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cs Pocter Efqs an Uther bated ta we wi.t fervice, hb Liffiny Self foul po the aillarveetuilanies of Steger Players, anu the wdersite Autbors of the degeiceraus * People, (vit. at aefinge Yon, for 38 db vot fay Arauges ta God, Angels or Genii, and their pemersin Art aud Natare hen wai ted, Bcc, And therejore that you xox! fend ly the band of bimwhom you [seule fond, when 1 am indeed able fer thefe things: 1 deabe not to have bimrritt . Aaa2 my ~The Epiitle Dedicatory. et 19 hen becanfe 1 mean to leave allmyfelf out, ‘There was never more provocations for all men to Speak then nom, when all the mifchievoss als and of Harlois and Villains, that other Ages did ‘but imagine, are upon the Stage row, and pratiifed as bya Laws and in the meantime, the dumb Aljes are taught toforbid the madnefs of the Prophets. Tou do not deny the power of God, Angels or Spi ‘and therefore now, do kom of what Spirit you ar but the Body changes the Nature of the Spirit. That ‘the Genii lodge in fusncry Airy: Bodies 5 thofe many and undeniable flories of apparitions do clearly evince; and it is impoffible that Air Should be fo stvbitrarioully changed into apes, and yet eld tage. ther as an aBuated Fehicle of Life if there were not Something befides the Air st felf that did thus poffefs ty and moderate it, and could dilate, contrad, and ride it asit pleafeds otberwife it would be no bet- ter figured, nor more fleadily kept together then the Slinking fume of Tobacca, or the reek of Chim- nies, & There is one fpecial faculty of a Spivity which after penetration it doth either matte s exert 5 which is this, to fill the Receptivity or Capacity of 4 Body.or Matter, fofar forth ait te Copalle ot Receptive of a Soul or Spirit : and this affedtion of Spirit 1 will make bold to call (for more compendi ‘efuc{s) by one Greek term swnstus, which that there may Se n0 fufpition of any fraud or afesied foolery in Words, Iwill as plainly as I can define thus a power a in arbitrariasfly . ‘The Epiftle Dedicatory. ina Spirit fering fo near to corporeal Emanati~ ealiae tea Life thats wll fo Bly fil the Receptivity of Matter, into which it bas penetrdn tedy that it-és very difftcalt for any other Spiritte polls the fame ;, and bereby becoming fo firmly aud clofely united 10° body, as both t0 sfluate and tobe abled upon, to affett and be affetted thereby, ; And now ;bonorable Sir, I appeal to you, if matter does not fia clofe, nay clofer t0 a Spirit then anyone part of Matter can do to another: For bere Kniow pervades through all, but there Gonjunttion is onely ie 4% common fuperficies, as #s ufually fancied and as- Knomledged and this Hylopathia, which is thes in a finste Spivit or Soul , I further adde, may well ane Jwer in Analogy to thot power of creating Matter, which és neceffartly included in the Idea of God,or Im material being. I feall {peak one word of Immaterial fubjtancey snd it will make you merry : for difcourfing of an Im= material being, a prating Aftermonger asked meif there were any thing fo called , or any being fine Materia : he, ba, be san Afirologers queftion, fide, i every his Almanack next year y or to have been pul in bis great bundle of wafle Paper, tobe read by {ot in ‘an Ale-boufe, when be takes bis loathfome Tom Sacco, But te the feminalforms or plants of Animals, ow the Archei , as The Rofie Crucians call them > ‘But this Form or Archeusis athing more fimple and plain, andvequires a more fimple énd plain qualifica- Vion of the fubjes it works upon, viz. 'that st be onely Homes “The Epilile Dedicatory, “Hommgeneal ard daitible to the tendes affaus o ‘aha fubflaraial power of fe shay refides in “3 <1 Now ts this Opinion’ef the Archei or Semixal ‘Forms intangledin any fach difficulties, but may be ceafily anfivered. | For as for thofe many pretended intricacies in the inflance of the efformation of Wafps out of the Carcafe of 4 Horfes I fajy, The Arches that framed them are saoparts ofthe Horfes Soal that is dead y bat feveral Gikina Archeisbat do as naturally joyn wish the mat- tev of bis Body fo putrified and prepared, as the Crows conve tact bis feb. s Some may demand where thefe Archei were before : Aenfiner, Can there want zoom for [0 finpll pieces of Breesinality in fo vafh a campafs as he comprehenfion ‘of the Kecuerfe I Shall vather reply, where were they not 2 the worldof Life being excluded aut of No place, and the fuudry forts of Souls being as plentiful andl obvious theres as thofe Magnetich particles are in this corporeal World: And joa cou foarce place sow Load-flone or Trou any wheres but ow ill finde shair prefence by the feafibleefeBs of thers 5. ax if yor Saag agvafice comparifon, they are as cheap aud cove sian gs dul flying inthe Ait ix a dry and windy Sum 70, Thefe docked be fp masy forigs of t'e common the-worid yon, particular. [ubpjlencies of ues 3 There 45 ria. greater incomivnbence rackiwon eskging thay stmay be cither may s for at docsvvt fella that they be fo many branches or TheEpiiie Dedicatory. sae a {lind rayes of the great Soul of the World, thas there fore they are not that very Soul itfelfs andif they be ‘not » they may have their pleafures and patns apart Ain from ane anater snd what és plefere or painto them , may bappily be neither totheir Ovigi- nal, moving ber no mare then the cheping of Grieket doth Sir John Hantner, John Vicia £fys snrdyous felfy when you are attentive wo your load Mu fick, Now, learned and wsliars Sir, I prefitne ofub- nit all toyour éetter judgemect. ‘Then fappefe I fayy hey are fo mary fubftancesyas independent an the Sox of the mrorld, ag the Matter it fell 1s (hough all depend! anGod) there iso dificult at all, or Hiconvenience inthat potion 5 nor nted f trouble my felf where they are, or what becomes of them, either before they ons in their proper Places: we (hall the next placefpeak of the Judgementof Horary quel Hse dale of Nativitiez. “And be you not doubta Peck che truth of this Ares for upon my Wordand Sputation, all that is writcen in thts Book | have exe Fertqneeds ‘and what ehe Rulers and. Ilea'sfiguite 2 jindgesSt' MBER they are in che Howes you may : Bob CHAP, Joux Hirvow THEO- The Femple of Wifdom. Book Tl ys CHAP L, . Of feral cofideraions ta be obfeted forthe bei us ing of « Quien. ee sinvdheit Nativites “and hes Soe ame itty and ssl wl hg eco palsy as, you knew the Hone of your Beh. "The ehings are fc for the Arc 5 bese quainted with, for the bextes judging of any Quel Fro adicalne ofthe Figue, and fine ofthe judged. . ae AG orimpollity of he mater po : judged. — = ra eee Gr Maucer impeding or Furthering an E the time in which it may be perform CHAP. IL. Of tbe Sinifieation of she Querent and. Quefteds pase ‘ , isthat Perfon (be it, man or woran) | grein Ion fe me Arid’: And te fit Hou, and any Figure. in fgnides the Querenc: the Ruler and Tes figai she Stature, Complexion, Condition and Quality, mi ane alae is he prton (or ching) end afer sand the (eee Howe ganas a Figureing, theldesy and