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The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology

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Unravelling factors associated with ‘blackspot’

disorder in stored Hass avocado (Persea americana
Mill) fruit

Virgílio Gavicho Uarrota , Ignacia Hernandez , Excequel Ponce Guequen ,

Juan Vidal Cruz , Claudia Fuentealba , Bruno G. Defilippi , Vicente Lindh ,
Claudio Zulueta , Rosana Chirinos , David Campos & Romina Pedreschi

To cite this article: Virgílio Gavicho Uarrota , Ignacia Hernandez , Excequel Ponce Guequen ,
Juan Vidal Cruz , Claudia Fuentealba , Bruno G. Defilippi , Vicente Lindh , Claudio Zulueta ,
Rosana Chirinos , David Campos & Romina Pedreschi (2020): Unravelling factors associated
with ‘blackspot’ disorder in stored Hass avocado (Persea�americana Mill) fruit, The Journal of
Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2020.1763860

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Unravelling factors associated with ‘blackspot’ disorder in stored Hass avocado

(Persea americana Mill) fruit
Virgílio Gavicho Uarrota a, Ignacia Hernandeza, Excequel Ponce Guequena, Juan Vidal Cruzb,
Claudia Fuentealbab, Bruno G. Defilippic, Vicente Lindha, Claudio Zulueta a, Rosana Chirinos d
David Campos d and Romina Pedreschi a
Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas y de los Alimentos, Escuela de Agronomía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Quillota,
Chile; bFacultad de Ciencias Agronómicas y de los Alimentos, Escuela de Alimentos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso,
Valparaiso, Chile; cInstituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA-La Platina, Santiago, Chile; dInstituto de Biotecnología (IBT),
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Lima, Perú


This study aimed to understand the involvement of agro-climatic conditions, external quality Accepted 15 April 2020
and defence system of Hass avocado fruits on blackspot disorder development after prolonged
cold storage. The results prompt us to conclude that the weight of the fruits at harvest and External parameters; quality;
weight loss during the storage period is involved in blackspot disorder development. Large epidermis; enzymes;
incidence of lenticelosis in fruits and lower activity of SOD, CAT, POD, PAL, phenolics and defence system; blackspot
epicatechin levels may contribute to blackspot spot development during cold storage. Non-
supervised techniques pointed for epicatechin and derivatives, temperature, relative humidity
and enzymes as important specific variables that affect blackspot disorder while predictive
models showed positive correlation with minimum temperature (below 5°C) and maximum
temperature and relative humidity displayed negative association with blackspot.

Blackspot disorder was reported for the first time in
Belonging to the family Lauraceae, avocado (Persea Peruvian Hass avocado fruits (Everett et al., 2015)
americana Mill) fruit is rich in monounsaturated (71% stored in cold storage and relatively recently in
- MUFAs) and polyunsaturated (13% - PUFAs) fatty Chilean exported avocado with fruit losses of up to
acids and has high economic and health importance 20%. Fruit with blackspot disorder are not marketable
globally (Dreher & Davenport, 2013; Pedreschi et al., as fresh fruit due to unsightly lesions. Blackspot is
2019). It is quite unique not only from a compositional characterized by brown to black spots of 2–3 cm in
point of view but also shows a very distinct and com- diameter on the epidermis but not on the mesocarp
plex physiology compared to other fruit. For example, tissue. The symptoms are only visible after long sto-
flowering period can last up to 3 months; thus, a broad rage (cold and/or controlled atmosphere storage) and
range of fruit physiological ages can be found on the are usually attributed or confused with mechanical
same tree, which will be evident during postharvest damage, pathogen attack (anthracnose caused by
storage and management (Lewis, 1978). Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and/or mechanical
A total of 74% of the world production comes from damage combined with detrimental environmental
Americas, followed by Africa (11.7%), Asia (11.2%), conditions that favour severe lenticelosis (Everett,
Europe (1.6%) and Oceania (1.4%). Chile is currently Hallett, Rees-George, Chynoweth, & Pak, 2008;
the ninth top producer (245 000 t in 2018 year) in the Guetsky et al., 2005). It is highly possible, that the
world and the fifth exporter of avocado fruit in 2018, problem is physiological in origin but as the fruit
being preceded by Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru and becomes more susceptible, and given the optimal
Spain (FAOSTAT, 2018; FreshPlaza, 2019) respec- environmental conditions and inoculum load, it can
tively. Therefore, an important issue to be considered further be attacked by pathogens (Genga et al., 2011).
is arrival at market of high-quality fruit with good Blackspot as a physiological disorder can have its
external appearance (i.e. without black spots on the origin in a disturbed fruit metabolism. Plant metabo-
epidermis) even after prolonged days of shipping, cold lism generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which
and controlled atmosphere conditions of storage. are key regulators that mediate signalling pathways

