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Tree Physiology 21, 1039–1045

© 2001 Heron Publishing—Victoria, Canada

Gas exchange characteristics of a Canarian laurel forest tree species

(Laurus azorica) in relation to environmental conditions and leaf
canopy position

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Dpto. Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38207 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

Received October 16, 2000

Summary Diurnal courses of gas exchange were measured tions, laurel forest has the characteristic appearance of a cloud
over a 1-year period in fully expanded current-year leaves in forest (Hollermann 1981).
the upper (sun-exposed, 18 m above ground) and the lower The Canarian laurel forest is dominated by evergreen tree
(shaded, 12 m above ground) canopy of Laurus azorica (Seub.) species that are adapted to a humid Mediterranean climate
Franco, a major canopy species of the Canarian laurel forest in with moderate temperatures, where clouds mitigate the impact
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Laurus azorica exhibited high of the drought periods characteristic of this climate type. Some
leaf plasticity in gas exchange characteristics, with a maximum authors have related the Canarian laurel forest structurally
carbon assimilation rate (Amax) of shade leaves about 50% that with the Mediterranean schlerophyllous vegetation (Goodall
of sun leaves. This difference reflects the high leaf area index 1983) or with the tropical mountain forests (Hübl 1988, Lösch
(LAI) of the stand and the correspondingly sharp light attenua- and Fischer 1994), although, in terms of mineral nutrient com-
tion with increasing canopy depth. In sun leaves, Amax peaked position, it is more similar to tropical forests (Köhl et al.
at about 11 µmol m –2 s –1 and maximum transpiration (E) was 1996).
about 8 mmol m –2 s –1, which corresponded with a maximum Gas exchange studies have been carried out on trees grow-
stomatal conductance (gs) of about 650 mmol m –2 s –1. Mean ing in a typical Mediterranean climate (e.g., Tenhunen et al.
maximum instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE) was 1981, Pereira et al. 1986), in tropical and subtropical forests
1.5 mmol mol –1 and the mean maximum A/gs was 20–35 µmol (e.g., Zotz et al. 1995, Ishida et al. 1996, 1999, Eschenbach et
mol –1. Mean minimum internal CO2 concentration (Ci ) was al. 1998) and in other types of forests (see review by Larcher
225 µmol mol –1. Although high air vapor pressure deficit (1995)). However, little is known about the gas exchange
(VPD) caused a small decrease in gs, it remained high enough characteristics of trees in the Canarian laurel forest under natu-
to maintain relatively high A and E. These gas exchange char- ral conditions.
acteristics indicate a non-conservative use of water, which is Previously, we characterized the stand structure and leaf
appropriate for a species subject to droughts that are mild or of area distribution of a laurel forest stand in which Laurus
short duration. In this respect, Laurus azorica differs from its azorica (Seub.) Franco was the most common tree species
congener, L. nobilis L., of the Mediterranean region and other (Morales et al. 1996a, 1996b). Leaf characteristics along a
shrubs growing in Mediterranean-type climates in California vertical canopy profile reflected the high leaf area index (LAI,
and Chile that have to withstand more severe or more pro- 7.8) of the stand (Morales et al. 1996a) and the severe attenua-
longed droughts. tion of light by the canopy, which transmits only 2% of inci-
dent photosynthetically active radiation to ground level
Keywords: carbon assimilation rate, evergreen broad-leaved
(Aschan et al. 1994, 1997). In particular, we found that
forest, shade leaves, stomatal conductance, sun leaves, wa-
L. azorica has a relatively high leaf plasticity index defined as
ter-use efficiency.
the difference between sun- and shade-leaf thickness relative
to sun leaf thickness (Carpenter and Smith 1981), indicating
that leaves of this species are highly shade-tolerant (Morales et
Introduction al. 1996c). It has also been shown that the ability of the
The Canarian laurel forest is thought to be a relic of the Ter- photosynthetic apparatus to withstand dehydration is related
tiary Mediterranean flora that occupied southern Europe and to the vertical canopy profile (Jiménez et al. 1999).
northern Africa about 20 million years ago. Climatic changes The present study investigated leaf gas exchange character-
during the Quaternary period resulted in conditions suitable istics of L. azorica measured in the field in relation to canopy
for the survival of this forest type at scattered locations around position (upper and lower canopy) under a wide range of envi-
the world. Among these is the most humid portion of the ronmental conditions occurring over the course of an entire
northern slopes of the Canary Islands, where, at middle eleva- year.