Ruler of it, arethe Signi See DONT. ‘The Tenple a) Wefan, 3 ators thereof. ‘The Avendene, Figure, Ideaand Rar ler, do fignifie in thae place the Corporature of the Body. . ‘id leevery Aci® well ndefland the fignificas tions of the Rulers and ldea's, for they gain. figs nilication to the Houfes and Figures, as you findein the fecond Boo And teiag well verfed in thefe, obferve the Naw tureof yonr Queltion propounded , and give the firlk Honfe, and she Figure, Ruler and Ides therein, to the Querents then cenfider unto what Houle’ che Perfo or thing enquited after belongs, ind. sive hig Ruler, Mea acd Figure co siguite ee ching enquired afcer. As for Example : Suppofe a Perfon fhould enquire concerning Riches; the firlt Honfe figoities his Per= fons andl from the fecond Hone and the pofition iow the condition of his e= If one enquire concerning Brethre Thea you.malt eake the third Houfe and his Figure, Rue ler and dea, becautfe they have fignification cheres of. Bueif 4 quieftion be made of or concerning a Fae ther, or Land, or Honfes, évc. the fourth Houfe hath fignitcation dereof: If of Childven, ee. the fith 2 Hf of Servants or. frall Cateel, ec the frxth: IF of a Husband sa Wife, Sweetcheare, or of Partuerthip, Theft, Law, or Conteove fies 5 the feventh: Ifiof a Portion of the Wife, or Eilace of a Husband. ot Death, Ses che eighth’ If of the Husband, or Witte, Kindred, or ofa Church-man, or Lawyer, or Dreams; fhe ninch © If of a King, Prince, Puke, Protettor’? Farl, Lord or Magitrate,or of the Mothes, the eenth: Wfof Friends, orany thing one hall hope fory tee eles * Bbb 2 ‘veath: 106 Book Tit 4 The Temple of Wifdom, Nenth 7 Mf of private Enemies, or Sorrow and Im- ‘prifonment, or of Prifoners, or of great Cattle, ce, the twelfth Houte. bus according to the true pro- jpounding of any queltion » “ay the ingenious Artif sive afober anda certain Refolve: And this thall be ‘aicene eo difcover the fignieators, both of he Qu rent, and the Perfon or thing Quefited. CHAP. HL When a Figere is Radical , and fis to be Judge ed, He Ajtift before headventureth eo judge a Quelti- ‘on, ought firft to conlider, whether it be prov perand ft robe judged: For many times, Perfons prox pound impertinent Queftions, with an intent to die grace and delude Ares and info doing, they create no- thing but hame to chemielves. . Then che Arcift. hall fometimes meet with per- fons that know not how to propound their desires aright. Ie ig an Argument when fiuch queries are made, chat (although they may be aked with 2 good ‘intent, yet) they are not ripe for Judgement 5 nd the Areift oughe co defer his counfel until another time. : _ Now forthe difcovery of the knavery ofthe one, and ‘the unfitnefs or unpreparedne( of the other: obferve thefe Rules felling. . Tf the Ruler and Idea, which governs the Figure in thefishtHoule, ée. thal deferibe the Perfon of the ‘Querent exaéty ; you may conclude the Figure Radical, and the queftion propounded fit to be judged: when-Rubens, Cauda Draconis, or Amsiffio s yous Book Lil. the Temple of ifdom. s havea care whar you fy, for the Quer ‘care » for the Querent hath been tamperig withochersabot che bute rropoed, pe i n is forged ; and therefore not fit to Af Popiclusor any Figure f Z igure go out of the firfttoaO & of the Figureof theleventhy th isa Knaves Steten as heleventh, the Querent iva Krave, hen Trifitia or Carcer bein the At Hhen Ti in (cendent, or firlt Houfein ill company and A(pett either the matcer pros i nee > Or paft all hope. a the Figaresbe equal, and the Witnelles a reomile atch cove gues ei Jae defer your judgement untilarother time.” OF the Pofiditity or Jmpofibitity of tbe Matter. Hattoever i. ieth i WHhttoever is propounded, carvieth in eh YY of it both a Negative and an Atlrmative ¢ ea i 00 Gaye ay be cher concluded, or noe: For all ings Under the Sun are contingent; and it is ad bonourabie for an. Ait to gwe a fudgemene in the Negative» ifthe Figoe deny ehe wihedl vere 35 in the Affirmative, wien the Figure promifeth it, ale though not fo plefane as the’ proponent. But che polity or impollbitiey of bringing eo a che Mate fer propounded you may kuow by ehele Rules fol Bulinelfesare brought copa Tes are broughe topaGsdivers ways, vie. wh the firft Figure in chefirt Houfe figniying the perfon Propounding, andthe perfor or thing propounded are a good places of the Figure, or wh rt Fig {065 into Houfe ofthe thing demanded. ac aeeat Howe Bbb 3 again % The Temple of wiftom. Book IIL, again beholds ehe frit Figure or Houte by a or O, from places they delighe ia: Thething foughe after will bebronght to pats. . If the Significator of the thing promifed ,be weil dig. ified, and doth behold the firft Hout the Mat- ter will be brought co pecfeétion before it be ex petted. Tf the firlt Figore , admit it were Albus, didin a mounting grow from the firlt Houte'to che fecond ; that isto fay, that he be in the (econd, or belikeuntothe Girt, where Albus is: Te fignifies by vertue and power of the Ruler and {dea ehae is ateribued'to ie, much sain by Artsand Sciences, fortunates the Querent or Native inMerchandize, in ll Kindsof writingss and by his ine genuity he fhall aceain geeat honour from men of aie thority. ‘When the Signifcators of the Querentand Quefited, &c. are now beholding, itis an ill ijn of ever Bringing the thing enquired after coperfedtiv: ‘When the Significators {hall behold each other by 11 or 6 from hateful places of che Figuie, ov fall be in O or & of Carcer, Triftitia, Pucr, or Richins je is (eldome known any thing isbroughtto pat. When ill Figures thall “be in che Houte ‘figei ng the thing enquired after, or allldting che Signtica- rors by company:or Afpett ; the bulineis propounded Bid ake no etfest. Book HL, The Femple of Wilaor. CHAP. Vv. Of the Pesfon,-or Matter, futbering ov imy eding the Bue ‘Sine * Wien you have projested your Figure, and finde an obftrudtion in, or a furtherance of your bufi- neG, obférve the Figure impediag,or adjuvant sand fay, the let or furtheraice thall cone from fucha perfon or thing fignified Ly cheHoufe the Figure, IdeaandRu- lerdo govern. If Puslls be aTiting Or impedting » and be in the third, you may fy, aSifter, Kinfwoman, or Neigbour will Be the occalion of good or evil portended by the bufines. If Fortune Major be in theGecond, tell she Querent that Money muft be hig onely advocate in che thtnghe euguires afters If Rud! ewsbe there, want of Money will farve the bufinets, &c, Thee Riles ought well to be nnderitood. CHAP. VI. Of the sime whervin a Bufine[s may be performed, B ig deffrous to know, when or in what time a thing may come to pafS , after you fee a pollibilicy thereof ;- you muft conlider whether the Figures fignifie Years, Moths, Weeks, Daies and Hours. If theHouve be moveable, and the Idea that governs the Figuce ia it be moveable, it will be a weekand Bbb 4 ede “Book IIT, odde days before the bufinels be perfecteds and in the hour the Figure governs that day, it willbe done. If she Houfe be common, and che Figure and Idea ‘common : i will bea Month or five Weeks before the thing be done. Ifthe Houfe , Figure and Kea iniebe fixed ; that ie will bea Year and three Months before ehe thing come toeffett, according tothe Years, Months, Weeks, Days and Hours the Figures fignifie. 