CONTACT Romina Pedreschi Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas y de los Alimentos, Escuela de Agronomía, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Calle San Francisco S/N, La Palma, Quillota, Chile
Supplementary data cited in the text is also made available together with the manuscript. An HTML report and script for analysis of variance performed
is made available as supplementary data.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology Trust

involved in developmental processes and plant attributes before storage. Fruit were then separated
responses to environmental fluctuations (Decros into 3 batches composed of 50 (batch 1), 50 (batch 2)
et al., 2019). If there is an imbalance between ROS and 25 (batch 3) fruits, respectively. The first batch
with the antioxidant defence system, results in oxida- was stored for 25 d in regular air at 5°C and the second
tive stress which may be a potential causal factor of and third batches were stored for 40 d in the same
blackspot in epidermis (Mittler, 2017, 2002). storage conditions. After cold storage, the batches (1
This disorder represents a huge threat to Chilean and 2) were left at room temperature (± 20 ° C and
and other distant from export market countries. 65–70% RH) until ready-to-eat (RTE) stage. In total,
Progress in understanding the factors involved in 3000 fruits were analyzed.
blackspot development will help to define novel stra-
tegies for optimizing fruit quality and storage. In this
research it was hypothesized that agro-climatic condi- External quality parameters
tions of the production region, pre-and post-harvest
The presence of russet (type of skin-blemish variously
factors, biochemical imbalance of the fruit metabolism
attributed to mechanical abrasion of young fruits by
due to stressors are potential drivers of blackspot dis-
the foliage, twigs, branches and other injuries when
order in avocado fruit during storage. Therefore, this
the fruits are small and considered as the effect of wind
study was conducted (i) to evaluate the effect of agro-
on avocado trees -California Avocado Commission,
climatic conditions on external fruit quality para-
2020; Carpenter, 1931), skin wounds (superficial skin
meters; (ii) to evaluate the role of enzymatic and non-
wound due to mechanical, impact, friction injury on
enzymatic antioxidant defence system; (iii) to evaluate
the fruit during growth, cultural management, harvest
blackspot disorder development after cold storage; (iv)
or transport -Everett et al., 2008; Ramírez-Gil, López,
to correlate the external and defence system para-
& Henao-Rojas, 2020) and lenticelosis (damage on
meters with blackspot development in Hass avocado
lenticel that covers the surface of the fruit that is
fruits and (v) to predict blackspot development at
apparent immediately after harvest and packing as
harvest using machine learning techniques.
small brown to dark spots about 1–5 mm diameter -
Everett et al., 2008) were assessed at harvest and after
Materials and methods cold storage and classified using a hedonic scale from 0
to 3, where 0 = absence, 1 = less than 25% of fruit area
Orchard selection, geographical location and is affected, 2 = more than 25% but less than 50% of the
agro-climatic data collection fruit area is affected and 3 = more than 50% of the fruit
The orchards were selected to be representative of area is affected. The severity index was then calculated
different Chilean agro-climatic zones of avocado pro- based on the equation below as previously reported by
duction. Three orchards of interior zone (A, B, and C), Baumgartner, Keller, and Schwendimann (1983) and
three of intermediate (D, E, and F) and four of coastal Gancarz (2018).
zone (G, H, I, and J) were selected. Orchards of inter-  
ðf1 :c1 þ f2 :c2 þ f3 :c3 þ fn :cn Þ
ior zone were defined as those located at a distance SIð%Þ ¼ 100 (1)
superior to 45 km from the sea and at 300–900 meters
above sea level (m.a.s.l). Those located at distance Where SI is the severity index of a particular disorder
between 20 km to 45 km and between 300 m.a.s.l (i.e. russet, skin wound, lenticelosis or external brown-
and 400 m.a.s.l were defined as intermediate zone ing); c1, c2, c3 an cn represent specific class or level of
and orchards located at a distance inferior to 10 km the disorder; f1, f2, f3, fn represent the number of fruits
from the sea and between 100 m.a.s.l and 250 m.a.s.l of particular class or level of disorder; N is number of
corresponded to coastal zone. Agro-climatic data col- classes of a specific disorder and t the total fruits
lected from each orchard were temperature (absolute evaluated.
minimum, absolute maximum and average), relative Fruit weight was evaluated individually at harvest,
humidity (absolute minimum, absolute maximum and after cold storage and at RTE stage. The values were
average) and total rainfall. then used for weight loss calculation. Dry matter was
measured using 10 independent fruits. Briefly, the
epidermis, seed coat and seed were removed and the
Fruit sampling and storage conditions
remaining part sliced in small pieces and left to dry
Two harvests of the 2017/2018 season were collected: using an oven at 100°C for 24 h. The dry matter was
early season (dry matter content of 23–26%) and late expressed as mean percentage of 10 fruits. The firm-
season (27–30% of dry matter). Independently of the ness of each fruit was also measured as described by
harvest season, 150 fruits from each orchard were Ochoa-Ascencio, Hertog, and Nicolaï (2009) with
collected and immediately transported to the labora- small modifications using a non-destructive texture
tory for subsequent assessment of external quality analyzer (Model TA.XT plusC, Stable Micro Systems