Materials and methods about 30 °C in summer and 9 °C in winter. Mean annual tem-
The study was conducted in a natural laurel forest stand lo- perature during the study year was 14.4 °C. On most days, rel-
cated on Agua García Mountain in Tenerife, Canary Islands ative humidity exceeded 90%. High air vapor pressure deficits
(28°27′32″ N, 16°24′20″ W; altitude 820 m). The site, on a 12° (VPD) occurred only when there were winds from the Sahara
NNE slope, has a humid Mediterranean climate with a 30-year (Figure 1). Annual gross precipitation was 396.5 mm, most of
mean annual temperature of 14.0 °C (absolute maximum and which occurred during autumn and spring, although light rain
minimum of 39.0 and 0.2 °C, respectively), mean relative hu- occurred throughout the year. Thus, the climate at the study
midity of 80%, and mean annual precipitation of 733 mm. Al- site is mild without marked seasonality.
though fog precipitation does not contribute significantly to
Diurnal courses of gas exchange
total throughfall (Aboal 1998), relative humidity, which is
Diurnal courses of gas exchange differed according to the pre-

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above 80% on most days, mitigates the effects of drought.
The experimental stand comprises a mixed hardwood forest vailing environmental conditions. Figure 2 shows the diurnal
with six major tree species (L. azorica, Persea indica (L.) courses of gas exchange in sun leaves during 2 days with con-
K. Spreng (both Lauraceae), Myrica faya Ait. (Myricaceae), trasting environmental conditions. On a cloudless day (Janu-
Erica arborea L. (Ericaceae), Ilex canariensis Poir. and Ilex ary 25, 1995) when VPD was high (> 1.5 kPa), Amax was only
perado Ait. subsp. platyphylla (Webb and Berth.) Tutin (both 8 µmol m –2 s –1, because it was limited by low gs and the result-
Aquifoliaceae)). We studied adult trees of L. azorica, the most ing decrease in Ci. In contrast, during the wet conditions of
representative species of the laurel forest and the most abun- March 29, 1995, when VPD was low (< 0.5 kPa), Amax reached
dant species in our experimental stand (38%). A detailed de- 11.6 µmol m –2 s –1 and high values of E and gs were recorded
scription of the site and stand structure has been presented by (8 and 650 mmol m –2 s –1, respectively). On both days, A paral-
Morales et al. (1996a, 1996b). Leaf area index is 7.8 (Morales leled the diurnal pattern of photosynthetic photon flux density
et al. 1996a), which is similar to the LAI of Japanese, ever- (PPFD).
green broad-leaf forests (Kawanabe 1977, Tadaki 1977), low- The CO2 concentration of ambient air (Ca ) in the upper can-
land rainforest in Malaysia (Kato et al. 1974, Yoda 1974) and opy varied from 345 µmol mol –1 in the morning to 340 µmol
some evergreen conifer forests (Waring 1983).
A wooden scaffolding tower was erected at the site to access
leaves of L. azorica at the top (sun leaves, 18 m above ground)
and in the lower part (shade leaves, 12 m above ground) of the
canopy. Morales et al. (1996c) determined that total chloro-
phyll concentration per leaf dry mass and specific leaf area
(SLA) of sun and shade leaves were 4 g kg –1 and 66.7 cm 2 g –1
and 5.1 g kg –1 and 111.1 cm 2 g –1, respectively.
Climatic conditions during the study were recorded by a
meteorological station installed at the top of the tower (data
logger, with temperature and humidity sensors, Delta-T, Cam-
bridge, U.K.; quantum sensor LI-190 SA, Li-Cor, Lincoln,
NE; and rain gauge, Skye Institute, Llandrindal, U.K.).
Carbon assimilation rate (A), internal CO2 concentration
(Ci ), leaf conductance (gs ) and transpiration (E) were mea-
sured on fully developed current-year leaves with a portable
gas analyzer (LCA2, Analytical Development Company Ltd.,
Hoddesdon, U.K.) from the early morning to the evening. Care
was taken not to change the natural exposure of leaves during
gas exchange measurements. Measurements were made every
2 weeks from July 1994 to June 1995, when climatic condi-
tions were favorable. To obtain the response of shade leaves to
light, attached branches were exposed to direct sunlight and
light curves were made with the help of different layers of
white cloth.
Linear regression was used to explore relationships between
different parameters and correlation coefficients were calcu-
lated (r).

