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Prepared by:

Section: 2

Submission date:
September 2/2023
In the pages that follow we present an overview of three emerging technologies that we believe
will have a major impact on the development of a great civilization both for our country and the
world. These technologies are nanotechnology, cloud and quantum computing and computer
vision. We selected these technologies based on the criteria of novelty, scalability, impact and
relevance. We also discuss the historical background of each technology, as well as the
opportunities and challenges associated with them.
Ethiopia, as a developing country, can highly benefit from the technologies that we discuss in
this paper: nanotechnology, cloud and quantum computing, and computer vision. Despite these
technologies being very high-end and requiring a lot of investment, which can be quite expensive
particularly for our country, we can still try to incorporate them one by one. By participating in
the ever evolving world, we can be on top of the technology ladder; which thereby can help us to
advance in other sectors as well.
We hope that this paper will inspire further research and discussion on the potential and
challenges of emerging technologies for our country and the world.

Historical background and starting point of nanotechnology
Since the 21st century began, few emerging technologies have been so heavily promoted,
funded, and debated as nanotechnology. Defined (currently) by the U.S. government as “the
understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale”—a nanometer is one-billionth a meter—
nanotechnology as a field and research community has received billions of funding dollars,
making it one of the largest technology investments since the space race.
the idea that manipulation of the material world at the near-atomic scale was possible possesses a
historical arc stretching far back to the height of the Cold War. From the 1950s onward,
investments in physics, chemistry, and the relatively new field of materials science provided a
research foundation for the eventual emergence of nanotechnology. But even prior to his time
applications of nanotechnology (for example, in making steel and creating paintings) were in use
centuries before the field was formally defined. Contiributors maybe
The earliest systematic discussion of nanotechnology is considered to be a speech given by
Richard Feynman (American physicist, 1918-1988) in 1959. It was titled: “There’s Plenty of
Room at the Bottom.” In this speech Feynman discussed the importance “of manipulating and
controlling things on a small scale” and how they could “tell us much of great interest about the
strange phenomena that occur in complex situations.” He described how physical phenomena
change their manifestation depending on scale, and posed two challenges: the creation of a
nanomotor, and the scaling down of letters to the size that would allow the whole Encyclopedia
Britannica to fit on the head of a pin.
The invention of scanning tunneling microscope in the 1980s by IBM Zurich scientists and then
the atomic force microscope allowed scientists to see materials at an unprecedented atomic level.
The availability of more and more powerful computers around this time enabled large scale
simulations of material systems using supercomputers. These studies provided insight into
nanoscale material structures and their properties. The complementary activities of modeling and
simulation, atomic scale visualization and characterization, and experimental synthesis activities
fueled nanoscale research activities in the 1980s.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Nanotechnology
New technologies often have significant social and environmental implications, and these are not
always obvious at the inception of the technology. Consider, for example, how major inventions
and devices such as the telephone, the combustion engine, the DC motor, the television, and the
smart phone have changed the societies into which they were introduced. And nanotechnology is
no exception. Here we will discuss some of the Benefits and Drawbacks of nanotechnologies.
Advantages/Benefits of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology offers numerous advantages in a variety of fields. Among the many advantages
of nanotechnology are the following:
 Energy efficiency: Nanotechnology has the potential to improve energy efficiency by
developing new materials. These materials capture and store energy more efficiently. For
example, it creates more efficient batteries, solar cells, and fuel cells.
 Improved environmental cleanup: It can also be used to develop new methods for
cleaning up the environment. For example, nanoparticles can be used more effectively to
remove pollutants from water or air than traditional methods. Nanotechnology can also
be used to develop improved batteries and fuel cells, which could decrease our reliance
on fossil fuels.
 Enhanced food safety: Nanotechnology can be used to develop improved methods for
food safety and quality control. For example, nanoparticles can be used to create sensors
that can detect food spoilage or contamination. In addition, nanotechnology can be used
to create packaging that is more effective at preserving food freshness and preventing
Disadvantages/Drawbacks of Nanotechnology
 Unknown health effects: One of the main cons of nanotechnology is that its long-term
health effects are unknown. As nanoparticles can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed
through the skin, there is a potential for them to cause damage to cells or DNA. In
addition, it is not yet known whether or not nanoparticles will accumulate in the body
over time and what effect this could have on human health.
 Cost: advancements in nanotechnology, while beneficial in medicine, engineering, and
material science fields, are pricey because the technology requires a lot of money to
function, and the raw materials involved are also expensive. As a result, the overall
purchase of technology for an average person becomes costly.
 Ethical Concerns: Another concern about nanotechnology is that it could be used to
create new ways to spy on people or to create new weapons. For example, nanoparticles
could be used to create surveillance devices undetectable to the naked eye. In addition,
nanotechnology could be used to create new types of biological or chemical weapons.
These may raise ethical concerns.