8 The Tempie of Wifcom. CHAP. VII. Of Motes, Marky and Sears of the Querent and Que- Sited. He knowledge of the Marks, Moles, ée. of each yierent by Arc: is a good way to veritie. your Fiat ful prove ie Radial, ay we Thewell be fore. J Hf the Figure that rulesthe hour, be inany of the four Angles and the Moles,¢>c.ofthe Perfon enquiring gorrefpond exattly with the Schean erefted: The Artift’ may Gfely proceed co judgement. Now the Rules observable, are thete following. Hyving projetted your Figure, confider the Figure inthe fil Houle andthe Mlesand Rie that, sgovernsit, and what partor member ia mans body they govera! for the Querent hath a Mole, Mark or Scarin that part Of his body. Exavple: If Pucr bein the firft Houle, itisacurin the head or face, orburn, or red Mole: If Lewiundi, ics on the belly, viz. a Mole, Mark or Scat: HE Puells hein theft, icisonghe Reins, viz. a Mark, ey URydeur, che Secrets Se HER Seerets on Book LI Confiderif the fir Figure go into any other Houfé cout of the frit, the Querene hath a Molein that pare alfo: Confider Populis, and wherefoever the is, that Hone and Figure tells you in what pare the Querent hath another. ‘What Figure is in the fixeh Houle, noces ufially Mark, Mole, or Scar in the Member ‘it fignitieth , as you may read in the 26 Chapter of the firft book: Mf Carcer or Triftitis fignifie che Mack, ec. it ie ged nerlly an excrefcence Of a dark obeire or blak = jour. If Acquifiio or Letitia,icis ufually apurple or blewith Mole: If Puer or Rubevty it's commonly fome Sear, Slath or Cut,chiefly ina Houle governed by a fery Idea and_fometimes a reddith Mole or {pots of Gunpowder Mf Fortuna Major , or Forsuna Minar generally of an olive orchefaue colour: If mifio or Prella,ofa honyt colour. p If Alkus or Coninntiioy whitith or lead-colonr: If Populusor Via, white, and of the colour the Figures igs nite thae behold them : Caput Draconis, white 3 Canis Draconis black or red : If the Figure be Ma(culine that reprefents the Mole, Mark, te.” itison che right fide of ‘the Body; if Feminine, judge the contrary. If the Significator of the Mole, 6c. be in the fill, feventh, eighth, ninch,eenth,eleventh and ewelfth ofany queltion ;ieisehien vilibleco the eye, and other fore of the Body: but the other Hontes fignifie ‘the Mote is nottobe (een, butis on the back-parcof the ————Se— The Temple of Wifom, A iy. Ifill Figures be inche ft. che Quevent is ufually blemifhied : for th Figure foever be; Thefe Rules will hold ecue upon che Body of the Cuiclited Mutstis Afutmdis, As fuppofe one thould enquire ceisfignified by che fit, lec what x The Temple of Wifdam. Book IIT, daquire of aMillcis, or Gveet-heart, or wife, Ge. and fn the Members thofe Figures figoiie , the thall have Markes, Moles, or Scars. “The Hebrew, Caldean, Greek, Arabian, Latine and Egyptian Doftors ofthis Art , teach you, as we did in tthe ictBook, coframe che Wirnefles ant the Judge. The frit WitneG they pue forcheQuerent : Andit it rere good, ancl agreed with chefe on the right fide 5 and dethe Tudge wereeven and good, and agreed wich the fecond , third, fourth , ninth, tenth ; they faid the fignificition of the demand fhould come to a good fend: But che lefe WieneG was contrary ; and if, the Jadge contented ¢o it, and che Figure on chat fide: the queltion of thing fought after fhould come to anil end. SMBut becafe we could never finde eruth in che VVic- aeffes, wenever regarded their Judge, becaule we finde no reafon for what chey (aid: and fo lec chem pak YVewill give judgement upon the ewelve Houles a5 we have experienced to be true. f CHAP, VIL Fuudgements proper totbe firft Houfe Civ) outer fe firlt Houte fignifies the life of each perton, his Temperature and Corporature sand iu che quelti- ons, chefe be attributed to it. 1. Of the lengeh ofthe Querents iife. 2. OF the ood or evil attending life, 3. When or in what cime ithe Querene undergoachange. 4. Whae pare of the Querents life isliketo bebelt. 5. To what part ofthe world may be diet his afbirseo proper inchem > 6: Book IIT. The Temple of Wifdom. aE 6. A perfon having a minde to fpeak with a 5 fall he fide him at home? 7. TOF an abten. fae tyyifdeadorlive. 8. OF a Shi r fa spider a ShipacSea, her ffety o¢ ‘Thete particulars being explained, will give fifici? eacligh unto the Aris ‘whereby he me) jules of any other deman r unto this Houle. To c estes Book end eH Cuide, TOS Of ibe length of the Qusreats Life. 'N the Refolution of this queftic Refolu is queftion, you mutt obf Tee Figure inthe Eatt part of the ‘each or ist Houle: and if you finde him fo fcee from the ill Afpeas of ill Rulers The Temple of Wifdon, Book IIL, Rllers and Ideas,and from che fourth, fixch, eighth and ‘ewelfeh Houfes, you may faely judge the Querents life will belong. Ifehe firt Figure go into the fourth,eighth or twelfth Houifes with ill company, you may judge the Querene thall ot live Long. : ‘When the Significators, &e. hall be evilly Afpetted from, good places of the Figure, or the benevolent Figures friendly greet,, the Malevolencie ehreatned will bbe abated : Bueifit be from evil Houles in the Figure, and the benevolent affordno help; much danger of a hort lifeis co be feared. W. Of the good or exil attending Life. Ti good and evil hat attends each perfon is known -om the fortunate or infortunate projeétion of the Figure. Readthe Harmony of she World, VVhenbe- nevolent Figures poffeG the firtt howe, or the prine cipal places of the Figures they declare much good unto the Querent, in the whole courfe of his life. If the fir Honfe be befriended by the company of Figures, although ill Figures beholdit, yet it pre- fages good unto the Querent inthe courfe of his life in as much as an accidencalevil canrtot rebate or wiehftand ‘an effential. Buewhen che ill Figures thall poffets the placés afore- faid, or by Afpeévafligt che Significators aforefaid ; che Peron incerogating will betubjett co 2 coublefome fe. Tfany Aftrologe: ask how the Ritlers and Tdea’s be+ hold one another in their Figures, inthe twelve parts or honfesof che Earth by Apts isnot oely beanle they Book 3, The Temple of Wif dom, they are governed by the Stars, as fome fondly cow but becaufe 4 pee x# suze risers. Ht ‘rity gsm vine. HY gulee Teens And {o agrees wich the foul of many which isruled by God, whofe Effigiesic is: And ( che Idea’s are overcome, and made ‘natural co us inthe Figures, which are like che body, whichis natural but yetreceives heat and motion fiom a divine principles asche other received their influence we fpeak of inthe firft Book. Uf Carcer or Trijtitiz be in the Eaft-Angle, che Que» rent will be melancholy and penfive , and fubjeét co. ‘ities from agedmen, ve. IF Puer or Rubeusy he will be cholerick , and lie liable co oppreffion