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The new wave of renewable energies must be developed gradually but


The objectives imposed by the European Re-Power program are very

ambitious, and in order to be achieved, investments in new renewable
energy production units will have to be made gradually, but sustained, said
Sebastian Staicu, Project Finance Manager in BCR.
"We must make these investments in an intelligent, gradual, but sustained
way, in order to integrate them as well as possible into the market, not as
happened in the first wave, when everyone rushed to build in two years",
Staicu said.
The new wave of renewables will produce significant changes in the energy
sector, such as the decentralization of energy production and a new,
intelligent way of optimizing the national energy system. According to
Staicu, it is necessary that these changes take place in a way that is fair to
the market and consumers.
One of the solutions for this development of the renewable energy sector to
occur in a harmonious way is represented by Power Purchase Agreements
(PPA) or directly negotiated bilateral contracts.
According to Staicu, such agreements give the signatories the opportunity
to protect themselves from price fluctuations and thus keep their costs
under control.
"A new credit market is being formed, that of green credits, which is closely
linked to renewable energy. These renewable energies are considered a
green investment and activity, and banks are developing products targeting
exactly this area. The PPA market has not gained momentum yet (…) and
the lack of PPA type contracts in the market reflects a weakness of
renewable energy, which must be compensated by these multi-technology
models. We at BCR want to encourage the sustainable development of
Romania's economy", Staicu said.

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