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Steve Reeves, being jacked.

What is being jacked?

Jacked (Adj) : A state of having huge muscles.

Chad: “Baby, you think I look swole today?”

Stacy “Hell yeah, sugar - you are JACKED!”

Living in a state of being jacked is superior to a life where you are not jacked. Male,

female, old or young, this is the truth.

Socially - People respect you more, people approach you more, doors open where they

were shut, you earn more money.

Biologically - you feel healthier, you move better, you have more energy, can eat more

Mentally - You can handle heavier mental loads, you have more confidence,

Being jacked is one of the only status symbols that you cannot buy.

I’d rather be a jacked poor person than a fat millionaire.

Luckily, we can be JACKED BILLIONAIRES.

To be able to walk shirtless around and be a living personification of the spirit of Apollo,

a testament to the divinity and beauty of God, such is a feeling that Is greater than gold.

It does satisfy the Ego, yes, but ultimately to be the best version of physical self is a

prayer to the opportunity of being born in this human body, and being jacked through the

lifestyle decisions you create is a prayer; the essence of Physical Spiritualism!

You cannot be truly jacked without a base level of health. The body needs to be in a

state of harmony and have extra energy in order to facilitate muscle growth. There are

some jacked people that aren’t truly healthy, and there are healthy people that aren’t

jacked. It is my belief and experience that the more health you acquire, the higher your

base line of Qi energy available to you, then the higher your muscular capabilities.

So this email is discussing all the ways that I know that support this, in your efforts to

become Jacked in order to be the best version of ourselves and an inspiration to those

around us.
me, being JACKED.
How do we become jacked?


Getting QUALITY sleep, 9-10 hours


prioritise meat, eggs, organ meats

Don’t eat garbage, EVER

de-stress your life + relationships

stay consistent for YEARS

Meditative Muscular Visualisation

No regular alcohol

Avoid Soy, Plastic and other estrogenics

The level of muscle you can build If you are doing the above is SO far from what most

people know as possible. Your muscle building capabilities are capped by the health of

your body, but also the state of your mind and the quality of your spirit. The best

bodybuilders literally WILL muscle onto their bodies, through direct visualisation in


Because most people do not commit fully to the holistic lifestyle that supports the most

muscle, they think their genetics are ‘bad’. You must look at the whole picture, it’s not

enough to be training hard and eating well once you get to the upper echelons -

especially in our current society that is full of fake foods and weakening social

practices. YOUR BODY IS A REFLECTION OF YOUR LIFESTYLE - not one workout, not one

meal, but the ENTIRE way you live your life.

There is no ONE workout which will give you the body you desire It will not be ONE good

clean meal that makes you shredded

It’s about cultivating a lifestyle so that you spend the most hours of your day doing

healthy things - and so this will be reflected in the quality of your JACKED physique.
Beliefs: As with anything, what we believe will ultimately form our reality. You must

curate firstly the belief that you CAN be jacked. That it’s your reality’s DEFAULT to be

jacked. Envision yourself as jacked, soak yourself in the feeling of what being jacked

would feel like. Know that feeling, and BE in the GOAL FULFILLED. In meditation,

envision new muscle fibres being created every day, and visualise your existing muscle

fibres expanding in size. If you believe you are a ‘hard gainer’ or ‘naturally skinny’, this is

doing nothing but hamstringing your ability to put on muscle.


- I EASILY gain Strength + lean muscle mass with each and every passing day

- Everything that I eat and drink makes me stronger

- I lose body fat and gain muscle every single passing day.

- My Body is capable of great strength and beauty.

Spiritual - by connecting to the force that links us all, to GOD then we allow ourselves to

tap into a form of energy that will support every area of our lives, as well as muscle

growth. Meditating often, praying for guidance, and giving your ‘worries’ up to God are all

powerful practices that will improve every area of your life.

