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Language Families:
Definition: Groups of languages sharing common origins, characterized by similarities in word
stock and grammars.
Example: Indo-European family includes languages like English, German, and Russian.
Definition: An ancient European people inhabiting regions like the British Isles.
Example: Celts used a language belonging to the Indo-European family.
Anglo-Saxon Society:
Definition: The society formed by the Germanic tribes, including Angles, Saxons, Frisians, and
Jutes, during their settlement in Britain.
Example: Anglo-Saxon society emerged after Germanic tribes stayed in Britain for 200 years.
Old English:
Definition: The earliest form of the English language, used from the 5th to the 11th centuries.
Example: "Beowulf," an Old English epic poem, dates back to around 1000 CE.
Middle English:
Definition: The stage of the English language used from the 11th to the 15th centuries.
Example: Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" is written in Middle English.
Early Modern English:
Definition: The stage of English from the late 15th to the late 17th centuries.
Example: The works of William Shakespeare are written in Early Modern English.
Modern English:
Definition: The current stage of the English language from the late 17th century to the present.
Example: Contemporary novels, newspapers, and everyday communication use Modern
Native English Vocabulary:
Definition: Words of Anglo-Saxon origin still in use.
Example: Anglo-Saxon words include body parts (arm, bone), domestic terms (home, house),
and natural landscape elements (field, hill).
Celtic Influence:
Definition: The impact of Celtic languages on English vocabulary.
Example: Some Celtic-influenced words include "bin" and "lake" used in regional dialects.
Borrowing (Loanword):
Definition: The process of adopting a word from a foreign language.
Example: "Chess" is a borrowing from Persian, passed through Arabic and Middle French.
Latin Words in English:
Definition: Words borrowed from Latin, showing variable influence across historical periods.
Example: "Road" (straet), "belt," "wall" (weal), and "mass" (maesse) are Latin borrowings.
Scandinavian Loanwords:
Definition: Words borrowed from Scandinavian languages during Viking raids and Danish rule.
Example: Nautical terms like "buoy," personal names, and general words became part of
Greek Loanwords:
Definition: Words borrowed from the Greek language, noticeable in Modern English.
Example: "Chaos," "dilemma," and "democracy" are Greek loanwords.
German & Dutch Loans:
Definition: Words borrowed from German and Dutch languages.
Example: "Buoy," "cruise," "jacket," and "waffle" are examples of German and Dutch
Loans from the East:
Definition: Words borrowed from languages in the Eastern region.
Example: Arabic words like "cotton," Persian words like "caravan," and Japanese words like
Loans from Other Sources:
Definition: Words borrowed from diverse languages like West African, Native American, Czech,
Turkish, Russian, etc.
Example: "Banana," "moccasin," "polka," "kebab," and "mammoth."
Characteristics of Modern English Vocabulary:
Definition: Features that define the vocabulary of present-day English.
Example: Modern English vocabulary includes a mix of native and borrowed words.
Frequency of Occurrence (Anglo-Saxon Words):
Definition: The prevalence of words of Anglo-Saxon origin in everyday use.
Example: Common Anglo-Saxon words include body parts, adjectives, verbs, and prepositions.
Summary - Native Words:
Definition: Words of Anglo-Saxon origin brought by Germanic tribes.
Example: Nouns (father), verbs (make), adjectives (old), adverbs (seldom), pronouns (I),
determiners (this).
Summary - Borrowed Words:
Definition: Words taken from other languages during historical developments.
Example: Borrowed words include "kangaroo" and "calques" (word-for-word translations).
Assimilated Borrowed Words:
Definition: Borrowed words fully integrated into English, showing no foreign indication.
Example: "Wall" and "wine" are fully assimilated borrowed words.
Not Fully Assimilated Borrowed Words:
Definition: Borrowed words not fully integrated, showing foreign influence.
Example: "Sombrero," "nucleus," and "ballet" are not fully assimilated words.

Meaning Relations (Sense Relations):
Reference: An external meaning relation between a word and the entity it refers to in the
physical world.
Sense: An internal meaning relation between words in the vocabulary.
Example: Synonymy and antonymy are examples of sense relations.
Semantics Field / Lexical Field:
Definition: A set of words that belong to a defined area of meaning.
