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| Banner Titles |

body{ --name: none;


| Banner Background Image
To change background images: delete what's in the parenthesis. Upload
the new background to Imgur or a similar site, then copy the direct link (or Original
GIF link if it's animated) and paste it into the parenthesis. Save.

body { --banner: url(; }

| Banner Character (Render)
Background size is the size of the image. 100% is full size.

The first percentage after background position is the position from the left. Lower
percentages move it left and you can go negative. The second percentage is position
from the top. Lower percentages move it down.

body { --character: url(none);

#list-container #cover-image-container {
background-size: 60%;
background-position: 80% 20%;

| Banner Avatar |

body { --avatar: url(; }

| Per-Category Background Image
If you want a wallpaper on a category, you can add direct background images links
to the parenthesis here for each category! By default, there is no wallpaper.


body { --background: url(); }

/*SIDE RENDERS (left and right)

To move the renders, adjust the percentage after "left" or "right" and "top". You can
use negatives. The percentage is the distance from the left, top, or right.

To resize the renders, adjust the percentage after "width". 0% will remove the
body footer:before {
left: -5%;
top: 15%;
width: 35% !important;
background-size: contain !important;
background-image: url(none);
background-position: left bottom !important;
body footer:after {
right: -10%;
top: 0%;
width: 40% !important;
background-size: contain !important;;
background-image: url(none);
background-position: right bottom !important;
| Character Renders R0.3 |

footer:before, footer:after {
content: "";
position: fixed;
top: 0;
z-index: -1;

width: calc(50% - 538px);

min-width: 262px;
height: 100%;
background: transparent no-repeat center bottom / contain scroll;

| List colors |
pbg is the color of the wallpaper when you have no image there

bg is the color of the tables and rows

text is the color of your anime

titles and some text on your rows (numbers, score, information, tags)
text-dim is other text on your rows (edit, more, non-links, Progress:, Rated:, etc)

btn-bg is the button color around score and tags

text-head is the category links unselected

text-head-h is the current category link selected

btn-head-bg-h is buttons under the header when selected

btn-text-h is that button text

banner-text is the banner text color, and its shadow color is under that

Get a new HTML/Hex color number here, or use color names.

Get new RGBA colors here for the rows
:root {

--pbg: #161616;
--bg: #212121;
--bg-dark: #444;
--text: #ababab;
--text-h: #416abe;
--text-dim: #777;
--text-dim-h: #999;
--text-dark: #ababab;
--shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
--icon: #959595;
--accent: #416abe;
--banner-text: #f6f5ff;
--banner-text-shadow: #e4bef4;
--btn-bg: #191919;
--btn-bg-h: #ababab;
--btn-head-bg-h: #416abe;
--btn-text-h: #212121;
--text-head: #9b9b9b;
--text-head-h: #ababab;
--cover-bg: #090909;
--edit-btn: #323232;
--checkmark: #416abe;

| List colors |
status menu container is the color of the header under the banner when there is
transparency on your tables, and the last codes control the rows on hover and the
glow around them. Make a new box shadow here

background: ;

background: ;
box-shadow: ;

| Review Tags R0.1 |

/* Raise or lower this number to change how wide the box is. Make sure not to remove the
"px" at the end. */
.data.tags { width: 240px; }

.data.tags div:not(:empty){padding:2px
a:not(.edit){display:inline;padding:0;background:0 0;pointer-events:none}


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