Results Figure 1. Mean daily air temperature (Tmean), air relative humidity
(RH) and air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) during the study period
Climatic conditions
(July 1994 to June 1995). Measurements were recorded 2 m above the
During the study, mean daily air temperature varied between canopy.



open enough throughout the day to maintain relatively high

values of A and E (Figure 2).

Variation in gas exchange characteristics among canopy

In general, irradiance in the lower canopy was less than
200 µmol m –2 s –1 during the study period. There was a large
difference in A between sun and shade leaves, such that shade
leaves were near their light compensation point most of the
time. On any given day, maximum values of A (2 µmol m –2

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s –1), gs (130 mmol m –2 s –1) and E (2.5 mmol m –2 s –1) of shade
leaves represented about 25, 47 and 50%, respectively, of the
corresponding values of sun leaves (Figure 3). Instantaneous
and intrinsic WUE were also much lower in shade leaves than
in sun leaves, attaining maximum values of 0.8 and 14 µmol
mol –1, respectively, indicating that shade leaves had higher Ci
than sun leaves.

Analysis of total data

For data obtained at the top of the canopy (n = 550), there were
high correlations between light and leaf temperature r = 0.83),
carbon assimilation rate and stomatal conductance r = 0.47),
and carbon assimilation rate and transpiration r = 0.72). We
used boundary-line analysis using all of the data of each pa-
rameter plotted against every variable, to estimate the maxi-
mal parameter values when other variables were not limiting.
In sun leaves, the relationship between A and leaf temperature
indicated that the optimum temperature ranged between
20 and 26 °C. A plot of A versus photosynthetic photon flux
density (PPFD) yielded an Amax of 10.5 µmol m –2 s –1 and indi-
cated that A reached light saturation above 750 µmol m –2 s –1.
Figure 2. Diurnal courses of photosynthetic photon flux density The plot of A versus gs did not pass through the origin because
(PPFD) at the leaf surface, leaf temperature (Tleaf), air vapor pressure the stomata were partly open when A was zero, and the rela-
deficit (VPD), carbon assimilation rate (A), transpiration rate (E), tionship did not show a clear saturation curve. Values of gs
stomatal conductance (gs), leaf internal CO2 concentration (Ci ), in-
above 300 mmol m –2 s –1 were considered to be non-limiting
stantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE = A/E) and intrinsic wa-
ter-use efficiency (A/gs) measured in Laurus azorica leaves at the top for sun leaves (Figure 4), whereas for shade leaves a gs value
of the canopy (sun leaves) around the sampling tower on January 25, of 125 mmol m –2 s –1 was considered to be non-limiting. In
1995 (a day with high VPD) and on March 29, 1995 (a day with low shade leaves, Amax was about 5 µmol m –2 s –1 and A reached
VPD). Each value represents an individual measurement. For each light saturation above 500 µmol m –2 s –1 (Figure 5).
measurement day, the top panel shows the diurnal patterns of Tleaf Relationships between gs and leaf temperature, PPFD and
(䊊), VPD (䊉) and PPFD (solid line).
VPD are shown in Figure 6. Stomatal conductance showed a
temperature response similar to that of A, although the optimal
range of temperatures was greater for gs than for A (15 to
mol –1 at midday on January 25, 1995, and the corresponding 26 °C). Maximum values of gs were even exhibited at low ir-
values for March 29, 1995 were 350 and 325 µmol mol –1. At radiances (14 µmol m –2 s –1). Although gs decreased with in-
midday, mean CO2 concentration of the leaf intercellular creasing VPD, relatively high gs values, near 300 mmol m –2
space (Ci ) and mean Ci /Ca ratio were 225 µmol mol –1 and 0.67 s –1, were maintained even at high VPDs, provided that light
on January 25, 1995 compared with 260 µmol mol –1 and 0.77 and temperature were optimal.
on March 29, 1995, respectively.
A low instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE = A/E) of
about 1.5 µmol mmol –1 was recorded at midday on both Janu- Discussion
ary 25 and March 29, 1995. Compared with instantaneous Although CO2 concentration, temperature and humidity dif-
WUE, intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/gs) was slightly higher fered with canopy height, the greatest vertical gradient was in
on the cloudless day with high VPD (January 25, 1995) mainly solar irradiance (Jarvis et al. 1976). The lower A in lower-can-
because of the decrease in gs, but even on this day we found no opy leaves compared with upper-canopy leaves reflected the
evidence of midday stomatal closure. The stomata remained high light attenuation in this forest (Aschan et al. 1994, 1997),



