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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews


Pulmonary complications in children with Down syndrome: A scoping

Mariska De Lausnay a,b,⇑, Kris Ides a,b,c, Mark Wojciechowski a, An Boudewyns d, Stijn Verhulst a,b,
Kim Van Hoorenbeeck a,b
Department of Pediatrics, Antwerp University Hospital, Drie Eikenstraat 655, 2650 Edegem, Belgium
Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Pediatrics (LEMP), Antwerp University, Belgium
Cosys Lab, Flanders Make, Antwerp University, Belgium
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Antwerp University Hospital, Drie Eikenstraat 655, 2650 Edegem, Belgium

Educational Aims

The reader will be able to:

 Be aware of the complicated interactions of pulmonary, cardiac and other anatomical / physiological abnormalities in children with
Down syndrome.
 Realize that some pulmonary problems that are relatively rare in the general pediatric population, are substantially more prevalent
in children with Down syndrome (e.g. combined airway malformations, pulmonary hypertension).
 Understand that the diagnostic work-up for children with Down syndrome will involve a lower threshold for airway endoscopy,
swallow studies, and imaging.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Context: Down syndrome (DS) is a prevalent chromosomal disorder associated with a wide range of con-
Down syndrome genital anomalies and other health problems.
Pulmonary aspiration Objectives: To give a scoping overview of encountered lower airway problems (both infectious and non-
Airway abnormalities infectious) in DS children.
Lung complications
Data sources: We systematically searched the MEDLINE and PubMed databases for relevant publications.
Study selection: Studies were eligible if they were original studies about pediatric airway problems in DS
and were evaluated by the PRISMA guidelines.
Data extraction: Data concerning patient characteristics, study methods and outcomes were critically
Results: Sixty papers were included. These were reviewed and summarized by topic, i.e. airway anoma-
lies, dysphagia and aspiration, lower respiratory tract infections (and bronchiolitis in particular), pul-
monary hypertension and other. Respiratory problems are proven to be a frequent and a major health
burden in DS children. Airway anomalies (both single and multiple) are more prevalent and require a

Abbreviations: BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; CHD, congenital heart disease; DS, Down syndrome; FEES, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; GOR, gastro-
oesophageal reflux; GP, general practitioner; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPH, idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection; mPAP, mean
pulmonary arterial pressure; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; OR, odds ratio; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PHT, pulmonary
hypertension; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PPHN, persistent pulmonary hypertension in the neonate; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RSVH, RSV hospitalization; RTI,
respiratory tract infection; SGS, subglottic stenosis; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection; VFSS, videofluoroscopic swallow study.
⇑ Corresponding author. Antwerp University Hospital, Drie Eikenstraat 655, 2650 Edegem, Belgium.
E-mail address: (M. De Lausnay).
1526-0542/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. De Lausnay, K. Ides, M. Wojciechowski et al. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

specific approach. A large proportion of DS children have (often silent) aspiration, resulting in protracted
and difficult-to-treat symptoms. Respiratory tract infections are usually more severe and associated with
an increased need for (prolonged) hospitalization. Pulmonary hypertension, wheeze and some other rare
conditions are more commonly encountered in DS.
Limitations: Large number of studies and high levels of study heterogeneity.
Conclusions: Several lower airway problems are more frequent and more complex in children with DS.
These findings emphasize the need for a multidisciplinary approach by an experienced team allowing
for a prompt diagnosis, proper management and improved long term outcome.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION 1) Airway anomalies

