Descriptive Words For Characters' Looks

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Skin Texture

Word Context

Silken Best used to describe skin that is smooth and firm (generally positive)

Taut Best used to describe an athlete or someone who is in good shape (generally

Leathery Best used to describe someone who has tough and wrinkled skin due to harsh
working conditions or old age (can be positive or negative)

Dewy Best used to describe a character with soft and glowing skin (generally

Doughy Best used to describe skin that is flabby or loose (generally negative)

Skin Color

Word Context

Tawny Best used to describe someone who has a tan or a healthy, golden glow to
their skin (generally positive)

Florid Best used to describe a character with a red or flushed face (can be positive
or negative)

Porcelain Best used to describe someone with very fair and delicate skin (generally

Pallid Best used to describe someone who is very pale due to illness or stress
(generally negative)

Eye Type

Word Context

Doe-eyed Best used to describe someone with wide eyes and an innocent or naive
demeanor (can be positive or gently critical)

Sparkling Best used to describe eyes that are bright and engaging, or catch the light
(generally positive)

Gimlet Best used to describe someone with a piercing stare (can be positive or

Rheumy Best used to describe eyes that are watery and red; usually denotes old age
or illness (generally negative)

Beady Best used to describe eyes that are small, close-set, and resemble those of a
rodent (generally negative)

Nose type

Word Context

Aquiline Best used to describe a slightly curved nose with a prominent bridge
(generally positive)

Hawk Best used to describe a large and very curved nose (can be positive or

Bulbous Best used to describe a nose that is unusually large and round (generally

Snub Best used to describe someone with a very small, upturned nose (can be
positive or negative)

Hair type

Word Context

Cropped Best used to describe someone who has short hair clipped closely to their
skull (neutral)

Flowing Best used to describe hair that is long, thick, and wavy (generally positive)

Windblown Best used to describe a character with messy or wild hair, due to exertion or
outside conditions (can be positive or negative)

Disheveled Best used to describe someone with messy or dirty hair (generally negative)

Body type

Word Context
Lithe Best used to describe someone with a small, slender, and athletic body
(generally positive)

Bony Best used to describe a character who is so thin you can see the shape of
their bones (generally negative)

Frail Best used to describe someone who is very thin and weak, usually due to
sickness or old age (generally negative)

Hulking Best used to describe someone who is very large, tall, and imposing
(generally negative)

Gangly Best used to describe someone who is tall, thin, and awkward in their
movements—for instance, a teenager going through a growth spurt (can be
positive or negative)

Willowy Best used to describe a person who is slender and shapely (generally

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