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ALAWAN STATE UNIVERSITY 4 "2 College of Sciences z BOTANY: STUDY o) ad BS) Student’s Prayer Our dear Lord God Almighty Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for this day. Thank you for giving us a wonderful life. Thank You for providing us with all our needs. Thank You for Your love and protection. Bless our parents and guardians who take care of us and work hard to support us. Bless our teachers who inspire and guide us. Bless our classmates and all the people who care for us. Please grant us wisdom and enlightenment and help us to understand our lessons. Guide us to focus our hearts and minds on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by your Holy Spirit. We ask all these in the name of your Son, our Dear Holy Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Anita Guillen-Malazarte * Table of Contents Content Page Learning Objectives. Overview. Initial Activity... Characteristics of Plants........:.:sccesssseeesses eee Why Do We Have To Study Plants?.. Sub-Disciplines of Botany... Learning Check. Evaluation Rubrics... Reflection ... References... Anita Guillen-Malazarte ‘Learning Objectives After going through in this module, you should be able to: ¥ identify products from plants found in your homes. y describe the sub-disciplines of botany. Y show why humans are dependent on plants. Anita Guillen-Malazarte Overview Good day dear student! How are you today? | hope that you are ready to begin your first lesson in General Botany. This module will introduce you to Plant Biology: what it is and how it relates to our everyday lives. The topics include the importance of plants and the branches of Botany. You are going to do activities that will require you to identify products from plants found in your home and to show the importance of plants to humans. This module is good for one week. Read the lessons carefully and answer all the activities diligently. You will be working on your own pace and | encourage you to turn in your activities on time. Let us learn about Plant Biology together! Anita Guillen-Malazarte 16-OG ‘“Y & Initial Activity oF WHICH OF THESE ORGANISMS ARE PLANTS? Directions: In the circle below each picture, put a check (J) mark if the organism is a plant, and an X mark if it is not. Then match the picture with the corresponding name of the organism found in the box. Write your answer on the blank space provided below each picture. Eelgrass Moss Mushroom Seaweed Anita Guillen-Malazarte bee coc CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS Plants share the following characteristics: 1. Multicellular eukaryotic organisms. 2. Generally nonmotile, living anchored in a substrate. 3. Cells contain cell walls composed of cellulose. 4. Autotrophs or able to synthesize their own food. 5. Unlimited or indeterminate growth because of the presence of meristematic tissues, 6. Undergo alternation of generations. Autotroph is an organism that produces organic molecules by acquiring carbon from inorganic sources; also called a producer. Alternation of generations refers to the alternation between a haploid gametophyte phase and a diploid gametophyte phase in the life cycle of a plant. Gametophyte refers to the haploid, gamete-producing stage of the plant life cycle. The male gametophyte is the pollen grain found in the anther of a flower. The female gametophyte is the embryo sac found in the ovary of a flower. The pollen bears the sperm cells, the embryo sac bears the egg cell. Sporophyte refers to the diploid, spore-producing stage of the plant life cycle. It results from the union of the egg cell and the sperm cell. It produces haploid spores by meiosis that develop into gametophytes. itis the plant we see. Figure 1.1. Alternation of generations in angiosperms. (http:/ Anita Guillen-Malazarte Discussion Carpels, which produce ovules containing female gametophytes Stamens, which produce pollen grains containing male gametophytes Petals, forming the corolla Sepals, forming the calyx Figure 1.2. Flower structures bearing the female and male gametophytes. (Source: simple. Figure 1.3. The sporophyte generation of the banana (Musa acuminata) plant. (Source: a baie YaST (eN| WHY DO WE HAVE TO STUDY PLANTS? If you glance at your surroundings, in almost any outdoor setting, the plants are the first organisms you see. Grasses, shrubs, and trees, exist nearly everywhere. Plants are so familiar that it is difficult to imagine a world without plants. The parts of the earth which support the greatest numbers and kinds of animals, including humans, are also those areas where plants are easily cultivated. The presence of plants makes possible the existence of animals because plants provide food for animals. Plant life constitutes more than 98% of the total biomass (collective dry weight of living organisms) of the earth. Plants and other green organisms have the exclusive capacity to produce oxygen while converting the sun’s energy into forms vital to the existence of both plant and animal life. At the same time, plants remove the large amounts of carbon dioxide given off by all living organisms as they respire. In other words, all living organisms are totally dependent on plants and other green organisms for their existence. Plants are considered as producers and ail consumers, particularly people, are totally dependent upon plants. A knowledge of plants, their structure, metabolism, and habitat are the basic foundation for human survival. Let us look at some importance of piants to humans and nature. Why are plants important? Plants provide 4. /:)+1 Plants provide food »Plants are used in msdicines “Plants give us building materials Plants a7e used in our clothing Plants orovide fuel Plants provide us with 20111 pleasure Figure 1.4. Importance of plants. (Source: Anita Guillen-Malazarte <2 THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS T0 HUMANS) SANG par tea IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS IN NATURE They Form The Starting Pint Of Food Chai rood (Grass insect Free snzsa™ Ugo Crothinn) Figure 1.5. The importance of piants humans and nature. (Source: Figure 1.6. Chaste tree (Vitex negundo). commonly known as lagundi. (Source: Figure 1.7, The leaves of the fagunai (Vitex negundo) plant are commercially produced and sold for the treatment of cough - as cough suppressant and expectorant. (Source: Anita Guillen-Malazarte = ‘* Discussion Other Uses of Plants * Plants are source of cellulose for paper and cardboard. * Plants are source of spices, perfumes, dyes, dissolvable sutures, food stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc. Almost every living thing (terrestrial, and many aquatic organisms) interacts with plants in some way. Plants are involved in every type of symbiotic community interaction known. Without plants, most of life on earth as we know it would not exist. If some major diseases were to kill off all or most of the plants, ail animals and other organisms would soon starve. Even if some alternative sources of energy were available, animal life would suffocate within 11 years - the time estimated for all the earth's oxygen to be completely used up if it were not replaced. For without plants there would be no life. To learn more about the importance of plants, please watch the video “IMPORTANCE OF PLANTS IN OUR LiFE/! USES OF PLANTS//CAN WE LIVE WITHOUT PLANTS//SCIENCE VIDEO” at this link: Figure 1.8. Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Figure 1.9. Ramie plant fiber as surgical plant, a source of novel suture material for biomedical applications. material. (Source: (Source: Anita Guillen-Malazarte = Learning Check PRODUCTS FROM PLANTS Directions: Look inside your house and list down products or things which come from plants. Write your answer on the activity sheet uploaded in your Google Classroom. Anita Guillen-Malazarte Discussion WHAT IS BOTANY? . It is a Science involving the study of plants. . It is a branch of Biology concerned with the scientific study of plants including their physiology, structure, genetics ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance. . It is one of the natural sciences. + The term botany comes from the three Greek words botanikos (botanical), botane (plant or herb), and boskein (to feed), and the French word botanique (botanical). Botany appears to have its origin with Stone Age people who tried to modify their surroundings and feed themselves. At first, the interest in plants was mostly practical and centered around how plants must provide food, fibers, fue!, and medicine. Eventually, an intellectual interest arose. Individuals become curious about how plants reproduced. This inquisitiveness ied to piant study becoming a science. Anita Guillen-Malazarte oO) ‘* Discussion SUB-DISCIPLINES OF BOTANY Botany is a broad field of study. It has been divided into a number of smaller fields. The main divisions of Botany are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1. Sub-Disciplines of Botany Fields in Botany Focus of Study 1. Plant Anatomy Internal structure of plants, such as tissues. Nn 2.. Cell Biology Plant cell structure and function. 3. Plant Ecology Interaction of plants with one another and with their environment. 4. Economic Botany ‘Study of plants of economic use or value, including practical uses of plants and plant products to humankind. Ethnobotany Relationship between humans and plants; study of indigenous or _ traditional knowledge of plants such as classification, cultivation, and use as food, medicine, and a __| shelter. 