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School: Sankanan Elementary School Level: 2

Teacher: Gwendolyn M. Caasalan Area: English
GRADE __2__ Quarter/ Content: 4th Quarter – Lesson 1: I am a Man for Others


A. Content Standards Oral Language demonstrates understanding of familiar words

used to communicate personal experiences, ideas, thoughts,
actions, and feelings
B. Performance Standards Correctly names people, objects, places and things through
theme-based activities
C. Most Essential Learning
D. Learning Objectives Participate in group and individual oral interpretation of short
stories in English
II. CONTENT Lesson 1: I am a Man for Others

A. References K-12 CGp.

B. Teacher’s Guide Pages 2-3

C. Learner’s Materials Pages 365-369

D. Textbook Pages

E. Additional Materials from the

Learning Resource (LR) Portal

F. Values Integration Always Do Good and Be Honest

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

a. Opening Prayer Everybody stand for our opening In the name of the Father, the
prayer. Let us put ourselves to the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
holy presence of Good and make
the sign of the Cross.

All together, Dear Father in heaven. Dear Father in heaven…

b. Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Teacher Gwen!

c. Attendance Let’s check your attendance. Who’s Pupils’ response may vary
absent among the boys?

How about the girls?

d. Classroom Arrange your chairs properly and
Management pick up pieces of papers and throw
it on the garbage bin.
e. Review Can you still remember our lesson Yes, teacher.
last quarter in our English class?

What it was all about?

That’s right. Very Good!

B. Motivation/ Drill Let’s read the stories starting from
“My Cat” Are you excited? Are you Yes teacher.
C. Lesson Proper

a. Activity Let’s read, spell and learn new Answer may vary
1. Taxi
2. Passenger
3. Wallet
4. Medicines
5. Honesty

b. Analysis Today, I am going to read a new Yes teacher.

story. Are you ready?

One day, Ted –a taxi driver is

driving his taxi around Agora
terminal, he meet an old lady who
has asthma. She is coughing very
hard. She told Ted to stop the car in
front of SM Downtown because she
is going to meet her granddaughter.
10 minutes after the old lady went to
SM Downtown, Ted noticed
something from the back seat.
There is an eco-bag with medicines,
IDs, wallet with the amount of
20,000 pesos. The ID’s are named
Flora and he realized that the eco-
bag that is left in the backseat is
Flora’s, the old lady passenger. Ted
looked for the old lady –Lola Flora
and returned all the things left at the
backseat of his taxi. Lola Flora
thank Ted for his goodness and
Answer may vary
If you were Ted, what will you do if
you see a bag full of money?

c. Abstraction The three basic elements of the

story are the characters, setting
(time and place), and plot (events)
d. Application From the story we read, who are the Answer may vary

Where is the setting?

What did Ted do after he saw the

IV. GENERALIZATION Okay, do you have any questions? Answer may vary

Did you understand our lesson Yes teacher


What is it all about? It is all about the three basic

V. EVALUATION What will happen if you do good
things to others?
What will happen if you do bad
things to others?
Do to others what you want others
do to you. (vice-versa)
Aside from your family who else in
the community do you wish to help?



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