Example: The semantic field of "education" includes words like school, teacher, and learn.
Paradigmatic vs. Syntagmatic Relations:
Paradigmatic Relations: Between lexemes used in the same position within a syntagm.
Syntagmatic Relations: Among linear-ordered lexemes of a syntagm.
Example: In the phrase "big house," "big" and "house" have a paradigmatic relation.
Definition: Sameness of meaning between two words.
Example: "Glitter" and "sparkle" are synonymous, as are "near" and "close."
Strict and Loose Synonymy:
Strict Synonymy: Words interchangeable in all contexts without a difference in meaning.
Loose Synonymy: Words with an overlap in meaning but not completely interchangeable.
Example: "Sky" and "heaven" demonstrate a shift in meaning, illustrating loose synonymy.
Distinguishing Synonyms:
Differences Due to National Standards: e.g., "Bonnet" (UK) vs. "Hood" (US).
Differences Due to Context: e.g., "Cross" vs. "Traverse."
Differences Based on Connotation: e.g., "Recollection" vs. "Reminiscence."
Definition: The meaning of oppositeness.
Example: "Light" and "dark," "deep" and "shallow" are antonyms.
Types of Antonyms:
Gradable Antonyms: e.g., "Beautiful" - "Ugly."
Contradictory Antonyms: e.g., "Asleep" - "Awake."
Converses: e.g., "Above" - "Below."
Definition: A more specific lexical item included in a more general one.
Example: "Oak" is a hyponym of the more general term "tree."
Definition: Part-of relations between terms.
Example: "Wheel" is a meronym of "car."
Lexical Gaps in Hierarchies:
Definition: Absence of lexical items in semantic hierarchies.
Example: Hierarchies may have gaps, e.g., missing words between hypernyms and hyponyms.
Homonymy vs. Homography:
Homonymy: Words with the same form but different meanings (e.g., "Bank1" and "Bank2").
Homography: Words with the same form and pronunciation but different meanings (e.g.,
"Project" as a noun and verb).
Homophones: Words with the same pronunciation but different spellings (e.g., "Sun" and
Example: /sʌn/ (sun - son), /bi:tʃ/ (beach - beech).
Definition: Predictable co-occurrence of words forming a semantically transparent phrase.
Example: "Early lunch," "feel love for," "at the weekend."
Lexical vs. Grammatical Collocations (Colligation):
Lexical Collocations: Syntactic elements with predictable co-occurrence (e.g., "Rely on").
Grammatical Collocations (Colligation): Syntactic elements that must accompany a word (e.g.,
prepositions with certain verbs).
Definition: Multi-word prefabricated combinations with a more or less metaphorical meaning.
Example: "Kick the bucket" (meaning: to die).
Types of Idioms:
Proverbs: Folk expressions expressing wisdom or truth (e.g., "No news is good news").
Phrasal Verbs: Multiword verbs with a metaphorical meaning (e.g., "Pass away").
Sayings: Folk expressions stating facts or describing situations (e.g., "Talk is cheap").
Binomials/Trinomials: Expressions with two/three words separated by a comma (e.g., "Hop,
step, and jump").
Similes: Comparisons for emphasis (e.g., "As light as a feather").
Social Formulae: Expressions with a distinct social function (e.g., "Right back at you").
Idioms Proper: Expressions not fitting into other categories (e.g., "Piece of cake").
Semantic Fields:
Definition: Sets of words sharing some component of meaning.
Example: Verbs of communication form a semantic field with words like "speak," "promise,"
and "warn."
Semantic Field Arrangement Example:
Example: Roget's Thesaurus organizes words into classes like abstract relations, space, matter,
intellect, volition, and affection.
Semantic Field Analysis:
Example: Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English categorizes words into 14 fields.
Definition: Predictable co-occurrence of words forming a semantically transparent phrase.
Example: "Early lunch," "feel love for," "at the weekend."
Fully Transparent Collocations:
Example: "Pouring rain," "bake a cake" where every word is used in its literal meaning.
Quasi-Transparent Collocations:
Example: "White wine" (describing color), "hot chili" (produces a hot sensation).
Definition: Multi-word prefabricated combinations with a more or less metaphorical meaning.
Example: "Kick the bucket" (meaning: to die).
