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SQL Queries

Practical Files Topics

Question 01) Creation of a database using MYSQL command.

Question 02) Deletion of a database using my SQL command.

Question 03) Creation of a table using MYSQL command.

Question 04) Show the database and tables created in MYSQL.

Question 05) List out the field name along with its field type and constraints for a table.

Question 06) Set a default for a field in a table.

Question 07) Insert values into the table.

Question 08) Display the details of a field in a table based on a given condition.

Question 09) Update the details of a field In a table based on a given condition.

Question 10) Aggregate functions in MYSQL .


1.Print the string Hello World.

2.Display character A to Z using for loop.

3.Check if a given number is positive or negative or zero using IF ELSE


4.Find the largest among three number using IF ELSE statement.

5.Check whether a no. is even or odd using IF ELSE statement.

6.Generate multiplication table (number of iteration from 01 to 10 ) using for loop.

7.Find the area of a rectangle by getting the input of a length and breadth from the user
during run time.

8.Print the sum of first 10 natural numbers.

9.Generate FIBONACCI SEREIS by getting the input of number of terms in the series
during run time.
10.Print the FACTORIAL of a given number.

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