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Guide of Arrival and Registration
for International Students

International College for Chinese Studies

Nanjing Normal University
南京师范大学随园校区地址:宁海路 122 号。
1. 从南京禄口国际机场到南京师范大学(随园校区)
1) 乘坐出租车从南京禄口国际机场到南京师范大学,可按照机场指示排队等候出租车。
“黑车”。上车后,可告知司机前往南京师范大学随园校区,地址是南京市宁海路 122 号。到
学校最低约 150 元,全程约 50 分钟。可以让司机从学校南侧门直接开到南山专家楼(留学生
2) 如要乘坐地铁,可从 T2 航站楼一楼国内到达出口左转 50 米可到达地铁口。乘坐机场
线(S1 号线),到南京南站下车;再转乘 1 号线(往迈皋桥方向),在珠江路站下车 1 号口
出。出站后,可以乘坐 6、91、160 路公交车到脑科医院站下车,再步行 300 米左右即到南京
师范大学随园校区。全程约 2 小时 30 分钟。
3) 南京禄口机场也有机场大巴可以到达学校附近,乘坐机场 2 号线(城西线,票价 20
元/位),到汉中门下车,再乘坐出租车(约 12 元)到南京师范大学随园校区。如果携带行李
较多,可以让司机从学校南门直接开到南山专家楼(留学生宿舍)。全程约 1 小时。
2. 从南京南站到南京师范大学(随园校区)
可以乘坐地铁 1 号线(往迈皋桥方向),在珠江路站下车 1 号口出,出站后,可以乘坐 6、
91、160 路公交车到脑科医院站下车,再步行 300 米左右即到南京师范大学随园校区。从火
车站乘坐出租车到南京师范大学随园校区约 40 元,可以让司机从学校南门直接开到南山专家
3. 乘坐火车到南京站(随园校区)
可以在火车站乘坐地铁1号线到珠江路站 1 号口出,换乘 6 路、91 路或 160 路到脑科医
院站下车,再步行 300 米左右即到南京师范大学随园校区。如若直接乘坐出租车从南京火车
站到南京师范大学随园校区,约 25 元。可以让司机从学校南侧门直接开到南山专家楼(留学

请出示护照、录取通知书和 JW202 表到南山专家楼前台办理入住手续,需要付 1000 元作为押
金,提供 24 小时服务。
在校外住宿的同学须在入住后 24 小时之内持护照和租赁合同到住地所属派出所登记,办理

报到地点:南京师范大学随园校区 200 号楼一楼
报到时间:9 月 4 日至 6 日,周一至周三,8:30—11:30, 13:30—16:30 (晚来报到注册的学
生,请到 112 办公室办理, 周末不办理报到手续。)若不能在这三天之内报到,请以邮件告知
a). 小 2 寸(护照的照片尺寸)的白底彩照 6 张;
b). 护照;
c). JW202 或 JW201 表;
d). 录取通知书;
e). 体检报告原件(如果有)。
a). 小 2 寸(护照的照片尺寸)的白底彩照 6 张;
b). 护照;
c). JW202 或 JW201 表;
d). 录取通知书;
e). 上一阶段毕业证书和学位证书原件;
f). 上一阶段毕业证书和学位证书中英文翻译件或公证件(如果有);
g). 体检报告原件(如果有)。

如何进校:请新生扫描下方二维码加入“2023 秋季学期新生群”,具体操作方法可在微信群内


1). 国际文化教育学院国际学生招生办公室&事务办公室:83598326
2). 国际文化教育学院国际学生事务办公室

A. Transportation to school

1. From Nanjing Lukou International Airport

1). The students who come to Nanjing for the first time, we recommended to take a taxi from the
Lukou airport to the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal University. The taxis are available in a
designated zone indicated by the signs in the airport. To guarantee your safety and rights, please take
legally approved taxi which has a uniform coating and avoid the “black taxi”, which might
overcharge you illegally. Please tell the driver that you want to go to Suiyuan campus of Nanjing
Normal University, the address is No.122 Ninghai Road. The journey is about 50 minutes and costs
at least RMB 150.And you can ask the taxi driver to enter from the south gate of school to Nanshan
Hotel (the dormitory for international students) directly
2). If you choose to take the subway, turn left at the T2 terminal of domestic arrival exit on the first
floor, walk 50 meters and then you can find the subway entrance. Take Metro Line S1 to Nanjing
South Railway Station and transfer to Metro Line 1(heading to Maigaoqiao). Get off at Zhujiang
Road Station No.1 export. Then take No.6/91/160 bus to Brain hosptial Station (Nao ke yi yuan).
Walk 300 meters, you will find the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal University. The journey is
about 2 hours and 30 minutes.
3). The students also can take airport shuttle bus line 2(the West Line, RMB 20 per person) to
Hanzhongmen Station. Then take a taxi (about RMB 12) to the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal
University. In case of the heavy luggage, you can take the taxi to Nanshan Hotel (the dormitory for
international students) directly. The journey is about 1 hour.
2. From Nanjing South Railway Station
For students who take trains to Nanjing South Railway Station, you can take Metro Line 1(heading
to Maigaoqiao) to Zhujiang Road Station and take No.6/91/160 bus to Brain hosptial Station (Nao ke
yi yuan). Then walk 300 meters, you will find the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal University. It
is also very convenient to take a taxi from Nanjing South Railway Station to the Suiyuan campus of
Nanjing Normal University or Nanshan Hotel (the dormitory for international students) directly. It
costs about RMB 40.
3. From Nanjing Railway Station
For students who take trains to Nanjing Railway Station, please take Metro Line 1 to Zhujiang

Road Station and take No.6/91/160 bus to Brain Hosptial Station (Nao ke yi yuan). Then walk 300
meters, you will find the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal University. Take a taxi from Nanjing
Railway Station to the Suiyuan campus of Nanjing Normal University or directly to the Nanshan
Hotel (the dormitory for international students) will cost about RMB 25.

B. Accommodation

On Campus Dormitory:
Nanshan Hotel (the dormitory for international students) Tel: (+86-25)83292888
Please show your passport, Admission letter and JW202 to check in, pay RMB 1000 as deposit,
and it provides 24 hours service.
Live off campus:
Student who lives off campus should go to the local police station to make an accommodation
registration and get Registration Form of Temporary Residence with their passport and rent contract
within 24 hours after moving in (or moving into a new place).

C. Registration

Registration Place: The first floor, Building 200, Suiyuan Campus, Nanjing Normal University
Registration Time: 8:300-11:30am, 13:30-16:30pm, Sep.4 - Sep.6, Monday-Wednesday (For late
registration, students need to register at Room 112 Building 200, weekend except.) For students who
cannot register within these three days, please inform us of the accurate date of registration through
Materials for Registration:
For Language Students:
a). 6 White-background color photos, about 35*50mm, as in the passport;
b). Passport;
c). Visa Application Form JW202 or JW201;
d). Admission Notice;
e). Original Physical Examination Report (if applicable);

For Degree Students:
a). 6 White-background color photos, about 35*50mm, as in the passport;
b). Passport;
c). Visa Application Form JW202 or JW201;
d). Admission Notice;
e). Original Graduate Certificate and Degree diploma;
f). Chinese or English translation or notarization of Graduate Certificate and Degree
diploma(if applicable);
g). Original Physical Examination Report (if applicable);
How to enter the campus: Please scan the code below to join the WeChat group where
students can consult about specific operation methods.

D. Contacts (please dial +86-25 if dial from abroad)

International Students Admissions Office& Affairs Office: 83598326



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