Down syndrome (DS) or trisomy 21 is the most common human We identified seven reports on airway anomalies in children
chromosomal disorder with a live birth prevalence of approxi- with DS. All of them were retrospective. Three described results
mately 1/700 to 980, depending on the geographical region [1]. from laryngeal and bronchoscopy procedures in DS cohorts. Hamil-
Well-known characteristics of this condition are mental retarda- ton et al. [4] performed endoscopic evaluations in 39 out of a birth
tion, dysmorphic features and congenital anomalies such as heart cohort of 239 DS children. Main indications for endoscopy were
defects [1]. However, based upon our clinical experience we failed or difficult extubation, stridor and croup syndrome. These
observed that respiratory problems impose a morbidity that showed one or more airway anomalies in 33/39 (84.6% or 13.8%
should not be underestimated. This is probably due to anatomical, of the total number of DS patients) [4]. About one third of these
functional and immunological problems. For instance, several patients needed surgery [4]. Bertrand et al. [5] conducted a similar
studies have investigated the microscopic structure and lung mat- study in 24 out of a cohort of 119 DS children and compared the
uration in DS subjects, suggesting a difference in the development results to a heterogeneous group of 324 controls (with other syn-
of epithelial and alveolar structures in DS compared to controls dromic conditions, immunodeficiencies) [5]. Indications for endo-
[2,3]. scopy in the DS patients were atelectasis, stridor and recurrent
The objective of this review is to systematically summarize the pneumonia. There was a 75% prevalence of one or more anomalies
evidence regarding lower airway problems (both infectious and in the DS patients, compared to 35% in the control group [5]. Laryn-
non-infectious) in pediatric DS patients. gomalacia, tracheomalacia and tracheal bronchus were signifi-
cantly more common in DS. De Lausnay et al. [6] also compared
65 DS children to 150 controls (without significant underlying dis-
METHODOLOGY orders), with similar results: in the DS group, 71% had an airway
abnormality compared to 32% of the healthy controls [6]. Laryngo-
We conducted a systematic literature search in the MEDLINE malacia and tracheomalacia were significantly more common in
and Pubmed databases in November 2020 with the following the DS group. Multiple anomalies were present in 20% (DS) versus
search terms: ‘‘Down syndrome or trisomy 21, respiratory or air- 5% (controls) [6]. Indications for bronchoscopy were mainly recur-
way problems, not sleep apnea”. As the research population, we rent lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), chronic cough and
selected pediatric DS patients (aged 0–18 years). Duplicates and stridor. Five (5/65 or 7.7%) needed surgery for symptom relief
articles that were off-topic, reviews, meta-analyses, expert opin- [6]. Combining these three studies, a total of 97/128 or 75.8% of
ions, case reports or in languages other than English, were endoscopic evaluations in DS children with chronic or recurrent
excluded. Publications about immunological and anesthesia prob- respiratory symptoms showed structural airway abnormalities.
lems were beyond the scope of this review. After initial screening Bravo et al. [7] described a case series of 40 pediatric patients
based on title and abstract by two independent reviewers (MDL with tracheal stenosis due to complete tracheal rings over a period
and KI) the remaining papers underwent full text evaluation of 20 years, with seven (17.5%) of them having DS. Six of these DS
according to the PRISMA guidelines. A third researcher (KVH) children had an additional airway anomaly and all but one
was consulted in case of discussion about inclusions. All screened required surgery [7].
papers were listed systematically in a standardized Excel docu- Two studies looked at the prevalence of subglottic stenosis
ment designed for reviewing. (SGS). Miller et al. [8] reviewed the charts of their DS population
and found 17 children with a diagnosis of SGS. Of these, 13 were
considered acquired after intubations (mostly for cardiac surgery
RESULTS and respiratory tract infections). The four other children had no
preceding risk factors and were considered congenital SGS [8]. At
The initial database searches resulted in 936 potentially rele- the time of publication, 11/17 patients already had corrective sur-
vant papers. After primary review of titles and abstracts, 113 pub- gery [8]. Arianpour et al. [9] found 7981 hospitalizations with a
lications remained. After full text evaluation, another 58 were diagnosis of acquired SGS over a three-year period, making up
excluded leaving 55 papers for inclusion. In the references of these 0.06% of all discharges. They subsequently compared comorbidities
included articles, we retrieved 5 other relevant and valuable and found an OR of 14.2 for DS (0.77% of total discharges in DS chil-
papers, so that a total of 60 papers were reviewed in this study. dren had a diagnosis of acquired SGS compared to 0.05% of all non-
Fig. 1 shows this process according to the PRISMA study selection DS discharges) [9].
flow chart. Given the heterogeneity of the covered topics, the Lastly, a multicenter study by Moreno et al. [10] identified 133
included studies were grouped and discussed according to the fol- children with a diagnosis of tracheal bronchus. Eleven of them (or
lowing subjects: airway anomalies, dysphagia and aspiration, 8.3%) had DS. This study furthermore demonstrates the clinical rel-
(lower) respiratory tract infections with a separate focus on evance of this airway abnormality, with a high prevalence of
(RSV) bronchiolitis, pulmonary hypertension, miscellaneous.
M. De Lausnay, K. Ides, M. Wojciechowski et al. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