Types of Idioms:
Proverbs: Folk expressions expressing wisdom or truth (e.g., "No news is good news").
Phrasal Verbs: Multiword verbs with a metaphorical meaning (e.g., "Pass away").
Sayings: Folk expressions stating facts or describing situations (e.g., "Talk is cheap").
Binomials/Trinomials: Expressions with two/three words separated by a comma (e.g., "Hop,
step, and jump").
Similes: Comparisons for emphasis (e.g., "As light as a feather").
Social Formulae: Expressions with a distinct social function (e.g., "Right back at you").
Idioms Proper: Expressions not fitting into other categories (e.g., "Piece of cake").

Core Vocabulary:
Definition: Words that belong to the common core of language.Example: Everyday words like
"book," "tap," etc.
Specialist Vocabulary: Words that belong to specialist subsets.Ex. Technical terms like
"phoneme," "radar," etc.
Dimensions of Variation: The ways in which language varies according to context and leads to
specialist vocabularies. Ex. Differences between formal and informal discourse.
Historic Dimension: Obsolete Words Example: "thee" (no longer in use)
Archaic Words Example: "thou" (in the process of disappearing)
Geographical Variation: Regional dialects within a country and national varieties of English.
Example: "Tap" in British English vs. "Faucet" in American English.
Occupation: Encompasses language associated with various professions.Ex. Medical jargon - "IV
Variation Related to Formality: Variation due to the formality of the context influencing
language style. Ex. Formal writing - "thereby" vs. informal writing - "there."
Literary Words: Formal words used in descriptive passages of fiction, scientific texts, etc.
Ex. "Solitude," "cordial," "endeavor."
Colloquialisms: Informal expressions used in everyday conversation. Ex."Brill" for brilliant,
National and Regional Vocabularies:Varieties of English specific to regions or countries.
Ex: American English - "gas station" vs. British English - "petrol station."
Antipodean English:Distinctive vocabulary in Australian and New Zealand English.
Ex. Australian English - "cobber" (friend), New Zealand English - "state house."
South African English: English in South Africa with influences from Afrikaans and native
languages.Ex. South African English - "bakkie" (basin), "gogga" (insect).
Indian English:English spoken in India with borrowings from local languages.Ex."Anna" (elder
brother), "pundit" (learned scholar).
Subcultures and Special Vocabulary: Unique vocabularies formed by groups with common
interests.Ex Aviation English - specific phrases for pilots and controllers.
Style:The situational choice of linguistic forms based on the speaker's attitude.
Ex. Formal vocabulary - "chromosome," Informal vocabulary - "brill."
Occupation Example: Police jargon - "collar" (arrest), "code" (emergency response).
Age Example: Teenage slang - "fam" (close friends), "TBH" (to be honest).
Lesson 9

Core Vocabulary: Words that belong to the common core of a language, widely used across
various contexts.
Example: Common nouns like "table" and "book."
Specialist Vocabulary: Words belonging to specific subsets or domains, often used within
certain professions, social groups, or contexts.
Example: Technical terms such as "phoneme" or "radar."
Dimensions of Variation: The ways in which language varies based on context, leading to the
development of specialist vocabularies.
Example: Distinction between formal and informal discourse.
Historic Dimension:
Obsolete Words: Words no longer in use, present only in old literature. Example: "Thee" and
"thou" in old English.
Archaic Words: Words still in use but in the process of disappearing, considered old-fashioned.
Example: "Henceforth" or "thine."
Geographical Variation:
Regional Dialects: Varieties of language specific to a region. Example: "Tap" in British English vs.
"Faucet" in American English.
National Varieties: Distinct forms of English associated with countries like Australia, Canada,
and India.
Jargon: Specialized language within professions or social groups. Example: Medical jargon like
"IV drip" or police jargon like "collar."
Formality Variation:
Formal Discourse: Language associated with formal contexts. Example: "Commence" and
"hereby" in business correspondence.
Informal Discourse: Colloquial, slang, or taboo words used in informal settings.
Medium Variation:
Spoken vs. Written Medium: Differences in language usage between oral and written
Literary Words:
Bookish Words: Formal, often of foreign origin, used in literature or official documents.
Example: "Fascination" or "heterogeneous."
Barbarisms: Words borrowed without significant change. Example: "Chic" for stylish.
