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(Reproductive system, Gametogenesis)

One mark questions:

1. Name the cells which secrete androgens.

2. Given below is the path of Sperm transport. Rearrange them in correct
sequential order.

Vas deferens , Epididymis, Rete testis , Seminiferous tubules, Vasa efferentia, Urethra

3. What is semen?
4. What are Spermatogonia? What is its function?
5. Where does fertilization normally takes place in a human female?
6. What is cervix?
7. Name the male and female copulatory organ.
8. What forms the Birth canal?
9. What is Hymen?
10. What is Oogenesis? Where does it occur?
11. How many Spermatozoa will be produced from 100 primary spermatocytes and how
many ova will be produced from 100 primary oocytes?
12. In ovary which structure transforms as corpus luteum?
13. Name the substance present in the sperm acrosome that dissolves the membrane
of ovum.
14. Despite the presence of so many sperms in the vicinity of an egg cell, only one sperm
enters the ovum why?

Two mark questions:

15. List down the functions of testis.

16. Where are leydig cells located? What do they secrete?
17. Draw a labelled diagram of T.S of testes.
18. What is Seminiferous tubule? Name the various cells present in it and explain its
19. List down the functions of Ovary.
20. Draw a labelled diagram of T.S of ovary.
21. List the regions of fallopian tubule and its functions.
22. List down the three layers of uterus and its functions.
23. Draw and label structure of ovum.
24. How is spermiogenesis different from Spermiation
25. Mention the role of Sertoli cells in Spermatogenesis?
26. What is the number of chromosomes in the following cells? (a) Primary oocyte (b)
Secondary oocyte (c) ootid (d) follicle cells (e) Spermatogonia (f) Primary
spermatocyte (g) Secondary spermatocyte (h) Spermatids.

Three mark questions:

27. Draw a labelled diagram of male reproductive system.
28. What are the major components of seminal plasma?
29. Name the ducts and glands associated with male reproductive system and state their
30. Draw a neat labelled diagram of female reproductive system.
31. Describe the organisation of mammary gland.
32. Meiotic division during oogenesis is different from that in Spermatogenesis. Explain
how and why?
33. Explain the structure of sperm with neat labelled diagram.

Five mark questions:

34. Explain different phases of spermatogenesis with Schematic representation. Explain

the role of hormones in the process of spermatogenesis.
35. Explain different phases of Oogenesis with Schematic representation.
36. What is menstruation? What are the events that take place in the ovary and
uterus What are the specific actions of FSH,LH ,estrogen and progesterone in
menstrual cycle? Draw a neat diagram to explain the above events.


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