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A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Engineering

Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta City

In partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Chapter 1


The chapter provides a review of the background of the study, theoretical

framework in which the analysis of the study was focused on. Moreover, the

problem statement, scope, and delimitations, and definition of terms are also


Background of the Study

One of the most significant gifts that science brought to society is

electricity. It has also assimilated into contemporary life, and imagining the world

without it is impossible. We utilize electricity for a variety of purposes every day.

It lights up spaces, runs fans, and operates various residential appliances,

including A/C and electric cookers. People can find comfort in all of these. Large

machinery in factories also operates with the use of electricity. Electricity

produces many commodities, including food, clothing, paper, and other

necessities. Electricity has advantages over traditional fossil fuels due to its

flexibility, and saving electricity can result in considerable financial savings. Due

to the significant electrical energy consumption in businesses, it is crucial to

maintain an energy-efficient and loss-free system.

Energy is crucial for a nation's economic growth. Many modern-day

necessities stop working when the electricity supply is cut off. The actual amount

of energy used in modern development's building process can hardly be

estimated. The Pangasinan State University – Lingayen Campus is no exception;

thus, evaluating the electrical design of the property is essential because its daily

operations, safety, and comfort of its students, faculty, and staff depend on it.

Like any other campus, the Pangasinan State University's Lingayen

Campus depends mainly on a steady and dependable power distribution system

to run its operations and to give its students, instructors, and staff a safe and

comfortable environment. Given the growing needs and requirements of modern

colleges, it is crucial to investigate and assess the electrical architecture of the

power distribution system in order to assure its effectiveness, dependability,

safety, and reduced reliance on grid power. In order to find areas for

improvement, this study analyzes the power distribution system of Pangasinan

State University's Lingayen Campus Administration Building and design a solar

roof top to reduce energy costs.

This research aims to assess the power distribution system's current

electrical design, pinpoint potential issues and bottlenecks, and suggest

modifications and upgrades to raise the system's overall effectiveness, efficiency,

and safety. In addition to a review of relevant industry standards and best

practices, the research will include a thorough investigation of the current

electrical design, including load analysis, system protection, power quality

analysis, and short circuit analysis. Additionally, this study aims to use the

Autocad software to produce a thorough electrical design for the PSU Lingayen

Campus. This design is crucial because it complies with Republic Act No. 11285,

the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act. In order to promote responsible

energy use and guarantee the sufficiency and stability of the nation's energy

supply, the act requires that energy efficiency and conservation become

institutionalized as a national lifestyle.

To create a new electrical design for the university, the researchers will do

an energy audit and a technical evaluation in their capacity as aspiring electrical

engineers. The researchers will develop an effective strategy and design to install

different electrical equipment in the university's buildings, including lighting

equipment, power systems, power distribution, solar photovoltaic system, and

fire and life safety systems. This study aims to provide a plan that efficiently

satisfies the needs of the university campus while promoting energy efficiency

and helping to preserve the nation's energy supply.

Theoretical Framework

Methods for Managing Energy Use in Higher Education Institutions

Knowledge and understanding are the cornerstones of a sustainable

society; nevertheless, to put these ideas into action and engage with
ecosystems, the educational system must adapt (AlFaris et al., 2016, Jabbour et

al., 2013, Ferrer-Balas et al., 2010). Some higher education institutions (HEIs)

have recently recognized the value of incorporating environmental and social

sustainability into all elements of the curriculum (AlFaris et al., 2016; Zsoka et

al., 2013).

Choong et al. (2012) contend that colleges and universities must take the

lead in promoting sustainable development since it is commonly believed that

today's students will be tomorrow's leaders in the drive to build a more

sustainable world. Universities should establish energy management programs

that incorporate sustainability into campus operations to behave more

responsibly in the present and ensure a sustainable future (Choong et al., 2012).

Low (2008) identified 47 main energy management techniques, which may be

classified into three categories: planning, implementation, and monitoring and

evaluation (Choong et al., 2012). During the planning phase, sixteen energy

management best practices are introduced. Programs for controlling energy

usage and production must be carefully designed so that they contribute to a

single goal.

The need for a strategy arises from a desire to ensure that the school

system is making all reasonable efforts to reduce energy use, hence lowering

energy expenses and positively impacting community environmental efforts.

Successful energy management within school systems is often found to be an

ingrained part of the cultures of such school systems, and the plan itself may be

incorporated into the system's overarching strategic plan.