Literary Colloquial Words: Used in everyday conversations and written texts. Example:
"Granny" or "put up."
Non-literary Colloquial Words: Includes slang, jargon, and professionalisms. Example: Slang like
"wasted" or professionalisms like "Hi-Fi."
National and Regional Vocabularies:
Lexical Differences: Variations in vocabulary between different English varieties. Example:
"Caravan" with different meanings in British and American English.
Neologisms: Newly coined words or phrases. Example: "Teledish" or "graviphoton."
Methods for Investigating Vocabulary:
Introspection: Linguists using their own knowledge of a language for describing words,
meanings, and vocabulary.
Elicitation: Collecting specific data on language aspects through direct questioning or
Corpora (Text Corpora): Large collections of texts used for linguistic analysis. Example: The
British National Corpus or the Corpus of Contemporary American English.
Electronic Resources:
Electronic Dictionaries: Online dictionaries allowing sophisticated searching and lexical field
Computer Corpora: Large collections of text data used for linguistic research, e.g., Brown
Corpus or British National Corpus.
Tools of Analysis:
Concordancer: A computer program producing a concordance, a list of occurrences of a word
with context.
Sketch Engine: Provides a word sketch of a selected lexical item with frequent collocates.
Tagger/Parser: Computer programs assigning word class labels to items in a corpus.
Type/Token Ratio: A tool measuring lexical density or richness based on the number of types
and tokens.
Machine Readable Dictionaries (MRD): Electronic dictionaries with some inconsistencies and
Lexical Databases (LDB): Represent relations between lexical entries, e.g., WordNet.
Lexical Knowledge Base (LKB): Complex computer representation of meanings, relationships,
and interpretations of lexical items.
Practical Lexicography: Compilation, writing, and editing of dictionaries.
Theoretical Lexicography (Meta-lexicography): Analyzing semantic, syntagmatic, and
paradigmatic relationships within a language's lexicon.
User Research: Focus on theories and methods for examining dictionary use.
Dictionary Criticism: Evaluation of existing dictionaries and development of assessment models.
Systematic Dictionary Research: Formulation of novel theories and principles to enhance future
General and Specialized Lexicography:
General Lexicography: Focus on dictionaries describing language in general use.
Specialized Lexicography: Focus on dictionaries devoted to specific linguistic and factual
elements in specialist subject fields.
Historical Overview of Lexicography:
The first dictionary in Chinese language.
Roots of British lexicography trace back to the 7th-8th centuries.
Bilingual dictionaries in the 15th century.
Modern Trends in Lexicography:
Corpus Linguistics: Using corpora to analyze language conventions.
Computational Lexicography: Involves electronic dictionary design and use.
Corpus-Based Lexicography:
Utilizes corpus information for dictionary compilation and revision.
Helps extract authentic examples, select entries based on frequency, and provide more
accurate descriptions of word usage.
Electronic Dictionaries and Corpora:
More accessible and portable than traditional dictionaries.
Incorporates millions of words.
Computerized tools like concordancers and taggers aid lexicographers in analysis.


Definition: A book listing words of a language with their meanings and often including data on
pronunciation, usage, and origin.Example: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
Glossary: An alphabetical list of terms in a specific domain of knowledge with definitions for
those terms.Example: A glossary of terms used in computer programming.
Thesaurus:A reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity in
meaning.Ex. Roget's Thesaurus.
Text Reception: Understanding written or spoken text.
Text Production: Creating written or spoken text.
Text Revision: Reviewing and editing text.
Translation: Converting text between languages.
Knowledge-Oriented Functions:
Acquiring Specific Knowledge: Using the dictionary to gain information about a particular
Acquiring General Knowledge: Obtaining general information about a topic.
Optimal Dictionary:
Contains information directly relevant to users' needs related to communication and
knowledge functions.
Presents information in a way that minimizes lexicographic information costs.
Dictionaries Classified by Purpose & Size:
General-Purpose Dictionaries:
Aimed at native speakers.
Available in desk, concise, or pocket sizes.
Children’s Dictionaries:
For children acquiring English as a first language.
Vary in size and form, including picture dictionaries.
Learner’s Dictionaries:
For those learning English as a second or foreign language.
