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for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Labs

A nonconformity refers to a situation where
something doesn't meet the established
requirements. This could be anything from a
minor deviation in a test procedure to a major
system breakdown affecting the entire quality
management system.
Opportunity for improvement

Every nonconformity presents an opportunity to

identify and address weaknesses in your
processes or systems. By investigating the root
cause and taking corrective action, you can
strengthen your laboratory's overall performance.
Learning experience

Analyzing nonconformities can be a valuable

learning experience for your team. It's a chance
to understand what went wrong, why it
happened, and how to prevent similar
occurrences in the future.
Maintaining quality

Addressing nonconformities promptly and

effectively is crucial for maintaining the high
standards of ISO 17025 accreditation. It
demonstrates your commitment to providing
accurate and reliable results to your clients.
Remember, nonconformities are not inherently
bad. They are simply indicators that something
needs attention. By adopting a proactive and
positive approach to managing them, you can
turn them into valuable opportunities for growth
and improvement.
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