Diet - You will need to eat more in order to put on more weight. This is often the hardest

part for people. Track your calories initially but you can also just go by rule of thumb - if

you want to increase weight then eat a little bit more than you were previously. Have

saturated fat and cholesterol intake be high in order to facilitate optimal hormone

production. Low Fat and low carb are both memes, you need all macronutrients for
optimal health and muscularity. If you want to cut, eat a little less, drop the carbs from

dinner, walk more and fast for 24 hrs once in a while. Slow fat loss is sustainable.

The most anabolic foods are thus:

- Quality Meats grass fed beef, wild fish, venison

- Eggs (leave the yolks uncooked), raw eggs are great as a snack

- Raw Milk, raw kefir

- Liver (fresh, or bison liver capsules from Sol Supps)

- Raw honey

- Carbs - potatoes, white rice

- FRUIT maxing

- Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

If you have a diet consisting of these foods, you are well on your way to giving your body

what it needs to become jacked.

Movement: We lift weights in the gym, but general movement Is essential to optimal

health and thus being the most jacked we can be. Whatever form of ‘cardio’ or

movement you do, will move the blood around the body, clearing waste products and

feeding the muscles with new blood and nutrients. Walking is the quintessential human

activity, and provides a form of ‘Active Recovery’. Get some form of movement in every

day, even on rest days, ideally multiple times a day.

Random sets of pushups, pull-ups, dips, squats and calf raises throughout the day.

Connect to your muscles.

Lifting: Is it unavoidable that to become jacked, we must live some heavy weights. As

far as general practices, you need your muscles to do more than you did yesterday. Not
every day will be better than the last, but the general trend over the months must be

upwards, either in terms of amount lifted, how quickly you do it, or the number of times

you lift that weight. FORCE your muscles to do what they have never done, in order to

ELICIT the growth of muscle it’s never needed before. This is the essence behind

hypertrophy. The mental edge of pushing yourself beyond boundaries comes first.

Believe me, your body is capable!

This is not to say to go to 200% every time, But go to 102% each time, compared to your

last gym session (with adequate rest and nutrition in between).

Frank Zane said: Each time you’re in the gym, make your workout a little bit harder. Do

this for years. Additionally, you will need to hone and focus the skill of your mind-muscle

connection. Don’t just ‘lift the weight’, truly put the attention of the mind into contracting

each individual muscle fibre in the manner in which it is meant to operate, WITH LOAD,

across every degree of movement.

Lift hard for 45 minutes, you can get a good workout in this amount of time. Leaving the

gym with a little in the tank will still improve muscular growth if you are pushing yourself

to the limit within this time frame. Focus on form over weight. Make a light weight FEEL

heavy, by the use of proper angles, slower tempos and mind muscle connection. Get in

the gym, lift hard and stress the muscle to elicit a hypertrophic response, then get out

and recover and eat, sleep.

Sleep: Sleep is when we recover and rebuild the muscle. If your sleep is not optimised

then you are not going to develop muscle at the highest rate you could. Body fat is also

naturally higher when you are sleeping poorly. Take a nap in the day if you can, they are


Some tips to sleeping well:

- Sleep and rise at the same time every day

- Sleep earlier and rise earlier, closer to the sunset and rise. The hours of sleep you get
before midnight are more important than after midnight. Even if you sleep ‘8 hours’, if

you’re going to bed 10-11pm then you're not getting optimal refreshment.

- No blue light emitting screens or harsh lights once the sun goes down. Candles and

salt lamps only.

- Reduce caffeine intake, ONLY have it in the morning if you do. Have days off it.

- Tape your mouth - enables only nasal breathing at night. Game changing in quality of


- No huge meals right before bed. walk off dinner before sleeping.

- Stretch before bed, acupressure on the soles of the feet, jaw massage release.

- Glycine with camomile tea before bed

- Build a relaxing sleep routine using the above points.

Breathing: the breath is how we get oxygen into the body, and how we detoxify the

blood. It is essential to be breathing DEEPLY, using the diaphragm and only nasal

breathing in order to maximise muscularity. Even when training hard, only breathe

through the nose and your physical results will be better. Various breathing exercises

can be employed to either energise the system, (before training) or calm the body down

(when we want to relax and recover).