Ltda, England) fitted with a cylinder probe of 10 mm with aluminium foil. The reaction was initiated by
diameter, trigger threshold of 0.50 N and measuring turning on and off the lamp. The absorbance was
speed of 8 mm s−1. The compression force was read at 560 nm after the illumination. One unit of
recorded in Newton (N) at 2 mm deformation and SOD (U) was defined as the quantity of enzyme
was determined at two equidistant points on the equa- required to inhibit 50% of NBT and calculated accord-
torial region of each whole fruit. Results were ing to the Equations (3) and (4).
expressed in Non-destructive firmness was  
ðabsControl  absSampleÞ
evaluated at harvest and after 25 and 40 days of cold %Inhibition ¼ 100
storage. Blackspot disorder was evaluated by visual
inspection, fruits were scored as 0 – no blackspot (3)
presence and 1– the presence of blackspot, respectively " #
and expressed as percentage (%) of fruits affected per U %Inhibition VOLsampleðμlÞ
SOD ¼ ¼  
batch. The number of days necessary to reach the proteinðμgÞ ð50%Þ proteins μg:μl1
ready-to-eat (RTE) stage (4–8 N) was also assessed. (4)

Antioxidant defence system of the epidermis Polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO) and Peroxidase
Enzymatic extraction activity (POD)
Part of milled epidermis samples (stored at −80°C) PPO and POD were carried out based on the meth-
was used for enzymatic analysis and the remaining odologies reported by Woolf et al. (2013) and Bi,
part was lyophilized and used for non-enzymatic Hemar, Balaban, and Liao (2015) with small modifica-
metabolite determinations. Five hundred micro litre tions. The formation of oxidized catechol polymer was
of extraction buffer (0.2 M potassium phosphate buf- monitored over 5 min by changes in absorbance at
fer, pH 7.0 with 0.1 mM EDTA and 0.1% triton X-100) 410 nm. For POD, the formation of the oxidized
and 20 μL of PMSF were added to 100 mg powdered tetraguaiacol polymer was monitored by measuring
sample. The mixture was vortexed and centrifuged at the change in absorbance at 460 nm during 5 min.
10 000 g and 4°C for 10 min. The supernatant was Enzyme activity was calculated based on the slope of
collected and stored at −20°C for subsequent analysis. the linear portion of the curve and expressed as change
in absorbance.
Total soluble proteins
Total soluble proteins were determined using the Phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase (PAL)
Bradford assay protocol (Bradford, 1976). A standard Enzyme extraction and assay were carried out based
curve of BSA (bovine serum albumin) from 5 μg.mL−1 on the combined procedures of Popović et al. (2016),
to 100 μg.mL−1 (Y = 0.0023x + 0.00097, r2 = 0.999) was Gerasimova, Pridvorova, and Ozeretskovskaya (2005),
built from the stock solution of 2000 μg .mL−1. Total Assis, Maldonado, Muñoz, Escribano, and Merodio
protein values were represented as mean ± standard (2001) and Cheng and Breen (1991) with minor mod-
deviation and expressed in μg .mL−1. ifications. PAL activity was determined by the produc-
tion of cinnamate and calculated as in the Equation (5)
Catalase activity (CAT) according to the protein concentration of the sample.
Catalase activity was performed based on Aebi (1984) 2  3
ODsample ODcontrol

