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Climate Justice and Gearing

Up for COP28– A ZNotes


Good morning /Afternoon. My name is XYZ, I am thrilled to facilitate a workshop on

“Climate Justice and Gearing Up for COP28” which has been inspired by this year’s
Conference of Parties (COP28). Let’s get into it.
Firstly, we have this breakdown that has been created which shows three major
aspects of Climate Change. These three aspects provide an overview of what
climate change is. Climate Justice, Climate Change and Our preparation for the
COP28 are the roadmap to understand this pressing global issue. They are various
explanations that have been given under each major. (The Presenter will read out
the points given). As previously said, this is the roadmap to where we want to land,
let’s look more into the first session which is “Climate Justice”.
Climate Justice is a critical area that is often under looked by many people failing to
differentiate it from Climate Change. But to clear off the mist I will explain about it,
Climate justice is all about ensuring a fair distribution of both the burdens and
benefits of climate change and environmental policies. It's important to understand
that climate change is not just an environmental issue; it's also a social and ethical
one. One key aspect of climate justice is recognizing that countries, corporations,
and individuals share responsibility for both historical and current contributions to
greenhouse gas emissions. We must also acknowledge the disproportionate impacts
of climate change on vulnerable populations. Climate justice calls for addressing
these disparities. (Before going to this explanation above the presenter should first
readout the points mentioned in the workshop).
Before we jump into the next major . I am leaving 5 minutes for any additional
information on this concept. Thank You for all your contributions. Now will jump into
the next concept which is “Climate Change”. WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE?-
Climate change encompasses long-term alterations in weather patterns and
atmospheric conditions. It involves changes in temperature, precipitation, wind
patterns, and other climatic factors over periods typically spanning decades to
centuries. I think we all understood what is being said here about climate change ,
and we are now aware it is an urgent issue globally, thus we must remember change
is ignites by our actions.
As human beings we have done evident contributions to climate change in our day to
day activities , they are notable activities(Human-Driven Challenges) that has
worsened the situation namely burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and land use
change. These changes have been listed as the most contributions. I will go in depth
through the list (the presenter will go on to read the points given) under Human
Driven Challenges. These activities somehow help us to sustain our livelihoods but
they also need to be preserved and be kept for future generations to use. And to
further the claim there has been 1 million articles written as supporting evidence
about human’s adverse contributions to climate change. We can only tackle climate
change by creating greening initiatives (will look at that later).
Now we are halfway through our workshop, before we go on to the next concept, I
will leave this time for 2 questions. (answer at least 2 people). Visibly climate change
has affected all geographical angles, be it regional, national or international. It has
affected all places leaving all societies with unwanted risks and disparities. So in the
next slide will go on to see how climate change has negatively impacted at regional
level (go on to explain the given slides with the points and details given ,do the
same for international level). The slides that we looked at have exhibited the wide
range of negativities that climate change has presented leaving global insecurities.
As we draw close to COP28 an international conference where world leaders meet
for climate finance and initiatives discussion, lets learn to be the agents of change in
our communities and beyond so that we prepare for a greener and a more
sustainable future. In that spirit , I want to offer you a short insight with me of what is
COP28 and its aim in promoting sustainability. Basically, I wanna begin with the Paris
Climate agreement (the presenter will first go on to read the points given in the
presentation then read the following as a brief explanation), Paris Climate
Agreement was adopted in 2015, as a global effort to address climate change. It
aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-
industrial levels, with efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees. The agreement encourages
countries to set and achieve nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. It promotes transparency, accountability, and
international cooperation to mitigate the impacts of climate change and foster
sustainable development. It also aims to achieve net zero by 2050. Net-zero targets
to play a crucial role in the agreement's vision for a sustainable and resilient
future.(the presenter will go on to present on net zero in the presentation)

Finally ,lets take ourselves into knowing what is COP28 and the purpose of its
existence , COP28 is a climate meeting , governments meet to discuss how to limit
and prepare climate finance and focusing on people, lives and livelihoods and
underpinning everything with full inclusivity. COP28 is an goal –oriented entity thus
they are agendas they meet and those agendas are very imperative to be discussed
in each meeting, (you will go on to read the given agendas on the slide). – The
presenter will go on to conclude with the strategic frontiers.
As we close this session, I encourage each and everyone of you to be the agents of
change and to act while we still can. Its not about age/criteria but its about the
courage we have to foster positive change. #IFNOTNOWWHEN. I will leave this time
for questions

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