6. Genetics Improving yields and quality of crop plants. | 7. Plant Geography How and why plants are distributed where | they are. 8. Plant Morphology External structures/form and life cycle of plants. 9. Plant Physiology Plant function and processes. 10. Plant Systematics Developing methods for grouping plants, tracing the evolutionary history of plants. 11. Plant Taxonomy Describing, naming, and classifying plants. Anita Guillen-Malazarte & “+ Discussion Fundamental Plant Processes 1.Photosynthesis — It is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy; water, carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll are used in the process, which ultimately produces carbohydrate, with oxygen being released as a by-product. 2. Respiration — It is the cellular breakdown of sugar and other foods, accompanied by release of energy. 3. Transpiration — It is the loss of water in vapor form; most transpiration takes place through the stomata. 4. Tropism - It is the response of a plant organ or parts to an external stimulus, usually in the direction of a stimulus. 5. Photoperiodism — It is the initiation of flowering and certain vegetative activities of plants in response to relative lengths of day and night. Taxonomic Hierarchy Taxonomic hierarchy refers to the sequence of categories in increasing or decreasing order. Domain is the highest rank and species is the lowest rank in the hierarchy. Each of this level of the hierarchy is calied the taxonomic category or rank. In this system of classification, domain is always ranked the highest followed by kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, and species. The names of the genus and species are always italicized. The word “Taxonomy” is derived from a Greek word — “taxis”, meaning arrangement or division, and “nomos”, meaning method. Anita Guillen-Malazarte baa Seto) Eukarya eS Plantae Anthophyta Dicetyledonee Sapindales Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica + Mangifera indica Figure 1.10. Taxonomic classification of mango plant. (Source: You deserve a break! To rest your tired eyes and stretch your legs, you can do any of the following: 1. if you have a flower garden, you can visit your plants and feast your eyes on the beauty of the flowers. 2. if you have a vegetable patch, you can remove some weeds which compete with your plants for nutrients. 3. if you have fruit-bearing trees, you may pick some ripe fruits and enjoy the refreshing taste of the fruit. Anita Guillen-Malazarte f Learning Check ONLINE QUIZ Direction: Answer the quiz uploaded in your Google Classroom. Anita Guillen-Malazarte Evaluation Show the importance of plants to humans through any of the following: a. poem b. poster c. Song Please refer to the guidelines below and the rubrics provided on pages 19- 21. Poster Guidelines 1.Explanation- Include a title and write a one paragraph explanation about the poster. 2. Can be manually drawn by hand in a short/long bond paper or computer-generated. 3. If manually drawn, any form of media can be used: crayons, pencils, pens, paints, etc. 4. Have a family member or a friend take a one- to two- minute video of you doing the poster. 5. Submission (if drawn manuaily)- take a picture of both poster and explanation and send it to our Google Classroom. Poem Guidelines 1. Include a title. 2. Should be written in English. 3. Minimum of 3 stanzas with 4 lines per stanza. 4. Have a family member or a friend take your picture as you write the poem. 5. Submission- send it to our Google Classroom. Song Guideiines 1. Include a title. 2. Compose a short song with at least 3 verses (4 lines per verse) and a chorus. 3. Any genre. 4. Should be in English. 5. Tune/melody can be original or based from other songs. 6. Instruments are optional. 7. Audio and video recorded. 8. Lyrics should be included in the submission. 9. Send the audio and video recording together with the lyrics to our Google classroom. SS ; ‘“’@ Rubrics Rubric for Poem (3) spelling, grammatical, capitalization or punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Needs. | improvement | (2) Writing Used clear, There were There were There were Mechanics —_| correct three-five (3-5) | six-eight (6-8)__| more than nine sentences with | grammatical, | grammatical, | (9) grammatical, less than three | capitalization | capitalization | capitalization or punctuation errors. Relevance to | Title, words Title, most Title, some Title, words and the topic and phrases | words and words and phrases were were all phrases were | phrases were | not relevantto relevant to the | relevant to the | relevantto the | the topic topic. topic. topic Originality Student used | Poem had 10- | Poem had 40- | Poem had more his/her own 30% 60% than 70% words to similarities similarities similarities with compose ihe | with other with other other poern. composition. _| composition. _| composition. Required