Records idenfied through
database searching
(n = 936 )

Duplicates removed
(n = 269)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 667 )

Exclusions (n = 554 ) due to

Records screened - Populaon: 127
(n = 667 ) - Subject: 296
- Design: 79
- Language: 14
- No abstract or full
Full-text arcles assessed text: 38
for eligibility

(n = 113 )
Exclusion (n = 58 ) due to:
- Populaon: 11
- Subject: 18
Relevant arcles added
- Design: 14
through references (n = 5)
- Language: 4
- No full text: 11

Studies included in
qualitave synthesis
(n = 60 )

Fig. 1. PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram.

recurrent pneumonia and atelectasis, mostly in the right upper to the VFSS [11]. This may partly explain the high percentages of
lobe [10]. abnormal swallowing studies. Jackson et al. [12] examined older
These papers all emphasize the need for great attentiveness in DS children (n = 138) with a mean age of 2.1 years, and found oral
this population considering the prevalence of airway anomalies motor difficulties in 63.8%, pharyngeal dysphagia in 56.3% and
and the associated consequences for airway management. aspiration in 44.2%. Again, aspiration events were mostly ‘‘silent”,
despite the fact that most children were referred for VFSS because
2) Dysphagia and aspiration of feeding symptoms [12]. There was no significant association
between the presence of oral and pharyngeal dysphagia, and
We identified four recent retrospective chart reviews, investi- results were independent of age, sex and reason for referral.
gating the presence of dysphagia and aspiration based on results Another study by Jackson et al. [13] compared the presence of deep
from videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS) in cohorts of young laryngeal penetration or aspiration (on VFSS or FEES) between a
DS children [11–14]. group of 72 DS children younger than 6 months and a group of
Narawane et al. [11] found a very high prevalence of both oral 39 DS children between 6 and 12 months old. The first group
and pharyngeal dysphagia (89.8% and 72.4% respectively) in a showed abnormal results in 31.9%, compared to 51.3% in the older
cohort of 127 DS infants who underwent VFSS. Furthermore, pha- group. There was no significant association with symptoms during
ryngeal penetration was present in 52% and tracheal penetration in feeding. Risk factors for aspiration in this study were CHD, laryngo-
31.5%, mostly with thin liquids. When aspiration occurred, this was malacia and prior episode(s) of pneumonia [13]. Stanley et al. [14]
mostly ‘‘silent” (in 67.5%) [11]. The study population however, was reviewed 174 charts of DS patients younger than 6 months. Results
very young with a mean age of 4 months, 30% being born prema- from VFSS were available for 100 cases, 96% were abnormal. In
turely (with a mean gestational age of 34 weeks) and 56% of chil- 69%, the degree of pharyngeal dysphagia was severe enough to
dren already being fed by nasogastric or gastrostomy tube prior warrant a modification of food consistency or switch to non-oral

