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Bombay Scottish School, Mahim

Date of Submission : .11.2021

Date of Completion: 25.11.2021
(To be solved on this sheet itself)
Question 1
a) Fill in the blanks:
1) In the ratio a : b, the first term is called
_____________ and the second term is called
2) The ratio of 8 pencils to 20 pencils in simplest form
is _______.
3) Four quantities a , b , c , d are in proportion. If ad = bc, we call a and d
as _____________ and b and c as _____________
4) The simplest form of the ratio 5 : 15 is _____________ whereas the
simplest form of the ratio 15 : 15
is _____________.
5) Which ratio is greater :- 5 : 7 or 4 : 5 ? _____________
6) The ratio of 50 paise to ₹ 5 is _____________
b) Samuel mixed 4 l of fresh lemon juice, 8 l of water and 6 l of honey to make
a lemonade. Complete the table given below, keeping the ratio constant.

Lemonade a b c d e f
Lemon juice 4 2 14
(l )
Water (l ) 8 16
Honey (l ) 6 9 30

page 1
c) Colour 2 pumpkins in green and the rest in orange and answer the
questions that follow:

1) What is the ratio of green to orange pumpkins?

2) What fraction of the pumpkins are orange?

3) What is the ratio of green to the total pumpkins?

(To be solved on A4 Refill Sheets)
Question 1
Do as directed:
a) Find the value of x stating the appropriate reason.

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