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13TH OF APRIL 2024,

1. THEME: Unveiling the Spirit of
Event's Purpose:
Embarking on a journey to magnify the essence of KyodoKyokushin, our mission is to
forge a space where fighters converge, competing with vigor, and coaches engage in a
symphony of shared experiences.

The vibrant stage for this spectacle unfolds at the GOSTiR Sport Hall, nestled on
Szkolna Street 5, 95-030 Rzgów (POLAND).

Date and Time:

Mark your calendars for the 13th of April 2024, a Saturday filled with martial prowess,
from 10:00 to 21:30.

Participation Requirements:
Entrance to this thrilling event is open to all dedicated fighters who meet the following
• Possession of a valid personal ID
• Presentation of an up-to-date medical statement
• For minors, a written consent form from parents
• Completion of the detailed application form
• Adorned in a white gi and equipped with the necessary protectors
• Each warrior must be covered by insurance from their respective club
• A participation fee of 35 Euro per valiant contender

Distinguished Referees:
Instructors of the art may also step into the role of referees, provided they meet the
following prerequisites:
• Proven expertise in judging karate sport matches
• Adherence to the impeccable dress code: black trousers, black shirt, and a
whistle (Referees from other associations may opt for their unique dress code).

Event Cost:
The participation fee is set at 35 Euro for each contender. This not only secures your
spot in the competition but also covers a nourishing meal for the warrior. Clubs have
the convenience of receiving invoices for their records.

This event is not just a competition; it's a celebration of martial arts, camaraderie, and
sportsmanship. Join us in this exhilarating journey, where passion meets prowess on
the tatami!
2. KUMITE KNOCKDOWN - Unveiling the
2.1 Rules of Engagement:
A triumphant display in the Kumite Knockdown hinges on securing a full IPPON point
or earning two half-points, known as WAZARI.
Furthermore, if neither combatant scores during the bout, the referees possess the
authority to declare a winner based on technical flair and the engagement witnessed
on the tatami.
Alternatively, victory may be conceded if one fighter graciously opts for a walk-over.
In the arena of decision-making, five referees hold sway – four positioned in the
corners and one presiding over the tatami. Unanimous agreement from three referees'
voices is the threshold for declaring a winner.
Protests find solace in the hands of the Chief Referee, whose decision stands as the
ultimate verdict. No room is left for further protests after the Chief Referee's decree.
A severe transgression, identified as a Heavy foul, translates to an automatic loss,
with the tatami referee signaling the foul and declaring the opponents as victors.
Protests during the bouts are addressed during fight breaks, accompanied by a 200
PLN fee as a deposit. Non-affirmative decisions result in the forfeiture of the deposit.

Scoring Dynamics:
Full Point (Ippon):
• Achieved through a head kick (exclusive to seniors category; for ages 18 and below,
two Waza-ari with head kicks result in Ippon).
• Any technique, except those considered fouls, rendering the opponent incapacitated
for over three seconds.
• If the opponent conveys to the tatami referee an inability to continue the bout due to
permissible techniques.

Half-Point (Waza-ari):
• Earned through any pure technique, excluding listed fouls in these regulations.
• In the youngest categories (under 7, 8-9, 10-11), a powerful technique, such as mae-
geri chudan or equivalent

Forbidden Techniques:
A strict code of prohibited techniques encompasses:
• Any open-hand, fist, arm, or elbow attacks to the face or neck.
• Specific kicks like mae-geri jodan, hiza-geri-jodan, ushiro mawashi geri jodan, kakato
otoshi jodan, and all jump kicks to the head in categories under 18 years old.
• Off-limits actions include attacks on the groin, deploying one's head (atama),
targeting an opponent's knee, grabbing/holding an opponent, launching an attack on
the back, or striking a fallen opponent.
• Disobeying tatami referee's commands.
Automatic Disqualification (Shikaku):
Immediate disqualification occurs when a fighter is absent from the tatami on three
announced occasions or engages in disrespectful behavior by cursing or expressing
strong opinions about the referees during the fight.


