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Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln – Collections Pgs.

To which seminal document does Abraham Lincoln allude? _________________________________________
Cite the allusion _________________________________________________________________________________________
Which universal values does he address in the first paragraph?
1) ________________________________ 2) ________________________________

What is the historical circumstance of Lincoln’s address (why/where is he giving the speech)?
Chart instructions: Write what Lincoln literally and figuratively means by these terms:
Term Literal - exactly what is Figurative – other meanings of
civil war


Parallelism – The repeated use of similar structure in order to emphasize an idea or point.
Cite an example of parallelism from paragraph #3: ________________________________________________________________
What idea does this emphasize? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Cite a second example of parallelism from paragraph #3: _________________________________________________________
What idea does this emphasize? _____________________________________________________________________________________
What two ideals does Lincoln urge his listeners to care about and fight for?
How does he use universal values to convince his reader to take action?
What is Lincoln’s central claim in The Gettysburg Address?
The word dedicate is repeated several times in this speech. What does dedicate mean in this context and
how does this repetition make clear his central claim?


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