by Knaves and Theeves; and fometimes by the Villar and Treachery of Kindred , he may fufler. If Cas Draconis, he is never free from (eandalsand difgraces = when the afling Figures are in good Houles , the good will be more permanent. Have great regardto. the places where the Figures are, and how they go ‘ont of one Houfe into another; for from thence is known by whae means the Querent (hall be fortunate or unhappy. ‘You muft obferve, that as che Malignant Company or Afpeét of Parts or Houtes evil, prevenc the good that is fignified : So the friendly and benevolene Houfes and Atpeét of Figures, mitigates much of the mifchief portended : by confidering of which, accor+ ding to che ftrengeh of the Figures alfiting or affigting, che’Artitt may finde the Magnitude, finalneor Me= dioctty of the good or evileha arcends exch Querenes life, Ta The Pempleot Wildorm: mM In what time abe Native or Querent muy expedi a change. i THe Time, che Figures igniies and if fixed Figures governed by fixed Idea’s of a violent Nature, goles ee ring pts ofthe Fine chiefly the iit Honfe oreenth Houle; thac number chefe Figures are attributed co, prefage firdden and unexpeéted mi chief. VVhen good Figures poflefs the before-menti tioned places 5 they demonflrace fadden good unto the Qiterent. We will now make a Table, whereby you may know the number of the Figures, and whatnaines they fignific. B ak 30 #58, aud The Temple of Wifaome. 8 5 The third Rule. 150 eR e 6*R of x2 * | 4 ajag BS sal 8 #100) 9x ¥ #7 SYMON IPH 160 *¥ gi 2 ** 15 * a3] 25 * me | a4 e gk tplg * ho 23 # * 50 Te Book III. The Temple of wifedome Yo know the Name of ary Perfans that is to fay, with what Letter or Syllable 10 know the number and ame of all ings. owe Fye would know thename of any Perfon, ai of a T tise stich here any thing 5 or of aToWis in which 2 perfon fhall be fortunate, ar of aman which doth write Letters, or of a Guardian-Geniusy ox of Angels, or of fuperiour powers, and ofthe Rulertand, Idet’s of the Eareh, in feveral placess or how longa Perfon hall lives when a thing will bappen show long a Town, Cattle or Hon fhall continue, or Fail § when the happinef of the Perfon fhall be, when st fortunate, ere. a, OF ehae Figure which is in che firlt Houte, Je thsll ‘ake the firit(yilable likewile of chat of the tenclt: take al the fecond and third (yllable of the letters of the Figure, which ye thall finde in she fourth Houfes and fe ‘thall ye finde the name which yedefire. May Or thus: take the Letters of thefirl aad fevaineh Figures 5 and as often as ye cake the faid Letters, fo'of tea move your Figures and then if you finde it uot take the Letters ofthe tenth. ha You mutt tnderftand that the frft Figure doth. fags nifie che firlt lecter of his name, whom ye defire td, knows the feventh and tenth fgoife the’ leetersof the middle of the names the fourthand fifth ehe letters oftheend. . th And. let no man wonder, that by the numbers anth ames many things are found out: For the mot high God created all things by number, name, weight and meafiire: (rom whence the truth of his Art hath ita Original, which were not inficuted afially, bueby » ‘certain: Rule: Hence St, Fein te KewlaionBish, cea & = ——— - 20 The Temple of Wifeome, Bok M1. Book TL. Toe Temple of Wifaome. an Tm which barhunderftanding compute the number of fe ie ifthe Beaftwhich is the cenler ofa Man. Thele ‘which were infpired into every one at his Birth, by che very Heavens, withthe coojunétion of sheSesy aad a power intothe body, as ye may read al brought By a Bomany of abe Worid. God himtel ‘thaugh he be onely one in Effence,yet hath divers names ‘whieh expound fot his divers Effences or Deities, but, Certain properties flowing from him ; by which Names fhe doth pour down, asit were by certain Conduitson tas) and all his Creatures many benefits and divers gifts by Idea’s. Ten of theft Names we fpake of in che fit Book, which give vereueto feven and twelve, which ate fosted in feventy ewo Places, cwelve Veltments in Elofe them in their places in every Species 5 and in chefe ‘we finde (eventy ewoNames,hoth of Angels and of God: ‘And if you proceed furtlier out of all places of Seri- pure according to the fourth Rule, you will inde fo Fray names of Idea’s Divine and Natural, as che number fe Names is- . cre Nahet therefore, befidesthofe which we have reckoned up before, isthe Name of the divine Effence, Pbeias re, which is tranflated +5 from hence they call Godt #1, ad 3 ee being, He se i nifying the Aby& of head? isanother Name, fignffing the Abys ofthe Godhead: sand the Name of God ea, mitigates perturbations and troubles 5 there is Mieke Name ob ry andthe Name Elin, pops the Name Mzcom, D's the Name Capbu, B93 the Name Fimon, 21" 5 the Name Emerb, mast, whichis interpreted Truth, and El the Seal of God: and ea ‘are two other Names Zer, sV¥, and Aber, yast5 bod of them fignifie a folid work, and one of them exprels he Father ‘with the Son And many more Names yoy ay finde in Rules excrabted out of che Holy Scripture, where many words retrated by certain of their Letters make up one Name, or one Name difperfed by each of its Leues, gut or rendereth more. “Sometimes chey cake the four Angles; che fir Figure of them fg~ nifiech ehe fir Lecter or Vowel, the eenth the fecond Vowel, the feventh che fourth Vowel , the fourth Fi- gure the lat Vowel. ‘Sometimes Names are gathered from che heads of words, as the Name Agia, wax thatir, the Mighty God for ever , taken fr this verfe of the Holy Seri ture 1278 C9 5y9 124 NN: Inlike manner the Name Fais, Ws, from this verle, wy mann SINATI 5 thae is, God, our God is one God : Im like manner the Name Java, NIN, from this verfe WM Ns M75 hat is, Ler there be light, and shere svar light: Inlikemanner the Name Arzrita, SMM, fromthis vere WHY ANON WAM UST NOTITR simi 5 that's , one principle of his Unity , one be- ginning of his ‘individualicy, his vicifieude is one thing : and this Name Hacaba,.¢arin,is extraéted from this verle, RMN NWI; The boy and Dlefed One: Inchis like manner, this Name Wo" is foundin the heads of thefe two verfes, viz. 9YTNY WHIM 5 that is, Une sil the Meffab fail come, and the other ver(e 31 MDs thatis, His Name abides sill she end: Thus alfo is the Name Amen,from this verfe DIJO VaR) § that is, The wicked net fo, but the Letters are tratfpo- fed: So by the final Letters of this verfe, DOW O's, thap is, To me, what, or mbat ibis Name? Sometimes thefe Names are extratted from all the Figures, one by ‘ones evenas thofe Names of God are extrafted from thofe three verfes of Exodus, beginning from thefe three words, DURA NyOW; the firkt and lat verfes being ‘written from the right to theleft s but the middle cone Cee 3 trariwile Be “The Temple of Wif dome, Book lit, “araviife from the left co che right: And fometimes mond is exertdked from. a Word, ora Name froma “Name, by ehetran(pofition of Letters,as Mefia, 7¥oD, ‘from Hinath, OID? and Michael, XID, from SRI, Malschi. ; Ls Sometimes alfo by reafon of che equality of Num- ‘beds Names