with small modifications. Briefly, 250 μL of potassium   Vsample Cprotein Vtotal

6 7
6PAL U ¼ 0:01 7 (5)
phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7.0) were mixed with 4 mg T 5
2.5 μL of the extract and 22.5 μL of hydrogen peroxide
and absorbance was read at 240 nm during 5 min and
expressed in mM .min−1 mg−1 of protein as means and Where Vtotal is the total volume of enzymatic reaction
standard deviations (Equation (2)). (mL), Vsample is the volume of the sample (mL),
Cprotein is the protein concentration (mg. mL−1) and
½CAT ¼ k df  ε c (2)
T is the reaction time (min).
Where: (df) is dilution factor, (ε) extinction coefficient
and (c) protein content in the samples. Total phenolic compounds and total free radical
scavenging activity
Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) The protocol described by Saavedra et al. (2017) using
SOD activity was determined as reported by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was used and absorbance
Giannopolitis and Ries (1977a, 1977b) and Bailly and was read at 765 nm. Total phenolic compounds were
Kranner (2011). Samples in microplates were illumi- calculated using an external standard curve of gallic
nated with a fluorescent lamp (Sylvania FC 12 T10 acid (50–200 μg mL−1, y = 0.0039x-0.012, r2 = 0.999)
CW RS) during 15 min in an incubator or box lined and expressed in μg mg−1 of dry basis (db).

Total antioxidant capacity was determined with the techniques aiming to find important factors related
DPPH method and absorbance was read at 517 nm. to blackspot disorder. All analyses were performed in
Antioxidant capacity was expressed as inhibition per- R Software (R Core Team, 2019 version 3.6.1).
centage (%) and as trolox equivalents per mg using an
external standard curve of Trolox (20–140 μM mL−1,
y = 0.25x -1.039, r2 = 0.998). Results and discussion
External quality parameters
Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography
with photodiode array detector (UPLC-PAD) of Results of blackspot incidence in fruits are presented
epicatechin, its derivatives and other phenolics in Figure 1(a) (early harvest) and 1B (late harvest)
The procedure of Adamson et al. (1999) was used while the typical symptoms of this physiological dis-
for sample preparation with small modifications. order are presented in Photography 1. For early har-
Polyphenolic compounds were analyzed using an vest, blackspot incidence was observed only in orchard
UPLC system composed of an Aquity HClass separation ‘A’ and ‘H’ and for late harvest in addition to those
module (Waters, Milford, USA) equipped with an auto- orchards, blackspot was also observed in ‘G’, ‘J’, ‘B’, ‘D’
injector, an Aquity photodiode array detector (PDA eλ and ‘I’.
detector) and the Empower software. The column used Results of other external quality parameters can be
for UPLC separation was an Acquity BEH C 18 (1.7 μm, found in the supplementary data, (Supplementary
100 × 2.1 mm) (Waters, Milford, USA) with an Acquity Figures S1 to S9). In this research, we discriminate
VandGuard BEH C 18 pre-column (1.7 μm, 5 × 2.1 mm), between blackspot (physiological disorder) from
operated at 30°C. The mobile phase consisted in 0.1% anthracnosis (pathological disorder). The results
formic acid in water (solvent A) and 0.1% formic acid in shows that blackspot incidence is positively related to
acetonitrile (solvent B). The gradient was as follows: 2% russet incidence in fruits, relative humidity of the
B for 2 min, 2 to 7% B in 2 min, 7 to 12% B in 11 min, 12 production region, lenticelosis, minimum tempera-
to 26% B in 5 min, 26 to 55% B in 5 min, 55 to 95% B in ture, fruit weight at harvest, at cold chamber outlet
1 min and 95% B for 3 min. The flow rate and sample and at ready to eat state (RTE) and weight loss during
injection used were 0.2 mL min−1 and 2.0 µL, respec- cold storage (Figure 2). According to Everett et al.
tively. Spectral data were recorded from 200 nm to (2015), the cause of the blackspot symptoms can be
700 nm during the whole run. Phenolic compounds pathological, physical or physiological in origin.
were identified and quantified by comparing their reten- Everett, Boyd, and Pak (2007) reported that daily
tion time and UV-visible spectral data to known pre- temperatures and total rainfall before harvest affect
viously injected standards (280, 320 and 360 nm). The the quality of the fruits.
results were expressed in mg .g−1 of dry basis (db). Dry matter (DM) is an important parameter of
avocado. Its content can be directly associated with
Statistics and data mining fruit resistance to shrivelling (Ncama et al., 2018).
All data were summarized, tested for their normality Results of one-way ANOVA of dry matter (p < 0.05,
and homogeneity of variances, submitted to univariate Scott-Knott test) for early and late harvest data sets
analysis of variance and multivariate statistical showed differences between orchards (Supplementary

Figure 1. Percentage of black spot incidence in fruits stored during 25 and 40 days for early (a) and late (b) harvest. Orchards A,
B and C belongs to interior zone, D, E and F are from intermediate zone and G, H, I and J from coastal zone.

