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Critical summary of preface to the lyrical ballads 1802

The first edition of lyrical ballads “: its success

The need of the preface

Revolt against existing taste

Language of poetry a selection of the language spoken by the Rustics

Good poetry should have a purpose

Introduction of the real language of men Mid avoidance of poetic diction

There is no essential difference between the language of poetry and that of prose

What is a poetic? “ Wordsworth’s answer

Poetry is superior to science

Critical Summary of Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1802)

Wordsworth’s experiment and its success:

The preface begins by acknowledging the publication and success of the first edition of Lyrical Ballads,
an “experiment” in using “the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation.”

The experiment’s success surpassed expectations, indicating a public receptiveness to a new style of

The need for the preface:

Despite the success, Wordsworth felt a need to explain his poetic intentions and address potential

He intended to clarify his approach and defend his choices against those who might find his language
and style unorthodox.

Revolt against existing taste:

The preface can be seen as a manifesto against the prevailing poetic taste of the time, which favored
artificial diction and elevated subject matter.

Wordsworth emphasizes the importance of common life and everyday language as sources of poetic
Language of poetry:

He argues that the language of poetry should be a selection of the language spoken by the “Rustics,”
those closer to nature and uncorrupted by artificiality.

This choice of language aims to access genuine emotions and experiences, fostering a more authentic
and powerful poetic effect.

Purpose of poetry:

Wordsworth underscores the need for good poetry to have a purpose, to “enlarge the bounds of the
sympathy” and “elevate the nature of man.”

He emphasizes the role of poetry in enriching human experience and deepening our understanding of
ourselves and the world.

Introduction of “real language”:

He advocates for the use of “real language” in poetry, avoiding the overly poetic diction that he believes
obscures meaning and weakens the emotional impact.

This “real language” is not simply everyday speech but a carefully selected and crafted version that
retains poetic beauty while remaining accessible to a wider audience.

No essential difference between poetry and prose:

Wordsworth argues that there is no essential difference between the language of poetry and that of

The distinction lies In the way the language is used and the emotions it evokes, not in the inherent
qualities of the words themselves.

What is a poet?

According to Wordsworth, a poet is a “man speaking to men,” someone with heightened sensitivity and
understanding of human nature.

The poet's role Is to create and share experiences that resonate with readers, enriching their lives and
expanding their perspectives.

Poetry superior to science:

Wordsworth concludes his preface by asserting the superiority of poetry over science in its ability to
access truth and knowledge.

He believes that poetry offers a deeper understanding of human nature and the universe than scientific
inquiry can achieve.

Overall, the Preface to Lyrical Ballads is a significant document in literary history. It articulates a new
poetic vision that challenged established conventions and paved the way for Romanticism.
Wordsworth’s emphasis on common language, everyday experiences, and emotional truth had a lasting
impact on the development of English poetry.

Additional points to consider:

The preface is not without its critics. Some argue that Wordsworth’s definition of poetry is too narrow
and excludes other valid forms of poetic expression.

Others question his idealization of the “Rustics” and his understanding of their language.

Despite these criticisms, the preface remains a valuable resource for understanding Wordsworth’s
poetic philosophy and its influence on the Romantic movement.

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