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Create a new folder in our local system (D-Drive). And download GO & MAIN
files from web.

Go to->VS Code->click->Explore->Open Folder.

Choose your local path.

Create New file name as “manifest.yml”
write a code in RHS.

- name: dhanashrimapp
memory: 256M
- go_buildpack

Validate the Code in WebSite: YAMLlint - The YAML Validator

Click->…->Terminals->New Terminals

Click the down arrow and select Command Prompt.

Delete power Shell.

In Command Prompt,
Provide cf login, API EndPoint, Email, Password and Choose Target
space(DEV, QTY,PROD).
Provide your change directories.
CD <Dir_Name>
And type CF PUSH.

After giving cf push command wait for some times. It will give some details of
Now goto->(trial_account) Home [Europe (Rot)] > Global Accounts - SAP BTP
Cockpit (
One application is deployed under Subaccout->Space

Double click the “dev”.

We pushed APP_NAME was here.

Double click the name and display our routes here also.

Copy Paste the URL or Double Click that Routes -> our output display here.

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