M. De Lausnay, K. Ides, M. Wojciechowski et al. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

feeding. Unlike the previous study, CHD was not a risk factor, bronchitis in 7 to 15.1% [20,22,23]. Asthma was the main diagnosis
whereas oxygen desaturation with feeding (OR = 15.8), functional in 5 to 6.9% [20,23]. Another retrospective study reviewed 66 DS
airway/respiratory anomalies (OR = 7.2), being underweight patients’ first admission at a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
(OR = 2.4) or premature (OR = 1.7) were associated with dysphagia [24]. Joffre et al. found that the primary reason for admission
[14]. was respiratory disease in 56/66 patients (84.8%) and cardiovascu-
In conclusion, all four of these studies retrospectively found oral lar disease in the 10 remaining patients (15.2%) [24] (note that
and/or pharyngeal dysphagia in a large proportion of DS infants there were no patients admitted for postoperative care immedi-
and young children, with aspiration often happening silently. An ately after a cardiac surgical procedure). There was a high mortal-
important limitation is that these papers only studied aspiration ity with 26 DS patients deceased; mortality was related to
by oropharyngeal motor problems and not considered in terms of respiratory failure (n = 14), multi-organ failure (n = 7) and refrac-
gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR). Given the high prevalence rates, tory pulmonary arterial hypertension (n = 5). Forty-nine children
a low threshold for referral of these children for an assessment of (74%) required mechanical ventilation [24]. These studies all lack
swallowing (and/or GOR) studies is recommended. comparison to controls.
Bruijn et al. [25] studied a cohort of 24 DS patients, mechani-
3) Impact of (lower) respiratory tract infections cally ventilated for respiratory insufficiency at one PICU, and found
a large proportion of them meeting the criteria for acute lung
Healthcare utilization - Already in 1984, a prospective study was
injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome when comparing
published by Murdoch [15] about the increased need for general
them to 317 controls (with an OR of 9.4 and 11.9, respectively).
practitioner consults in DS children. These families consulted twice
Zhang et al. [26] studied risk factors for severe community
as often as controls and were prescribed more medication (such as
acquired pneumonia in 707 children admitted at a PICU and found
antibiotics). In both groups, respiratory problems such as respira-
that fatality was associated with the presence of DS (OR 6.8). Other
tory tract infections (RTI) comprised the largest category of illness,
risk factors were CHD, cerebral palsy and immune deficiency [26].
though these were even more frequent in DS [15]. These findings
Neonatal care - Admissions to neonatal intensive care units
were confirmed by many other researchers. Manikam et al. [16]
(NICU’s) were also studied with similar observations. Mann et al.
recently published a retrospective study comparing a large cohort
[27] performed a case control study with 725 DS infants and
of DS children (n = 992) to matched controls (n = 4874), and found
2175 controls. Infants in the DS group required more intensive care
an adjusted relative risk (RR) of 1.73 for RTI-related GP consulta-
compared to unaffected neonates (37% vs. 27%, p < 0.01) and stayed
tion and of 5.69 for RTI-related hospitalization. These disparities
longer in neonatal units (11 days vs. 5 days, p < 0.01) [27]. More DS
were most obvious for lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI).
infants required some form of respiratory support (31% vs. 22%,
Additionally, length of hospitalization was longer in DS patients
p < 0.001) with an OR of 1.4 for mechanical ventilation and of 1.8
(mean 5.2 days versus 2.4 days in controls, p < 0.0001) and they
for non-invasive ventilation (NIV). They also needed NIV signifi-
were also prescribed antibiotics more often for an RTI [16]. This
cantly longer and had oxygen need at discharge more often, both
research group used the same cohorts for another recent case-
irrespective of the presence of CHD [27]. McAndrew et al. [28] ret-
control study [17], where they investigated whether the prescrip-
rospectively examined NICU admissions of 1686 DS infants who
tion of antibiotics following an RTI-related GP consultation could
were born term without major anomalies and compared these to
reduce the risk of RTI-related hospitalization in the subsequent
227,706 controls. Although the most common clinical diagnoses
28 days. This was not the case for both the DS cohort and the con-
were similar in both groups, DS infants had a longer length of stay
trols (RR 0.699; 95% CI 0.471–1.036 in DS and similar numbers for
(median 10 versus 5 days in controls, p < 0.001) and were more
controls) [17]. However, these conclusions were based on rela-
likely to receive respiratory support (in over 75%) [28].
tively small numbers of hospitalized patients (15 DS and 11 con-
Impact of LRTI on development - Two Dutch studies looked at the
trols). Subgroup analysis showed no protective effect of
influence of recurrent RTI on the development of DS children. Van
antibiotics in any type of RTI or age group, except for infants
Trotsenburg et al. [29] found that 42 out of 196 DS children had
younger than 1 year (OR 0.260 and NNT 11.9) [17].
recurrent lung or airway disease. This subgroup had a significantly
In a large cohort of children with birth defects (n = 13,316),
greater motor developmental age delay at the age of 2. There was
Jama Alol et al. [18] looked for associations between categories of
no significant difference in mental developmental age [29]. An
birth defects and the number of acute LRTI’s during the first two
observational study by Verstegen et al. [30] compared 8-year old
years of life. In this cohort, they identified 229 children with DS
DS children with and without parent-reported recurrent RTI’s.
and found an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 8 for any acute LRTI
The group with recurrent RTI’s showed significantly lower mental
and of 13.6 for pneumonia [18]. Medrano et al. [19] prospectively
and motor development, more behavioral problems and lower
investigated the incidence of RTI-related hospitalization during
scores on health-related quality of life scales [30].
the first two years of life in a cohort of children with hemodynam-
In conclusion of these 16 articles, respiratory tract illness seems
ically significant congenital heart defect (CHD) (n = 760), of whom
to impose a great burden in DS children with more frequent need
73 had DS. They identified DS (and chromosomal disorders in gen-
of GP consulting, prescribed medication, hospitalization, longer
eral) as a risk factor for RTI-related hospitalization, (OR 2.12,
length of stay and need for respiratory support. Especially LRTI’s
p = 0.01) [19]. The most common diagnosis at admission was bron-
carry great morbidity and recurrent infections may have an
chiolitis [19].
adverse effect on development and wellbeing.
Four retrospective studies investigated the need for hospitaliza-
tion and admission diagnoses in DS cohorts. These cohorts com-
4) A focus on RSV bronchiolitis and prophylaxis
prised between 86 and 405 hospitalized DS patients, reviewed
over different time periods [20–23]. In these study populations,
Many studies have focused on bronchiolitis - and more specifi-
most DS children were already hospitalized before the age of 1
cally due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) - in DS children. In the
and had multiple admissions at a relatively young age. All of these
general population, about 1.5 to 3% of children are admitted to the
studies identified RTI’s as main reason for admission (in 26 to 54%
hospital because of RSV-LRTI, with higher prevalence in at risk
of all admissions reviewed), irrespective of the presence of CHD or
populations (such as prematurely born infants) [31–33]. In DS
other comorbidities [20–23]. Pneumonia was the most frequent
however, this proportion is even higher. Large cohorts of 52 to
LRTI in 17.1 to 24.7% of admissions, followed by bronchiolitis or
842 DS children have been investigated, with percentages of
M. De Lausnay, K. Ides, M. Wojciechowski et al. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