Within this, the quality of the air we breathe is paramount. Fresh air as often as possible,

outdoor workouts are better for you than indoors. Open up your windows and doors

when at home, especially while sleeping. The fresher the air, the better your recovery and


Semen Retention: You are limiting your MAX POTENTIAL MUSCULARITY if you are

constantly spilling semen through physically ejaculating.

The VITALITY And general SHIMMER that life takes on when you are on an extended

period of semen retention is like NOTHING else -

Anxious or depressive thoughts don’t exist, you need less sleep, you have more energy

in ALL realms, and you become more jacked and need less recovery for the same


The principle of Semen Retention is thus:

- There is an energy flowing through all things - called Qi, Life Force, Prana, Reiki by

various different cultures

- This energy field is related to another energetic substance known as iing, and once all

this has been expended the body dies. Jing can be lost in many ways, but most notably

through the loss of body fluids.

- Semen contains the most ‘Jing’

- It also requires massive amounts of energy and nutrients to create, so without losing

these you can direct them to your muscles

- Decreasing the frequency of ejaculation results in A richer life, stronger body and more

resilient mind.

- If you are not having sex to create new life, then use that immense energy to enhance

your own life, by recycling the Qi within, thus depleting your life-force more slowly.

It’s been true in my life and in countless people I have trained or talked to, if you bust

less nuts, you will find it easier to become jacked. Your hormones are better, your energy

is higher, your mentality is stronger. RETAIN.

Genetics: When people talk about “rah rah this body isn’t achievable, look at his genetics

rah rah” Both bullshit things you tell yourself to COPE that someone looks better than

you, because it damages the ego. I know, cause I used to do it before improving my

mindset. Now, I take inspiration and motivation from others that are further along the

path than me.

“Oh my genetics are bad, I should woof down this pizza because I’ll never look like that

guy”. No, you won’t because you will look like YOURSELF, but you know what else?

There is NOT A SINGLE HUMAN that if they worked out correctly, had the right approach

and ate right for 10 years that THEN they would still look bad.EVEN if it were true, which

it isn’t for 99% of cases, does this change your behaviour?

No, still eat healthy, smash weights, work out hard for YEARS to fully realise the potential

of your genetics. I’ve had clients I’ve coached that thought they had shit genetics, but

with the right approach, the right style of training, put on muscle and lose fat they never

thought possible.

Regardless of genetics, every huge and jacked guy you see has been consistent across

every realm for years

Eating the right things

Sleeping correctly

Training intensely and in the right ways

Resting and recovering

Through the study of epigenetics, we know that our bodies respond to belief and

lifestyle, soyour genetics are malleable even at your base level. They also respond to the

nutrition you feed it - your jaw and skull shape responding to Availability of Vitamin K2,

for example. Testosterone responding to animal cholesterol and stress levels. If you

LIMIT yourself by thinking ‘my genetics are trash for muscle building’ then you are

shooting yourself in the foot.

Sunlight: A breakdown on how to be jacked would not be complete without a mention of

the giver of life, THE SUN. I partially credit my fizeek with the hours of time that I spend

in the sun. The benefits are endless, so the summary is - GET IN THE SUN MORE. No
sunscreen needed. Pop your shirt off at every opportunity, wear short shorts. There was

a reason the golden age bodybuilders would hit Venice Beach after every workout.

The sun will:

- give you energy

- promote blood vessel growth (vascularity and blood flow health)

- Make you tan (look more jacked)

- Promote Vitamin D synthesis (hormone that is pro-muscle)

- Time your circadian rhythm (improved sleep)

- Clear your mind

- Connect you spiritually to God


Water / Electrolytes - The most important ingredient in your body is plain water. The

quality of your tissues, their performance and their resistance to failure is absolutely

depends on the quality and quantity of the water you drink, as well as the electrolytes

and minerals contained within that water. Don’t drink cold water, drink room temp. Don’t

drink out of plastic, use glass only.

