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Oral expression

Back from Portugal, specifically Lisbon, thanks to a spontaneous decision prompted by her
friend's conference.Deviating from her usual aversion to last-minute choices, this one proved
to be a winner. Lisbon turned out to be a delightful surprise – a city she knew little about
before the trip.

The food was a treat, especially the Pastéis de nata, almost pushing her to the bursting
point. Lisbon's charm unfolded in its beautiful cobblestone streets, and most of her time was
spent leisurely strolling through historic neighbourhoods, soaking up the sunshine. A
memorable experience was hopping into a tuk-tuk, a motorbike with a cabin on the
back,wich added a fun element to exploration,especially in the scorching heat.

Paula, her guide , a Lisbon native,enhanced her experience,she shared stories from her
childhood and the city's rich history. Navigating hidden back streets, they stumbled upon
incredible street art – genuine hidden gems. She really wishes she could have extended her
stay and defined to return to Lisbon one day.

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