Rather than a documented plan of action that is either incorporated into

the school system's operational strategy or associated with a mission statement,

it is better for a school system to simply carry out a sequence of related

activities. The implementation phase of an energy management program would

begin if all parties involved agreed to and began the prescribed activities to

achieve the energy-saving objectives. When installing a new energy

management system, one of the first steps is to assess the present condition of

energy management.

The goal of this study is to determine our organization's priorities

throughout the implementation phase (Capehart et al., 2011). University

buildings must employ energy-saving measures due to their high and increasing

energy consumption (Chung & Rhee, 2014). According to Chung and Rhee

(2014). To increase the energy performance of schools, several instruments and

energy management systems or models have been created and implemented

(AlFaris et al., 2016).

Models of Energy Management Systems

Building Research Energy Conservation Support Unit defines energy

management as "the systematic application of management and technology to

improve an organization's energy performance" (1995).

They also stated that it must be integrated and proactive to be

completely functioning, as well as incorporate energy procurement, energy

efficiency, and renewable energy. Businesses often regard energy costs as a

recurring expense. Nonetheless, efficient energy management can result in

considerable cost reductions. Without the right sorts of implementational

measures, a sensible approach to energy management is meaningless. Many

organizations aspire to decrease their carbon footprint by reducing energy use

but to do so successfully, energy management must be integrated into their

everyday operations. As a result, energy management is critical for attaining

these goals, as well as adhering to all applicable laws and regulations and

enhancing the company's reputation.

Since the cost of energy has risen, industrial facilities are constantly

changing their processes to reduce production costs, as Kanneganti et al. (2017)

highlight. Although various energy-saving technologies have been created, the

important challenges in deploying these technologies are whether they are

acceptable and how much energy and money they can save. As a result,

specialists have begun performing energy management evaluations to examine

present installations and offer suggestions on how to reduce expenses. Adoption

of new energy management methods might enhance energy assessment. These

models cover rules that describe the requirements for energy strategy and

planning, as well as assessment procedures and the optimal route to pursue.

Framework for Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001). The

Energy Management System (EnMS) is defined by ISO 5001 as a tool that assists

businesses in optimizing their energy consumption and therefore increasing their

output. Creating an energy strategy, enacting it, establishing reasonable goals

for energy use, and developing strategies to achieve those goals while tracking

progress are all part of the process. To lower energy expenses, EnMS may

involve introducing new energy-efficient technologies, cutting down on energy

waste, or enhancing existing procedures.

ISO 50001, Framework for Energy Management Systems. ISO 5001

defines the Energy Management System (EnMS) as a technology that supports

enterprises in optimizing their energy use and thereby boosting their production.

implementing an energy strategy, putting it into action, setting appropriate

targets for energy consumption, and implementing tactics to meet those goals

while measuring progress are all part of the process. EnMS may entail

introducing new energy-efficient technology, reducing energy waste, or

improving existing systems to reduce energy costs.

ISO 50001 is intended to improve an organization's energy

performance by optimizing the use of energy-intensive resources. A corporation

may reap the immediate advantages of improved energy efficiency by optimizing

its energy sources and energy-related assets to reduce energy expenses and
consumption. ISO 50001 may be widely adopted by enterprises of all sizes in

every location. Its benefits come in several forms. For some, it's all about saving

money and being more competitive; for others, it's about doing less harm to the

environment and improving the image of their business.

Model for an Energy Management System that Earns the Energy

Star. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the

Department of Energy (DOE) devised the Energy Star insignia to encourage

energy efficiency (DOE). The standard promotes energy efficiency by providing

information that is easy to grasp, reliable, and impartial. Energy Star measures

the efficiency of products and appliances based on their capacity to minimize

energy use. Over 40% of Fortune 500 companies collaborate with the US. The

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will deliver energy efficiency solutions

that save money, improve air quality, and protect the environment. Because of

Energy Star and other initiatives, about 3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas

emissions have been reduced.

The BRECSU Energy Management System is a support unit for

building research energy saving. According to BRECSU (1995), an energy

management project will fail if upper-level management does not support it. A

high level of commitment results in advocacy from senior management,

improved knowledge of the problem throughout the organization, a push to

implement energy management, access to sufficient financial and human

resources, and the development of effective energy policies and processes.

