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International Horizon School Writing Extra Sheet (Gr8)

Name: …………………. Narrative Writing- Sample Essay

Topic: Write about someone who used a sports activity to gain self-confidence.

A Turning Point

Sports are essential for one's mind and body. It is scientifically proven that exercising can greatly
enhance a person's confidence. My friend Jack is a prime example of the great influence of sport's on self-

Jack is an extremely shy person short on confidence. Although he had great ability, he always felt
insecure and was an isolated person. One day, he decided to participate in his school's football team after
being urged by his mother to do so. Eventually, it proved to be a turning point is his life.

Initially, Jack was his old self. He didn't talk to anyone of his teammates and couldn't muster the
courage to make friends. However, one day he was sitting on the substitute's bench and his team was
trailing. The coach told him to join the game, and he did. He played superbly and scored the winning goal.
Everyone started cheering his name and congratulating him. He suddenly became the talk of the school. That
moment changed the way he behaved. He gained many friends, hung out with peers, became more active
and even improved his academic performance. Jack's self-confidence rocketed as he discovered his true
potential thanks to sports.

That experience gave Jack the belief in himself. There is no denying that sports has great physical
benefits, but what's more important is its effects on one's confidence, spirit and belief.

Guidelines and Notes:

1. Choose an interesting and catchy title (capitalized).

2. Start your introduction with a general statement then a less general statement leading to a clear thesis
statement that mentions the main idea.

3. Thesis statement should mention someone else's story.

4. Write the events in chronological order.

5. Use third-person pronouns throughout the story.

6. Avoid irrelevant details.

7. Avoid repetition of words and expressions.

8. Focus on the problem (example: lack of confidence) and clearly state how it was solved.

9. Write a sentence in the conclusion that reminds the reader of the incident.

10. The second sentence in the conclusion should mention a lesson/reflection.

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