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History of computer:

Computer history timeline

1613: Richard Braithwaite first used the
word 'computer' to describe someone who
did calculations perfectly. 1936: Alan Turing
invented the principle of the modern
computer. 1956: The first keyboard used to
input data. 1975: Microsoft was founded.
Charles Babbage, an English mathematician,
designs the Analytical Engine, a mechanical
computer that could perform any mathematical
operation. The Analytical Engine is considered
to be the first general-purpose computer.
Herman Hollerith, an American inventor,
develops a punch-card system to help calculate
the 1890 U.S. Census. Hollerith's system was
much faster and more accurate than previous
methods, and it helped to revolutionize the
way that data was processed.
The Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer (ENIAC) is built at the University of
Pennsylvania. ENIAC was the first electronic
general-purpose digital computer, and it was
used for a variety of military and scientific
The transistor is invented at Bell Labs.
Transistors are much smaller and more reliable
than vacuum tubes, and they played a key role
in the development of smaller and more
powerful computers.
The UNIVAC I is built by Remington Rand.
UNIVAC I was the first commercial computer,
and it was used by businesses and governments
around the world.
The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, the first
artificial satellite. Sputnik's success prompts the
United States to invest heavily in computer
Douglas Engelbart demonstrates the first
computer mouse and graphical user interface
Intel releases the first microprocessor, the
4004. Microprocessors are the brains of
modern computers, and they have made it
possible to build smaller, more affordable, and
more powerful computers
Xerox introduces the Alto, the first personal
computer with a GUI.
MITS introduces the Altair 8800, the first
personal computer kit. The Altair 8800 was a
popular choice for hobbyists and early
computer enthusiasts.
Apple Computer is founded by Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak. Apple's first product, the Apple
I, is released in the same year.
Commodore International releases the
Commodore PET, a personal computer that is
aimed at the home market.
IBM releases the IBM PC, which quickly
becomes the standard for personal computers.
Apple releases the Macintosh, the first personal
computer to be widely marketed with a GUI.
Apple releases the Macintosh, the first personal
computer to be widely marketed with a GUI.
Microsoft releases Windows 98, the most
popular operating system in the world.
Apple releases the iPhone, the first smartphone
to be widely adopted by consumers.
Apple releases the iPad, the first tablet
computer to be widely adopted by consumers.
Computer are an essential part of our
everyday lives. They are used for
work, education, entertainment, and
communication. Computers are also
used in a wide variety of industries,
including healthcare, finance,
transportation, and manufacturing.

The history of computers is a

remarkable story of innovation

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