A Detailed Breakdown

1. Childrens 8-9 years:

• Boys: -25 / +25 kg
• Girls: - 25/25 kg
• Bout Time: 1.5 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1 minute
• In cases of a weight difference lower than 3 kg, the next echo-sen unfolds. After
this, referees are mandated to decide on the result.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet (with face covered), hogo, fists-gloves, leg-feet
protector, groin protector(boys).

2. Childrens 10-11 years:

• Boys: -30 / +30 kg
• Girls: - 30 / +30 kg
• Bout Time: 1.5 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1 minute
• Similar to the preceding category, a weight difference of less than 3 kg triggers
the next echo-sen, following which referees make a decisive call.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet (with face covered), hogo, fists-gloves, leg-feet
protector, groin protector (boys)

3. Youngsters 12-13 years:

• Boys: -50 / +50 kg
• Girls: -45 / +45 kg
• Bout Time: 2 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1 minute
• Weight differences of less than 3 kg lead to the next echo-sen, where referees
determine the outcome.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet, hogo, fists-gloves, leg-feet protector, groin
protector (boys)
4. Youth 14-15 years:
• Boys: -60 kg / +60/-70g / +70 kg
• Girls: -55kg/-65kg / +65 kg
• Bout Time: 2 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1.5 minutes
• Weight differences of less than 3 kg initiate the next echo-sen, after which
referees play a crucial role in decision-making.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet, leg-feet protector, groin protector (boys), breast
protector (girls), fists-gloves.

5. Juniors 16-17 years:

• Boys: -60 kg / +60/-70g / +70 kg
• Girls: -55kg/-65kg / +65 kg
• Bout Time: 2 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1.5 minutes
• A slight shift in weight difference tolerance—now set at 5 kg—guides the next
echo-sen, with referees determining the conclusive result.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet, groin protector (boys), breast protector (girls),
fists-gloves, leg-feet protector.

6. Seniors 18-35 years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg /-90kg / +90 kg
• Women: -55kg/-60kg / -65 kg / +65
• Bout Time: 2 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 2 minutes
• Weight differences of less than 5 kg propel the next echo-sen, and referees step
in to make the ultimate decision.
• Obligatory Protectors: Groin protector (men), breast protector (women).

7. Masters 35+ years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg / +80 kg
• Women: -60kg / -60 kg
• Bout Time: 2 minutes
• Extension Round (Encho-sen): 1.5 minutes
• Similar to the seniors, weight differences of less than 5 kg trigger the next echo-
sen, with referees holding the key to the final verdict.
• Obligatory Protectors: Helmet, groin protector (boys), breast protector (girls),
fists-gloves, leg-feet protector.
3. IBU-K1 – Rules & Regulations:
A Detailed Breakdown

General IBU-K1 Rules & Regulations:

Fighters undergo categorization based on both weight and experience.

Allowed Techniques:
• All hand hits to the head.
• All kicks on legs, chest, and head (note that front kicks and knee kicks to the head
are prohibited in categories under 18 years old).
• Catching the head and executing one knee kick to the head. Afterward, the fighter
must release the opponent.
• Each efficient hit (where the opponent visibly acknowledges impact) is scored as
one (1) point by a 5-member referee table. No half-points (0.5) are granted.

Disallowed Techniques:
• Any attacks targeting the back, back of the head, neck, knees, or groin.
• Striking or kicking a fallen opponent.
• Disregarding tatami referee’s commands.
• Initiating grabs or takedowns (holding and kicking with a knee allowed only
once in a single action).

Bout time: Consists of 2 rounds, each lasting 2 minutes.

Determination of Winner:
• Winner is declared by knocking the opponent out of the fight for over 10 seconds
(Knockout KO).
• Winner is appointed in case of the opponent's submission (Technical Knockout
• The winner is determined by the Ring referee after tallying points for well-
executed hits.

Obligatory Protectors:
• Teeth protector.
• Groin protectors (Men), breast protector cup-type (Women).
• Boxing gloves of a minimum weight of 12 oz.
• Shin protectors.
IBU-K1 Fighter Dress Code:
• Shorts (K1 or box).
• T-shirt or rashguard.