are changed, as Merattron, WDD, for Sadai, WO: for both of them in Albus make three heel and fourteen; $0 Jisi,ne, and Elbe are sequal in oumbers for both of chem with Puclls and Leti- diasmakethirty one. This is the Are which A/ferand che Prophets ufedsand ic fs not to be rafhly difcovered to any, ‘Therefore of the(e we will fiy no more, but pray to ‘God-that he of his goodnefs would reveal , what we ‘may not teach you; for chey are the myfteries and con weyances of Gods Omnipotencie: Not from men, nor from Angels, but inftituted and firmly eftablifhed by ‘he mioft high God, after a certain manner, with an in ‘tbveable number and Figure, and breathe forth the ‘Harmony of the God-head, being confecrated by the Divine affitance : Therefore the Creaturesabove feat ‘them 5 thole below tremble at them Angels, Rulers and Idea’s reverence chem 5 every Creature doth hor “nour, and every Religion adorethen, "Thereforethe Religions obfervation of the Rulers, ‘Tdet’sand Figures in the evelve partsof the Earth, doth yeild us great Witdom and Virtue, and even Deifiesthe Lion, and givesa power to work wonderful ehings in ‘Nanite : Therefore ‘wemay not for any Reafon what- ‘change the charattersof the Rulers, Idea’s and Figures; for they bear the Image of the Heavenly powers, and uiffribute their vercue covery Speciesin hevwelve pares ofthe Earch. seThereforefeting they receive their power from God, Bypereidin Exndys 3 4h every place in which nreation is Book ll, The Temple oj wifdome. 23 ig made of my Name: Ivill be with thee, and blefe shee And in the book of Numbers, ‘the Lord faith, Z mil my Nome ap tbe Sans of Yosls Lil bie then Therefore thefe Rulers, Idea's and Figures have not their power in Operations from themfelves, as they are Characters, or Tele(ms, or Figures; but from the ‘occule Divine Powers, working by them in the Mindes of thofe who projeét chem : By which Divine Powers, or Names , the fecret Power of God, asit were through Conduit-pipes is eranfinitted intothe Rulers, Idea’sand Figures; and by moft pure converfation of the Divine ‘Namexare made the habitation of God, and capable of the divine Influences : Whofvever therefore ufech rightly chefe Rules and Figures , with chat purity of minde, in that manner and order as they were de- lsered’, Gull both obtain and do many wonderful ings. Iv. What part ofthe Querents lifes like 10 be bs PHO thesetolcion ofthis qution you are fl vo ob- ferve in what parc ofthe Figure the fortunate Ruler and Idea’s are incorporated into good Figures and ace cording cotheir poiition Judge. Jf propitious Figures be in the firft Houfe, the twelfth or eleventh Houfes 5 ehe Querent willbe moft happy ia his infancie: 1f in the venth, ninth, eighth, in the fecond part of hisage: If in the feventh, fixth, or fifth, of hismiddle age: If in the fourth, third, fe cond, his latter days will be moft happy. ontten the Signifcators of ife are trong and figie longlife, you may to every houte allow ewelve years » Cee 4 if 24 The Temple of Wifdome. Book ITT. if the Figures be fortunate by company, Houle and ‘Apett ; for then itis pofible the Querent Cifhe fol- low the Riles in’ my Book, which i publied, and wears the name of The oly Guide) may live more then one bundred dnd fifty yearss if GodbleG him to une derftand our (ecret happine®. v. award what part ofthe World may she Querent diret bis ‘courfeto prolper ? WE know ic to bean evil Epide nical for perfonsto ‘undertake Voyages. snd other weighty matters, ec. much to their prejudice and difadvancage. | And although all places are alike co him chat made the Earch, yer they arenot (0 eo men that polleG its Thereforeit Hill be requilite for chofe chat judge quettions of ehis nny of them as he thall ule. ‘The Earch is divided into four quarters, Eaft, Wel, North,Soueh ; and thee four quarters are again fub- divided, vic. The firft Houle is full Eaft, “and the twelfth Houfe being next unto it turns Eaft and by South, che eleventh nexe unto that is South-eaft, and the Mid-heaven is South, ve. According co the quar ters of Heaven, chus divided and fubdivided, you are to look in which of thofe places you finde the pro- mifing Figure, oc. Viz. Acquifitio, Letitia, Anjo, Puella, Populus, Via. ‘Now the pare of Fortune is very obfervable, andic is. i found thus: Adde all the points of the Figure together, | and divide themby twelve 5 and what remains denotes the place where you mutt put the part of Fortune, } if; Kind coobferve chefefollowing Rules, oratlealt asma- 25 The Femple of Wifdome, _ Book Il If one, in the Girt Houle 5 if two remains, ic isin the feconds if three, in the third Houle, ce. And chisis the charafter of it, If irbe in the Grft Houle, it imports much gain te happen to the Querent by hisown labour and indultry, efpecially if with good Figures in good company 5 bur if it be with ill, ie much abates its good figniti- cations. To the place where thefe good Figuresare, the part of Fortune diretts the Querent. If good Figures be in che tenth , and Pari Fortune dire&& the Querent South; if they be in eheninth tell the Querent ie is his et way to go Southwell 3 in the Wet ic good to go Well: and fo of the rel Confider ferioufly che Nature of the Querents de- fire, whether it be for Health, Riches,Jong Life,Honour, Friends, ée. that he hopeth to enjoy by his un dertakings and by rightly underitanding che queftion, You Mal mae the Querent dere more. ret ily. If itbefor Health he would remove his habitation , where or in what quarter the Figurein che ft Houle removes, and is fortunate by company and Afpett, di- re€thim that way : If for Riches, takenotice of the (e- cond and @: If for honour, confider Fortuna Major, and what Figure isinthe tenth: If Friends, obferve the Lond ofthe ents andfo may you saves ny queftion ely. vi. The Temple of Wifdome, vit A perfon baving« minde to fpeak, with another, if be} all seb hcings mind a ieee ‘Wes you would fpeak with a Perfonthat youhave familiar and conftant dealing with, and he no ways related unto yous take the feventh Houfe and his Figure to fignifiehim, che fevench from the Eaft: for the Eal-Anglealwaysgnies the Qrerene Af Puella be in the Yeventh, and from thence go co the tenth, or if the be in the firlt or fouth Houtess the perfon you would fpeak witha! his at \e- If any Figurein the feventh remove into any of the fuccedene Houtes , che party is noc at home, but he is neer home, and may be eafily founds the Ruler, l dea, Figureand Houle dizett you where co fpeak with im. Note that if the Perfon you would (peak with bea relation, then you are not to take che Figures as you did before , but the Figure which fignities fich re- lation “As'if he be a Brother, then the third you mult Sook unto : Ifa Farber, you muft read the fourch, and (o what Figure isthere, and into what An« eit oeth: Mf a Son or Dangheer, che fh, &, jaccare to. it pofitions, judge as descending pofitions, judge as you’ were Book MI The Temple of wifome. VIL If an abfent party be dead or alive. Erein you are toconfider