Policy alone cannot ensure energy savings. The system requires

and directs attention to the development of an effective energy management

plan (Carbon Trust, 2018). A well-thought-out and relevant energy policy is the

foundation of effective energy management. According to the US Department of

Energy (2015), the system is in line with the company's strategic plan and

provides a framework for creating energy objectives and targets (Korkut, 2016).

According to Korkut (2016), the interplay between the energy

strategy and other current systems determines an organization's energy

consumption priorities. National or international standards or regulations can

serve as a springboard into deeper levels, but a pure yet well-applied policy

example can also serve as a beginning point. A defined mechanism for assessing

the policy should be in place, and frequent updates to the strategy should specify

goals and objectives, as well as periods for implementation and future

assessments (Carbon Trust 2018, BRECSU 1995).

BRECSU has chosen to improve its action plan to better identify

possibilities and carry out energy-saving measures. To be successful, the action

plan must: be agreed to and approved by the appropriate level of management;

involve the senior manager who is ultimately accountable for energy

management performance; prioritize actions; relate actions to individual

objectives and targets, which should come, in turn, from specific policy

commitments and strategy development; assign actions to individuals with clear

deadlines for reporting progress and completion;

All management operations, including energy management, require

several types of frameworks for effective execution (GPG 306, BRECSU). The

energy management matrix was created to offer businesses a tool for enhancing

their energy management operations.

Energy Audit

According to the International Energy Agency (2014), the industrial sector,

which accounts for about 37% of global energy consumption and 25.1 percent of

energy consumption at the European Union (EU) level (Eurostat, 2015), is

expected to use more energy, leading to an expected 50% increase in global

energy consumption between 2010 and 2040. In this situation, energy efficiency

can significantly aid in lowering industrial energy consumption and raising the

competitiveness of industrial enterprises (Boyd & Pang, 2000). Additionally, it

would force industrial firms to emphasize energy management on a strategic

level, aiding in the world's transition to more sustainable development (Rudberg

et al., 2013).

The regulatory frameworks at the local and international levels play a

significant role in promoting energy efficiency. For example, Republic Act No.

11285 gives industrial, manufacturing, and commercial companies obligations,

incentives, and guidelines for managing energy (including all aspects, from

procurement to use) properly and efficiently (Dasheng & Chin-Chi, 2016).

An energy audit is a review of a facility or plant to ascertain how and

where energy is used and pinpoint opportunities for energy savings. For various

people, energy audits can signify different things. Before beginning any audit

activities, the scope of an energy audit, the difficulty of the calculations, and the

degree of economic evaluation should all be determined. Each auditor may

approach these challenges differently (Lee, 2001).

Solar Photovoltaic System

According to the “Republic Act No.9513”, an act known as “Renewable

Energy Act of 2008” which accelerated development and advancement of

renewable energy resources, and the development of a strategic program to

increase its utilization. On section 9 of the law titled “Green Energy Option

Program” in which the Department of Energy Established a Renewable Energy

policy mechanism which provides end-user/consumers shall have the option to

source their energy requirements from the Distribution Utilities (DUs) and Retain

Electricity Suppliers(RES).Electric Cooperatives (ECs) shall contract directly with

Retail Electricity Developers for Corresponding requirements of end-consumers


When employing an integrated strategy, the solar systems are

incorporated into the overall building design.(Solar Energy, 1999).

An experimental investigation performance was conducted for integrated

solar PV where air gaps between PVs increased efficiency due to cooling resulting

in a maximum power output (Yang et al.)

Integration of Solar Photovoltaic System is an Excellent combination with

renewable energy generating technologies (Engineering Science and Technology,

an International Journal,2017)

According to the EPBD, RES must be actively promoted as a means of

reducing the use of conventional fossil fuels in buildings. Increased adoption of

the use of renewable energy in buildings will be directly facilitated by a greater

understanding of the combination of PV and STS. In the upcoming years, RES

adoption in buildings is anticipated to increase significantly. The Directive was

revised to specify that buildings in the EU should have almost zero energy use,

which further supports this.(International Journal of Low-Carbon


According to Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Comittee

(IAEECC) Resolution No 8,s.2023 Section 13 that the Government Energy

Management Program (GEMP) Guidelines encourages all government entities to

reduce their electricity consumption by at least ten percent (10%).the adoption

of this Resolution, provided that the solar energy system or any other renewable

energy.Initial technology installation must provide at least twenty percent (20%)

of GE's electricity. A demand based on the previous year's greatest monthly

kilowatt-hour (kWh) billing demand.that GE will deploy solar panels or another

comparable renewable energy technology. in their government-owned buildings,

not to exceed one hundred kilowatts (100 kW). And office buildings will be

permitted to use the term "Qualified End-User" (QE) and be able to engage into

a Net metering arrangement with their Distribution Utility (DU).