Fight Categories
1. Youth 14-15 years:
• Boys: -60 kg / +60/-70g / +70 kg
• Girls: -55kg/-65kg / +65 kg

2. Juniors 16-17 years:

• Boys: -60 kg / +60/-70g / +70 kg
• Girls: -55kg/-65kg / +65 kg

3. Seniors 18-35 years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg /-90kg / +90 kg
• Women: -55kg/-60kg / -65 kg / +65

4. Masters 35+ years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg / +80 kg
• Women: /-60kg / -60 kg

4. IBU-MMA - Unveiling the Dynamics

Allowed Techniques:
• Striking the head with hands.
• Leg kicks targeting the thighs and torso.
• Standing head kicks permitted, embracing the spectrum of kicks.
• A wide array of techniques including throws, sweeps, takedowns, locks, chokes,
and punches using fists, with the allowance of elbow strikes to the body.

Prohibited Techniques:
• Knee kicks to the head are not allowed for juniors.
• Spine locks.
• Punches to the neck and back of the head.
Fight time:
A single round lasting 3 minutes. In the event of a draw, an additional 3-
minute overtime is initiated, coupled with a weighing procedure

Fight Categories:
1. Juniors 16-17 years:
• Boys: -60 kg / +60/-70g / +70 kg
• Girls: -55kg/-65kg / +65 kg

2. Seniors 18-35 years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg /-90kg / +90 kg
• Women: -55kg/-60kg / -65 kg / +65

3. Masters 35+ years:

• Men: -70 kg / -80kg / +80 kg
• Women: /-60kg / -60 kg

Additional Regulations:
• All fighters must undergo a thorough medical check and weigh-in before the
• Fighters are required to wear specific protective gear, including mouthguards,
groin protectors (for men), breast protectors (for women), and appropriate
• Referees have the authority to stop the fight if they deem any participant unfit to
• Any unsportsmanlike conduct, such as foul language or disrespectful gestures,
may lead to penalties or disqualification.
• Fighters are expected to adhere to the principles of fair play and respect for their
• The Chief Referee's decisions are final, and any protests must be submitted in
accordance with the established procedures, accompanied by a fee.
• The tournament follows the rules and regulations of IBU MMA, with any
adjustments communicated by the organizer.
Deadline Date: 01.04.2024

Applications are to be submitted electronically to:



Medical check and weight assessment are mandatory for all participants and are
scheduled for 09:00 on Saturday, 13.04.2024, at the sports hall where the tournament
will take place.

• 9:00 - 9:30: Medical check and weight assessment
• 9:30 - 10:00: Council of judges
• 10:15 - 13:00: Qualifying round
• 13:15 - 14:15: Official opening of the tournament
• 14:30 - 18:00: Junior, senior Finals
• 18:00 - 19:00: Decoration Ceremony

• 1st Place: Medal, diploma, cup
• 2nd and 3rd Place: Medal, diploma, cup
Special Prizes: Best Fighter Cup in Kumite, Kickboxing, and MMA

For accommodation inquiries, please contact the organizer directly:
• +48512256176,
• +48601868641,
• Referee seminar: 12 April 2024, covering Kyokushin, Kickboxing, and MMA.
Conducted by IBU Kyodo specialists. Referee seminar fee: 15 euros, inclusive of
the official IBU referee certificate.
• Martial Arts Seminar in Karate Kyokushin, Kickboxing, and MMA: 24 April 2024,
in the tournament sports hall from 10:00 am. Seminar fee: 15 euros per person
(Branch Chief is free of charge if bringing at least 5 participants). Led by the
international IBU Kyodo instructors' team. A Dan exam will follow the seminar.


The "Kyodo World Cup" 2024 follows the rules and regulations of Knockdown and
Semi-Knockdown KyodoKyokushin, K1 is conducted by IBU K-1 rules, MMA is
conducted by IBU MMA rules. The organizer does not provide protectors; participants
should have their individual equipment. Please submit the proper application
formulary. For matters not covered in these rules, decisions will be made by the Chief
Referee and Organizer.
• Protests must be submitted to the Chief Referee and are subject to a fee of 200
PLN (50 Euros) payable to the Organizer. This fee is non-refundable if the protest
is rejected. Protests are accepted based on video records only.
• The Organizer reserves the right to modify the rules outlined in this document.
• For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
In the spirit of Kyodokyokushin, we wish all participants the best sportsmanship and
an unforgettable experience.


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