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In the present era, marked by the rapid advancement in science and technology, particularly in

artificial intelligence, scientists have crafted numorous robots which can imitiate human actions
to carry out specific tasks. This has enhanced human productivity significantly. Therefore, as
time unfolds, I confidently assume that over the next two decades, when everything will change
positively, people will have more leisure time than they do now. This essay will make my
viewpoint clear.

First and foremost, leisure time will arise from the wide application of science and technology
into our daily life. Routine tasks become effortless and are swiftly accomplished. Imagine that
twenty years from now, when you go to a supermarket to buy some necessary goods, you no
need to step inside but you still can purchase it. You will spend approximately ten minutes
manipulating electronic screens through some buttons which have been set on it. Immediately,
all merchandise which you choose will be brought outside automatically. You can inspect and
make the payment.

In addition, not only in the realm of technology but also in transportation, there have been
remarkable advancements. Many high-speed vehicles will be created to make travel not to be a
big problem for humans. Let me tell you about my story. My home is approximately thirty
kilometer away from my university. So, I have to wake up early to drive myself to school
everyday. It takes me two hours for the round trip each day. While I am driving, I also need to
focus on observing around to ensure safety for myself. However, twenty years later, when the
subway system in Ho Chi Minh city is completed and widely used for all citizens, I will only
need fifteen minutes to reach to my university. While traveling by subway, I can relax and
refresh by listening to music or having a short sleep before learning. I believe that many students
having same thought like me.

In conclusion, 20 years from now, everything around us will evolve positively based on human
needs. That leads to a reduction in working hours. People will have more free time compared to
the present. They can use extra time for relaxation, self-care or their family or do everything they

The physical appearance cannot be denied as an extremely important factor that plays a
crucial role in every human activity. It is considered a powerful weapon that can
sometimes overshadow other factors in the workplace. The outward appearance brings
many benefits, such as in jobs, relationships, social interactions, and success in various
fields. There are many aspects to consider, but in this essay, I will discuss two aspects:
work and participation in sports.
Firstly, the outward appearance is seen as a natural advantage that people have from birth
and has a significant impact on various situations in the workplace. Some examples
include job interviews at a company or when meeting and conversing with clients and
partners to discuss work-related issues. If you have a tall and attractive appearance, dress
professionally, and present yourself neatly, you will immediately create a positive
impression for them upon the first meeting. This contributes to making your work more
favorable and easier. Moreover, sometimes the outward appearance is considered a
crucial factor in certain specific jobs such as influencers, TikTokers, YouTubers,
salespersons, presenters, etc. Apart from professional knowledge, people in these jobs
need to take care of themselves, groom themselves, dress fashionably, and especially be
in line with trends. Only in this way can they attract a large audience, especially the Gen
Z generation at that time, and from there, they can earn income from online platforms or
advertising companies.

Furthermore, physical appearance also greatly aids us when participating in sports

activities. Having a tall and healthy physique can be a determining factor in the outcome
of competitions. Let me share my story to illustrate this. I am relatively short compared to
my peers. When I joined in playing basketball with classmates at school, they could
easily score by making a simple jump shot or dunking, while I had to carefully aim to
make an accurate shot to score points. When I missed a shot, they would express
disappointment and treat me as a burden, not wanting to play with me anymore. This
made me feel sad and hurt. You see, if you lack skills, you can improve through practice,
but if you lack a certain physical appearance, you will undoubtedly always be at a
disadvantage in sports competitions.

In summary, the outward appearance is an indispensable factor in everyone's life. It is

regarded as a stepping stone that helps us quickly achieve our personal dreams. Outward
appearance brings many advantages in almost every aspect of life. While not everyone
openly expresses concern for outward appearance, it is a factor that is always present in
the emotions of individuals. Therefore, we need to improve ourselves, put in more effort
to have a good appearance that is sufficient to meet the demands of both work and social

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