class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_ _1a">
</span>being<span class="_ _18"> </span> <span class="_ _1a"> </span>or<span
class="_ _1a"> </span> <span class="_ _18"> </span>conscious<span class="_
_1"></span>ness.</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y12 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Contemplating<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>arts<span class="_ _10"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>is<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>like<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>reflecting<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>on<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 yb6 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">psychic<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _11"> </span>template<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_
_11"> </span>o<span class="_ _c"></span>f<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span
class="_ _11"> </span>an<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24">
</span>artist<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>or<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>a<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _11"> </span>cultural</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yb7 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws0">community<span class="_ _0"></span>.”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y41
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE FILIPINO CONCEPT OF <span class="_
_0"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 yf3 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Weste<span
class="_ _1"></span>rn Concept <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0
x2 h3 yf4 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">Academic<span class="ff2 ws6"> – Only schooled
people are artists </span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yf5 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Elitist<span class="ff2 ws6"> - Meant for the higher social
class</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y31 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Hierarchical
<span class="_ _10"></span><span class="ff2">–<span class="_ _5"></span> High <span
class="_ _10"></span>and<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>low<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>art,<span
class="_ _5"></span> major<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>art
<span class="_ _10"></span>and</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 yf6 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">craft, fine and practical art, folk, indigenous</div><div class="t m0
x2 h2 y33 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Filipino Concept <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y34 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Has no
such W<span class="_ _1"></span>estern distinctions</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y35
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">DAMIAN DOMINGO <span class="ff2 ls8
ws18">(1796-1834)</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y36 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">“Father of Philippine Paintin<span class="_ _1"></span>g”</div><div class="t
m0 x2 h5 y1d ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Son<span class="_ _8">
</span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>of<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_
_8"> </span>Chinese<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>immigrants<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>converted<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
class="t m0 xa h3 yf7 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Christianity<span class="_
_29"></span>,<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>but<span
class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>thought<span class="_ _11">
</span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>to<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_
_24"> </span>be<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>a<span
class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>noble</div><div class="t m0 xa
h3 yf8 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Spanish<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>descent<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>by<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>Spaniards<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>so<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>that</div><div
class="t m0 xa h3 yf9 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">they commissioned him to
paint</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yfa ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2
ws6">Engaged<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>by<span
class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>a<span class="_ _1b"> </span>
<span class="_ _1b"> </span>merchant<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _23">
</span>to<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>paint,<span
class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _23"> </span>in</span></div><div class="t m0 xa
h3 yfb ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">miniaturismo<span class="_ _13"> </span> <span
class="_ _13"> </span>style,<span class="_ _13"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>albums<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _1f"> </span>of<span
class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _13"> </span>people</div><div class="t m0 xa
h3 yfc ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">wearing their daily costumes</div><div class="t m0
x2 h5 yfd ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Had <span class="_
_c"></span>a <span class="_ _c"></span>vision o<span class="_ _c"></span>f
making<span class="_ _c"></span> art<span class="_ _c"></span> more<span class="_
_c"></span> accessible</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 yfe ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">to the Filipinos (Indios)</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 yff ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Founded<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_
_12"> </span>the<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>first<span
class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>Art<span class="_ _23"> </span>
<span class="_ _23"> </span>School<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _12">
</span>in<span class="_ _23"> </span> <span class="_ _12">
</span>the</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y100 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Philippines<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11">
</span>Escuela<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>Dibujo<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>y<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _24"> </span>Pintura<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _11">
</span>i<span class="_ _c"></span>n</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y101 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">T<span class="_ _29"></span>on<span class="_ _1"></span>do Manila in
1821</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 y102 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2
ws6">His patron was Sociedad Economica de l<span class="_
_1"></span>os</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y103 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Amigos del Pais</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 y104 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span
class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Professor<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>and<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>Director<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>of<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>Philippine<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_1"></span>Art</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y105 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Academy<span class="_ _0"></span>.<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>The<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>academy<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>was<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>closed<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>after</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y106 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">his<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>death<span class="_ _5"></span>
