Camera Accessories

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A TRIPOD- It is the triple leg device which is adjustable for any reasonable extension.
Its can be used in holding the camera when the camera is bulky or when using a
shutter speed lower than one twenty-five or a second to prevent the movement that
will produce a blurred images in photographs.
B CABLE RELEASE- This attached to shutter release of the camera and used in the
releasing of the shutter to prevent accidental movement of the camera during the exposure
is made.

C. FLASH UNIT- flash bulb or electric flash which synchronize with the opening and
closing of the shutter, this is effective to augment the adverse lighting condition of the
objects being photograph, Also with the use this accessories the motion of the subject can
be arrested.
D. LIGHT METER- A device use in determining the intensity of light that strike the
objects object and affect the film. This light meter can be an extinction meter of photo-
electric meter.

 Extinction meter- the reflected light from the shadow as seen by the naked eye is
estimated or calculated by direct observation of the photographer.
 Photoelectric meter- the most dependable device that will measure the brightness of
light. It is pointed toward the subjects to be photographed and converted the light
collected into electric energy that makes the needle of the meter to move across it
scale. The reading is taken and then and the conversion table gives the proper
 Extinction tube- a device used in photography of minion object means small object,
it is attached to the lens board of the camera and lens attached to it with close up
photography necessary.

E. FILTER- a transparent medium, transmit and absorbs different wavelength of light. It

will correct and control the rays of light that will produce good color or black and white

 Polarized Filter- the neutral density of filters is used in excessively bright light
and it would also protect the camera lens from accidental scratches or abrasions.

F. CAMERA GRIP- a device used to hold family the camera, soon as to prevent the
vibration or movement of the camera during the exposure.
G. LENS HOOD- a device used to eliminate reflection of lights which might destroy
the image cast by the object, especially when the light is coming from the top or side
portion of the camera. It is usually mounted in front of the lens barrel.

This control on cameras are necessary to produce a sharp and normal negative after
the photographic. There are 3 important controls in a camera to be manifested and
adjusted to its proper setting, they are:

A FOCUSING CONTROL- The most important control on a camera. Focused is the

means by which the object distance is estimated or calculated to form sharp or clear

There are 3 types of focuses devices, namely: the ridge finding type, the ground glass
type and the scale blood type.

1. RIDGE FINDING TYPE- of focusing control are classified into two the
coincidence type and photography in objects, the photographer can select any
combination of shutter and F numbers that will give the right amount of light needed
to normally expose the film, as the shutter speed increase, the F stop numbers 16 at
one second and F# 11 at ½ the second.

 LENS- among the essentials part of camera, the lens is the most important,
using the good lens of the right lens will produce a faithful reproduction of
the original objects as seen by the naked eye. Lens is a medium or system
which coverage or diverge rays of light passing through it form an image. It
can be glass or transparent material which permit the light to pass through and
change the direction of light.
 PINHOLE-rays of light reflected form an object cannot produce an image on
flat surface without a barrier with a small hole. Not all but a few rays of light
allowed by the barrier with a small hole. Not all but few rays of light allowed
by the barrier to give through, travelling straight from the object that will
meet the image. The few rays of light that passes through the small hole of the
barrier will produce and inverted image of the object on the opposite side of
the barrier, actually, some on phenomenon can be observed in the dark room.

POSITIVE LENS- Is a complex lens, which is characterized by the fact that

is thicker on the middle than the edge and form a real image on the opposite
side of the lens. Using this type of the lens. Using this type of lens, it will
require a proper distance with the object and the lens, otherwise the image
that it will be blurred

NEGATIVE LENS- is a concave lens, which is characterized by the fact that

it is thinner the middle that the edge and form a vital image on same side of
lens. It does not require focusing at all as everything will be sharp, upright,
and clear, no matter how far the object is. It is also known as the converging
lens because of its power to diverge rays of lights, that passes through it.

THE GROUND FOCUSING CONTROL- can be seen on the viewing

screen of the camera, during the photography, the images of the object being
photographed will appear blurred when the focusing control is not accurately
seen. By adjusting the focusing mechanism of the camera, the object being
photographed will become clearer and clearer after the clearest of the object
appeared in the viewing screen will indicate the focusing control is properly

SHUTTER SPEED CONTROL- the length of time that the rays of light will
reach and affect the sensitized material can be controlled by the shutter speed
considered in using this control.
Usually the film manufacturers gave the said guide be very particular film
they manufactured. Said guide must be religiously followed by the
photographer in their photographing, otherwise the result of the negative after
development is either over exposed or under- exposed or double image of the
object appear.

DIAPHRAGM CONTROL- the diaphragm work like the pupil of the eye. It
may be enlarged or contacted. If is enlarged, it allowed more lights enter, on
the contrary, when it is contracted or small, it allow lesser lights to enter. The
adjustment is done by moving the ring of the diaphragm towards the desire of
opening. It is generally represented by numbers known as the f stop. In every
movement, the f number will stop to indicate that the diaphragm is set to the
number. Very common , these numbers are found on the ring outside the lens


and f number are both controlling a thin of rays of light that enters, reach and
affect the film inside the camera however, the affects in making photographs
are different.

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