Options: get local spring water and refill glass bottles using Or,

get high quality still spring water in glass from your local store or order online, I like

Or, get a five gallon glass bottle on a ceramic dispenser with a stainless steel spigot - Fill

the bottles up at a local alkaline water store - they have huge sophisticated filters that

remove everything to a much higher degree than your home setup can for most cases.

Athletes who experience electrolyte loss through sweating may find that using a quality

sea salt on their foods and in their water improves energy levels. This is because you are

replacing the electrolytes needed for muscular activation potential. Becoming light-
headed upon standing or after working out (due to low blood pressure) is a symptom

related to low electrolyte levels.

I obviously stand behind Sol Salts as the best natural electrolyte supplement on the


Supplements: When it comes to bodybuilding, supplements are a method of creating

the perfect ‘anabolic’ environment. As someone being active and wanting optimal

health, we want a higher nutritional intake than the average person. Unfortunately, due to

our soil health and farming practices, we are lacking in several key nutrients even if we

eat a balanced diet. You will need to analyse your personal biology and health issues to

see what particular supplements you could use most, but as a general rule, you can

supplement these top picks:

Bison Liver: The most bioavailable powerhouse of readily accessible nutrients. If

you don’t always have raw liver available, then bison liver capsules are your ticket

to iron, B vitamins, and key metabolic supporters such as copper, selenium, zinc,

and fat soluble vitamins such as A and K. Bison are jacked, eat bison and become


Magnesium: The master stress mineral, Sol Supps Magnesium is out soon.

Having a high amount of magnesium in your system will mean you can recover

quicker, and your life will be lower stress, resulting in more muscle gain.

Glycine: Enhances deep sleep, promotes growth hormone production, boosts

protein synthesis, and as the simplest amino acid, is used for countless

processes in the human body. Have before bed for better sleep, or in large

amounts (20g) to promote growth hormone production.

Shilajit: A complex mineral base, testosterone booster hat contains filmic acid,

and over 85 different essential minerals in their bio-available forms: (iron, zinc,

magnesium, potassium, iodine, sulfur, chromium, manganese and selenium).

Regularly consuming Shilajit will support your body in so many ways.

There are a lot of supplements and minerals that can be used for particular

circumstances, but I’ll mention the most impactful ones for most people. You can get

jacked without supplements, although they will help facilitate the circumstances to

promote the most muscle.

Grounding/Nature: Grounding is a powerful practice that involves connecting to the

Earth with our bare skin and bodies. It can produce changes in a variety of physiological

measures, including:

Better sleep

Reduced stress

Better recovery

Humans evolved in direct contact with the Earth’s subtle electric charge, but have lost

this beneficial connection thanks to inventions of the modern world such as office

buildings, furniture and shoes with insulated plastic-soles. Grounding puts you in

contact with the earth’s surface which has a negative charge and is constantly

generating electrons that can neutralise free radicals, acting as antioxidants.

Research has shown barefoot contact with the earth can produce nearly instant

changes in a variety of physiological measures, helping to improve sleep, reduce pain,

decrease muscle tension and lower stress

“Grounding was shown to result in faster recovery and/or less pronounced

markers of muscle damage and inflammation”

“Grounding promotes significantly autonomic nervous system control of body

fluids and peripheral blood flow = improve blood circulation in the torso and face,

facial tissue repair, skin health and vitality and optimize facial appearance”.

In this sense, grounding is such a powerful factor in overall health that it would be

remiss for me not to mention it in getting jacked. Remember, the HEALTHIER you are,
the MORE JACKED you can get. It’s not only workouts and protein shakes!

So there you have it: a primer guide for being JACKED. It is important to mention that

these practices should be adhered to for YEARS in order to get to the end ranges of your

fizeek. There are always new muscles to train, new nutrients to maximise, new limits to

push. Never think you have ‘hit your potential’.

This is NOT to say that you NEED to do all these things in order to become muscular. If

you miss grounding for a while, or have poor sleep due to other circumstances, do not

cry and moan - remember your body is also resilient and you should always believe no

matter what that you can get jacked. This is the overarching belief that you must instil

into your head.

Go forth, AND BE JACKED.

- Sol Brah

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