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Ramanlal Shorawala International School RAMANLAL SHORAWALA International School COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) Project file Academic Year : 2023-24 Submitted to: submitted by: Mr.Neetesh Dixit Pushpendra Agrawal _Class 12th (Science) . Roll no: 33 Acknowledgement ANIFESTS . , RAMANLAL SHORAWALA International School 1 am really really grateful to my Computer Teacher Mr. Neetesh Dixit Sir for advising me and introducing the project to me ina easy to understand way which has helped me complete my project file easily and effectively on time. I am dearly obliged to (Mr.Neetesh Dixit) for giving me an opportunity to work on this project which has provided valuable information about ( Student Data Management). Thank you. Teacher Signature Certificate MANIFESTS» ot a RAMANLAL SHORAWALA International School This is to certify that the content of this project “Student Data Management” by “Arish kumar ” is the bonafide work of him submitted to “Ramanlal Shorawala International School”, for consideration in the partial accomplishment of the provision of CBSE, New Delhi for the award of Senior School Certificate in Computer. The original research work was carried out by him under my supervision in the academic year 2022 2023. On the basis of the declaration made by him, | recommend the project file for evaluation. Internal Examiner External Examiner Mr.Neetesh Dixit Mr. Lalit kumar PREFACE The computers have gained a lot of importance in the past five decades. Most of our day-to-day jobs are being influenced by the use of computers. Now a day, computers are used for performing almost every function, which were performed by humans in the past. In some areas such as science and technology, targets can’t be achieved without the use of computers. The characteristics that make the computer so important include its extra ordinary speed, large storage capacity, accuracy and consistency. Today computers play a great role in various industries and a large number of industries are using computers for various application such as maintaining cashbook, sales book, purchase book and other books of accounts. Computers can also be used for the designing of various products. Computers provide many options for the designing of products. The analysis of the project has been undertaken with utmost sincerity and honesty and we will be extremely satisfied if the effort is appreciated. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Purposed system All the four activities of systems have been automated and efforts have been made to minimize the manual working. Benefits Of Purposed System:- 1. Less Paper Work 2. No Manual Work. 3. Record of students. 4, Register Maintenance is Easier 5. Data Is Not Scattered 6. User-friendly Software 7. Flexibility 8. Beneficial import os import platform global listStd listStd = ["Arish", "Agrim", "Rahul", "Aman"] def manageStudent(): x= "#" * 30 y="="* 28 global bye bye = "\n {}\n# {} #\n# ===> Brought To You By <=== #\n# ===> <=== #\n# {} #\n {}".formatt(x, y, y, x) print(""" Welcome To Student Management System Enter 1 : To View Student's List Enter 2 : To Add New Student Enter 3 : To Search Student Enter 4 : To Remove Student uy try: userInput = int(input("Please Select An Above Option: ")) except ValueError: exit("\nHy! That's Not A Number") else: print("\n") if(userInput == 1): print("List Students\n") for students in listStd: print("=> {}".format(students)) elif(userinput == 2): newStd = input("Enter New Student: ") if(newStd in listStd): print("\nThis Student {} Already In The Database". format(newStd)) else: listStd.append(newStd) print("\n=> New Student {} Successfully Add \n".format(newStd)) for students in listStd: print("=> {}".format(students)) elif(userinput == 3): srcStd = input("Enter Student Name To Search: if(srcStd in listStd): print("\n=> Record Found Of Student {}".format(srcStd)) else: print("\n=> No Record Found Of Student {}" format(srcStd)) elif(userinput == 4): rmStd = input("Enter Student Name To Remove: ") if(rmStd in listStd): listStd.remove(rmStd) print("\n=> Student {} Successfully Deleted \n".format(rmStd)) for students in listStd: print("=> {}".format(students)) else: print("\n=> No Record Found of This Student {}".format(rmStd)) elif(userInput < 1 or userinput > 4): print("Please Enter Valid Option") manageStudent() def runAgain(): runAgn = input("\nwant To Run Again Y/n: ") if(runAgn.lower() == 'y'): if(platform.system() == "Windows"): print(os.system(‘cls’)) else: print(os.system(‘clear'’)) manageStudent() runAgain() else: quit(bye) runAgain() output of the program Enter Enter Enter Enter Welcome To Student Management System To To To To View Student's List Add New Student Search Student Remove Student Please Select An Above Option: 2 Enter New Student: prince => N Student prince successfully Add Arish => prince want To Run Again Y/n: y ° Enter 1: View Student's List Enter Add New Student Enter Search Student Enter Remove Student Please Select An Above Option: Enter Student Name To Search: prince => Record Found Of Student prince want To Run Again ¥/n: y Enter To View Student's List Enter To Add New Student Enter 3 : To Search Student Enter To Remove Student Please Select An Above Opti Enter Student Name To Remove: prince Student prince Successfully Deleted Arish => Agrim Rahul => Aman

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