whatrelation the Que+ i renevaeh core party Queficed, and to take your Fignification accordingly, asis formerly thewed s but if there eno relation between themy take the fc Houle and the Figure that is projetted init : And if Populus ot Via be in che Figure, lec thete fignife the party abfent and judge thus: . Mf any Figure in the firft (or Populus or Via )bein che eighth wich ill company and afpeét , the abfent party. isdead, If Populus, Via and a Figurein the firtt, or any of them thallbe in the (econdand eighth, or inthe fixeh and twelfth Hputes 5 cheabfent party isdead. If a Figure in thefirftgoincothe fourth, or Popes or Via inche feventh ia 0 Afpeet to the fourth, it great danger, ifnotdeath. If a Figurein che firft Houle, whichis Lord of chat Houfe, or Populus be inthe fourth or eighth in ill come pany, orin their falls; you may fay, the party abtenc is dead. Jfnone of thele happen, but on the contrary, you finde Populus and che firft Figure ttrong and fortified by good company and afpett from good Honfes 5 you may’ judge the party Quefited & alive and very wel. Ifthe Lord of the firt, thats, theFiguce rofeed inthe firft Honfe, goinco ill Houfes, viz. the fixth, the is fick if into theeighth, he isdead: but afters fou look into the tenth, and finde them remo~ ved intoit, or into the ninth of eleventh Houtes in good fompany and afpeét, he hath been fick andin singe feat! a8 The Vemple of wifdorne. Book Lf. ‘death, but now is welland palt danger 5 and by varying your Rule his condition will be found. Vit Of a Ship at Sea, bor fafety or prejudice. "Lis Quetionby che Hebrew, Caldean, Greek, Are bbian, Latine and Egyptian Dottors is ateributed to the ninth Houfe : Bue che Learned men of our Nation, as Fobn Dighy Ef, and Captain Blackman, know the judgement belongeth co the firit Houte ; asthey have ‘proved by experience. “The parts of the Shipare chus divided, and aeeributed tothe houtes. The firtt Houle fignifies the Breatt che (econd Houte tander the Brealt cowards the Water che third Houte theRudder or Sterns the fourth Houle, the Floor ofthe Ship or Botcom 5 the fifth Houfe, che Top above Wa- ters the fixth Houle, the Belly of the Ship 5 the fe venth, thatpart above the Breaft in the Waters che cighth, where Mariners abide, che Cook-room and Powder-room; the ninth, the Mariners, the hold where the Merchants goods are ftowed ; the tenth, the Ends ofthe Ship ; che eleventh, the Governour or Cap- tain; cheewelfth, che Oars. After obfervation made of thisdivifion, you are to confider what Figuresare fortunate, and what unforeu- nate at the time of your Queltion propoundeds for the perfons or pares of the Ship chereby fignitied, are either well or in danger, according totheir fortunacy corunhappine. The Figurein che firfk Houle, and Poputus, ifthe be in the Figure, are generally fignificators of che Ship and theburden the beays: If the Gt Figure or Pople or ie Book IIT. Via pas into other Houles , chat fignifiech che perfons that fail inher 5 otherwife the firft and nineh ignife the Ship and Mariners: And ifin a queftion propounded you finde all chefe fortunate, you may judge the Ship fils well, ivis well viualled. ‘If Capst Dracinis before tunate, the men are ina goodcondition , and they will makea profperous voyage. ‘Bue if on the contrary, you finde chem all affigted, youmay judge the ship caf avayandal eat sinher loft. If Rube be in che iit Houle, and Canda Draco- sis in the eighth with Puella ; and the Figures of the twelfth, fixth, or fourth move to evil Afpett of Cauda Draconis or Rubens, who is proper Lord of the eighth : All chefe are dangerous prefages, that the Ship is caft a way or loft. ff any thall enquireof the fuccefs a Ship thall have in her voyage upon her fetting forth, you mutt then be~ hold the Anglesof the Figures andif you finde all chem or the major part fortunate, and che unforcunate Fi- gures cadene, orin an abjett condition ; you may judge the Ship and her Lading to have a fair Winde unto the intended Haven. Bue if che inforeunes be in Angles or fuecedene Houfes, the will meet with Men of War, Pyrats, or faffer thipwrack, or fome prejudicein her voyage 5 and. the misfortune will fall upon that part ofthe hip or perfon or thing in the fame figniGed by che Figure and Houfe which ill Rulers and ill tdea’s govern. . If the illfortunes chreatning danger fhall be Zazel, the Veffel will be fpli¢ or funk,and the menin danger of drowning. Butif the infortune Barzabel , and be in his Figureand Idea inthe eighth Houfe, frowning wich ill Afpeét upon the fignificator , he portends the fame mifchief that Zaxel did, But if foreunate Figures (mile upon cither of the a~ i forefiid The Temple of wifidome. 29 ¢ Book III. The temple of wifdome, 30 efiid places, and the Angles with good company, A retilig the Eat removes into a good Houles and Papnius and Via be free from misfortune, itdenotes, ae though the Ship thoula be caltaway, yecby afitance of the long-Boat and Skiff, and other fortunate helpes, the major part of the men and goods will be pree ferved. | oe Bueif Barzabel do affige the Figures in Angles and the difpofitor of Pepulus, the Saylors or Mariners will lower their Top-fils, Main-Gil, and Fore-Gil, Falf-Matt high, often tacking about thip; and ftanding off co Sea for fear of their énemies. Et fi boc Malin babuerit au ind damnum in figura acident inter cos interfedtonesper ‘nfiones, onlvera, furta, & predaticnes in fubfiantie, & sebas quas ferunt, Bc.” Butif to adde 1g thisevl there bsppen ay otter evilinthe Figures, there will be quorrelling , contro verfies, wotinds and theftsamong the {hips compan; they hill cozen and chezt one another ; and. this chiefly happen to be located sm chofe Figuress which Aifjole of the parts in the upper divifion of he hij Bue if Zazet do afi afer the fame manner, asbee fore we (aid of Berzabel, there will be many thefts com- ‘mitcéd inthe thip, and moft of the forementioned mi chiefs, bue no blood fhed. "And if the inforcunate Figures fignifie the bottom or Jqwer part of the fhip, viz. the Hold, it prefages faving agalift fomething, drowning, or aleak. "Hf the Idea unfortunate be in the Mid-heaven , and Bérzabel ffi the thip will beburne either by fire with §n, orby thunder and lightning without her, orby Hel- dens Star orby fome unhappy Meteor falling out of ehe Aire Of this you may read inmy Book, called, The Holy Guide, “MW Barzabels Figures and Idea’s a 1 Temple of Wifdame, 34 bein chofe places are governed by Tdea’s we call hue manefrom their nature, the burning ofthe {hip hallbe occafioned by a fight ;' who fhall by grapling wich her, tear and defpoile her: and che danger fhail begin in that parc of the fhip ignified by the Idea which governs the houfe the infortunate was placed in the Figure. Bue if Zazelthallby his tdea’sin Figures be the Affigor in fead of Barcabeland his Idea’sand Fignes and he po- fited inthe Souch Angle, che Vellel hall fuer by violent croft winds. Etiam fi dems Afcendemis in oc futris fortuna, erit reditas cum