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Role of fatty acids in adipocyte growth and development

M. J. Azain

J ANIM SCI 2004, 82:916-924.

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Role of fatty acids in adipocyte growth and development1,2

M. J. Azain3

Animal and Dairy Science Department, University of Georgia, Athens 30602

ABSTRACT: Fat is typically added to diets as a erator activated receptor, and other adipose-specific
source of energy. The alternative aspects considered genes, very early in adipocyte development. These ef-
here are the use of specific fats to alter the fatty acid fects have the potential to affect fat cell number at
profile of adipose tissue toward creation of value-added maturity. Specifically, there is evidence that the fatty
products and the potential for individual fatty acids to acids in fish oil, such as docosahexaenoic and eicosopen-
alter gene expression and control adipose tissue devel- taenoic acids, and fatty acids in the CLA series, de-
opment. Emphasis is placed on the omega-3 fatty acids, crease preadipocyte proliferation in cell lines and re-
such as those found in fish oil, and on CLA. The most duce adiposity in rodents. There is little direct evidence
of the ability of fatty acids to manipulate adipocyte
common association of fatty acids with adipose tissue
development in non-rodent species. The genetic, nutri-
is related to their storage as triglycerides in mature
tional, and pharmacological manipulation of adipose
adipocytes and the consequences of excess accumula-
tissue in meat animals has long been of interest to
tion in obesity. Fatty acids and their derivatives also animal scientists. An understanding of the ability of
can have hormone-like effects and have been be shown fatty acids to regulate factors such as adipocyte size
to regulate gene expression in preadipocytes, which ul- and number, particularly in meat animals, would be of
timately effects their proliferation and differentiation. great interest. The evidence for regulatory roles of fatty
Long-chain, saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids acids in development from rodent and in vitro studies
have been shown to regulate transcription factors, such and their potential application to meat animals are re-
as CCAAT/enhancer binding protein, peroxisome prolif- viewed.

Key Words: Adipocytes, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Gene Expression, Omega-3 Fatty Acids

2004 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2004. 82:916–924

Introduction in both ruminants and nonruminants. Biohydrogena-

tion of dietary fatty acids in the rumen makes manipu-
Conventional reasons to add fat to animal diets in- lation of tissue fatty acids more difficult in ruminant
clude: use as an energy source, to control dust and species (Wood and Enser, 1997). Thus, most of the
improve palatability of the diet, and in rare cases, as emphasis will be on studies in nonruminant species.
a source of essential fatty acids. Alternative reasons
for fat supplementation are the focus of this discus- Use of Dietary Fat to Create Value-Added
sion, and these include 1) alteration of the fatty acid Products with Altered Fatty Acid Profiles
profile of a particular product and thus creation of
“value-added” products and 2) alteration of adipose Elevated intakes of saturated fatty acids are associ-
development via fatty acid effects on gene expression. ated with an increased incidence of heart disease, as
The effects of dietary fat on tissue fatty acid profile well as other human health issues. Because much of
and on adipocyte development have been investigated the intake of saturated fat has been associated with
intake of animal products, there has been considerable
interest in reducing total carcass fat and in altering
Publication of this symposium paper is supported by USDA/ARS.
the profile of fatty acids toward a more unsaturated
Presented at the ASAS Symposium: Alternative Aspects of Adipo- pattern. Genetic selection and pharmacological agents
cyte Function, Phoenix, AZ. The author wishes to express his appreci- have been used to reduce carcass fat. Dietary fat ma-
ation to S. Duckett, G. Hausman, H. Mersmann, and S. Poulos for nipulation has been used to alter fatty acid profile.
their input and assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, there was interest
Correspondence—phone: 706-542-0963; fax: 706-542-0399; e-
in increasing n-3 fatty acids, whereas recently, the
Received July 10, 2003. focus has changed to incorporation of CLA isomers.
Accepted October 11, 2003. Manipulation of muscle or adipose tissue fatty acid