<span class="_ _5"></span>producing<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>Filipino<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>artists<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>trained</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y107 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">in
West<span class="_ _1"></span>ern artistic tradition</div></div><div class="pi"
id="pf9" data-page-no="9" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pc9 w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y108 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">JUAN LUNA<span class="_
_1d"></span> <span class="ff2 ls1 ws4">(1857-1899)</span></div><div class="t m0 x1
h3 y109 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“Academic W<span class="_ _1d"></span>e<span
class="_ _c"></span>sternized Filipino Painter”</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 y10a
ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Bachelor<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_ _10"></span> Arts<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>Degree,<span class="_ _c"></span>
Ateneo<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>Municipal</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 y10b ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">de<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>Manila.<span class="_
_8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>Enrolled<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span
class="_ _8"> </span>in<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>Academy<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>of<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>Fine</div><div class="t m0 x9 h3
y10c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Arts, Manila</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 y10d ff5 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Went<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>to<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>Europe<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>in<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>1877,<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>and<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>studied<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>in</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 y10e ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Escuela
de Bellas <span class="_ _0"></span>Artes de San Fernando</div><div class="t m0 x1
h5 y10f ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Won <span class="_
_c"></span>gold<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>medal<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>in<span class="_ _c"></span>
Exposicion<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>Nacional<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>de</span></div><div class="t m0 x9
h3 y110 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Bellas <span class="_ _0"></span>Artes in 1884 for
Spoliarium</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 y111 ff5 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2
ls2 ws6">Commissioned<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>by<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>Spanish<span class="_ _6"></span>
<span class="_ _5"></span>government<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_6"></span>to</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 y112 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">do
paintings<span class="_ _c"></span> like La<span class="_ _c"></span> Batalla
de<span class="_ _c"></span> Lepanto and</div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 y113 ff2 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">El Pacto de Sangre</div><div class="t m0 x1 h5 y114 ff5 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Arrested<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span
class="_ _13"> </span>for<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _13">
</span>murdering<span class="_ _12"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>his<span
class="_ _13"> </span> <span class="_ _12"> </span>wife<span class="_ _13"> </span>
<span class="_ _12"> </span>and</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h3 y115 ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">mother-in-law<span class="_ _0"></span>,<span class="_ _20"> </span>
<span class="_ _1f"> </span>but<span class="_ _20"> </span> <span class="_ _20">
</span>was<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _20"> </span>acquitted<span
class="_ _1f"> </span> <span class="_ _20"> </span>on</div><div class="t m0 x9 h3
y116 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">grounds of crime of passion.</div><div class="t m0 x1
h2 y117 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Juan Luna, Spoliarium 1884</div><div class="t m0
x1 h2 y118 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">NEOCLASICAL <span class="_
_1"></span>STYLE</div><div class="t m0 x2 h2 y108 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Felix<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>Resurreccion<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span
class="_ _11"> </span>Hidalgo,<span class="_ _1f"> </span> <span
class="ff3">Las<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _11">
</span>Virgenes</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y119 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Cristianas<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>Expuestas<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _23"> </span>al<span
class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b"> </span>Populacho<span class="_
_c"></span><span class="ff2">,<span class="_ _1b"> </span> <span class="_ _1b">
</span>1884,</span></div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y11a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Silver Medal, Madrid Expositi<span class="_ _1"></span>on</div><div class="t
m0 x2 h2 y11b ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">RIZAL<span class="_ _0"></span>’S
SPEECH</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y11c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">“…<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>In<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>the<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>history<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>of<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>mankind<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>there<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>are<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>names</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3
y11d ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">which<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>in<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>themselves<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>signify<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _c"></span>an<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>a<span class="_ _c"></span>chievement….</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y11e
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">T<span class="_ _29"></span>o<span class="_ _24"> </span>
<span class="_"> </span>such<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _24">
</span>belong<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>the<span
class="_"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>names<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span
class="_"> </span>of<span class="_"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>Luna<span
class="_"> </span> <span class="_"> </span>a<span class="_ _1"></span>nd</div><div
class="t m0 x2 h3 y11f ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Hidalgo:<span class="_ _16">
</span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>their<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span
class="_ _14"> </span>splendor<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span class="_ _16">
</span>i<span class="_ _c"></span>lluminates<span class="_ _16"> </span> <span
