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1. Learning title: Evaluation of a doctor’s prescription ensuring its compliance, ethically and legally, to South
African pharmacy legislature while abiding by my professional requirements.
2. What triggered the learning: After performing my duties as a pharmacist intern and while evaluating a
prescription, I realised I did not fully understand the legislation that governs my practice and regulates my
function. For me to practice competently I needed to learn how to practice ethically and legally to practice
within my scope of practice and pharmacy setting as well as legally evaluate a prescription.
3. Learning need: I need to learn about what services I may provide in an institutional pharmacy and which
particulars must appear on a prescription for medicines to be dispensed. I need to learn how to practice
4. What do I hope to achieve: I hope to be confident with identifying all the legal and ethical requirements
needed on a prescription to dispense a medication and to be knowledgeable and compliant with the services
that can be offered at an institutional pharmacy while practicing responsibly and professionally by obeying
my professions code of conduct and having indemnity insurance.


I Plan to apply the Pharmacy Act, (No. 53 of 1974), Regulations, chapter VI,18. “Services which may be provided in
the various categories of pharmacies. Community or institutional pharmacy”, and the Medicines and Related
Substances Act (No. 101 of 1965), Regulations ,33. “Particulars which must appear on prescription for medicine” to
evaluate a prescription for compliance to the above-mentioned legislation at KwaMashu CHC. (a)

I plan to understand my scope of practice and limitations by applying GNR.1158 of 20 November 2000: Regulation
relating to the practice of pharmacy, South African Pharmacy Council, chapter 2-3: scope of practice of a pharmacist
and pharmacist intern, pg. 4-6. To recognize and acknowledge my required duties and to ensure they are met and do
not exceed my scope of practice and thus knowledge. (b)

I plan to apply for indemnity insurance and comply with professional indemnity requirements. (d)

I plan to attend an in-service training to adhere to the obligations of a pharmacist in terms of the principles of the
statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists requiring continuing professional development (CPD). (e)

I will verify the current legislation and information used with my tutor. The reasoning behind the above planning
points is to the Pharmacy Act, Medicines and Relates Substances Act, work within my scope of practice, keep
abreast of updated legislation, comply with professional indemnity requirements, and adhere to the obligations of a
pharmacist in terms of the principles of the statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists.


Evidence supplied:

1. Annotated source documents:

• The Pharmacy Act (No. 53 of 1974), GNR.1158 of 20 November 2000: Regulation relating to the practice
of pharmacy, chapter VI,18. “Services which may be provided in the various categories of pharmacies.
Community or institutional pharmacy”
• The Medicines and Related Substances Act (No. 101 of 1965), General Regulations, 33. “Particulars which
must appear on prescription for medicine”.
• Code of Conduct, BN 108 of 24 October 2008: Rules relating to Code of Conduct (Government Gazette
No. 31534)- principles of the statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists requiring continuing professional
development (CPD)
• GNR.1158 of 20 November 2000: Regulation relating to the practice of pharmacy, South African
Pharmacy Council, chapter 2-3: scope of practice of a pharmacist and pharmacist intern, pg. 4-6.
2. Annotated prescription detailing the particulars required to be on a prescription.
3. Indemnity insurance application process and achievement of compliance and attainment of an indemnity
4. Signed In-service training register to show participation in a CPD educational activity required by the code of
conduct of a pharmacist.

I applied the Pharmacy Act (No. 53 of 1974), GNR.1158 of 20 November 2000: Regulation relating to the practice of
pharmacy, chapter VI,18. “Services which may be provided in the various categories of pharmacies. Community or
institutional pharmacy” and he Medicines and Related Substances Act (No. 101 of 1965), General Regulations, 33.
“Particulars which must appear on prescription for medicine” by evaluating a prescription and ensuring the services
provided at KwaMashu CHC were within the specified requirements. (a)

I evaluated my scope of practice and understood my limitations by applying GNR.1158 of 20 November 2000:
Regulation relating to the practice of pharmacy, South African Pharmacy Council, chapter 2-3: scope of practice of a
pharmacist and pharmacist intern, pg. 4-6. This allowed me to recognize and acknowledge my required duties and to
ensure they are met and do not exceed my scope of practice and thus knowledge. (b)

I applied for indemnity insurance and met the requirements for professional indemnity which allowed me to
subsequently obtain my indemnity certificate. My indemnity insurance is current and up to date. (d)

I attended an in-service training on Community acquired pneumonia to adhere to the obligations of a pharmacist in
terms of the principles of the statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists requiring continuing professional
development (CPD). (e) I verified the current legislation and information used with my tutor.