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Fatty acids and adipocytes 917
profile in non-ruminants by dietary alteration is well ing fish oil to nonruminants results in increased tissue
documented. In pigs, there is a linear relationship content of these fatty acids. Irie and Sakimoto (1992)
(r2 = 0.70) between dietary linoleic acid intake and reported that feeding diets with 6% fish oil to pigs for
percentage of 18:2 in the carcass (Averette-Gatlin et 4 wk resulted in a fivefold increase in EPA and a 10-
al., 2002b). Similarly, dose-dependent increases in tis- fold increase in DHA content of pork.
sue levels of the long-chain, highly unsaturated fatty There are, however, potential negative effects asso-
acids found in fish oil are observed in response to their ciated with an increase in n-3 fatty acid content. Be-
addition to the diet (Overland et al., 1996). cause n-3 fatty acids are liquid at room temperature,
one of the common observations in products enriched
Omega-3 Fatty Acids with these fatty acids is that they are oily and often
unacceptable to consumers. Although not observed in
The primary omega-3 fatty acids that have been of all studies, there is potential for reduced product shelf
interest are a-linolenic (ALA, 18:3⌬9, 12, 15), eicosapen- life and increased susceptibility to oxidative damage
taenoic (EPA, 20:5⌬5, 8, 11, 14, 17), and docosahexaenoic (Wood and Enser, 1997). Some studies report in-
(DHA, 22:6 ⌬7, 10, 13, 16, 19) acids. This series of fatty acids creased off-flavors in n-3-enriched products. These ef-
are metabolized to the Group 3 series of eicosanoids. In fects are less likely with ALA than with the fish oils.
contrast, n-6 fatty acids, which include linoleic (18:2⌬9, However, it is estimated that the conversion of ALA
) and arachidonic acids (20:4⌬5, 8, 11, 14), are metabo- to EPA is only 15% efficient (Nettleton, 1991; Winters
lized to the Group 1 and 2 series of eicosanoids (Chap- et al., 1994). In a study in cattle comparing the effects
kin, 2000). Interest in increasing the intake of n-3 of linseed oil and fish oil with a control group, feeding
fatty acids is associated with health benefits of these linseed oil resulted in a twofold increase in the ALA
compounds or their metabolites (Chapkin, 2000). In content of muscle phospholipids and a 50% increase
general, the eicosanoids produced from n-3 fatty acids, in EPA (no significant change in DHA). In contrast,
particularly EPA and DHA, are less inflammatory, feeding fish oil increases ALA by approximately 30%,
cause vasodilation, and inhibit platelet aggregation, and increases EPA and DHA by 150 and 112%, respec-
compared with those produced from n-6 fatty acids. tively (Scollan et al., 2001b).
Rodents fed fish oil have reduced adipose tissue mass, Thus, although it is possible to alter the fatty acid
although these effects may be gender and strain spe- profile of animal products to enrich their n-3 content,
cific (Belzung et al., 1993; Fickova et al., 2002). negative effects, such as decreased firmness, reduced