Designed for intermediate, upper-intermediate, or advanced learners.
Quantification of Dictionaries:
Number of Words or Headwords:
One headword may have multiple word cases or separate entries.
Example: "Middle" – noun, adjective, verb.
Number of Definitions or Meanings:
Quantified in terms of 'references.'
Reference = headword + additional word classes + inflected forms + derivatives + variable
spellings + idioms + other expressions.
Selection of Vocabulary:
Common Core Vocabulary:
Words widely used across contexts.
Specialized Vocabulary:
Vocabulary specific to certain fields like science, technology, medicine, etc.
Popular Culture, Slang, and Neologisms:
Includes words from popular culture, slang, and newly coined words.
Arrangement of Vocabulary:
Alphabetical Arrangement:
Most common, enables quick lookup.
Thematic Arrangement:
Groups words by lexical field.
Useful for language teaching.
Found in some online dictionaries.
Information About Words:
Comprehensive Lexical Information (Prof. Dick Hudson):
Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Context, Spelling, Etymology, Usage.
Detailed Information:
Pronunciation provided with IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).
Focuses on irregular inflections and derivatives.
Morphemic relations evident through alphabetical order and nesting practices.
Provides information on word classes, transitivity, countability, etc.
More detailed in learner's dictionaries.
Includes definitions and distinguishes polysemous words.
Analytical definitions assign words to a class and distinguish them from others.
Marks words as formal, informal, colloquial, slang, or context-restricted.
Offers alternate spellings due to prefixes/suffixes.
Indicates alternative spellings in American English (AmEn) and British English (BrEn).
Provides word origin and history.
Includes frequency of use, age of acquisition, and occasions of use.
Selection of Vocabulary (Continued):
Words with different meanings but the same spelling.
May have separate entries or one entry with traced etymological background.
Recognition of different senses of a word.
Definitions mechanically derived using computer-based applications.
Order of Senses:
Arranged by frequency of use, historical order, central to peripheral meanings, or concrete to
abstract meanings.
Separate entry for derivatives with different spelling or divergent meanings.
Inflected forms often included in a single entry.
Can be solid, hyphenated, or open.
Some dictionaries include only solid compounds as separate headwords.
Treatment varies among dictionaries.
Multiword Lexemes:
Phrasal Verbs: Verb + particle, usually included within the verb entry.
Idioms: Never added as headwords, placed under the first word they contain.
Fixed Expressions: Defined through phrases or sentences.
Meaning Relations:
Rarely explicit in dictionaries.
Indirectly indicated through definitions.
Constitutive of word meaning.
More frequent in online dictionaries.
General-purpose dictionaries include grammatical collocations.
Dictionaries, Vocabulary & Lexicography:
Vocabulary is a system defined by interconnections.
Alphabetical order presents systematic interconnections.
Electronic dictionaries offer more space and search capabilities.
Classification of Dictionaries:
Diachronic Dictionaries:
Reflect the historical development of the English vocabulary.
Example: The Oxford English Dictionary.
Synchronic Dictionaries:
Concerned with present-day meaning and usage.
Example: Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.
Encyclopedic Dictionaries:
Cover various branches of knowledge, not just words.
Example: Encyclopedia Britannica.
Linguistic Dictionaries:
Focus on lexical units and their linguistic properties.
Divided into general and specialized dictionaries.
General Dictionaries:
Cover lexical units in ordinary use across various spheres of life.
Aimed at a general audience.
Specialized Dictionaries:
Cover specific parts of the vocabulary, such as terminological, phraseological, slang, etc.
Can be maximizing or minimizing.
Multi-Field Dictionaries:
Cover terms within two or more subject fields.
Sub-Field Dictionaries:
Cover terms of one or more sub-fields of a subject.
Single-Field Dictionaries:
Cover terms of one particular subject field.
Phraseological Dictionaries:
Accumulate idiomatic or colloquial phrases and word-groups.
Dictionaries of Slang:
Contain elements from substandard speech.
Pronouncing Dictionaries:
Record contemporary pronunciation in detail.
Etymological Dictionaries:
Trace present-day words to their oldest forms and other languages.
Monolingual Dictionaries:
Words and information about them are in the same language.
Bilingual Dictionaries:
Explain words by giving equivalents in another language.

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