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a total flop: a real let-down

acclaim: praise, applaud

adaptation: a film, television drama or play that is based
on a particular book or play but has been changed to suit
the new medium
anthem: song of praise
archeological: relating to the study of past human life and culture
artefact: an object that is remade, especially
sth very old of historical interest
audible: that can be heard clearly
authenticity: the quality of being true or what somebody claims it is
authentication: a process that determines the
identity of the person requiring access
blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success
booed: got disapproving noises from the audience
bring the house down: give a very successful or
amusing speech, performance, etc.
budding: up-and-coming
cliffhanger: a sudden ending to a chapter,
which makes the reader want to read on.
clumsy: awkward of movement.
contemptuous: scornful
cops-and-robbers: a police or crime theme
curtain call: the bows at the end of a performance
deduce: to draw a conclusion from given facts
depiction: the act of showing sb/sth in a particular way in words or pictures
digestible: able to be taken into the body's system
disjointed: not connected; having no flow in thinking
doppelganger: a ghostly double of a living person
easel: a frame for holding art work or paper
editorial: an article giving opinions or perspectives
eerie: weird; mysterious; strange and frightening
ensembles: a group of musicians, actors, or
dancers who perform together
evocative: calling forth a vivid image or impression
exquisite: having rare beauty
far-fetched: unlikely to happen
foyer: entrance hall
glossy: smooth and shining
groundbreaking: introducing new ideas or methods
hoover: to clean a carpet, floor, etc. with a vacuum cleaner
hostility: the intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior
hue: a colour
hypothetical: based on an assumption or guess
hysterical: uncontrollably emotional
impenetrable: very difficult to understand
Impressionism: an artistic movement that sought to
capture a momentary feel, or impression, of the piece they were drawing
improvise: to create without any forethought or preparation
innermost: most private, personal, or secret
integrate: to combine sth with another so that they become a whole.
interpretation: the action of explaining the meaning of something
inure: become used to
jagged: having a sharp, pointed edge or outline
kiln: an oven used for making pottery
laud: highly praise
look on the bright side:
miscast: (of an actor) not suitable for the role they have been given
mix up: to confuse
motif: a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an
artistic or literary composition
moving: causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
op-art: a style of art that exploits the physiology of seeing
in order to create illusory optical effects
orchestrate: to arrange a piece of music in parts so that it can be played by
ornament: decoration
pan/slate: to criticize sb/sth
peerless: unique
philharmonic: a music lover
pigment: a chemical that produces color
portrayal: a description or drawing that reflects a certain point of view
premiere: first performance
primetime: the most expensive time to advertise on television
because the largest number of viewers are watching
prompt: make sb decide to do sth
rapturously: in a way that expresses extreme pleasure or enthusiasm
registration: the process of signing up to be a voter
relaunch: to start something again
reruns: when episodes are played again after
they've already played for the first time
risque: slightly rude or shocking
rouse: to wake or provoke
run-of-the-mill: ordinary, not special
scenery: painted background
sophisticated: showing advanced skills and understanding
standing ovation: the audience stood up and applauded
steal the show: attract the most attention, be the most popular
stencils: a thin piece of metal, plastic or card with a design cut out of it,
that you put onto a surface and paint over so that the design is left on the surface
surrealism: an artistic movement emphasizing the imagination
and characterized by incongruous juxtapositions and lack of conscious control
sweep the board: to win everything that is available
tangible: touchable
tender: to offer formally
tongue-in-cheek: humorous or ironic statement not meant to be taken literally
typecast: always associated with that type of role
ubiquity: the fact of appearing everywhere or being very common
uncanny: strange or mysterious
a preliminary guide, and subsequently covered with layers of paint.
understated: done or expressed in a simple but attractive style
understudy: an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
unison: a sounding together
up-and-coming: likely to achieve success soon or in the near future
usher: a person who shows people to their seats

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