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The proposed system for INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM using

python with Mysql project helps them to understand the different

techniques of database but also helps them to understand the business

rules, software needs to follow. the INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

project as simple as we can. Only few tables have been used throughout

the project. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project stores basic

information of stock in few separate MySQL tables ,MySQL.connector is

used to make a connection between Python and MySQL

 items and Transaction table used to store all data’s

 id is Primary key in items Table having auto_increment feature

 tid is the primary key in and item_id is the foreign key in

Transaction Table

The whole code is divided into user-defined Python functions. These

functions have been called from the main menu to generate the initial

menu system. the item table stores the basic information of all the items

in our stock and the transaction table stores all the transactions is done.

using item_id in the transaction table, inventory management system

project establishing a relationship between these two tables.

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