class="_ _16"> </span>two</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y120 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">extremes<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>of<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _11"> </span>globe<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _11">
</span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>Orient<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>and<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _11"> </span>the</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y121 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">Occident,<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>Spain<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>and<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>the<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>Philippines.<span class="_ _c"></span> As<span class="_ _10"></span>
<span class="_ _10"></span>I<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>utter</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y122 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">them,<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>I<span class="_
_5"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>seem<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _5"></span>to<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_10"></span>see<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>two<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>luminous<span class="_
_10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>arches<span class="_ _10"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>that</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y123 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">rise <span class="_ _c"></span>from<span class="_ _c"></span> ei<span class="_
_c"></span>ther <span class="_ _c"></span>region <span class="_ _c"></span>to<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>blend <span class="_
_c"></span>there <span class="_ _c"></span>on<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>high…</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y124 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">to<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>unite<span class="_
_6"></span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>two<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>peoples<span class="_ _6"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>with<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>eternal<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>bonds;<span class="_ _d"> </span>
<span class="_ _6"> </span>two</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y125 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">peoples<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>whom<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span>
<span class="_ _11"> </span>seas<span class="_ _24"> </span> <span class="_ _11">
</span>and<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>space<span
class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _24"> </span>vainly</div><div class="t m0 x2
h3 y126 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">separate;<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span
class="_ _8"> </span>two<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>peoples<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>among<span
class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>whom<span class="_ _8"> </span>
<span class="_ _8"> </span>do<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>not</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y127 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">germinate<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>the<span class="_ _5"></span> <span
class="_ _6"></span>seeds<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_5"></span>of<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>disunion<span
class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span>blindly<span class="_ _5"></span>
<span class="_ _6"></span>sown</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y128 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">by<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>men <span class="_
_c"></span>and<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>their<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>despotism. <span class="_
_c"></span>Luna<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>and <span
class="_ _10"></span>Hidalgo</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y129 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">are<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _6"></span>the<span class="_
_d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>pride<span class="_ _6"></span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>of<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>Spain<span class="_ _6"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>as<span class="_
_d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>of<span class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_
_d"> </span>the<span class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>Philippines-
</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y12a ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">though <span class="_
_c"></span>born <span class="_ _c"></span>in <span class="_ _c"></span>the <span
class="_ _c"></span>Philippines, <span class="_ _c"></span>they <span class="_
_c"></span>might <span class="_ _c"></span>have</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y12b
ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">been<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>born<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>in<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>Spain,<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _c"></span>for<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>genius<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>has<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>no<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _10"></span>country;</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y12c ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">genius bursts forth everywhere…”</div><div class="t m0 x2 h5 y12d ff5 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls7"><span class="ff2 ls2 ws6">Winning<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span
class="_ _9"> </span>the<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>exposition<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>had<span
class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _11"> </span>proven<span class="_ _9"> </span>
<span class="_ _9"> </span>that</span></div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y4f ff2 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">Filipinos <span class="_ _c"></span>were<span class="_ _c"></span>
<span class="_ _c"></span>equal<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>with <span class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>Spaniards,<span class="_ _c"></span> so</div><div class="t m0
xa h3 y12e ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">that <span class="_ _c"></span>the <span
class="_ _c"></span>Filipinos <span class="_ _c"></span>deserve <span class="_
_c"></span>the <span class="_ _c"></span>recognition <span class="_
_c"></span>of</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y12f ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">other<span
class="_ _c"></span> p<span class="_ _c"></span>eople <span class="_
_c"></span>in<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>the<span class="_
_c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>world<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>with<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>equal<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_
_c"></span>dignity</div><div class="t m0 xa h3 y130 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">and
respect.</div><div class="t m0 xb h2 y131 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Juan<span
class="_ _27"> </span> <span class="_ _16"> </span>Luna,<span class="_ _17">
</span> <span class="ff3">España<span class="_ _27"> </span> <span class="_ _16">
</span>y</span></div><div class="t m0 xb h3 y132 ff3 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">Filipinas,<span class="ff2 ws6"> 1886</span></div></div><div class="pi" data-
id="pfa" data-page-no="a" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom:
