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Chapter 1

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking continuously, he looked around. His vision was
blurry, everything around him looked strange. He was lying on a bed but he not at his home.
Everything around him was blurry, the walls around him were plain white. He was in a room,
a very small room, which could only fit a bed. A foot away from his bed was a metal door, it
had a small glass to look through. A ray of sunlight entered the room through a window
behind his head. He tried to get up, but strangely he felt weak, with the support of his arm he
finally got up. He looked down, on the side of the bed, there was a plate which had a half
bitten slice of bread. He tried to stand up and walk towards the window, his legs also felt
weak. His body was so thin that it seemed he had no flesh, only bones. Taking the support of
the bed he got up and started walking towards the window with small steps.
He opened the window and was surprised by the sight he saw. Although with a blurry
vision he could precisely see there was nothing around him, just a barren land with brownish-
red soil which extended to as far as he could see. He looked down from the window, he could
see two tiny objects moving. He was in a building, on a floor which was very high from the
ground. The building had a fence around it, and was heavily guarded. His heart started to
pound heavily. He tried to recollect everything but he had nothing in his memory that would
tell him how he got in this room. He looked at his hands which were trembling, his skin was
wrinkled. He touched his hair, he had greyish hair extending just below his shoulder. He was
wearing a white shirt and pyjamas. He was also wearing a locket, he removed the locket and
held it in front of his eyes. His head had started to spin now, but looking at the locket some
memories started to flash in his mind, he could dimly remember walking on a footpath, it was
a windy day, the street was empty, he was alone but talking to someone. He vividly
remembered his words,“I can’t wait for tomorrow’s meeting, this project will change the
entire future for human civilizations”. As he started to recollect further the metal door opened
with a bang.
Two people were standing in front of him. One was a woman, an old woman, in her
60s, she was wearing a white coat and spectacles, her greyish white hair was tied nicely, she
looked pretty. Beside her was a young man, he was also wearing a white coat, he had blonde
hair and a moustache. He was carrying a syringe in his hand. Before he could ask anything,
the young man came towards him, grabbed his arm, and inserted the syringe in his neck. He
could feel the drug go inside his head, the drug showed its effect and he fell on the bed. He
heard the young man saying,” Maria, he will be o..”, and his eyes closed

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