Studies of primitive diets indicate that humans shelf life, and off flavors, are likely (Wood and Enser,
likely evolved eating a diet with an n-6:n-3 ratio of 1997). There are also considerable inefficiencies in the
1:1 to 4:1 (Eaton et al., 1996). Due to the high intake conversion of these fatty acids from the diet to product.
of corn and soy oil, the current diet ratio in developed Feeding a diet with 6% fish oil (approximately 1% EPA
countries is greater than 10:1. Thus, future dietary + DHA) resulted in pork containing approximately 2
guidelines in the US will likely not only have recom- mg of EPA and DHA per 100 mg of total fat (Irie and
mendations for total fat and polyunsaturated:satu- Sakimoto, 1993). A 100-g serving of pork containing
rated ratio, but also a recommendation for an n-6:n- 3 to 5% fat would contribute 60 to 100 mg of these
3 ratio. Such guidelines exist in the United Kingdom fatty acids. Although this is significant, the current
(Scollan et al., 2001b). recommendations are for an average daily intake of 1
α-Linolenic acid can be elongated and further desa- to 4 g. Assuming a feed intake of 3 kg/d, the pig would
turated to give rise to EPA and DHA and is particu- have consumed approximately 5 kg of fish oil over the
larly abundant in linseed oil (ALA, 53%; n-6:n-3 ratio = 4-wk period. Finally, the costs associated with keeping
0.26). Feeding linseed oil or full-fat flaxseed results these potentially value-added carcasses segregated
in increased tissue content of ALA in pigs (Romans et from other product during processing are a further
al., 1995a,b; Van Oeckel et al., 1996) and cattle (Scol- consideration. Direct consumption of fish is probably
lan et al., 2001a,b). Canola or rapeseed oil contains the most efficient way for humans to increase their
approximately 9% ALA and has an n-6:n-3 ratio of intake of EPA and DHA.
2.5) and also increases the ALA content of pork when Fatty acid profile of poultry products can also be
fed to pigs (Leskanich, et al., 1997). Feeding 10% flax- influenced by diet. Sanz et al (1999a) reported that
seed (37% crude fat in seed) for 25 d before slaughter, whereas feeding polyunsaturated fats resulted in
resulted in increased ALA (control = 0.19, 15% flax- marked changes in the consistency of abdominal fat
seed = 0.75 mg of ALA/g of tissue) and EPA (control = consistency, it resulted in only moderately higher sus-
0.033, 15% flaxseed = 0.055 mg of EPA/g of tissue), but ceptibility to lipid oxidation as compared to fat from
no change in DHA in muscle (Romans et al., 1995a). birds fed more saturated fat sources. Zollitsch et al.
Because EPA and DHA are more direct precursors (1997) reported that feeding polyunsaturated fatty
for the Group 3 eicosanoids, it would seem more effi- acids (soy or rapeseed oil) improved growth perfor-
cient to feed them directly rather than depending on mance without negative effects on carcass characteris-
conversion of ALA. In general, EPA and DHA account tics. They attributed this effect to improved nutrient
for 15 to 20% of the fatty acids in most fish oils. Feed- digestibility with unsaturated fatty acids relative to

