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General guidance on how to identify and interpret geomorphological

units on a map. Here's a step-by-step approach:

Obtain a detailed topographic map or satellite imagery of the study area in Gazipur Sadar
Upazila. This can be accessed through various mapping platforms or geographic information
system (GIS) software.
1. Familiarize yourself with the key features and symbols used on the map. Look for contour
lines, water bodies, labels indicating rivers or streams, and other relevant geographic
2. Begin by identifying major rivers or streams in the area. Trace their paths and observe how
they interact with the surrounding landscape.
3. Look for areas of relatively flat terrain, which are likely to represent alluvial plains. These
can be identified by gradual changes in elevation and a lack of pronounced topographic
4. Observe the riverbanks and floodplain areas adjacent to the rivers. These areas may
exhibit lighter shades or lower elevations compared to the surrounding land.
5. Identify any visible terraces or raised surfaces along the riverbanks, which indicate former
floodplain levels at different elevations.
6. Look for natural levees, which are typically elongated ridges parallel to the riverbanks.
They may appear as slightly elevated features adjacent to the river channels.
7. Scan the map for any prominent lakes, wetlands, or oxbow lakes. These can be identified
by their distinct shapes and blue coloration (if using satellite imagery).
8. If there are any hills or upland areas in the study area, visually locate them on the map by
identifying areas with steeper slopes or higher elevations compared to the surrounding

Remember that interpreting geomorphological units on a map requires a combination of

knowledge, observation, and understanding of the specific characteristics of the study area. If
you have access to specific maps or satellite imagery, you can refer to them while following
these guidelines to identify and locate the various geomorphological units in Gazipur Sadar

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