How does Nanotechnology Actually work?

Suppose you shrunk down to the “nanoscale” you'd not only see the atoms that everything is
made from—you'd actually be able to move them around! Now suppose you started sticking
those atoms together in interesting new ways, like tiny LEGO bricks of nature. You could build
all kinds of fantastic materials, everything from brand new medicines to ultra-fast computer
chips. Making new things on this incredibly small scale is called nanotechnology.
But your fingers are millions of nanometers long, so it's no good trying to pick up atoms and
molecules and move them around with your bare hands. That would be like trying to eat your

dinner with a fork 300 km (186 miles) long! Amazingly, scientists have developed electron
microscopes that allow us to "see" things on the nanoscale and also manipulate them. They're
called atomic force microscopes (AFMs), scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), and scanning
tunneling microscopes (STMs). The basic idea of an electron microscope is to use a beam of
electrons to see things that are too small to see using a beam of light. A nanoscopic microscope
uses electronic and quantum effects to see things that are even smaller. It also has a tiny probe on
it that can be used to shift atoms and molecules around and rearrange them like tiny building
Application of Nanotechnology in Ethiopia
While the field of nanotechnology is very recent; and is still not being applied to its fullest in
even the most developed countries in the world. It is still being used for food processing, medical
applications, improving microprocessors etc. and if these could come to our country they will
have diverse implications on the live, health, economy and wealth of Ethiopian citizens. For
example with the help of nanotechnology we can develop ways to target specific cells or tissues,
like cancer cells, and deliver drugs, heat or other substances to them. This kind of technology
helps many Ethiopians dying of deadly diseases like cancer. It also helps to prevent unnecessary
cost of the family of the patient by providing treatment here in the Ethiopia instead of aboard.
Nanotechnology can also be applicable in cleaning drinking water through rapid, low-cost
detection and treatment of impurities in water.


Cloud and Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing Industries and Unleashing the Potential in
Cloud and quantum computing have transformed the way businesses operate, offering numerous
benefits such as cost savings, scalability, and flexibility. In this report, we will delve deeper into
the historical background, benefits, drawbacks, working principles, and applications of these
technologies in Ethiopia. By examining these aspects, we can gain a better understanding of how
cloud and quantum computing can revolutionize the future of business in Ethiopia and beyond.
What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is on-demand access to computing resources over the internet, provided by a
remote data center managed by a cloud services provider. It allows businesses to store data and
access applications without the need for onsite infrastructure.
What is quantum computing?
Quantum computing harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computations.
Unlike classical computers that use bits, which represent either 0 or 1, quantum computers use

qubits, which can exist in both 0 and 1 states simultaneously. This property enables quantum
computers to perform complex calculations exponentially faster than classical computers.
Historical Background and Starting Points of Cloud and Quantum Computing
Cloud Computing: The concept of cloud computing emerged in the 1960s with utility computing.
The modern form of cloud computing began in the late 1990s with the launch of
and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Today, cloud computing has become an essential component
of digital transformation.
Quantum Computing: The origins of quantum computing can be traced back to the early 1980s
when theoretical physicists proposed using quantum mechanics principles for computing.
Significant breakthroughs were made in the late 1990s and early 2000s, leading to the
establishment of research institutions and development of quantum algorithms.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud computing and Quantum computing
Cloud Computing:
Benefits of Cloud Computing:
 Accessibility: Cloud infrastructure enables remote access to data and applications from
anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. This accessibility promotes
collaboration and flexibility in work environments, enabling remote teams and
facilitating efficient collaboration.
 Performance: Because providing modern IT infrastructure is their business, cloud
providers keep data centers updated with the latest high-performance hardware and
technologies. This enables better connectivity and performance.
 Disaster recovery: Storing data on the cloud ensures that it’s always available, even if a
laptop or mobile device gets lost or damaged. Cloud providers also provide backup
systems for files, databases, source code, and more.
Drawbacks of Cloud computing:
 Security and privacy concerns: Storing and accessing data in the cloud may raise
concerns about data breaches and unauthorized access.
 Dependence on network connectivity: Cloud computing relies on consistent and reliable
internet access. Organizations in remote areas or with limited connectivity may face
challenges in utilizing cloud services.
 Limited control over infrastructure: Cloud users have limited control over the underlying
hardware infrastructure. This lack of control may impact customization, and
troubleshooting capabilities.
 Occasional downtime: users may occasionally face difficulties connecting to the cloud
Quantum Computing:
Benefits of Quantum computing:

 Exponential computing power: Quantum computers can solve complex problems
significantly faster than classical computers, particularly in certain domains. This
exponential processing power has the potential to revolutionize fields such as
cryptography, optimization, machine learning, and simulation, enabling breakthroughs
and advancements in various scientific and technological disciplines.
 Enhanced cryptography: Quantum computing can strengthen security by developing
encryption algorithms resistant to classical decryption techniques. Quantum cryptography
methods can provide virtually unbreakable encryption.
Drawbacks of Quantum Computing:
 Technical challenges: Building and maintaining stable quantum computing systems poses
significant challenges. Quantum computers are highly sensitive to environmental factors
such as temperature and noise.
 High cost: The development and maintenance of quantum computing infrastructure is
expensive. The cost of building, cooling, and minimizing noise in quantum systems
makes quantum computing inaccessible for many organizations at present.
 Limited stability: Quantum bits (qubits) are highly susceptible to decoherence, meaning
they can lose their quantum state quickly.

Working Principles of Cloud Computing and Quantum Computing

Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing involves the delivery of on-demand computing resources over the internet
using virtualization techniques. It provides Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-
Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models, enabling scalability, flexibility, and
efficient resource utilization.
Quantum Computing:
Quantum computing uses qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, to perform
calculations. Quantum algorithms exploit properties such as superposition, entanglement, and
interference to solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical algorithms.
Applications across Different Sectors in Ethiopia
 Finance:
 Cloud: Cloud-based financial services, online banking, and personalized finance
management tools.
 Quantum: Risk assessment, portfolio optimization, and enhanced security measures.
 Transport:
 Cloud: Real-time tracking systems and cloud-based ride-sharing platforms.
 Quantum: Route planning, scheduling, and optimization.
 Telecom:

 Cloud: Efficient deployment and management of network resources.
 Quantum: Network optimization and faster internet speeds.
 Agriculture:
 Cloud: Real-time crop monitoring, precision farming, and market access.
 Quantum: Simulations, crop growth patterns analysis, and genetic research.
 Business:
 Cloud: Business process automation, CRM tools, and collaborative document
management systems.
 Quantum: Optimization of supply chain management, inventory management, and
resource allocation.
 Education:
 Cloud: Online learning platforms and e-learning resources
 Quantum: Advanced simulations, scientific research, and data analysis.
 Healthcare: Cloud computing allows seamless access to patient records and diagnostic
tools, enabling collaboration and accurate diagnoses. Quantum computing accelerates
drug discovery, optimizing formulations and identifying targets for prevalent diseases.
 Entertainment: Cloud Computing: - Cloud-based entertainment platforms can transform
the entertainment industry in Ethiopia by providing easy access to music, movies, and TV
shows. Cloud gaming platforms can allow Ethiopian gamers to enjoy high-quality
gaming experiences without the need for expensive hardware.
Beyond these sectors, cloud and quantum computing can also be applied in government and
public services to provide secure and efficient e-government services and optimize government
operations. In the energy sector, cloud computing can enable smart grid systems, while quantum
computing can assist in optimizing energy production and distribution. In water resources
management, cloud computing can help in real-time monitoring and optimization, and quantum
computing can aid in optimizing water distribution networks and predictive modeling. Cloud and
quantum computing can also contribute to environmental conservation, manufacturing and
industry, and research and development by facilitating data analysis, optimization algorithms,
and computational power for advanced simulations and modeling.
To fully harness the potential of cloud and quantum computing, it is important for Ethiopia to
invest in infrastructure, research, and skills development. By doing so, Ethiopia can drive
innovation, contribute to socioeconomic growth and make significant advancements in various
sectors of the economy.

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers and systems to
derive meaningful information from digital images, videos and other visual inputs — and take

actions or make recommendations based on that information. If AI enables computers to think,
computer vision enables them to see, observe and understand.
The history of computer vision
Scientists and engineers have been trying to develop ways for machines to see and understand
visual data for about 60 years. Experimentation began in 1959 when neurophysiologists showed
a cat an array of images, attempting to correlate a response in its brain. They discovered that it
responded first to hard edges or lines, and scientifically, this meant that image processing starts
with simple shapes like straight edges.
At about the same time, the first computer image scanning technology was developed, enabling
computers to digitize and acquire images. Another milestone was reached in 1963 when
computers were able to transform two-dimensional images into three-dimensional forms. In the
1960s, AI emerged as an academic field of study, and it also marked the beginning of the AI
quest to solve the human vision problem.
In 1974 saw the introduction of optical character recognition (OCR) technology, which could
recognize text printed in any font or typeface.Similarly, intelligent character recognition (ICR)
could decipher hand-written text using neural networks.Since then, OCR and ICR have found
their way into document and invoice processing, vehicle plate recognition, mobile payments,
machine translation and other common applications.
In 1982, neuroscientist David Marr established that vision works hierarchically and introduced
algorithms for machines to detect edges, corners, curves and similar basic shapes. Concurrently,
computer scientist Kunihiko Fukushima developed a network of cells that could recognize
patterns. The network, called the Neocognitron, included convolutional layers in a neural
By 2000, the focus of study was on object recognition, and by 2001, the first real-time face
recognition applications appeared. Thus from the 21st century onward computer vision has seen
many discoveries, some major some small. Today, computer vision technology has made
significant progress and is being applied in various domains, including autonomous vehicles,
facial recognition, augmented reality, and industrial automation. The advancements in deep
learning and convolutional neural networks have further improved the accuracy and capabilities
of computer vision systems.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Vision
Advantages of Computer Vision
 Enhanced Automation: With computer vision, machines can take on more complex tasks
that would otherwise require human intervention. For example, robots with computer
vision can perform tasks like sorting objects or detecting defects in manufacturing