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Figure 4. Relationships between carbon assimilation rate (A) and leaf
temperature (Tleaf), photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) at the
leaf surface, and stomatal conductance of water vapor (gs) in sun
leaves of Laurus azorica. Each value represents an individual mea-

L. azorica leaves are highly plastic, enabling them to adjust

Figure 3. Diurnal courses of photosynthetic photon flux density their morphology and physiology to the microclimatic condi-
(PPFD) at the leaf surface, leaf temperature (Tleaf), air vapor pressure tions. We did not determine how the shade leaves respond to
deficit (VPD), carbon assimilation rate (A), transpiration rate (E),
stomatal conductance (gs), leaf internal CO2 concentration (Ci), in- short periods of direct irradiance (sunflecks). The duration and
stantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE = A/E) and intrinsic water- quantity of exposure to sunflecks can greatly influence growth
use efficiency (A/gs) measured in Laurus azorica leaves in the upper (Pearcy 1988); i.e, up to 60% of the carbon gain of understory
canopy (sun leaves) and lower canopy (shade leaves). Each value rep- plants is attributed to utilization of sunflecks (Pearcy et al.
resents an individual measurement. For each leaf type, the top panel
shows the diurnal patterns of Tleaf (䊊) and PPFD (solid line). 1994).
Daily courses of gas exchange showed a typical response of
photosynthesis to light. During the morning as PPFD in-
which also resulted in leaves differing in morphology includ- creased, A, E and gs increased, whereas Ci decreased. On days
ing leaf area and thickness (Morales et al. 1996c). Estimated with low VPD, these parameters were mainly controlled by
values of Amax, based on light responses, were consistent with PPFD; however, on days with high VPD, A and E decreased
because of a gradual reduction in gs throughout the whole day.
expected differences between sun and shade leaves (Amax for
Although midday depression of gs as a mechanism for con-
shade leaves was about 50% of that for sun leaves), and were
serving water has been reported for temperate-zone plants
comparable with published values for C3 trees (Larcher 1995, (Hodges 1967, Dougherty and Hinckley 1981), Mediterra-
Lüttge 1997). Sun leaves of most tree species become light nean-climate plants (Tenhunen et al. 1981, Pereira et al. 1986)
saturated at 25–30% of full sunlight (Sprugel 1989). Sun and and tropical trees (Medina et al. 1978, Zotz et al. 1995, Pathre
shade leaves of L. azorica became light saturated at 37.5 and et al. 1998, Ishida et al. 1999), we did not observe midday
25% of full sunlight, respectively. Our results indicate that stomatal closure in L. azorica.