61.5621px; content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pca w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1 h5 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Philippine <span class="_
_1d"></span>Art <span class="ff5 sc1 ws17"></span><span class="ls5"> </span><span
class="ff5 sc1 ws17"></span> Western <span class="_ _1d"></span>Art</div><div
class="t m0 x1 h3 y133 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">One<span class="_ _6"></span>
positive<span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>way <span class="_
_d"> </span>of<span class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _5"></span>looking<span
class="_ _10"></span> <span class="_ _10"></span>a<span class="_ _c"></span>t<span
class="_ _6"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>Filipino<span class="_ _10"></span>
<span class="_ _5"></span>identity</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y13 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">in <span class="_ _10"></span>the <span class="_ _c"></span>arts<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>is<span class="_ _c"></span> <span
class="_ _c"></span>to<span class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>see<span
class="_ _c"></span> <span class="_ _c"></span>Philippine<span class="_ _c"></span>
A<span class="_ _1"></span>rt <span class="_ _10"></span>as<span class="_
_10"></span> integrated</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 yd5 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">in<span class="_"> </span> West<span class="_ _1"></span>ern<span class="_
_d"> </span> <span class="_ _5"></span>Art,<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span
class="_ _d"> </span>and<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _d">
</span>these<span class="_ _8"> </span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>two<span
class="_ _d"> </span> <span class="_ _8"> </span>traditions<span class="_ _d">
</span> <span class="_ _d"> </span>a<span class="_ _c"></span>re</div><div class="t
m0 x1 h3 y41 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">uniting and harmonizing with o<span class="_
_1"></span>ne another<span class="_ _0"></span>.</div><div class="t m0 xc h2 yd6
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">NEOCLASSICISM</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y85 ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">Guillermo<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9"> </span>T<span
class="_ _0"></span>olentino<span class="ff2">,<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span
class="_ _9"> </span>The<span class="_ _11"> </span> <span class="_ _8">
</span>Andres<span class="_ _9"> </span> <span class="_ _9">
</span>Bonifacio</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y134 ff2 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Monument, 1933</div><div class="t m0 x5 h2 y86 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">ROMANTIC REALISM</div><div class="t m0 xd h2 y135 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">RENAISSANCE <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 xe h2 y20 ff1
fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">IMPRESSIONISM</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y136 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">Fernando <span class="_ _1d"></span>Amorsolo<span class="ff2">, Rice
Planting, 1922</span></div><div class="t m0 xf h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">TRANSP<span class="_ _0"></span>ARENT CUBISM</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y80
ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Vicen<span class="_ _1"></span>te Manansala’<span class="_
_1d"></span>s <span class="ff3">Market Scene<span class="_ _c"></span><span
class="ff2">, 1975</span></span></div><div class="t m0 x10 h2 y81 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws0">SURREALISM</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y137 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Prudencio Lamarroza, <span class="ff3">T<span class="_ _29"></span>ree
Scape,<span class="_ _c"></span><span class="ff2"> 1991</span></span></div><div
class="t m0 x11 h2 y138 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ACTION P<span class="_
_29"></span>AINTING</div><div class="t m0 x12 h2 y139 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y13a ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">Jose T<span class="_ _29"></span>. Jo<span class="_ _1"></span>ya’<span
class="_ _1d"></span>s <span class="ff3">Hills of Nikko,<span class="ff2">
1964</span></span></div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pfb" data-page-no="b" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pcb w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x13 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">COLOR FIELD P<span class="_
_29"></span>AINTING</div><div class="t m0 x1 h3 y7f ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">Gus
<span class="_ _1d"></span>Albor<span class="ff2">’s <span class="ff3">Upward
Duality</span></span></div><div class="t m0 x14 h2 y80 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">T’NALAK<span class="ff1 ws6">, TIBOLI <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART (SOUTH
COT<span class="_ _0"></span>ABA<span class="_ _29"></span>TO)</span></div><div
class="t m0 x15 h2 y137 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">BASEY<span class="ff1 ws6">, <span
class="_ _1d"></span>ART OF COLORFUL MA<span class="_ _29"></span>TS
FROM</span></div><div class="t m0 x16 h2 y98 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">SAMAR-
LEYTE</div><div class="t m0 x17 h2 ya8 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">P<span class="_
_0"></span>ABALA<span class="_ _29"></span>T/BORLAS DE P<span class="_
_0"></span>ASTILLAS <span class="ff1 ws0">THE</span></div><div class="t m0 x1 h2
ya1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">ART OF P<span class="_ _0"></span>ASTILLAS WRAPPER
MA<span class="_ _1"></span>KING OF</div><div class="t m0 x18 h2 y13b ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws6">P<span class="_ _0"></span>AMP<span class="_ _29"></span>ANGA<span
class="_ _1"></span> <span class="_ _1d"></span>AND BULACAN</div><div class="t m0
x19 h2 y7f ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">VINT<span class="_ _0"></span>A<span class="_
_1d"></span> <span class="ff1">BADJAO <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART</span></div><div class="t m0 x7 h2 y13c ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">SARIMANOK DESIGN, <span class="ff1">MARANAO <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART</span></div><div class="t m0 x1a h2 y13d ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">OKIR<span class="ff1 ws6">, MARANAO <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART</span></div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pfc" data-page-no="c" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pcc w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x1b h2 y1 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">TO<span class="_
_1"></span>ROGAN<span class="ff1 ws6">, MARANAO HOUSE</span></div><div class="t m0
x1c h2 y81 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">MARANAO BRASSW<span class="_ _0"></span>ARE
<span class="_ _1d"></span>ART</div><div class="t m0 x1d h2 y13e ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">BURNA<span class="_ _0"></span>Y<span class="_ _1d"></span> <span
class="ff1">JARS OF ILOCOS</span></div><div class="t m0 x1e h2 y1 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0
ls2 ws6">P<span class="_ _0"></span>ASIKING <span class="ff1 ws0">IFUGAO</span>
<span class="ff1 ws0">NA<span class="_ _29"></span>TIVE<span class="ff4 ls5 ws6">
</span>BACKP<span class="_ _0"></span>ACK</span></div><div class="t m0 x1f h2 y81
ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">LINGLING-O, <span class="ff1">ART OF THE</span></div><div
class="t m0 x1a h2 y90 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">CORDILLERA<span class="_
_1d"></span> GROUP</div><div class="t m0 x20 h2 y13f ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">BULUL<span class="ff1 ws6">, IGOROT <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART</span></div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pfd" data-page-no="d" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom:
61.5621px; content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"><div class="pc pcd w0 h0" style="display:block"><img class="bi
x0 y0 w1 h1" alt=""