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918 Azain

more saturated forms. Although this is a possibility, In younger pigs fed CLA, the relative percentages in-
it does not explain the reduced fat pad weights that corporated into muscle were in the range of 2 to 5%
a number of investigators report with dietary PUFA of the fatty acids (Ramsay et al., 2001). This would
in birds (e.g., Newman et al., 2002). extrapolate to dietary levels of 60 to 250 mg/100-g
It is much more difficult to manipulate the tissue serving. Based on extrapolation from rodent studies,
fatty acid profile of ruminant animals (Wood and En- a daily intake of 3 to 5 g of CLA would be needed
ser, 1997). Scollan et al (2001b) examined diets con- to result in dietary levels similar to those that have
taining approximately 6% oil from a saturated source, anticarcinogenic and antiobesity effects in lab ani-
linseed oil, fish oil, or a combination of linseed and mals. Thus, as with n-3 fatty acids, it is possible to
fish oil. They reported that whereas EPA and DHA increase CLA content, but the cost effectiveness and
contents doubled with fish oil feeding relative to the practicality of doing so must be questioned.
control group, the contribution as a dietary source of Unlike n-3 fatty acids, feeding CLA does not have
n-3 fatty acids was small (control = 13 mg; fish oil, negative effects on carcass quality. One of the meta-
20:5 + 22:6 = 28 mg from a 100-g serving of beef). bolic effects of CLA is that it inhibits ⌬-9 desaturase
Hydrogenation rates for EPA and DHA were approxi- (Lee et al., 1998), the enzyme responsible for con-
mately 90% (Scollan et al., 2001a). Management sys- verting palmitate and stearate to palmitoleic and oleic
tems seem to have the potential to change fatty acid acids, respectively. The net effect of this inhibition
composition of beef more than dietary fat source. For is an increase in saturated fatty acid content and a
example, grass-fed beef contains significantly more n- reduction in iodine value (Averette-Gatlin et al,
3 fatty acids than would be found in products from 2002a), which results in firmer carcass fat characteris-
animals fed concentrate or feed lot diets (Duckett et tics. Although an increase in saturation is contrary to
al., 1993). current dietary recommendations, it should be pointed
out that the calculated atherogenic index (Ulbricht
Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Southgate, 1991) of CLA-enriched pork remains
less than that of milk. A decrease in the degree of
Conjugated linoleic acid represents a group of posi- unsaturation in animal products due to CLA feeding
tional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. There also has the potential to increase product shelf life,
are a number of reviews that summarize the history although this has yet to be consistently demonstrated.
of CLA and its potential mechanism of action (Pariza, At least two groups have reported that marbling is
1997; Pariza et al., 2001; Belury, 2002). Conjugated increased in CLA-fed pigs (Averette-Gatlin, 2002a;
linoleic acid is formed under anaerobic conditions in Wiegand et al., 2002). This has not been consistently
the rumen and large intestine by anaerobic bacteria observed, however (Dugan et al., 1997; Eggert et al.,
(Ha et al., 1989). The predominant isomer in these 2001; Tischendorf et al., 2002).
natural sources is the cis-9, trans-11 version, which
has anticarcinogenic properties (Ip et al., 1994). Syn- Dietary Fat and Adipose Tissue Development
thetic forms of CLA are produced from oils high in
linoleic acid oils, such as safflower oil, and these con- The discussion of the effects of dietary fat on adipose
tain predominantly the cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, tissue development can be divided into effects on cell
cis-12 isomers. With the availability of the synthetic size and those on cell number. Using the pig as a point
forms of CLA came the observation that CLA also had of reference, the latter generally occurs postweaning,
antiobesity effects (Park et al., 1997). It has subse- whereas the former is associated with late gestation
quently been shown that these can be attributed to and the preweaning period (Hausman, 1985). Al-
the trans-10, cis-12 isomer (Park et al., 1999). though it is possible to recruit new adipocytes at any-
The potential health benefits of CLA have contrib- time, it is generally agreed that cell number is largely
uted to an interest in identifying means to increase determined prior to weaning and that increases in
dietary intake. Developing animal products with in- body fat in the growing animal after weaning are ac-
creased amounts of CLA represents one means by counted for by preexisting cells filling with lipid
which to accomplish this goal. Meat products from (Van, 1985).
nonruminant animals contain low concentrations of
CLA, primarily the cis-9, trans-11 isomer (Chin et al., Effects of Dietary Fat on Cell Number
1992). Numerous studies in pigs and poultry demon-
strate that feeding synthetic forms of CLA results in Preadipocytes represent a pool of cells that have
increased tissue content (see Azain, 2003). For exam- the potential to either proliferate or differentiate into
ple, feeding 1.25% CLA to growing-finishing pigs for adipocytes. Differentiation is characterized by expres-
29 d prior to slaughter resulted in an increase in the sion of adipocyte specific proteins such as lipoprotein
CLA content of loin muscle from undetectable levels lipase (Cornelius et al., 1994) and is regulated by tran-
in the control to 5.8 mg/g of fatty acid (Wiegand et al., scription factors such as CCAATT/enhancer binding
2002). A 100-g serving of pork (assume 3 to 5% fat) protein-α (C/EBP-α) and peroxisome proliferator ac-
from a pig fed CLA would provide 15 to 25 mg of CLA. tivated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ; MacDougald and Lane,

