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Meyta Rahmatul Azkiya 11200140000114 4D

Book Response Form

Book title: The Love Hypothesis
Author: Ali Hazelwood
Publisher: Berkley Books
Date published: September 14th 2021 Number of Pages: 352
Genre: Romance Book Code: 780593336823

This novel talks about a postgraduate student’s life in Stanford University,

Olive. She has two best friend; they are Anh and Jeremy. Jeremy and Olive were
dating, but Anh actually like Jeremy and snatch him for her. When Olive knows
about it, she is disappointed with both them. However, she does not want to angry
and broke their best friend relationship. Because of Anh’ guilty, she is doubtful to
retain in love with her boyfriend. To convince her that she is absolutely fine, she
lies to them that she has been dating another man. One day, she lies to them that
she will go on a date with her new boyfriend to Anh and Jeremy, even she just
goes to the University’s biological laboratory. Incidentally, she sees Anh in the
corridor and she was panic. It was a man behind her and she kisses him in order to
keep her lie save. This incident becomes the source of Olive’s story which is
developed in this novel.
There are two stand out characters that are identified in this story, Olive
and Adam. Olive is the main character who is a student doctoral degree in biology
major at Stanford University, while Adam is the professor in Department of
Biology, Stanford University. They are involved a fake love relationship which is
raised because of the corridor accident. However, they do not realize that from
their fake love relationship, they first love grows to each other.
From two stand out characters above, I think the character that I wish to be
is Adam Carlsen. I wish I can be him because he is a very smart and talented
young man. He is a young professor at Stanford University, one of the most
famous universities in the world. If I cannot be him, I wish I can be his girlfriend
or even wife because having a success husband is one of my dreams.
I would like to say that the best scene of this novel is when Olive suddenly
kisses Adam Carlsen because of Anh coming. At the time, both Adam, who is
kissed by Olive, and Anh, who see their kissing lively, are shocked. Anh cannot
say anything and walk away just like this. After the incident, Adam asks her
explanation about her action. She is really sorry about it and explain her condition.
Inwardly, she curses herself for kissing the most notoriously unpleasant faculty
member in the biology department.
On the other hand, there is also the scene that I do not like the most. It was
when Anh and Jeremy were cheating to Olive. They do have an affair behind their
own best friend. I think it is so cruel and bad, moreover they do this to their close
If I were the writer, I would like to change the most terrible scene above
that I think it is the worst. The thing that I will do to change it is by changing the
character who having an affair with her boyfriend, Anh. Ahn is Olive’s best
friend, but she cheats her. It is very sad to hear it. Maybe I will change her to other
people that do not close to Olive. I think it would be better to Olive so the readers
do not feel sorry for her. By changing the story like that, the story still can be a
happy ending story with bring Olive with a man who is more suitable for her.
After reading this novel, I remember another people life story that I know.
It is my senior high school teacher who married his own student. He started to fall
in love with her when she was a student, but they were getting married when she
had been graduated from senior high school. It is similar with the story of this
novel. This novel also tells the story about the love relationship between a
professor of biological doctoral degree with the student.
The last, I want tells about the moral issue that I got from the novel. It is
that don't lie because one lie can lead you to another lie. Olive tries to lie to her
best friends, Jeremy and Ahn, and says that she has been dating with another guy.
She does it because she does not want they worry about her condition and feeling.
However, her action makes things difficult for herself and forces her to tell other
lies to more people.
Meyta Rahmatul Azkiya 11200140000114 4D
Book Response Form
Book title: Regretting You
Author: Colleen Hover
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Date published: December 10th 2019 Number of Pages: 363
Genre: Romance Book Code: 9781542016421

This novel tells about the complete love story relationship that continues
to the family life. There are two main character of this novel, Morgan and her
daughter, Clara. In the beginning, their household life is so sweet and full of love,
but all of that change when Morgan know that his husband is having affair with
her own sister. Unfortunately, Morgan knows this after her husband and sister car
accident. The accident makes both of them passes away at the time. Clara does not
know about her father and sister’s affair, one thing just she knows is her mother
and her uncle, her aunt’s husband, is getting closer after the accident. This causes
a misunderstanding between Clara and her mother and makes her hate her own
mother. This novel tells about the complications that occurred between Clara and
Morgan's life after the death of their father or husband.
Actually, there are two main characters of this novel, Clara and Morgan, as
the mother and daughter. However, there are also the support characters that are
often to appear in this novel. They are Jennie as Morgan’s sister and Clara’s aunt,
Chris as Morgan’s husband and Clara’s father, and Jonah as Jennie’s husband and
Clara’s uncle. It is also Miller as Clara’s boyfriend that often appears in this
Among the stand out characters that I have mentioned above, the character
that I wish to be is Miller. The reason why Miller becomes my favorite character
is because he is an independent man. He lives with his grandfather because his
father was imprisoned for being an illegal marijuana dealer. Many people
underestimate him because of his father case. However, he keeps calm and cool
and not cares about what other people say. He is also a very loyal and good
boyfriend for Clara. He always gives his advice to her when she is in the middle
of problem.
After reading the novel, I think the most interesting scene is when Morgan
learns that Miller is spending the night in Clara's room. It wasn't what he wanted,
but Clara had asked him for it. They didn't do anything weird. At first Clara asked
Miller to take her virginity, but Miller refused and was angry because it was not
what Clara wanted. It was just an outlet for Clara's anger towards her mother. So,
they just sleep together at the night. When the morning is coming, Morgan comes
to Clara’s room and she is angry to Clara. There, Miller is confused about what he
should do. Morgan asks him to leaves the house soon and he does it and wants to
go out through the window where he came through last night. Clara screams and
said, "Why are you going through there? Get out the door!" and it is a really part
scene for me.
On the other hand, the part that I dislike the most is when the accident
happened. Why the writer make Chris and Jennie passed away just like that. Their
action makes Morgan and Jonah in the very difficult situation in their life. Morgan
and Jonah do not do any mistakes but they have to get the terrible condition in
their life. I feel so sorry for Morgan and Jonah for that. It was a very worse
situation but they can pass it very well.
I would like to say that if I were the writer, I will change the way that
Morgan solves her problem. I will make Morgan tells Clara about her father and
aunt mistakes so that Morgan will not be a liar in the Clara’s opinion. It will be
better to Clara knows about his father's real bad actions rather than making
Morgan look like a criminal in the eyes of his own daughter.
Reading this novel reminds me to the one of novel’s story that I have read,
its title is Love Hypothesis. Both of these novels tell about an affair committed by
the closest people to the main character. In this novel, the main character's
husband and younger sister have an affair. Meanwhile, in the novel The Love
Hypothesis, an affair is committed by the main character's boyfriend and best
friend. So, I think these two novels have a story line relation to each other.
The moral value that I get from this novel is patience will always bring
good things to those who do it. Likewise, Morgan who is really patient in to face
his problems, we must also behave in the same way in dealing with our problems.
Believing that someday good things will come when we are patient is a very real

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