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狄克生片語 L27-L30 總

__________年__________班 座號__________姓名__________ 分

一 、 選 擇 題 (20 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 50 分 )
( ) 1.If you ______ again, I swear that I will never trust you. (A) take me off (B) take me
away (C) take me out (D) take me in
( ) 2.Those who once lived extravagantly could hardly ______ on such a small income. (A) get
by (B) come to an end (C) look out upon (D) speed up
( ) 3.Not only is he interested in how anyone of us does his or her work, ______ he is also interested
in our personal matters. (A) but (B) and (C) such (D) so
( ) 4.Many tourists are attracted to the hot-spring pools on the island ______ because the pools are
free to the public but also because in the pools they can enjoy the feeling of being close to nature. (A) such that
(B) in spite of (C) not only (D) so that
( ) 5.The veterinarian ( 獸 醫 ) ______ a promise to try his best to rescue the dog.
(A) held up (B) held still (C) held out (D) fell off
( ) 6.Keep your glass away from the edge of the table, or it might ______. (A) take off
(B) fall off (C) set off (D) bite off
( ) 7.He usually works in such a slow manner that most of us get impatient with him. Naturally, a lot
of work is delayed simply ______ his slowness. (A) because of (B) in order to (C) except for (D) in spite of
( ) 8.Oftentimes, you need that last sense of “Wow, this is exactly what I want!” before you ______
pay. (A) hold off (B) go with (C) are ready to (D) are filled with
( ) 9.It is considered a ______ to deny a person a job because of his or her age or gender. (A)
retirement (B) statue (C) landscape (D) prejudice
( ) 10.Mom: Linda, take out the garbage. The garbage truck is coming.
Linda: It’s Peter’s turn today.
Mom: ______
Linda: Then he should take out the garbage tomorrow.
(A) Peter doesn’t like trucks. (B) He’s not home yet. (C) The truck comes every other day. (D) OK, it’s a
great turning point.
( ) 11.A Boeing 787 made an ______ landing earlier this week because of the plane’s overcharged
batteries. (A) emergency (B) emotion (C) emphasis (D) empire
( ) 12.Many people will ______ the candidate because she is an enthusiastic person. (A) mess
up (B) put up (C) cut up (D) back up
( ) 13.At the supermarket, computers read the labels on products and ______ the bills. (A)
watch out (B) blow out (C) clean out (D) work out
( ) 14.We should check the car before driving, ______, head lights, turn signals, and oil. (A)

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instead of (B) in spite of (C) for instance (D) no matter
( ) 15.We thought that it was an unfair game because the referee ______ with the opposing team.
(A) took sides (B) took away (C) took off (D) took over
( ) 16.After several rainy days, we hope the weather will ______. (A) mess up (B) put
up (C) clean up (D) clear up
( ) 17.My parents and I often volunteer to ______ the beach with neighbors on weekends. We feel
happy that we can do something for the Earth. (A) stand a chance (B) stir up (C) clear up (D) clean up
( ) 18.According to the statistics of AC Nielsen Corporation, fifty-three percent of Taiwanese have
bought something electronically, which makes Taiwan the second largest place worldwide ______ the number of online
shoppers. (A) in place of (B) in terms of (C) such as (D) rather than
( ) 19.______ the students ______ the teacher likes having a holiday. (A) Get...along with
(B) Both...and (C) Not only...but also (D) Take...up with
( ) 20.The student ______ of smoking when he was in junior high school. (A) lost his mind
(B) got into the habit (C) came to the point (D) caught on
二 、 引 導 式 翻 譯 題 (20 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 50 分 )
1. 我 突 然 想 到 明 天 是 我 爸 爸 的 生 日 。
It o______rs ‚t______ me that tomorrow is my father’s birthday.
2. 你 長 大 後 想 要 做 什 麼 ?
What will you do when you g______ ‚u______?
3. 那 個 魔 王 一 心 想 要 得 到 那 顆 寶 石 。
The fiend had his ______ ‚______ on the precious stone.
4. 當 對 方 展 開 攻 擊 時 , 我 們 將 已 經 準 備 好 要 防 禦 了 。
When the opponents attack, we will be all s______ ‚t______ defend ourselves.
5. 很 多 學 生 通 常 在 考 前 熬 夜 唸 書 。
Many students often s______y ‚______ late studying before a coming exam.
6. 因 為 工 廠 倒 閉 了 , 所 以 許 多 工 人 被 解 僱 了 。
Many workers were l______d ‚o______ because the factory closed.
7. 剛 開 始 他 跟 他 兒 子 兩 人 很 堅 持 己 見 。 但 最 後 他 們 妥 協 了 。
At first they both persisted in their opinions. But at last he m______t his son ‚h______.
8. 導 遊 折 斷 樹 枝 以 為 登 山 者 開 路 。
The tour guide b______e ‚o______ the branches to make way for the climbers.
9. 我 胃 痛 並 且 感 覺 想 要 嘔 吐 。
I have a stomachache and feel like t______ing ‚u______.
10. 請 別 打 擾 我 。 我 需 要 一 個 安 靜 的 地 方 來 思 考 。
Please l______ me ‚a______. I need a quiet place to think it over.

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