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Fatty acids and adipocytes 919
1995; Shao and Lazar, 1997). Studies in cell culture there were no changes in vivo in response to feeding
systems clearly show the effects that fatty acids have fat. This may be due to the presence of mixed cell
on proliferation and differentiation of these cells populations in vivo, competing fatty acid metabolism,
(Amri et al., 1994). The mechanism by which this oc- time of sampling, or various other factors.
curs involves the fatty acids or their metabolites
(Duplus et al., 2000, 2001). In cases where gene ex- Effects of CLA on Adipocyte Differentiation
pression is affected, it is likely that fatty acids are
working through transcription factors such as the per- The CLA isomers are also ligands for PPAR (Belury
oxisome proliferator activated receptors or PPAR. et al., 2002; Ding et al., 2000) and have been shown
There are numerous reviews that demonstrate that to affect adipose development and gene expression in
the fatty acids or their metabolites such as the prosta- vitro. In vitro, CLA has been shown to inhibit prolifer-
glandins are ligands for PPAR (Kliewer et al., 1997; ation of 3T3-L1 cells, a cell line commonly used for the
Hertzel and Bernlohr, 1998; Sessler and Ntambi, study of adipocyte development (Brodie et al., 1999;
1998). In rodents, PPAR-γ is highly expressed in liver, Satory and Smith, 1999). A potential application of
kidney, heart, and brown adipose tissue, but is not this observation is that exposure of an animal to CLA
detected in white adipose tissue (Schoonjans et al., at the time when fat cell number is being determined
1996). Stimulation of PPAR-γ by fatty acids or specific might ultimately allow for control of adiposity. We
ligands such as the fibrates, results in increased fatty have tested this possibility in both the pig and rat. In
acid oxidation ( Kliewer et al., 1997; Wolfrum et al., the rat study (Poulos et al., 2001), pregnant females
2001). PPAR-γ2 is highly expressed in white adipose were fed diets containing 0 or 0.5% CLA beginning
tissue (and at low or undetectable levels in liver) and on d 7 of gestation and continuing through d 21 of
its stimulation by fatty acids or specific ligands such lactation. Progeny were monitored at 11 wk of age.
as the thiazolidinediones results in expression of There was no effect of maternal diet on adipocyte size
markers associated with preadipocyte differentiation or number. It should be noted that whereas it was our
(Tontonoz et al., 1994; Schoonjans et al., 1996a,b; Gre- expectation that feeding CLA during gestation would
goire et al., 1998; Thuilier et al., 1998). result in accumulation in the fetus, we were unable
In contrast to what has been well documented in the to detect CLA in the pups at birth. CLA was detected
rodent, both PPAR-α and -γ are expressed in porcine at 11 and 21 d of age, so it is likely that it is transferred
adipose tissue (Houseknecht et al., 1998; Ding et al., in milk.
2001b; Spurlock et al., 2002). The significance of this In the pig study (Poulos et al., 2000), sows were fed
is not yet clear, but emphasizes the danger in extrapo- 0 or 0.5% CLA beginning on d 40 or 70 of gestation
lating data from rodent or cell culture systems to large and continuing through d 21 of lactation (weaning).
animals. Similarly, both isoforms (γ-1 and γ-2) of Carcass composition of selected progeny was deter-
PPAR-γ are expressed in bovine adipose tissue (Sund- mined by ultrasound at 100 kg of BW. As in the rat
vold et al., 1997). Expression of PPAR-α has not been study (Poulos et al., 2001), there was no influence of
reported in the bovine. However, Kawada et al. (1998) maternal diet on body composition at market weight
reported that Wy14,643, a selective ligand for PPAR- and we were unable to detect CLA in pigs at birth.
α, stimulated differentiation of bovine fibroblast-like Sow milk samples collected on d 7 and 21 of lactation
cells into adipocytes in vivo. This response was less showed significant increases in CLA in response to
potent than that seen with the thiazolidinediones, feeding. Conjugated linoleic acid also caused a depres-
which are selective for PPAR-γ, suggesting a more sion in milk fat.
important role for this isoform in differentiation. These studies fail to confirm that CLA can affect fat
In porcine preadipocyte cultures, fatty acids have cell number as was reported in vitro (Brodie et al.,
been shown to regulate gene expression of both tran- 1999; Satory and Smith, 1999). In many cases, effects
scription factors and markers of adipocyte differentia- of CLA in culture have been investigated with CLA
tion (Ding et al., 2001a,b). However, a clear relation- as the only lipid in the media. This is not physiological.
ship of fatty acids and transcription factor expression There is a need to conduct additional work with mixed
in relation to adiposity in vivo has not been estab- fatty acids as would be typical in vivo.
lished (Spurlock et al., 2000, 2002; Ding et al., 2003).
Based on patterns of transcription factor and adipo- Effects of Dietary Fat on Cell Size.
cyte specific protein, McNeel et al. (2000) concluded
that use of cell culture systems with porcine stromal In comparison with diets with no added fat, there
vascular cells as a source of preadipocytes was a valid are characteristic changes in performance associated
method for investigation of adipose development in with diets supplemented with fat. In the pig, as well
the pig. However, they also noted that the relative as in other livestock, these include reduced intake,
pattern and magnitude of change for various tran- improved gain and feed efficiency, and increased car-
scripts differed from the in vivo situation. Recently, cass fat. The increase in carcass fat is most likely the
this group (Ding et al., 2003) reported that despite result of increased fat cell size (Steffen et al., 1978).
strong in vitro effects of fatty acids on transcription, Addition of fat to the diet results in an increase in the