Photography 1. Hass avocado fruits (a) without and (b) with the presence of black spots in the epidermis.
















SI_brow ning






SI_Skinw ound

w eight_loss_total



Figure 2. Matrix of correlations (Pearson, p < 0.05) of all external and quality variables.
Abbreviations: DaysRTE – number of days from cold storage outlet to ready to eat state (RTE); Weight_loss_ripe – weight loss from cold storage outlet to RTE
(Shelf life storage); ColRTE – Color of the fruit at RTE state; SI_Russet – Severity index of russet in fruits; Firm_ harv – Firmness of the fruits at harvest;
Firm_RTE – Firmness of the fruits at RTE; Firm_25d and Firm_40d – Firmness of the fruits after 25 and 40 days of cold storage respectively; SI_browning –
Severity index of skin browning; SI_lenticelosis – Severity index of lenticelosis; SI_skinwound – Severity index of skin wound; Weight_harvest, Weight_outlet,
Weight_rte – Weight of the fruits at harvest, at cold storage outlet and at RTE state respectively; Weight_loss_total – Total weight loss from harvest until RTE.

Figure S1). In general average pulp dry matter were found by Mazhar, Joyce, Hofman, and Vu (2018).
increased significantly (p < 0.05) from 22.86 ± 0.41% We found a non-significant positive association of DM
at early to 26.14 ± 0.36% at late harvest. Similar results (p value = 0.254) with blackspot incidence. Pak,