 Improved Accuracy: Unlike humans, computers can analyze visual data with extreme
accuracy and precision. This makes computer vision a valuable tool in fields like medical
imaging and security, where accurate interpretation of visual data can be critical.
 Increased Efficiency: Computer vision can help streamline processes and make them
more efficient. For example, computer vision can be used in agriculture to detect pests or
diseases in crops, helping farmers to take targeted action and save time and resources.
 Improved Accessibility: Finally, computer vision can help make technology more
accessible to people with disabilities. For example, computer vision can be used to
develop assistive technologies like devices that can help people with vision impairments
navigate their surroundings.
Disadvantages of Computer Vision
 Limited Context Awareness: While computers are great at analyzing visual data, they
often struggle to interpret context or make sense of information beyond what is directly in
front of them. This can lead to errors or inaccuracies in certain situations.
 Privacy Concerns: As computer vision becomes more prevalent, there are growing
concerns about privacy and surveillance. For example, some worry that computer vision
systems could be used to track people’s movements or behaviors without their consent.
 Bias and Inaccuracy: Like any technology, computer vision systems are only as good as
the data they are trained on. If the data is biased or incomplete, the system may produce
inaccurate or unfair results.
 Ethical Considerations: Finally, there are ethical considerations to keep in mind when it
comes to computer vision. For example, we must consider how computer vision systems
are used in areas like law enforcement or healthcare, and ensure that they are being used
in ways that are fair and ethical.

How computer vision works.

A computer vision system has three levels of operation as follows.
Acquiring images: First of all, a computer vision system acquires images or videos or other
forms of visual input (like scans) from a camera or sensor. The captured images/video/streams
are transferred to a computer system stored for further processing.
Processing the images: The raw images need to be prepared to represent appropriate data. This is
done by pre-processing images like reducing noise, adjusting contrast, re-scaling, and cropping
the images. Most of these jobs are automated within a computer vision system. Some of these
steps are already performed at the hardware level. In contrast, others are performed using
suitable filters within a convolution network or applying suitable image processing functions to
the captured raw data.

Understanding images: This is the most important part of a computer vision system. It is the
implementation of the actual computer vision task using either a conventional style of image
processing or with the help of a deep learning model.
Application of computer Vision in Ethiopia
Computer vision has a wide range of applications in various sectors in Ethiopia. Here are some
1. Agriculture: Computer vision can be used to monitor crop health, detect diseases or pests,
and estimate crop yields. By analyzing images captured by drones or cameras, farmers
can make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, leading to
improved productivity.
2. Healthcare: Computer vision can aid in medical imaging analysis, ranging from detecting
diseases in X-rays and CT scans to tracking skin lesions and identifying abnormalities in
diagnostic imaging. It can help doctors make accurate diagnoses and develop effective
treatment plans, particularly in remote areas where access to healthcare facilities may be
3. Transportation: Computer vision can enhance road safety and traffic management. It can
be used for license plate recognition, traffic monitoring, and analyzing driver behavior.
By detecting traffic violations and congestion patterns, authorities can implement
informed traffic management strategies and improve road safety.
4. Retail: Computer vision can optimize inventory management and improve the shopping
experience. It can be used for shelf monitoring, product recognition, and tracking
customer behavior. Retailers can analyze customer preferences, optimize product
placements, and automate inventory tracking, leading to better stock management and
personalized customer recommendations.
5. Security and surveillance: Computer vision can assist in public safety and security by
analyzing video feeds for crowd monitoring, object detection, and suspicious activity
recognition. By identifying potential threats or anomalies in real-time, law enforcement
agencies can respond quickly, ensuring citizen safety and crime prevention.
6. Urban planning: Computer vision can aid in urban planning and development by
analyzing satellite imagery and street-level images. This can help identify infrastructure
gaps, monitor land use changes, and assess the impact of urban expansion. It provides
valuable insights for policymakers to make informed decisions about urban development

How does nanotechnology work (
Nanotechnology: A simple and fun introduction - Explain that Stuff
History of Nanotechnology - TryNano


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