Synthesis of the Reviewed Related Studies and the Present Study

Energy is necessary for developed and emerging countries since it is

critical to economic growth and national development. According to the World

Energy Outlook, between 2006 and 2030, global primary energy consumption is

expected to increase by 1.6% annually on average. Energy consumption in

developing countries is anticipated to rise quickly as their economies grow. The

finite energy resources will eventually run out due to the ever-increasing energy

demand (Choong et al., 2012).

As Kanneganti et al. (2017) discussed, energy management has grown in

importance for the industrial sector to lower production costs and carbon

footprints. Environmental rules also compel the industrial sector to use energy

more efficiently. As a result, the industrial sector began to rely on energy

management consulting firms to increase energy efficiency. With the creation of

the ISO 50001 standard, top-level management was brought into the energy

management process and convinced to support energy savings.

As AlFaris et al. (2016) discussed, an energy management program is a

sustainable tactic that may be used in schools where the educational sector is
rapidly expanding due to population growth. These schools require enormous

amounts of energy to be produced and used. As a result, the environment will

suffer from increased carbon emissions and the depletion of nonrenewable

energy sources.

According to energy studies by Chung et al. (2014), buildings in the

survey have an energy conservation potential of between 6% and 30%. Instead

of limiting energy consumption, remodeling existing university buildings into low-

energy structures is essential. This requirement is based more on the

characteristics of university buildings that a sizable group of unspecified

customers use than on the operators themselves.

As described by Kanneganti et al. (2017), energy assessment procedures

followed by various organizations are developed for addressing energy efficiency

improvement opportunities from a purely technical point of view, and there is no

proper methodology developed for incorporating the requirements of ISO 50001

standard in regular energy auditing and reporting processes. ISO 50001 is a

voluntary international standard. It applies to organizations of any size, and

provides requirements for establishing, managing and improving their energy

consumption and efficiency. Flow charts for the data collection process and

report development are designed to assist with the energy assessment and

reporting process for easy implementation of the ISO 50001 part related to

Chung et al. (2014) evaluated potential opportunities for saving energy by

applying energy-saving techniques customized for the energy consumption

categories of the surveyed buildings and, subsequently, analyzing their energy

conservation effects. Energy consumption levels were analyzed using the

software eQuest.

The paper of AlFaris et al. (2016) selected one public school as a

prototype to examine the thoughts on school sustainability practices. It has

tested one public school to develop a customized energy management program.

The developed program has been designed for this audited school. However, it

might be applicable to other school buildings with slight changes to understand

the school's operating circumstances and challenges.

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm of the study presents how this research study will be

conducted where it includes the input, process, output, and outcome. The input

contains the different techniques and data gathering procedures that are needed

by the researchers on how they will analyze the said electrical system design of

the campus, which then will be processed by conducting evaluation procedures

in order to identify the possible problems on the said system. Lastly, to

recommend changes and upgrades to improve the overall performance,

efficiency, and safety of the system by providing a blueprint of the revised

electrical system design in preparation for the implementation of Energy

Management System on the said Campus.

Research Paradigm


Analysis of: Design

Blueprint for an Energy
Requirements for
Electrical an Energy Efficient Electrical and PV
Design Efficient Electrical Module System Design for
System System
Pangasinan State University
Load Research
– Lingayen Campus
System Paper Writing
Protection Design
Power Revisions
Quality Paper
Data Gathering Revisions

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to produce an Electrical Design for Energy management

system and solar rooftop design: The case of Pangasinan State University Main

Campus Administration Building. Consequently, the researchers seek to provide

answers to the following questions:

1. How would the new design of the electrical system of PSU Main

Campus Administration Building help reduce energy consumption?

2. What are the findings of the electrical system design assessment at

Pangasinan State University's Main Campus Administration


3. What improvements and upgrades will be recommended to reduce

energy consumption and to improve the system's overall

performance, efficiency, and safety by giving a blueprint of the

redesigned electrical system design in preparation for the

deployment of the Energy Management System at PSU Main

Campus Administration Building?