Id=APKAJ535ZH3ZAIIOADHQ" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low" decoding="async"><div
class="t m0 x4 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">COLORFUL<span class="_ _1"></span>
<span class="_ _1d"></span>ART OF THE <span class="ff4 ws0">P<span class="_
_0"></span>AROL</span></div><div class="t m0 x9 h2 y7d ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws0">P<span class="_ _0"></span>AHIY<span class="_ _29"></span>AS<span class="ff1
ws6">, <span class="_ _1"></span>ART OF LUCBAN QUEZON</span></div><div class="t m0
x9 h2 y49 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">T<span class="_ _0"></span>AKA<span class="_
_1d"></span> <span class="ff1">(Paper Mache) <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART OF
P<span class="_ _0"></span>AETE,</span></div><div class="t m0 x21 h2 y4a ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">LAGUNA</div><div class="t m0 x22 h2 ya3 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">JEEPNEY<span class="_ _1"></span> <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART</div><div
class="t m0 x23 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE COLORFUL<span class="_
_1"></span> <span class="_ _1d"></span>ART OF THE PHILIPPINE</div><div class="t m0
x24 h2 y12 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0">KALESA</div><div class="t m0 x25 h2 y94 ff1 fs0
fc0 sc0 ls2 ws6">THE COLORFUL<span class="_ _1"></span> <span class="_
_1d"></span>ART OF MOTORIZED</div><div class="t m0 x26 h2 y140 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">TRICYCLE DESIGN</div><div class="t m0 x23 h2 y141 ff4 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2
ws6">LAJI <span class="ff1">OF THE IV<span class="_ _0"></span>A<span class="_
_29"></span>T<span class="_ _0"></span>AN IS LITERA<span class="_ _0"></span>TURE
<span class="_ _1d"></span>AND</span></div><div class="t m0 x27 h2 y142 ff1 fs0 fc0
sc0 ls2 ws0">MUSIC.</div></div><div class="pi" data-data="{&quot;ctm&quot;:
id="pfe" data-page-no="e" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px;
content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pff" data-page-no="f" style="border-
radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px; content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0
h0"><div class="page-content" style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf10" data-
page-no="10" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px; content-
visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf11" data-page-no="11" style="border-
radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px; content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0
h0"><div class="page-content" style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf12" data-
page-no="12" style="border-radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px; content-
visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf13" data-page-no="13" style="border-
radius: 36.213px; margin-bottom: 61.5621px; content-visibility: auto;" class="pf w0
h0"><div class="page-content" style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf14" data-
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visibility: auto;" class="pf w0 h0"><div class="page-content"
style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf15" data-page-no="15" style="border-
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style="display:none"></div></div><div id="pf17" data-page-no="17" style="border-
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style="display:none"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_1049596bb44e"><div
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class="_550fbc3b0f2a">Preview text</h3><div class="_3556d27af1db" id="document-
preview-text"><p><strong>Art as a Humanistic Discipline</strong></p><p><strong>The
Two General Fields of Learning
Deals w/ natural, Deals w/ human
Physical phenomena phenomena</p><p><strong>Paradigm for Learning in the
Subject-knower – Scientific Method – Object–
“The scientist learns about things in the world.”</p><p><strong>Paradigm for
Learning in the Humanities</strong>
Subject-knower = Object- known
Reflexive Method
“The humanist learns about the self.”</p><p><strong>Thinkers Whose Thoughts Were
The Basis
Of The Method In The Humanities</strong>
<em>“Know thyself”</em>
<strong>- SOCRATES</strong> (470-399 BC)</p><p><strong>“</strong> <em>Withdraw into
yourself. Truth dwells in the
inner man.”</em>
<strong><em>-</em></strong> <strong>St. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO</strong> (354-430
AD)</p><p><strong>THE SCIENCES THE HUMANITIES</strong>
The scientist becomes The humanist
“A scientist tends to know everything about the
world that he forgets to know anything about
<strong>- THALES OF MILETUS</strong> (624-546 BC)</p><p>“What the superior man
seeks is in himself,
what the small man seeks is in others.”
<strong>- CONFUCIUS</strong> (551-479 BC)</p><p><strong>WHO AM I?</strong>
What is the basic answer to this question?
“I am a human being.”</p><p><strong>THE HUMANITIES IN WESTERN
-</strong> Panofsky, “Art as a Humanistic Discipline”
<em>humanitas humanity/ies
divinitas</em> Gods in the state of perfection in
<em>humanitas</em> People in the state of culture in
civilized society</p><p><em>barbaritas</em> Savages in the state of nature for
survival</p><p><strong>THE PLACE OF HUMANITIES IN THE
ANCIENT 800 BC</strong>
PROTAGORAS:</em></strong> <em>Man is the measure of all
<strong><em>GEOCENTRISM:</em></strong> <em>Man is at the center of the
<strong>MEDIEVAL 300 AD</strong>
SCHOLASTICISM:</em></strong> <em>Man is created in the
image of God
Man is at the center of creation.</em>
<strong>RENAISSANCE 1400</strong>
HUMANISM:</em></strong> <em>Nothing is more wonderful than
<strong>MODERN 1600</strong>
<strong><em>SCIENTIFIC-TECHNOCENTRIC VIEW</em></strong>
<em>Man is a part of nature.</em>
<strong>POSTMODERN 1960</strong>
<strong><em>ECLECTIC VIEW</em></strong>
<em>Man is a piece of everything.</em></p><h3>ANCIENT IMAGE OF
COSMO</h3><h3>CENTRICMAN:</h3><p>GEOCENTRIC THEORY Earth (Man) is the
center of the universe.
16th-century representation of Ptolemy's
geocentric model in Peter Apian's
Cosmographia, 1524</p><h3>MEDIEVAL IMAGE OF THEOCENTRIC MAN</h3><p>Man is created
by God.
Adam and Eve, from the Escorial Beatus a
10th century illuminated manuscript.</p><h3>RENAISSANCE IMAGE OF
dehumanized during the industrial age.
Cesar Legaspi (Gadgets 1947)</p><h3>POSTMODERN IMAGE OF ECLECTIC MAN</h3><p>Man is
a piece of everything.
Mideo Cruz, Polytheism, from Kulo Exhibit
2011</p><h3>HUMANISTIC DISCIPLINES</h3><h3>HISTORY</h3><p>Human events happening in
the world
Written and oral forms of human
Human reason concerning reality
Admiration (ART APPRECIATION) of human-
made objects and the human creativity (ART
CREATION) by which these objects are made</p><p><strong>ETYMOLOGY</strong>
Ars art
Skillful production or performance
Liberal art – Artist – Art
Major Art (Architect, Sculptor)
Servile Art – Artisan – Craft</p><p>Minor Art (stone cutter, carpenter)
Professional &amp; Academic Artist – Fine Art</p><p><strong>WESTERN CONCEPT OF
<strong>-</strong> Only schooled people are artists
<strong>-</strong> Meant for the higher social class
<strong>-</strong> Liberal art and servile art, high and low art,
major art and minor art or craft, fine art and
practical art, folk art, indigenous art, popular
MAJOR ART</strong>
Made by artists and primarily concerned with
the form of beauty
<strong>MINOR ART OR CRAFT</strong>
Made by artisans and concerned with
functionality and usefulness of human-made
objects (artifacts)</p><p><strong>THE SEVEN MAJOR ARTS IN WESTERN
VISUAL –</strong> Painting
<strong>-</strong> Sculpture
<strong>-</strong> Architecture
<strong>PERFORMING –</strong> Music
<strong>-</strong> Dance</p><p><strong>-</strong> Drama
<strong>LINGUISTIC –</strong> Literature
<strong>MINOR ARTS: CRAFT</strong></p><ul>
<li>Stone Cutting</li>
<p>Made by the artist and the artisans, but only
the artist took the credit
<strong><em>Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel ceiling 1508-
1512</em></strong></p><p>Masamang magsalita
Malinis ang kaluluwa
Matuwid and budhi
<strong><em>LABAS LOOB</em></strong>
<em>Hipo dama
pigil timpi
dinig ulinig
tawa tuwa
saya ligaya
sarap ginhawa</em>
The process how a human being becomes a
 <strong>In the study of Humanities, as</strong>
<strong><em>Pagpapakatao,</em></strong> <strong>the students would</strong>
<strong>discover and realize their own identity</strong>
<strong>as a Filipino.
Filipe del Leon Jr. (2011)</strong>
“Defining the Filipino through the Arts”
“</strong> The worldview and values, beliefs systems,