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920 Azain

energy density of the diet, which reduces intake (NRC, was unexpected given that other investigators re-
1987). The improved growth performance is likely a ported that, as with rodents, lipogenesis was inhibited
combination of the effects of dietary fat on reducing to a greater extent in chicken hepatocytes with unsat-
gut passage rate and increasing digestibility of other urated vs. saturated fatty acids (Lien et al., 2000; Sanz
nutrients, and the metabolic effects that result in in- et al., 2000.).
creased net energy availability. Pettigrew and Moser It seems that in species where the liver is the pri-
(1991) summarized the effects of dietary fat on perfor- mary site of lipogenesis, unsaturated fatty acids are
mance and carcass characteristics from over 90 stud- more inhibitory than saturated ones. Such is the case
ies and concluded that the increase in carcass fat was in rodents and poultry. In species where adipose tissue
independent of whether the calorie:protein ratio in is the primary site of lipogenesis, saturated fatty acids
the diet was maintained. Earlier work (Allee, 1985) are equivalent (or more potent) than unsaturated. The
had suggested that the effects of dietary fat can be regulation of hepatic expression of lipogenic enzymes
offset if the calorie:protein ratio is maintained. How- such as fatty acid synthase has been well character-
ever, the extra-caloric and extra-metabolic effects of ized, but there has been little investigation of the regu-
dietary fat result in greater efficiency of digestion and lation of the gene in adipose tissue in rodents or other
energy retention, which most likely account for the species. In particular, there is a need to characterize
increased carcass fat despite this adjustment. the potential differences in the promoter regions of
When fat is included in the diet, there is an inhibi- these genes in various tissues. Such a characterization
tion of de novo lipogenesis, and the fatty acids that may help to explain species and depot differences in
are deposited in adipose tissue switch from being of the anti-lipogenic response to unsaturated fatty acids.
endogenous origin to that characteristic of the exoge- There are limited studies on the specific effects of
nous fat source. There are important species differ- n-3 fatty acids on fat cell size in livestock or poultry.
ences in the primary site of lipogenesis and in the In rats, there is evidence that animals fed fish oil have
effect of exogenous fatty acids on the rate of lipogen- reduced cell size and reduced fat pad weights (Belzung
esis. In rodents, lipogenesis occurs in both liver and et al., 1993; Su and Jones, 1993; Fickova et al., 2002).
adipose tissue, whereas in pigs and ruminants it is This effect seems to be depot, gender, and strain de-
primarily in adipose tissue. The liver is the main site pendent, and there are no corresponding observations
of lipogenesis in the bird (Allee et al., 1971a,b, 1972; in livestock. At least part of these effects may be ac-
Steffen et al., 1978; Donaldson, 1985). counted for by the potent effects of fish oil fatty acids
The literature on the effects of the type of dietary on lipogenesis in the liver (Herzberg and Rogerson,
fat on lipogenesis is dominated by studies in rodent 1988).
liver tissue demonstrating the effects of the degree of
unsaturation on inhibition of fatty acid synthase (e.g., Effects of CLA on Cell Size
Clarke, 2001). In fact, the effects of degree of unsatu-
ration are specific to liver. There is no difference in With reports of the antiobesity effects of CLA in
the degree of inhibition by saturated and unsaturated rodents, there was interest in the potential to use CLA
fatty acids in rodent adipose tissue (Shillabeer et al., as a repartitioning agent in meat animals. In rats
1990). This suggests that the promoter regions of fatty fed CLA, the antiobesity effect is accounted for by
acid synthase differ between tissues. decreased lipid filling of adipocytes, and thus, de-
Lipogenic enzyme activity and overall lipogenesis creased cell size (Azain et al., 2000). In livestock, the
are low in the liver of pigs (Lee et al., 2000; Ding et effects of dietary CLA on body fat have been less than
al., 2001; Gondret et al., 2001). There are reports from that observed in rodents and have been inconsistent.
three independent laboratories that inhibition of lipo- The effects dietary CLA in finishing pigs has recently
genesis in adipose tissue of the pig is stronger with been reviewed (Azain, 2003). Two factors that appear
saturated fat sources than with unsaturated sources to account for the variation in carcass fat response to
(Allee et al., 1972; Camara et al., 1996, Smith et al., dietary CLA are the level of fat in the diet and the
1996). Dietary fat inhibits lipogenesis in ruminants amount of carcass fat in the control group. Conjugated
(Deeth and Christie, 1979; Emery, 1979; Page et al., linoleic acid decreases subcutaneous fat thickness
1997), but it is not clear if there are differences in when there is little or no other fat added to the diet
potency for different degrees of unsaturation. and when the level of 10th-rib fat in the control group
Several studies report that feeding polyunsaturated is greater than 23 mm. The relevance of fat thickness
fatty acids to chickens results in reduced abdominal is confounded by gender, in that barrows are generally
and total carcass fat as compared to that in birds fatter than gilts. There are a few specific studies with
fed saturated fatty acid sources (Sanz et al., 1999a,b, appropriate controls that support this explanation for
2000; Crespo and Esteve-Garcia, 2002a,b; Newman et the variation in response.
al., 2002). The calculated contribution of endogenous When CLA was added to diets with 2% added fat,
synthesis of fat to depot fat indicated that there was there was an 11% (P < 0.05) decrease in subcutaneous
less endogenous contribution when birds were fed sat- fat thickness. However, at 5% added fat, there was no
urated fat (Crespo and Esteve-Garcia, 2002b). This significant CLA effect (Dugan et al, 2001). The gender