4. What are the Solar Rooftop Design specifications to assist the

system increase reliability and minimize energy consumption at

Pangasinan State University Main Campus Administration Building?

Significance of the study

Power distribution has been demonstrated to be critical for universities

and other institutions. To ensure safety and comfort for the institution's

individuals, an institution must have a stable and properly functioning power

distribution system. This might also help to lessen any dangers and hazards at

the mentioned institution. To ensure that Pangasinan State University Main

Campus Administration Building has a properly functioning power distribution

system, the researchers will be conducting this study to analyze and evaluate the

campus's current electrical system design to ensure its efficiency, reliability,

safety, and to reduce energy consumption from the grid. Furthermore, the study

will benefit:

The University. The study will help in attaining the University’s Mission

to have proficient individuals in the field of the Research and Development


Faculty, Students, and Staff. This research aims to provide a safe and

comfortable environment for the faculty, students, and staff of the university.

Environment. This study aims to help save the environment by reducing

the emission of greenhouse gasses by appliances used in school and by ensuring

energy efficiency at the said university.

Safety. This study aims to provide safety by ensuring that the electrical

system is properly functioning and well maintained to reduce the electrical and

fire hazards that could occur at the said school.

Future Researchers. This study can help future researchers to expand

their knowledge on this topic that could also inspire them to develop or improve

the study.

The results of this study will be beneficial in understanding how

Pangasinan State University's Lingayen Campus is managed and will go a long

way toward ensuring that the power distribution system can continue to fulfill the
expanding needs of the campus community. This study will help ensure that the

institution stays at the forefront of technical and instructional innovation by

offering suggestions for enhancements. This study will also contribute to the

campus' overall sustainability.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this research is the Pangasinan State University Main

Campus Administration Building. It includes technical evaluation, energy auditing,

load analysis, voltage drop analysis, short circuit analysis, and the solar rooftop


This study only includes the Administration Building and does not cover

any other buildings on campus.

Definition of Terms

The key terms are defined operationally by the researchers based on how

they will use them in the project.

AutoCad. Application will be used to design the electrical plan.

Energy Audit. An examination of the energy consumption of the

equipment or system to ensure that energy is being used efficiently.

Load Analysis. It is the estimated load calculation of the electrical plan.

PV Module System. This system will be integrated with the new

electrical plan to reduce the consumption of load from the grid.

PVSyst. This application will be used to analyze the proper position of the

panels to maximize the efficiency of the panels.

Short Circuit Analysis. This will be used to determine necessary

overcurrent protection devices in the distribution system to minimize the damage

to system components.

Technical Evaluation. It is the evaluation of the actual data on wire

sizes and breakers of the electrical system design.

Voltage Drop Analysis. This will be used to determine and analyze the

voltage drop in the electricity circuit and network during normal and emergency


Research Methodology

This chapter contains the methodologies employed while conducting the

study, research design, data sources, and statistical treatment to assist the

researchers in achieving the objectives of the study and attaining the necessary


Research Design

This study uses the descriptive-comparative method of research to

determine the advantages and disadvantages of both old and redesigned

electrical energy systems in Energy Audit. The descriptive-comparative method

will be used since two entities are under study and it determines key

characteristics of both electrical energy systems through the comparison of both


Sources of Data

The researchers will use the following methods in gathering data to

answer the research problem and serve as the basis for making Electrical Design

for Energy management systems and solar rooftop design: The case of

Pangasinan State University Main Campus Administration Building.

Web. Using the internet, the researchers will collect various data from

articles and related studies concerning the Electrical Design for Energy
management system and solar rooftop design: The case of Pangasinan State

University Main Campus Administration Building.

Library Research. The researchers will also use the knowledge from

previous studies and other related articles to develop the design to standardize

the electrical management system of PSU Main Campus Administration Building.

Research Survey. The researchers will perform an on-site visitation at

Pangasinan State University-Lingayen Campus to gather information on the

Electrical management system on the Administration Building.

Calculations. The researchers will perform various calculations to

Analyze the Load, Voltage Drop, Short Circuit, and Energy Cost used in this


Energy Audit. The researchers will perform energy audits on

Administration Building to assess the electrical system and provide


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References ni Paguyo

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