flute ac bono fuccefs : at fi infortunatuc, cum Malo d> Damng. VE the Lord of the Acendentia your Figure fhall movehis Figure of his fdea into ano thee fortunate place, the fhip thall come home fafe: bue if infortunate, the will fifferlofsand damage, If the Ruler of the fecond fhall remove his Idea and Figure from his own fecond; and the Ruler of the Figure ofthe Part of Eoreune, thall remoyethe Figure cadent from them, or in Qor #'to thems it thenpree fages want of viGualsand things necellary. And ifthey {hall be foundin Aquatical places, there will bea pauct- tyof frelh water. If in thofe Floufes are attributed toEarthy or Airy Idea's, ehey will be pu eo it for wane of vidtuals and fire, by’reafon of which they will be much difcouraged. ‘And hele I hope will be ifciene direftions for your better conduét through all manner of Quettions of this Nature, belonging to the ft Houle and to a ip. CHAP. 32 be Temple of Wiyaome, BOOK ALL OOK 11s 4 we 1 emple of Wifdome, 33 CHAP. IX _Queftions belonging, 10 tbe fecond Honfe rrapezs Pie econ Hout, is the Honte of fbflance 5 and thefe queftions following are attribueed to it, e+ shall the Quereat be rich of no? 2. By what means fhall he attain riches? 3. The time when. % Shall he obtain the goods or Money lene ? | ; | Se If he Mull obsain che wages or ftipend due? ‘And thef@ being explained, will lead the Are sit the ready way to judge any Quefion of tis Ne cure, . I, Shall L Shallshe Qugrens be vish or poor ? Pci sutton, you mut obfervethe Fie gure thatis in thefecond Houle, and his Idea and! Ruler aud @, and their projettions of Atpés. When youfindeall che Signiticators free, and affited by the company of good Figures, you may conclude the Querent will attain unto a very convenient degree of fortune, and fhall efcape poverty. Abus being a good Figure inthe firft Houle, and his corpanion Fortuna Major a Bood Figurein the fecond , promife a good Dad come C 34 The Temple of wifdome. BOOK IL, ‘Competent eflate 3 and becaufe che fecond goeth into SRedeventh Houle, the Querene willbe very much e fleemed of his friends, and obtain what he hopeth for. ‘When (on the contrary) you finde ll che Significa. torsaffidted, and the fortunate Rulersand Idea’safford themnoaffitance ; youmay judge the perfon interroge- ting will be poor, and chae continually. hen the Figures of Zazel and Bareabel or Conds Draconis thal bein the fecond Houfe, or ait by Atpet for Company s i's an argumene the Querent ll not Steain Riches s oF if ever he were in good capacie aye wil be reduced tobeggery, orto very mean te, iL By what means foalthe Qucrent attain Riches 7 -Aving well viewed the Significators of fubftance, obferve what Houfes they pats into, and what Rulers and Idea’s_govern the Figures and Houtes; for from thence is known by what means Riches come. Tf the fecond or other Significtors of fibftancete fortunately in benevolent Alpes of good Figures, orif the firt go inco the fecond, the Querene thal atain to great Riches gjichout much labour , in a manner unex- pededly. @ in the fecond, fignifies a profperous and happy ¢- fate, and thews mach gain from his employment and PatEc and tha he ball have he love of frends, and gain by them, ee, They thall prevent (and ‘keep off) much prejudice and danger from him, and (uffer: nothing ofevil to infet or trouble him, BOOK 111. Ae sempte of r1yaome. a5 WL ‘The timesvben 2 man may expedl ashing. ‘Onfider ferioufly your Significators and C gureof Numbers fixed Ideas prolong ah bake nels, bixcorporeal Figures thew an indiflerency, or rlte time to be neicher months nor years : moveable Figures. haftenche matter. You may meafure out your time by the Idea’s and Fignresinto years months, weeks or day: aswedicedted youbefore, "Ere folows an Exenple. ? A Figure ofthe year 1663. For the Duke? of Buckingham. ms Being ‘Ene 4 empie of rrijcasmne. Bing at dinner che elevénth of February, at Jobo Dighy Bly. bis houte, wich the Duke off Buckinge bam, wy Lordof Oxford, and other Lordsand Gertle- snonglt other difeourfes che Duke propounded ons to me sand (being willing to do im fervice)' TL projeéted this Figure yefee, and gave him 4 the: nexetime I did meet him 5 which frase fale after, one night ae Mr. iVerg'shoute at che Sar-Fivem in Alder(gatentreets faying, Sir, I have ‘exainined the Poviers above and below, and do finde (the Jaft-day ‘of Maich, or firlt of April ) One of your Jervants will endeavour to kil yor, and you fhall be in ‘reat danger ¢ hich ching eruly ‘happened co him in- deed,as we all know.. . ‘Now you may fee whae anadmirable Arc this is, and sMlchmrpradti(e ic (hall finde ie infallible , and thall gain honour and farue by it. ‘And now we proceed co ano~ cher Queftion, S Iv. -Sball a man vbtain the goods or monty lent ? , ‘Oumuit obferve in this queftion, that the firft Houfe is for the Querent, che fecond denotes his fab- flances but che feventh Houle reprefentsche perfon of whom youenquire, and any Figure in ehe eighth Houle hisfaftance: Ifthe eighth and firlt Houle removes into 20d Houle, and by Aled fle ‘each other loving Wy it denotes the pefetion ofthe bun’ enquired er . The firft in the feveath » and che cighth inthe Freon ‘the: matter or bufines will be accompli- .Boook HI, The Temple of Wifiomn 37 Andif fortunate Figures be in the powerful of theScheam, the r rede, aie cane mater orbulnas promiledby them rc autem omnia fupradicia intelle is qua wratlaniur, ey siete o ee ier eee ae pelo, fc fin babitateesciizatam, calor villarum, o> fimilinm, que non funt inter perfimas quarum Seerame wna excedat aliam, Multum, &c. faith Des ‘artes. All thefe chings fhall chen have place, and Provetrue, when thematter in queltion sbovetsid is trong ordinary perfons, or with fuch people wig Shon oar there is @ community or dealing, as Londonegs with Londoners, ‘or Citizens with Cieizens, Countrye Ben wich Countrymen, oneTradefman with another. mthis judgement exempe Kings, Princes, Noble: mea, and ich who Law eakeslitde nonier a es "Me and whom che vi Uf the Qrirent foal obtain bi i ; foot ‘ese bin is wage ped ths isd Ehold the firft Houfe and his Figure, ni i » and the fe Brow and what Figure isthere, and behold the enthand hisFigure, whichis the proper fignicator of the King or Nableman, And che. eleventh Howe aos Riguce thal gute fe fiphance of him or - if be in the tenth, an = ond in the eleventh Houle, or removes “ate rk Places where they behold each other with a 7 ene Ape, the Querent thal obtain his de- Ddd3 i 38 The temple of Wifdome. Book iit. Boe — TF none of the things be in che Figure, the Que rent will rarely obtain his money or wagesenquired after. ——— CHAP. X. Judgements peng to the sbird STiiis Hoa judgeth of Brethoen Sifers, Kindred TD thd Neighbours,é-e. and of Infaud-journeys, and Baamors; and thefe queltions are proper to his Houte, ties Shall che Querent and his Brethren, c+ and 7 urs agree or accord? Seto tPckeQuacens Tnland-joureys be profpe- Tous ? 