knowledge, skills and practices, core principles
and ideas shared by a society”
“It is a sine qua non for becoming active in the
world... a source of social empowerment. Rob
a people of their identity and they become
passive, lost, indolent, uncreative and
unproductive.”</p><p>“The first objective of a colonizing power is to
erase the cultural memory of the conquered
people, to induce a collective amnesia about
their past and supplant it with the culture of the
colonizers. In this lie the roots of Filipino
derivativeness and inferiority complex vis-avis
the West.”
<strong>Pre-Colonial Period</strong> (Before 1500’s)
 Had our own cultural identity
<strong>Colonial Period</strong> (1500-1950)
 Our identity destroyed by colonizers:
Westernization of Filipino Culture making
us alienated from our own
<strong>Post-Colonial Period</strong> (1950 onwards)
 Reclamation, affirmation and definition of
our identify in our own terms
<strong>Filipino Culture (Subordinated)</strong>  <strong>Western
Culture (Standard)
 Alienation from Community
 Alienation from Our Sources of Cultural
Energy: Thinking in Borrowed Forms and
the Economics of Dependency
 Alienation from Our Race: The Doña
Victorina Syndrome:
 Alienation from the Indigenous: Denigrating
the Local
 Alienation from the Land
 Alienation from Being Filipino
 Alienation from Sustainable Living
<strong>Filipino Culture (Standard)</strong>  <strong>Other
Cultures</strong></p><p><strong>Some Recommendations for Developing a
Filipino and Humanistic Perspective</strong>
 Heightening social consciousness and
sense of responsibility to the nation.
 Promoting people participation, local
genius, and cultural diversity.
 Promoting the local but thinking national or
global: human communities, not the state,
are the ultimate actors in the development
 Integrating the arts to social and cultural
phenomena as lucid mirrors of social
 Integration of the arts with other values and
 Unity of the arts
 Art is integrated with everyday life and not
regarded as a separate activity.
 Equality of opportunity for participation in
the artistic and creative process.
 Flexibility of material, technical, and formal
 Use of available resources for artistic
 Emphasis on the creative process rather
than the finished product
 Simultaneity of conception and realization
The Process of Pagpapakatao</strong>
“The arts can provide us the most vivid images
of social relations and cultural values. They are
perhaps the most lucid symbols of a people’s</p><p>quality of being or
Contemplating the arts is like reflecting on the
psychic template of an artist or a cultural
<strong><em>Western Concept ART</em></strong>
<strong>Academic</strong> – Only schooled people are artists
<strong>Elitist</strong> - Meant for the higher social class
<strong>Hierarchical</strong> – High and low art, major art and
craft, fine and practical art, folk, indigenous
<strong><em>Filipino Concept ART</em></strong>
Has no such Western distinctions
<strong>DAMIAN DOMINGO</strong> (1796-1834)
“Father of Philippine Painting”
 Son of Chinese immigrants converted to
Christianity, but thought to be a noble
Spanish descent by the Spaniards so that
they commissioned him to paint
 Engaged by a merchant to paint, in
miniaturismo style, albums of people
wearing their daily costumes
 Had a vision of making art more accessible
to the Filipinos (Indios)
 Founded the first Art School in the
Philippines Escuela Dibujo y Pintura in
Tondo Manila in 1821
 His patron was Sociedad Economica de los
Amigos del Pais
 Professor and Director of the Philippine Art
Academy. The academy was closed after
his death producing Filipino artists trained
in Western artistic tradition</p><p><strong>Philippine Art</strong>  
<strong>Western Art</strong>
One positive way of looking at Filipino identity
in the arts is to see Philippine Art as integrated
in Western Art, and these two traditions are
uniting and harmonizing with one another.
<strong>NEOCLASSICISM</strong></p><p><strong>Guillermo Tolentino</strong> , The
Andres Bonifacio
Monument, 1933
<strong>ROMANTIC REALISM</strong>
<strong>RENAISSANCE ART</strong>
<strong>IMPRESSIONISM</strong></p><p><strong>Fernando Amorsolo</strong> ,
Rice Planting, 1922</p><h3>TRANSPARENT CUBISM</h3><p><strong>Vicente
Manansala’s</strong> <em>Market Scene</em> , 1975
<strong>SURREALISM</strong></p><p><strong>Prudencio Lamarroza,</strong>
<em>Tree Scape,</em> 1991
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM</strong></p><p><strong>Jose T. Joya’s</strong> <em>Hills of
Nikko,</em> 1964</p><h3>COLOR FIELD PAINTING</h3><p><strong>Gus Albor</strong> ’s
<em>Upward Duality</em>
<strong><em>T’NALAK</em></strong> <strong>, TIBOLI ART (SOUTH
QUEZON</h3><p><strong><em>TAKA</em></strong> <strong>(Paper Mache) ART OF
<strong>LAGUNA</strong></p><h3>JEEPNEY ART</h3><h3>THE COLORFUL ART OF THE
ART.</h3><p>“The principle of cultural identity does not
mean that cultures cannot be criticized. If all
cultures on earth are to survive, most of them
have to change some of their beliefs and
practices in order to become compatible with
one another” <strong>(Felipe, 2011)</strong>
<strong>FILIPINO</strong>  <strong>IDENTITY</strong> 
The Philippine culture has to be dynamic in its
relation with other cultures in the world. By
harmonizing the Western and the Filipino
concepts of art and its practice, a truly
Philippine identity in the arts would emerge out</p><p>of the shared cultural
universe, not only of our
own people, but of the humanity as a whole.</p><p>brushwork defines the borders of
the different
geometric figures. Comparably, the black
brushwork on the canvas is minimal but it is
masterfully applied to become one of the
defining features of the work.</p><h3>DUST IN THE WIND</h3><p>Artist: Kansas
Songwriter(s): Kerry Livgren (1977)</p><p> The meaning of the lyrics is based on
verse from the Bible, Genesis 3:19: “You</p><p>are from dust, and into dust you
return.”</p><p><strong>The Process of Art Appreciation</strong></p><h3>ART
APPRECIATION</h3><p><strong>Positive</strong>  Wow!
<strong>Perceptual</strong>  Sense-Data and Representation
<strong>Emotional</strong>  Feelings
<strong>Intellectual</strong>  Meanings
<strong>response to</strong>  Communication and Reaction
<strong>the beauty</strong>  Value that delights
of artworks  Painting, Sculpture, Music</p><p><strong>Art and the Perception of
ART is...
 Talent
 Skill
 Passion
 Emotion
 Idea
 Truth
 Reality
 Goodness
 Beauty
 Form
 Expression
 Representation
 Power
<strong>Art is reality.</strong></p><p><strong>Vitruvian Man</strong>
Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of a male figure
perfectly inscribed in a circle and square,
known as the "Vitruvian Man," illustrates
what <strong>he believed to be a divine connection
between the human form and the universe</strong>.
Beloved for its beauty and symbolic power, it is
one of the most famous images in the world.
Make a citizen, w/ a
Encompassed w/ mind, body, and soul and the
measure of all things.
The Significance of Leonard da Vinci's Famous
"Vitruvian Man" Drawing (mymodernmet)</p><p><strong>Pablo Picasso’s Weeping
Weeping Woman is an iconic <strong>image of
unspeakable grief and pain,</strong> representing
universal suffering. The fragmented features
and the use of acid green and purple heighten
the painting's emotional intensity. The model
for the Weeping Woman was Picasso's partner
Dora Maar, a passionate, strong and intelligent
<em>Weeping Woman</em> is based on an image of a
woman holding her dead child. The attack was
carried out in April 1937 by Nazi Germany’s air
force, in support of Spain's Nationalist forces.
Hundreds of people were killed. The <strong>figure of
the Weeping Woman</strong> is based on artist and
photographer Dora Maar. Maar photographed
Picasso's making of <em>Guernica.</em>
“The Weeping Woman” by Pablo Picasso is a
collective image of all grieving women who lost
in the war their husbands and sons. Tears of
fear and despair, seeing the appeared ghost of
death, seize the humanity on the threshold of a
global catastrophe of the Second World War. In
this painting, Picasso by showing the fate of
one man, shows the same destructive power of</p><p>the demon of death, flying over
people, splitting
people apart and turning them into ghosts.
Name given by the Russian artist Kasimir
Malevich to the abstract art he developed from
1913 characterized by basic geometric forms,
such as circles, squares, lines and rectangles,
painted in a limited range of colors</p></div></section><footer
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.fa-li { left: calc(var(--fa-li-width, 2em)*-1); position: absolute; text-align:

center; width: var(--fa-li-width, 2em); line-height: inherit; }
.fa-border { border-color: var(--fa-border-color, #eee); border-radius: var(--fa-
border-radius, 0.1em); border-style: var(--fa-border-style, solid); border-width:
var(--fa-border-width, 0.08em); padding: var(--fa-border-padding, 0.2em 0.25em
0.15em); }

.fa-pull-left { float: left; margin-right: var(--fa-pull-margin, 0.3em); }

.fa-pull-right { float: right; margin-left: var(--fa-pull-margin, 0.3em); }

.fa-beat { animation-name: fa-beat; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay, 0s);

animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-duration:
var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-animation-
iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-animation-timing,
ease-in-out); }

.fa-bounce { animation-name: fa-bounce; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay,

0s); animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-
duration: var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-
animation-iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-
animation-timing, cubic-bezier(0.28, 0.84, 0.42, 1)); }

.fa-fade { animation-name: fa-fade; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay, 0s);

animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-duration:
var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-animation-
iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-animation-timing,
cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)); }

.fa-beat-fade { animation-name: fa-beat-fade; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-

delay, 0s); animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-
duration: var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-
animation-iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-
animation-timing, cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)); }

.fa-flip { animation-name: fa-flip; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay, 0s);

animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-duration:
var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-animation-
iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-animation-timing,
ease-in-out); }

.fa-shake { animation-name: fa-shake; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay,

0s); animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-
duration: var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-
animation-iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-
animation-timing, linear); }

.fa-spin { animation-name: fa-spin; animation-delay: var(--fa-animation-delay, 0s);

animation-direction: var(--fa-animation-direction, normal); animation-duration:
var(--fa-animation-duration, 2s); animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-animation-
iteration-count, infinite); animation-timing-function: var(--fa-animation-timing,
linear); }

.fa-spin-reverse { --fa-animation-direction: reverse; }

.fa-pulse, .fa-spin-pulse { animation-name: fa-spin; animation-direction: var(--fa-

animation-direction, normal); animation-duration: var(--fa-animation-duration, 1s);
animation-iteration-count: var(--fa-animation-iteration-count, infinite);
animation-timing-function: var(--fa-animation-timing, steps(8)); }

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

.fa-beat, .fa-bounce, .fa-fade, .fa-beat-fade, .fa-flip, .fa-pulse, .fa-
shake, .fa-spin, .fa-spin-pulse { animation-delay: -1ms; animation-duration: 1ms;
animation-iteration-count: 1; transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-beat {
0%, 90% { transform: scale(1); }
45% { transform: scale(var(--fa-beat-scale, 1.25)); }

@keyframes fa-beat {
0%, 90% { transform: scale(1); }
45% { transform: scale(var(--fa-beat-scale, 1.25)); }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-bounce {
0% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }
10% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-start-scale-x, 1.1), var(--fa-bounce-
start-scale-y, 0.9)) translateY(0); }
30% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-jump-scale-x, 0.9), var(--fa-bounce-jump-
scale-y, 1.1)) translateY(var(--fa-bounce-height, -0.5em)); }
50% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-land-scale-x, 1.05), var(--fa-bounce-land-
scale-y, 0.95)) translateY(0); }
57% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(var(--fa-bounce-rebound, -0.125em)); }
64% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }
100% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }

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0% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }
10% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-start-scale-x, 1.1), var(--fa-bounce-
start-scale-y, 0.9)) translateY(0); }
30% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-jump-scale-x, 0.9), var(--fa-bounce-jump-
scale-y, 1.1)) translateY(var(--fa-bounce-height, -0.5em)); }
50% { transform: scale(var(--fa-bounce-land-scale-x, 1.05), var(--fa-bounce-land-
scale-y, 0.95)) translateY(0); }
57% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(var(--fa-bounce-rebound, -0.125em)); }
64% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }
100% { transform: scale(1, 1) translateY(0px); }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-fade {
50% { opacity: var(--fa-fade-opacity, 0.4); }

