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RY [7] Featured text type AB Rout the following editorial to learn about minimum vag long I Unfair—and inad oy | S 1 [ML Hong Kong's first mini “quat mum. lGistatiyy goa ths OR ante td passec in 2010, after consideran leg, | tial cy ata tate of 1K$28 por houp ie cr ate Wag eee Cate ete WhO complain ae Une’ I wo S costs of doing business in - Comper tiog, Pa : others clam thot it berettseyeyy eM mgt te ‘ the longer term: So who is righ on’: Both pgs implications of the law? Do wo Mae hay aang : laws to regulate Dusiness-emplee More, gf the ye 10 [2] Even though ti {rom exploitation by them at east Hk are sectors of our society that being taken advantage of. Fora 1S not benefit from the law a5 they are paid under a separate Minimure Allow Oeste 0 domestic helpers, which is set at HKS4,630 per month a5 of September 2019, | 89° fo ot 83] For the lowest-pad workers ike street sweepers, the minimum.wage legs * enough to improve their lives. Their wage rise has just been too small to 7. § Not on the frances, While the minimum wage i @ Repl boost to income, the sn Of an get 20 has more than cancelled out the benefits n fact, ther lving situation ig FP increase (Pt minimum wage was first implemented in 2011. The idea th: between rich and poor by any meaningful extent is riicul spiralling increase in rent across Hong Kong, the minimu it can make a real impact for those who need it most. © rel OF fab e ‘lations Fey 8S Of Nas 8 esti NY 2 erage in at this la as helped ge 2” When lous. Considering ising he Wi M Wage Needs to be «cy 9 Co et muct 25 [4] Other workers have also found fewer benefits and more thet employees who previously worked for a weekly or monthly salary now have to wonton Some rate. This ensures that their employers can pay them the same wages as before by 5 for an tly system to deny employees as much as possible. For example, employers no longer 399 the workers for meal breaks, holidays or even statutory rst days. We need nee Taws ig ee, 30 aspects of employment too. A statutory minimum wage is only the ‘ Jul aw start. More needs ad [5] Hong Kong's economy is growing, and will become more = FOSpeFOUs in the comin on Unfortunately, | predict that the poorest citizens will not share in this wealth, 2 200s cizens will not share inthis wealth AS a gh e Hong Kong should maintain a high degree of equality and faimness, and the shouldte act, g include everyone in our society—tich or poor, migrant or local, ‘tended tg ne drawbacks with AQ Read the editorial again and answer the questions below and on age 101, 1. Use ONE word to complete each blank. main idea [) Until / Before 0 Hong Kong. (ii) Since (X When // After) it was implemented the following year, there has been much debate about its impact on the economy. 2010, there was no minimum-wage legislation in Note that the second clause ofthis sentence is in the present pertect lense, meaning answers ‘ch as When and AMter are nol acceptable, 100

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