Guidelines Three to four | One to two Guidelines were Elements and | were ail guidelines guideline/s not followed Guidelines followed were followed | was/were 7 S followed Punctuality Submitted on | Submitted one | Submitted Submitted more or before the (1) day after two-three days | than three days deadline. the deadline. | after the after the deadline. deadline. Anita Guillen-Malazarte & Rubrics Rubric for Poster Criteria Excellent Good (4) Fair (3) Needs Improvement (2) (5) Creativity | Graphics | Graphics | Some of the | Graphics and design anddesign | anddesign | graphics were not creative. reflectan | reflect and design exceptional | creativity. | were not degree of creative. creativity. = Originality | Poster is the | Poster had Poster had Poster had more than original work | 10-30% 40-60% | 70% similarities with of the similarities similarities other student. with other with other work. work. work. Relevance | Posterwas | Poster was | Poster was_| Poster was not relevant tothe topic | relevantto | 50% 25% to the topic. the topic. relevantto | relevant to the topic. __| the topic. Required Guidelines | Three to One to two | Guidelines were not elements were all four guideline/s | followed and followed guidelines was/were guidelines were followed followed Punctuality | Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted more than onor before |one(1)day | two-three | three days after the the after the days after deadline. | deadiine. | deadline. | the | deadline. Anita Guillen-Malazarte & Rubrics Rubric for Song Criteria Excellent Good (4) Fair (3) Needs (5) Improvement (2) Musicality/ Tempo, Tempo, tone, | Tempo, tone, | There was no tempo, melody tone, and | and style and style _| tone or style. style were | were were | well- adequately | somewhat | established | established unclear and and and were not | effectively | sustained. _| sustained. sustained. LY Lyrics & The theme | The theme of | The theme of | Lyrics had no Relevance to | of the song | the song was__| the song was | structure and song the Topic was clear clear and was | somewhat was not relevant to and relevantto | confusing _| the given topic consistent the given and not andwas _| topic relevant to strongly and the given directly topic relevantto | the given topic I Guidelines Guidelines | Five to eight | One to four Guidelines were not were all guidelines —_| guidelines __| followed | followed were followed | were L followed Originality of | Student Song had 10- | Song had 40- | Song had 70-100% the used his/her | 30% 60% similarities with other composition | own words | similarities similarities compositions to compose | with other with other the song compositions | compositions Punctuality | Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted more than on or before | one day after | two-three three days after the the the deadline. | days after deadline. deadline. the deadline. Anita Guillen-Malazarte “Reflection What have you learned after having completed this module? How can you apply to your daily life what you have learned? Anita Guillen-Malazarte iS eae 3 SUK =T aot) Bf Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V., Jackson, R.B., (2008). Biology (8 ed.). Pearson Benjamin Cummings, New York. Hoefnagels, M. (2009). Biology: Concepts and Investigations (2™ ed.). McGraw-Hill Co. Inc., New York. Stern, K.R., Bidlack, J. E., Jansky, S.H. (2008). Introductory Plant Biology. (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Co. Inc., New York. Muller, W. H. (2008). Botany: A Functional Approach. (8 ed.). Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Altemation of generations in angiosperms. Digital irnage retrieved from http:/! Flower structures bearing the female and male gametophytes. Photograph retrieved from https:/simiple wikipedia org/wiki/Buttercup. The sporophyte generation of the banana plant. Photograph retrieved from Importance of plants. Photograph retrieved from https:/ The importance of piants to humans and nature. Digital image retrieved from http://www. animals-environrnent/ Lagundi (Vitex negundo) plant. Photograph retrieved from initial-resulis.htm! Anita Guillen-Malazarte ©) eae 3 SUK =T aot) ay The leaves of the lagundi plant are commercially produced and sold for the treatment of cough - as cough suppressant and expectorant. Photograph retrieved from plemex%20for%20kids Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) plant, a source of novel suture material. Photograph retrieved from https://www.britannica.con/piant/ramie Ramie plant fiber as surgical suture material for biomedical applications. Photograph retrieved from| 21 9284931 163013 Taxonomic classification of mango plant. Photograph. Retrieved from plants-mango.html Anita Guillen-Malazarte

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