Dixon, and Cutting (2003) reported a negative asso- facilitate secondary infection leading to fruit rots
ciation between DM and with incidence of rots and in green fruit (Everett et al., 2008).
vascular strands. In this study, orchards of late harvest
presented more blackspot than those of early harvest.
The firmness of the fruits decreased progressively Enzymatic and non-enzymatic defence system
from harvest until ready-to-eat state (RTE) for all harvests
Total protein content increased from early to late
(Supplementary Figure S2 and S3). Two-way ANOVA
harvest in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’, orchards belonging to inter-
revealed significant statistical differences between the
ior agro-climatic zone. Interestingly, in orchard ‘A’
orchards and during the storage period (See manuscript
where higher blackspot incidence was observed in
HTML report for details). Positive association of firmness
the late harvest, there was a large accumulation of
at harvest with blackspot was observed (Figure 2) but
proteins (Figure 3(a)). Pearson correlation (p < 0.05)
firmness after 25 and 40 days of storage was negatively
revealed positive association of blackspot incidence
associated with blackspot (Figure 2). The loss of firmness
with total proteins (Figure 4). Blakey, Bower, and
during cold storage is indicative of metabolic reactions
Bertling (2009) studying the trends in proteins and
occurring in the avocado epidermis.
sugar contents during avocado ripening reported
The weight of the fruits at harvest (Supplementary
a variation (i.e. increase in some orchards and
Figure S4) was significantly higher for ‘A’ and ‘D’ during
decrease in others) that may be due to differences in
the two harvests and ‘J’ the lower fruit weight. Significant
production regions and seasons. The increase in total
differences were also observed from early to late harvest
proteins in the orchards of interior agro-climatic zone
except for ‘I’ and ‘C’ where non-significant statistical
(presenting higher blackspot incidence) can be
differences were observed (p < 0.05). During cold cham-
explained due to energy requirements that are needed
ber storage (Supplementary Figure S5), lower weight loss
for enzyme biosynthesis for more mature fruits.
was observed for ‘D’, ‘G’ and ‘F’ without statistical sig-
SOD activity (Figure 3(b)) significantly decreased
nificant differences. In samples of late harvest, the orch-
from early to late harvest for the orchards ‘A’ and ‘I’
ard ‘D’ presented higher weight loss during storage and
(p < 0.05). ROS homeostasis can be mediated by SOD
the orchards ‘E’ and ‘F’ the lowest values. The large water
enzymes (Mittler, 2017, 2002). Superoxide dismutases are
loss characteristic was unique for orchard ‘D’ of late
the major antioxidant defence systems that are very effi-
harvest, possibly fruits suffered extensive metabolic reac-
cient at scavenging ROS (Fukai & Ushio-Fukai, 2011).
tions during storage. Exact reasons remain unknown in
Interestingly, lower SOD activity in the orchard ‘A’ and
this research. From cold chamber outlet to RTE
‘H’ contributed to higher incidence of blackspot disorder
(Supplementary Figure S6), higher fruit weight loss was
in these orchards at late harvest. Differences observed in
observed in the orchard ‘I’ for early and late harvest,
this study may be attributed to differences in orchards
(i.e. agro-climatic conditions, management practices,
Pearson correlation (p < 0.05) revealed a posi-
abiotic stressors). Developmental differences have an
tive association of fruit weight (at harvest, at cold
impact in SOD activity. Wang, Zheng, Khuong, and
chamber outlet and at RTE) with blackspot and
Lovatt (2016) observed a decrease and then an increase
negative association with total weight loss with
of SOD activity during fruit developmental stages.
and firmness of fruits (Figure 2). Contrarily, the
PPO activity (Figure 3(c)) presented large variabil-
weight loss during ripening at 20°C was negatively
ity between the sampled orchards and during the two
associated with blackspot incidence. Escobar,
harvests. Orchards ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘I’ showed lower
Rodriguez, Cortes, and Correa (2019) reported
activity of this enzyme at late harvest and all of them
that fruit weight and the dynamics of fruit weight
presented incidence of blackspot disorder. Wang et al.
loss are also dependent on production and agro-
(2016) also observed a variation in PPO according to
climatic conditions.
the fruit developmental stage and type of Hass avo-
Results of lenticelosis, russet, and skin wound are
cado phenotype. Negative association of PPO with
presented as Supplementary Figures S7, S8 and S9,
blackspot disorder was found.
respectively. Positive association of lenticelosis,
CAT activity (Figure 3(d)) significantly decreased
with blackspot incidence was found in the study
from early to late harvest in the orchards ‘A’,”B” and
(Figure 2). The results are in agreement with those
‘F’. The orchards ‘A’ and ‘B’ presented incidences of
reported by Escobar et al. (2019), who states that
blackspot disorder at late harvest. Wang et al. (2016)
lenticelosis and russet in fruits can promote fruit
reported an increase of CAT during fruit development
damage and weight loss during cold storage and
and a decrease at the final stages in Hass avocado. CAT
induce premature ripening of the fruits due to epi-
in this study was negatively associated with incidence
dermal cell death. Lenticelosis is typically apparent
of blackspot and differences observed between the
at harvest as small dark spots and is of concern
orchards may be attributed to differences in stress
because of the adverse effect on fruit appearance
conditions subjected to each orchard.
upon arrival in the marketplace, and possibly

a b c

d e f

Figure 3. (a) Total soluble proteins, (b) SOD activity, (c) Polyphenol oxidase, (d) Peroxidase activity, (e) Catalase activity and (f)
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase of all orchards measured at harvest. Dotted lines correspond from left to right: interior, intermediate
and coastal orchards.

POD activity (Figure 3(e)) significantly decreased POD activity was negatively associated with blackspot
from early to late harvest in the orchards ‘A’, ‘C’ and disorder in Hass avocado fruits, indicating that this
‘F’ (p < 0.05, Scott-Knott test). These last two orchards enzyme plays also a crucial role as antioxidant enzyme.
did not present incidence of blackspot disorder at all A decrease in PAL activity (Figure 3(f)) from early to
harvests. POD reduces H2O2 to water while oxidizing late harvest was significant for the orchards ‘A’ and ‘I’, all
a variety of substrates. Together with PPO, are the two of them presented blackspot disorder at late harvest. PAL
well-known enzymes involved in the browning pro- was negatively associated with blackspot disorder in Hass
cesses (i.e. oxidative degradation of phenolic com- avocado fruits. Positive associations between PAL with
pounds) of fruits and vegetables (Nokthai, Lee, & PPO, CAT, SOD, POD and phenolics was observed in
Shank, 2010). Wang et al. (2016) studying the harvest this study, results which also corroborated with those
date on quality attributes of Hass avocados observed previously reported by Aydaş, Ozturk, and Aslım (2013).
a variation of POD activity during fruit development Total phenolic content of all orchards (Figure 4(a))
and a typical trend was not found, but a synergetic decreased from early to late harvest. Such observation
association of POD and PPO was reported. Such syner- was also found for antioxidant scavenging activity of the
gism of these two enzymes was also found in this study. phenolic extracts of those samples (Figure 4(b)).