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Figure 5. Relationships between carbon assimilation rate (A) and
photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) at the leaf surface, and
stomatal conductance of water vapor (gs) in shade leaves of Laurus
azorica. Each value represents an individual measurement.

Compared with other species, L. azorica leaf photosyn-

thesis was relatively low; however, leaf photosynthesis in tree
species varies widely, ranging from about 3 to 30 µmol m –2 s –1
(Ceulemans and Saugier 1991). Generally, photosynthetic Figure 6. Relationships between stomatal conductance of water vapor
rates of tropical rain forest trees are higher (10–16 µmol m –2 (gs) and leaf temperature (Tleaf ), photosynthetic photon flux density
(PPFD) at the leaf surface and air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in sun
s –1) than those of broad-leaved evergreen trees of the subtrop-
leaves of Laurus azorica. Each value represents an individual mea-
ics and warm-temperate regions (6–12 µmol m –2 s –1) (Larcher surement.
1995). The maximum value of A measured in L. azorica
(11.6 µmol m –2 s –1) and that obtained from a plot of all A val-
ues versus PPFD (10.5 µmol m –2 s –1) were within the limits of the maximum value of gs. During the study, leaf temperature
both ranges. Photosynthetic rates in evergreen leaves are cor- oscillated between 12 and 35 °C, and temperatures below
related with the potential for year-round photosynthesis and 15 °C and above 26 °C decreased gs. On some occasions, mea-
leaf longevity (Schulze 1982, Reich et al. 1991, 1992, Kita- sured gs was lower than the corresponding value on the expo-
jima et al. 1997). Leaf longevity, which is more than 3 years nential fitted curve of gs versus VPD. Maximum values of gs in
for L. azorica, could account for its low photosynthetic rates. L. azorica were relatively high compared with those of woody
During the study, the Ci /Ca ratio varied from 0.95 to 0.67, plants and trees of temperate forests, and more similar to those
which was higher than the range found in the Australian ever- of humid tropical forests than Mediterranean evergreen trees
green species, Citrus L. and Eucalyptus L’Hér (Lloyd et al. (Körner 1995).
1992, Sheriff 1992), and a Mediterranean evergreen sclero- In general, L. azorica had high E (> 8 mmol m –2 s –1) and
phyllous shrub, Arbutus unedo L. (Beyschlag et al. 1987), sug- low instantaneous WUE (mean = 1.5 µmol mmol –1), and also
gesting a relatively small stomatal limitation of A in low WUE when expressed as the ratio A/gs, which removes the
L. azorica. Relatively high Ci /Ca ratios have also been found VPD effect (mean = 22 µmol mol –1). Similarly, Huc et al.
in several tropical rain forest species (Lloyd and Farquhar (1994) found that intrinsic WUE remained low throughout the
1994, Ishida et al. 1996). year in tropical rain forest tree species. However, in some
Stomatal conductance was sensitive to increasing VPD over Mediterranean shrubs and trees, intrinsic WUE increases
the range 0 to 3 kPa, decreasing exponentially but only until markedly during the summer (Peñuelas et al. 1998, Flexas et
the relatively high value of 300 mmol m –2 s –1 was reached, in- al. 2001). Low stomatal control in L. azorica is consistent with
dicating that little stomatal closure occurred, provided that the results obtained by Zöhlen et al. (1995) with porometric
temperature and light were optimal. Only the low irradiances techniques and Jiménez et al. (1996) with sap flow measure-
in the early morning and late evening were not saturating for ments in which high values of whole-tree transpiration were



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