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Fatty acids and adipocytes 921
Table 1. Comparison of key aspects of adipose development and metabolism in rodents, pigs, and cattlea
Item Rodent Pig Cattle

Fate of dietary fatty acids Absorbed without major Absorbed without major Majority biohydrogenated to
modification modification saturated forms
PPAR expression in adipose tissueb
PPAR-α expressed in liver, but not PPAR-α, γ-1, and γ-2 PPAR-α expression not
in adipose tissue expressed in adipose tissue reported
PPAR γ-1 in liver only PPAR γ-1 and γ-2 expressed
PPAR γ-2 highly expressed in in adipose tissue
adipose tissue
Effect of exogenous fatty acids on lipogenesis
In liver Fatty acids inhibit lipogenesis and Not a major site of lipogenesis Not major site of lipogenesis
unsaturated are more inhibitory than
In adipose tissue No effect of degree of unsaturation Fatty acids inhibit lipogenesis; Limited data, but several
on lipogenesis several studies suggest that studies show that fatty acids
saturated fatty acids are more inhibit lipogenesis
inhibitory than unsaturated
See text for references.
PPAR = peroxisome proliferator activated receptor.

and fat thickness interaction is illustrated in another of confirmation of in vitro results may be due to the
study (Tischendorf et al., 2002). In barrows, the con- artificial environments used in cell culture studies or
trol group had 26 mm of 10th-rib fat thickness and to complexities of in vivo systems. Much of what is
CLA reduced fat thickness 11% (P < 0.01). In this same known about fatty acid metabolism and effects on gene
study (Tischendorf et al., 2002), however, there was regulation is based on information gathered in experi-
no effect of CLA in gilts that had 20 mm of fat. To ments with laboratory animals and from cell lines in
further illustrate this point, Averette-Gatlin et al. culture. There are important species differences that
(2002) examined the effects of CLA on barrows and must be considered in applying this information to
gilts with and without 4% added fat. They observed livestock and poultry (Table 1). In many cases, species-
no effect of CLA in any of the groups. The key here is specific details for nonlaboratory animals are not
that both barrows and gilts had less than 15 mm of known. There is a need for investigation of the differ-
fat, well below the proposed threshold of 23 mm. Thus, ences in the regulation of key enzymes and expression
studies in rodents suggesting that the effects of CLA of regulatory proteins such as PPAR. The emphasis
are independent of diet and background level of car- over the last few decades on reduction of the total
cass fat (Park et al., 1997; DeLany et al., 1999) are amount of adipose tissue needs to be refocused on
not necessarily applicable to other species. It would identification of factors that allow control over the
appear that other than alterations in fatty acid profile, development of specific adipose depots, such as be-
which results in increased carcass or belly firmness, tween subcutaneous and intramuscular sites.
there is not a consistent advantage to feeding CLA
to pigs. Implications

Summary and Future Direction Despite improvements in lean:fat ratio in meat ani-
mals, there is continued interest in defining ways to
Two aspects of the relationship between dietary fat regulate fat deposition. Dietary fat can substantially
and adipose tissue have been reviewed: 1) the ability alter the tissue fatty acid profile in nonruminants,
to modify fatty acid profiles as a means to create val- and to a lesser extent in ruminants, but there is little
ued-added products with increased n-3 or CLA content evidence that adipose tissue development is changed.
and 2) the ability of dietary fat to affect adipose cell There is a need for better understanding of species
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