Figure 4. (a) Total phenolic contents, (b) ABTS % inhibition and (c) Epicatechin content of all orchards measured at harvest. Dotted
lines correspond from left to right: interior, intermediate and coastal orchards.












Figure 5. Matrix of correlations (Pearson correlation, p < 0.05) of all enzymatic and non-enzymatic variables.
Abbreviations: HR_max – Máximum relative humidity; HR_min – Mínimum relative humidity; HR_prom – Average relative humidity; Der_1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 –
Epicatechin derivative 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively; SumEpi – Total epicatechin content; Fenolicos – Total phenolic content; AOX – Antioxidant radical
scavenging activity of phenolic extracts; T_min, T_max and T_prom – Mínimum, máximum and average temperature respectively; Inc_Blackspot –
Blackspot incidence; PPO – Polyphenol oxidase; PAL- Phenylalanine ammonia lyase; SOD – Superoxide dismutase; CAT- Catalase and POD-Peroxidase

Phenolics work in concert with antioxidant enzymes to important role in plant defence mechanisms by delaying
tolerate the intracellular generation of ROS, and help in fungal decay via lowering the activity of lipoxygenase
promoting plant growth and or development, sometimes activity (Glowacz, Bill, Tinyane, & Sivakumar, 2017).
also in strengthening the responses to abiotic/biotic Obianom, Romanazzi, and Sivakumar (2019) and Bill,
environmental stressors (Gupta, Palma, & Corpas, Korsten, Remize, Glowacz, and Sivakumar (2017)
2018). Increases in the phenolic content under stress observed an increase in epicatechin of diseased avocado
conditions may support the role of this group of com- fruits. Epicatechin was also found to increase in avocado
pounds plays in alleviating oxidative stress (Maksimović fruits after application of jasmonate, methyl salicilate and
& Živanović, 2012; Uarrota et al., 2019a). It is also impor- thyme oil vapour (Glowacz et al., 2017). The results of this
tant to remember that phenolic compounds may be study corroborate with previous reports, as it was found
affected by an array of factors at genetic and environ- a negative association of these compounds with blackspot
mental levels (Gobbo-Neto & Lopes, 2007; Uarrota et al., disorder in Hass avocado fruits (Figure 5).
2019b; Uarrota, Severino, & Maraschin, 2011; Yang et al.,
2018). The decrease in phenolics observed from early to
Principal component analysis (PCA) and Linear
late harvest fruits in this study contributed to the inci-
discriminant analysis (LDA) applied to the external
dence of blackspot disorder in the orchards ‘J’, ‘G’ and ‘H’
quality parameters dataset
(Figure 4(a)).
A decrease in epicatechin (Figure 4(c)) and its deriva- The score plot of PCA analysis taking the orchard,
tives from early to late harvest was found in this study. harvest season, days of cold storage and agro-climatic
Epicatechin and derivatives have been reported to play an zone are presented as Supplementary Figure S10 and