@keyframes fa-fade {
50% { opacity: var(--fa-fade-opacity, 0.4); }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-beat-fade {
0%, 100% { opacity: var(--fa-beat-fade-opacity, 0.4); transform: scale(1); }
50% { opacity: 1; transform: scale(var(--fa-beat-fade-scale, 1.125)); }

@keyframes fa-beat-fade {
0%, 100% { opacity: var(--fa-beat-fade-opacity, 0.4); transform: scale(1); }
50% { opacity: 1; transform: scale(var(--fa-beat-fade-scale, 1.125)); }
@-webkit-keyframes fa-flip {
50% { transform: rotate3d(var(--fa-flip-x, 0), var(--fa-flip-y, 1), var(--fa-
flip-z, 0), var(--fa-flip-angle, -180deg)); }

@keyframes fa-flip {
50% { transform: rotate3d(var(--fa-flip-x, 0), var(--fa-flip-y, 1), var(--fa-
flip-z, 0), var(--fa-flip-angle, -180deg)); }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-shake {
0% { transform: rotate(-15deg); }
4% { transform: rotate(15deg); }
8%, 24% { transform: rotate(-18deg); }
12%, 28% { transform: rotate(18deg); }
16% { transform: rotate(-22deg); }
20% { transform: rotate(22deg); }
32% { transform: rotate(-12deg); }
36% { transform: rotate(12deg); }
40%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); }

@keyframes fa-shake {
0% { transform: rotate(-15deg); }
4% { transform: rotate(15deg); }
8%, 24% { transform: rotate(-18deg); }
12%, 28% { transform: rotate(18deg); }
16% { transform: rotate(-22deg); }
20% { transform: rotate(22deg); }
32% { transform: rotate(-12deg); }
36% { transform: rotate(12deg); }
40%, 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); }

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0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

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0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

.fa-rotate-90 { transform: rotate(90deg); }

.fa-rotate-180 { transform: rotate(180deg); }

.fa-rotate-270 { transform: rotate(270deg); }

.fa-flip-horizontal { transform: scale(-1, 1); }

.fa-flip-vertical { transform: scale(1, -1); }

.fa-flip-both, .fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical { transform: scale(-1, -1); }

.fa-rotate-by { transform: rotate(var(--fa-rotate-angle, none)); }

.fa-stack { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 2em; position:

relative; width: 2.5em; }

.fa-stack-1x, .fa-stack-2x { inset: 0px; margin: auto; position: absolute; z-index:

var(--fa-stack-z-index, auto); }

.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x { height: 1em; width: 1.25em; }

.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x { height: 2em; width: 2.5em; }

.fa-inverse { color: var(--fa-inverse, #fff); }

.sr-only, .fa-sr-only { position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0px;
margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); white-space:
nowrap; border-width: 0px; }

.sr-only-focusable:not(:focus), .fa-sr-only-focusable:not(:focus) { position:

absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); white-space: nowrap; border-width: 0px; }

.svg-inline--fa .fa-primary { fill: var(--fa-primary-color, currentColor); opacity:

var(--fa-primary-opacity, 1); }

.svg-inline--fa .fa-secondary { fill: var(--fa-secondary-color, currentColor);

opacity: var(--fa-secondary-opacity, 0.4); }

.svg-inline--fa.fa-swap-opacity .fa-primary { opacity: var(--fa-secondary-opacity,

0.4); }

.svg-inline--fa.fa-swap-opacity .fa-secondary { opacity: var(--fa-primary-opacity,

1); }

.svg-inline--fa mask .fa-primary, .svg-inline--fa mask .fa-secondary { fill: black;


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.ic-heart { width: 24px; height: 22px; }

.ic-ticket { width: 21px; height: 30px; }

.ic-error { width: 120px; height: 120px; }

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.ic-premium--big { width: 22px; height: 22px; }

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.ic-leaderboard { width: 30px; height: 30px; }

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.ic-course--small { width: 21px; height: 17px; }

.ic-economics { width: 28px; height: 28px; }

.ic-science-engineering { width: 28px; height: 28px; }

.ic-medicine { width: 28px; height: 19px; }

.ic-psychology { width: 28px; height: 23px; }

.ic-money { width: 45px; height: 30px; }

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.ic-star--gray .ic-star__first-half, .ic-star--gray .ic-star__second-half { fill:

rgb(246, 247, 251); }

.ic-star--yellow-gray .ic-star__second-half { fill: rgb(246, 247, 251); }

.ic-institution { width: 60px; height: 40px; }

.ic-institution--small { width: 20px; height: 16px; }

.ic-unlocked-lock { width: 130px; height: 130px; fill: rgb(158, 169, 181); }

.ic-cloud-upload { width: 70px; height: 44px; fill: rgb(158, 169, 181); }

.ic-crafted-in-amsterdam { width: 120px; height: 59px; }

.ic-crafted-in-amsterdam path, .ic-crafted-in-amsterdam rect { fill: rgb(158, 169,

181); }
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1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; background-
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-image: none; padding: 10px; width: 100%;
height: auto; }

error) { border-color: rgb(179, 179, 179); }

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placeholder { color: rgb(158, 169, 181); font-size: 14px; }

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.p2hv .y1a3 { bottom: 341.9px; }

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.p2hv .y150 { bottom: 367.6px; }

.p2hv .y42 { bottom: 369px; }

.p2hv .y123 { bottom: 369.3px; }

.p2hv .y8 { bottom: 370px; }

.p2hv .y111 { bottom: 370.8px; }

.p2hv .y86 { bottom: 371.1px; }

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.p2hv .y211 { bottom: 376px; }

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.p2hv .y1c0 { bottom: 377.7px; }

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.p2hv .y39 { bottom: 381.1px; }

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