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SQL Essential Training

User Assignment – 2

Problem Statement: (Other Key SQL Statements)

1. Insert into employee table with some more records

Ans: insert into employee values(1015,'Deep','Clerk','30',


2. Insert into employee table for only id, empName, designation,


Ans: insert into employee values(1018,'Geeta','Clerk',null,null,null);

3. Update all the records, set the value of salary to 1000 whose salary is

Ans: update employee set salary=1000 where salary is null;

4. Update the salary of employees increment 1000 to their salaries who

are working in department 20

Ans: update employee set salary=(salary+1000) where department=20

5. Update the empName to ‘Joe’ whose id is 1001.

Ans: update employee set empName='Joe' where id=1001

6. Update all the empName to ‘Biden’ , department to ‘20’, designation

to ‘president’ whose emp id is 1002.


update employee set

empName='Biden',department=20,designation='President' where id=1002
7. Delete the employee record whose id is ‘1004’

Ans: delete from employee where id=1004

8. Delete the employee records who joined after ‘1997-01-10’

Ans: delete from employee where date_of_joining > ('1997/01/10');

9. Delete all the records from the table.

Ans: delete from employee;

10. Find the employee whose is getting maximum salary in the finance

Ans: SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Salary IN ( SELECT

max(Salary) FROM employee where Department= 'finance' );
11. Display all the details of the employee whose is getting minimum
salary in the IT department.

Ans: SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Salary IN ( SELECT

min(Salary) FROM employee where Department= 'IT' );

12. Display all the details of the employee who is getting less salary than
the maximum salary of IT department employees.

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Salary < ( SELECT max(Salary)
FROM employee where department = 'IT' );

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