the contribution of the variables as Supplementary in PC1 while PC2 is mainly contributed by SOD, PAL,
Figure S11. PCA analysis only captured 35.8% of total proteins, PPO and CAT.
variance explained by the dataset. Samples were also Supplementary Table S1 presents the statistics for
better classified according to season of harvest and zone each tested PLS-R model and Supplementary Figure
of production. Fruits of coastal zone were distinct due S12 shows the variables selected by variable impor-
to blackspot incidence, dry matter and incidence of tance for projection (VIP) and selectivity ratio (SR)
russet and external browning. algorithms. By using SR, the model performed well
LDA has been used to predict the probability of and it was selected to build the predictive model. The
belonging to a given class (or category) based on one or variance captured by the model is improved from
multiple predictor variables. LDA captured 89% of the 26.69% to 84.94%, being 45.92% and 39.02% of the
total variance being 75% and 14% for latent variable 1 variance for latent variable 1 and 2 respectively after
(LD1) and 2, respectively (data not shown). The accuracy variable selection (Supplementary Figure S13-S14).
of the model was 92.5%. Samples in the LD1 (+, i.e. The model found positive correlation of blackspot
positive side of the axis) are associated with the weight with the minimum temperature and negative correla-
of the fruits at harvest, incidence of russet and total weight tion with maximum relative humidity, maximum and
loss while those in LD1(-) are highly correlated with average temperature.
weight at cold chamber outlet, lenticelosis, and presence Figure 7, presents the classification decision tree
of skin wound in the fruits. LD2 was positively associated (DTs) performed. Maximum temperature was selected
with the weight of the fruits at cold chamber outlet, total as first important variable. With temperatures above
weight loss, presence of blackspot, lenticelosis, russet, 33°C, the probability of the blackspot incidence is
external browning and skin wound. lower (i.e. 75% absence of blackspot), contrarily, 25%
of moderate blackspot incidence can be observed. In
the second node, the epicatechin derivate 2 and mini-
PCA, Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and mum temperature are main variables related to black-
Decision tree model (DTs) applied to antioxidant spot incidence. If epicatechin derivate 2 is superior to
defence system dataset 6.9, it is predicted 86% of the probability of absence of
PCA of antioxidant defence system dataset captured blackspot disorder. Minimum temperatures lower
57% of total variance. PCA taking the orchard as than 5°C may drive blackspot disorder in Hass avo-
a factor clearly showed differences in fruits harvested cado fruits. Epicatechin derivative 4 is other important
from ‘A’,”B”, ‘D’, ‘F’ from others (Figure 6(a)). compound that may contribute in alleviating the dis-
Orchards from coastal zone showed to be different order in fruits. The model performed well and pre-
from others. Fruits of the orchard ‘A’ were most influ- sented 95% of accuracy with the Cohen’s kappa of
enced by the incidence of blackspot disorder. The 0.913, 100% of sensitivity and specificity except for
squared loadings (Figure 6(b)) shows that epicatechin class ‘severe blackspot’ which presented 94% of speci-
and its derivatives followed by temperature and rela- ficity due to the misclassification rate observed in the
tive humidity highly contributed to the data variability confusion matrix.

Figure 6. (a) Biplot of PCA according to the orchards as factors and (b) The squared loadings (i.e. contribution of the variables) in
the total variance captured by PCA.

Absence_of _BS
.55 .15 .15 .15
yes T_max >= 33 no

2 3

Absence_of _BS Moderate_BS

.75 .25 .00 .00 .25 .00 .37 .37
60% 40%
D er _2 >= 6. 9 T_mi n >= 5

Sev ere_BS
.33 .00 .17 .50
Der_4 >= 8

Sev ere_BS
.05 .00 .24 .71
Epicatechin < 13

4 5 12 26 27 7

Absence_of _BS Lower_BS Absence_of _BS Moderate_BS Sev ere_BS Moderate_BS

.86 .14 .00 .00 .27 .73 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .12 .00 .62 .25 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 .00
49% 11% 9% 8% 13% 10%

Classification Decision tree model for Blackspot Incidence

Figure 7. Classification decision tree of the blackspot incidence and the main variables selected by the machine leaning

Conclusions Acknowledgments
The results presented prompt us to conclude that This research was funded by the Comité de Paltas Chile
the weight of the fruits at harvest and weight loss and associated producers and exporters (Santa Cruz, El
during the storage period is involved in blackspot Parque, Jorge Schmidt, Baika, Subsole). The authors also
acknowledge Sociedad Gardiazabal y Mena Ltda and
disorder development. Large incidence of lentice- Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) La
losis may drive blackspot spot development during Platina. The first author (Virgílio Uarrota) and corre-
cold storage. Higher blackspot incidence in the sponding author (Romina Pedreschi) thank CONICYT-
orchards was characterized by decrease in SOD, FONDECYT (Chile), projects 3190055 and 1180303 for
CAT, POD, PAL activities, phenolics and epicate- sponsorship and Vicerrectoria de Investigación
y Estudios avanzados (VRIEA) of Pontificia Universidad
chin levels from early to late harvest. PCA analysis
Catolica de Valparaiso for all research facilities provided.
showed epicatechin and certain derivatives, tem-
perature, relative humidity and enzymes as impor-
tant specific variables that affect the blackspot Disclosure statement
disorder while PLS-R predictive model showed
positive correlation between minimum tempera- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
tures and blackspot disorder. Beside such preli- authors.
minary results, more research must be conducted
combining quality parameter variables, agro-
climatic conditions, antioxidant defence system Funding
with transcriptomics for better understanding the This work was supported by the Comité de Paltas Chile and
potential biomarkers related to blackspot disorder associated producers and exporters (Santa Cruz, El Parque,
in Hass avocado. Jorge Schmidt, Baika, Subsole) [NA].

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