I learnt how to apply relevant pharmacy acts, recognise my limitations and comply with the requirements of
professional bodies, as well as perform within my scope of practice.

All the particulars required for a valid and legal prescription and the services I could provide while working in an
institutional pharmacy. This has allowed me to competently practice my duties. I have obtained my indemnity
certificate allowing me to ethically practice and be defended against irregular practice disputes among others.

I intend to keep informed of any future amendments to current legislation.

I have since encountered many incidents where certain particulars were not mentioned on a prescription, making it
invalid. The most common errors are a missing date or doctor’s signature. However, I felt confident writing notes to
doctors in which the situation was explained and resolved. Performing this CPD has enabled me to perform better in
my functions as a pharmacist intern and enabled me to pass this knowledge on to my fellow interns.

I would like to further educate myself on providing short presentations to prescribers highlighting the importance of
a legal prescription and its requirements.

I am more aware of the high number of prescription irregularities and the extreme importance pharmacists play to
prevent them.
Application of behavioural statement a: the application of the Medicines and Related Substances
Act (No. 101 of 1965),Regulations ,33. “Particulars which must appear on prescription for

o Bb I


3d eif g Ji HE
3 I

All requements listed by the
regulations of the medicines and
related substances act (33)
were met and are used to
label this prescription
Numerically and alphabetically account to the
the document: Particulars
which must appear on a
Prescription for medicine

t f

Application of behavioural statement a: application of the Pharmacy Act [regulations
Pharmacy Act(Act 53 of 1974.) “Regulations Relating to The Practice of Pharmacy” in
an institutional pharmacy].

In the evaluation and

dispensing of the
above prescriptions;
only services which
may be provided in an
institutional pharmacy
were o ered therefore
abiding by the
regulations and
applying them. (a)
Application of behavioural statement e: Practising and adhering to the obligations of a
pharmacist in terms of the principles of the statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists.

I attended an in-service training on tuberculosis to continue my professional
development educationally as required by the Rules relating to Code of Conduct of a
Pharmacist. (e)

The reason of the presentation was to inform medical professionals of the importance of
recognising and treating Community acquired pneumonia while giving us updated
information regarding treatment.
Application of behavioural statement e: Practising and adhering to the obligations of a
pharmacist in terms of the principles of the statutory Code of Conduct for Pharmacists by
completing an in service training activity o ered by the company Sandoz, which involved
being educated on the new treatments available for Community acquired pneumonia and
screening tips.

The presentation on Community

acquired pneumonia.

KwaMashu CHC attendance register

for the in-service training on
Community Acquired Pneumonia
with my signature and name.

Sandoz attendance register for the

in-service training on Community
Acquired Pneumonia with my
signature and name.
This certificate of insurance is issued as evidence that the Insured Professional detailed below is covered
for liability stemming from his or her clinical practice under a contract of insurance issued by the Insurer.
The cover provided is subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance contract referenced.

INSURER: Professional Provident Society Short-Term Insurance Company Limited

POLICY NUMBER: P04053/2022
INSURED ACTIVITY: Intern / Comm Serv Pharmacist
PERIOD OF INSURANCE: 2022/11/01 to 2023/10/31

Issued for and on behalf of PPS Health Professions Indemnity at Parktown on 2023/04/01.


Chief Executive Officer: PPS Health Professions Indemnity

Application of behavioural statement d: Complying with professional indemnity

requirements, which include being registered with the SAPC as a practicing
pharmacist intern, applying for indemnity insurance, paying all necessary fees and
agreeing to the terms of contract-by complying with all necessary requirements I
have obtained my professional indemnity certi cate. The purpose of this is to ensure I
can practice responsibly and ethically.

PPS-009/1 Health Professions Indemnity- Certificate of Insurance Page 1 of 1

PPS Health Professions Indemnity is a division of Short-Term Insurance, an authorised financial
services provider
Practicing within my scope of practice and identifying my limitations (b)

I evaluated the scope of practice of a pharmacist inten and for

the purpose of education and training I can perform under the
scope of practice of a pharmacist. I realised I may not perform
duties outside my scope of practice as this would violate my
professional and legal obligations.

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