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One the first night of the month's new moon Vihni finds

herself slogging through the ashen wastes of Puyallup.

Hopefully it will be worth the time. Tleloc's smart as whip.
Anyone can see that plainly. His quest for enlightenment
might seem odd, but the world's gotten pretty weird since
the Awakening. Hell Vinhi's very own life has gotten pretty
weird over the past five years, doubly so in the past ten.
From princess to refugee in just a few short weeks. Then
over the years she's made herself famous in the zeitgeist
and in the shadows. An odd combination that's rarely seen.
Other than Bull and Johnny there really ain't a team like the
Cutting Edge (Exteriminators? We never got to the bottom of

Unlike most visits to Tleloc over the years, he is aware and

prepared. He actually seems to be searching Vin out in the
shadows. When he finally spots her with his sightless eyes,
he smiles and beckons her onward. Face to face a few
paces apart Tleloc speaks, and his voice takes on an odd
musical timbre that's never been present. It's almost
possible to hear the faint notes of music rising on the slight
breeze to accompany his musical lilt. "Under the Nameless
Moon an elf has come to learn the Legends of her people.
By Name and by Passion I invoke the rites and words of
protection." With that a giant magical circle springs to life
throughout the courtyard. Vinhi is able to make out some of
the words here and there as Sperethriel, but it's mixed in
with what seems to be an even older language.
After each titled section Tleloc will end his tale in the
same manner without fail. He says "And there it ends,
for such is the truth of the thing." What's odd is that
each time it rings true. Vinhi's years of professional
paranoia hear no sign of deceit thought his various tales.

The next thing is does is tilt his head down to stare at

the glowing circle between his feet and say "The Hour of
the Nameless Moon is concluded. The protections have
done their deed. We give thanks to Thystonius and honor
his gift"

Then he closes his eyes, whistles a a lone low sorrowful

note and the circle of magic fades into nothing.

"I am sure you have questions, and I may answer some.

Others I may not speak. Ask as you will, and I will answer
the same."

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