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Data science and analysis student

As a Data Science and Analysis Student, I am dedicated to
mastering statistical methodologies, advanced programming
languages, and the practical application of data analytics. Eager
to contribute innovative solutions to real-world challenges, I
bring a passion for extracting insights from complex datasets
and applying them to drive informed decision-making

Contact projects
0664211045 Data Exploration Project: Covid-19 Analysis
Conducted in-depth data exploration and analysis on Covid-19 datasets using SQL to derive meaningful insights and trends. The
project involved the application of various SQL techniques,
including joins, Common Table Expressions (CTEs), Temp Tables,
Windows Functions, and Aggregate Functions.

Nashville Housing Data Cleaning and Transformation

Education Performed comprehensive data cleaning and transformation on

Nashville housing data to enhance data quality and facilitate effective
analysis. Utilized SQL for tasks such as standardizing date formats,
Bachelor of Applied populating missing property addresses, breaking down addresses into
applied mathematics individual columns, and converting categorical values for improved
University Alger1
2020-2023 Audio Classification Project for Sound Analysis

Developed a sound classification project using Python,

Master of data science and focusing on audio data preprocessing and feature extraction
analytics for subsequent analysis. Leveraged the Librosa library for
audio processing and scikit-learn for machine learning tasks.
University Alger1
2023 -2025
Arabic English
Technical skills

Python (pandas,matplotlib,...)
Data Visualization(PowerBI)
Excel Soft skills
Statistical Analysis Critical Thinking Communication Skills
SQl (server management studio) Problem-Solving Collaboration
Machine learning

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