3+ OF the condition and eftate of an abfent Bro- ther. 4 If Reports and Rumours nois'd about , be * erucor fale. 5, OF the advice of a friend, &. if good ot I. shall Book III. Tre Temple of Wifaome, 39 L Shall the Querem and bis Brethren, 8c, and Neighbours accord? che firft Houfe unto him chat ene ificators : then ehethird Houle, yu inde in it,uno the perfon queliteds eg eftion thus: ‘Hehe firt Figure bea good Figure, and gointo the third Houfe with good compa ‘When aforeunate Figure isin the irft Honf,and the Ddd 4 (ehird ep The Temple of wifdome, Book TI, third Figure of the fame Element, eriphi it’ an argument of a good sdifpofition in the Querent, and peaks him willing to accord with his Brethren, jand Neighbours ; and chey will affuredty agrez and livelovingly together. When the Figures of Zz.1,Barzabel and their dea’, or Cauda-Draconis thall be in {uch a queltion inthe fir Houtes it denotes the Querent 0 be an ob- flinate perfon, evil conditioned,averfe to friendly agcee- ment. But if either of them be projetted into the third, the Brethren, Neighbours and Kindred areof a poyfo- ous and malitious difpofition. . ry and friends Lo Of the condition and eftate of an abfent Brother. ¢ refolution of this queftion, you mult confider the Figure in the third Houte , ‘his Idea, Ruler, and the natures of them; for they in that place fignifie Brethren: and. if it move into any other Hout, that Ie tells you the eltate and condition of the ue .. Ifthe third be a good Figure, and go into the fourth iin no ill Afpet of the Malevolences. the Brother , which is abfent, bath an intention co enrich imfelF in the place where he is: for che fourth Flot fy the fecond from che third,éc. Bar the third going into the eighth wich ill company E i Alpelt, the'Brocher is déad, or will die fhort- mL. Book 111, The Temple Wifome. a 1 Shall the Querents Inland-journeys be profperous # Vicia titi tout be good Figures, ad the firt be of the fime Nature and in good alpef to the fit, it denbtes the Journey enquired after tobe! pleafane, Z IM Figures in the third Houfe fhews bue an unlich Journey to the Querent, and very ill fccefs theres in Iv. Af Reports or Rurmowrs noifed be true or falfee JF the Lord of the third and firft be good Ides and Rulers, and they incorporsted in ood Figures in good company and Afpetts, and all che Angles are fixed, Figures, the Report or Rumour’ is cue, aril Figuresin ee ft and third Hones afted by ill company and Afpett 5 if the Fi * sesompany and Aes if the Figureshe trong yp When the’ Angles of che tenth and fourth Hones an fixed, although the Rumoursand Reportsbe ill,yet. will prove crue. v al Of theadvice of « Friend, Sc. mbetber good ot exit Any Neighbours or Friends, &e. feeing a M iat orotate anc 42 The Femple of Wifdome, Book ILl- and perfwade with him, whathe had bett co do in fuch ‘orfuch a Cafe, de. Now if you would know, whe ther he or they intend faithfully or perfidioufly, pro- jeGyour Figuce as you were caught in the firtt Book 5 You may frame the ewo Witneffesand the Judgeif you will, but it needsnoe, Behold the tench Houte, (that being the Houte fig nifying advice) and (ee ifany foreunae Rulers, Idea and Figure accdenally be -pofited there : That place being naturally the Houle of Zazal, and his Idea Hanael, but polled by another good Figure, thatis, the friend of fanael and Carcer, youmnay judge the countel or advice ferious and good, and it will not be amifs for youto follow. Butif Radews or Cauda Draconis, or other ill Figures hall be found in thetenth Houfe 5 the friends chat pre~ ‘tend counfel intend knavithly, andre lyars and vain de- ceieful fellowes. CHAP. XI. Judgements of the fourth Hanes Pils Honte is called asia, the Norch-Angle of the © Earch, and giveth judgement of Poflefons, Inheri- tances, Lands or Houfes, and of things hid or miflaid of, the Father, de. And thefe queftions are proper unto it, Ge. 1. Shall che Querent purchale the Houle or Land? dc. 2. Shall che Querentdo well to takeit? OF thequality of it. 3. If ie be good to remove, ora bide where oneis. 4. OF Treafae hid, if attainable, and who keeps it. “5. Is chere treafure in the place fappofed? -6. Shall the Querent enjoy the eftate of HP isBacier? 7. Ofthing miflay'd, bow or where 0 i 43 The Femple of #:fdome, Book Iii. findeit. Thete Examples will lead the Artift to un- derftand how go refolve any Queftion of the like Nae tire. LX Shall the Querent purchafe the Houfe or Lend ? [Fhe Birt Figure goinco the fourth Hout, ic declares ‘the accomplifhment of the thing, without impedi- ment, let or hinderance. The frit Houfe fignifieth the Querent or Purchaler 5 she(eventh Houfe che feller 5 give the fourth Rent nd Pe Book U1, The Temple of wifthme. 1” “eS Popatas or Via , if either of them ein the Scheam, eo ‘fife: che thing ¢o be bought: or purchated, and the tenth Honfe eo fignfiethe price thereof. HF the company, Apel nd removingoftheFigure bbe good, you fhall judge the bargain will be made and concluded between them. Shall the Querent do well to take ity of the quality of is? Gok in the fourth + if you have anil Figure there rt il company, whichisa Conjundion, andl Afpedis , che ching enquired after will be poy watted by the Buyers and at the prefent, itisin no Fecdeonion: The Ruler and Idea tha govern the and Figure tells you what ic is, and its qualiy. Carcerbeing in che fourth of this Figure, fhews it tobe ser good plinground, andafa Ue Puer, Farina Major, Minor, ot Acquifiio tall be inthe foureh Houte,you may then judge the Ground Gf Ground to be purchafed)is Mountainous, hilly hard and dry : If Amifis, Conjundia, or Carcer,the Ground is aPlaio, and very good : If Albws,Puelle,Caput Dracre nit, Trifftis, or Cauda Draconis, the Ground is mixt ome Bat hishs and fome low, andisin gu ty ncher very good ner very bad : If Pepulus iy Radeus or Letitia,che Ground ismoitt,and over-burde: nedwithmuch Water, “Mm, BOOK M1. ‘The Temple op wyjaome, 45 Ik If good for ene t0 remove or abide wibere bein, He firftHoutefignifies he Querent, admit itbe Coe T ‘put Draconis 5 the feventh Houle Gignifies che place unto which he moitld go. the fourth Houfe and che Figure, the Land or Houle, éc. of the Querent; the tenth Houte fignifies the profit of removal. Good Figures inthe frit and fourth, i's good for the Querent t0 flay where he's, if an ill Figurein the fe venth. The feventh a good figure, and the fourth and fit ill Figares,and with ill company and Apt ell the Querentie is his belt way toremove, for he will geg Title by continuing where be is. “Iv Of Treafurébid, if attainable. : [ Always obferve in Queftions of this Nature, if fore tunaté Figures be in the fourth, ebae there is Treas firehid : — Ifthe firlt Figure be good and in good com pany, and fo go into the fourth ; the creafure hid be found by theQuerent: and if there be any fpirit, Keep ie ifyou arreft him under the command of a for tunate ‘conftellation, you may remove him where you pleafe; as you may read in my Book of Genii Angels , and Spirits bodied y and of anbedied Soul ve

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