admission varying from 9.6% to 19.5% [32,31,34,33,35–39]. Gener- tion but also than children with other comorbidities. A wide range
ally, these studies looked at hospitalization in the first 2 years of of studies demonstrates a much higher need for hospitalization
life, with the exception of one using an age limit of 1 year [37] and respiratory support, a longer length of stay, and even a higher
and another one of 3 years [39]. Expressed differently, DS children mortality. Prophylaxis of all DS children with PVZ has a potential
have an OR of RSV-related admission of 3.29 to 5.99 compared to benefit to reduce these health issues, though this effect is less clear
non-DS children [36,40,41]. Compared to children with other in patients without additional risk factors. Further studies are
chronic congenital conditions, DS children have an IRR of 2.18 for required addressing the cost-benefit in this specific population.
RSV hospitalization [32]. Over the last decades, a decline has been The impact of viruses other than RSV is less well documented. A
seen in RSV admissions among the high-risk patients with CHD and study on hospitalizations related to human metapneumovirus
chronic lung disease (probably due to the use of RSV prophylaxis) infection showed similar results to the RSV studies [54].
but not in DS children without CHD [42]. Studies are also conclu-
sive that DS patients admitted for RSV, have a hospital stay that 5) Pulmonary hypertension
is about twice as long as non-DS patients (median length of stay
4 to 10.9 days for DS groups, compared to 2 to 4.9 days for con- Pediatric pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is an important condi-
trols) [32,34–36,38,41,39,43,44]. While controls are almost all tion that is described more frequently in DS. Untreated PHT leads
younger than 1 year old when admitted for RSV bronchiolitis, DS to irreversible pulmonary vascular changes with high mortality,
children are older, with even a significant proportion around or so attentiveness is mandatory. Our search contains four original
above the age of 2 [33,36,38,39,43]. This could have important con- studies about PHT in DS children.
sequences for prophylaxis strategies. DS children admitted for RSV A prospective study by Berger et al. [55] enrolled 362 children
bronchiolitis have higher severity scores [36], a higher need for with PHT from 19 countries. They defined PHT by right-heart
PICU admission and respiratory support [43,44] and a higher mean catheterization measurements with a mean pulmonary arterial
cost of hospital stay [41]. Importantly, most of these findings pressure (mPAP) of 25 mmHg, a pulmonary vascular resistance
remain statistically relevant, even when correcting for additional index of 3 WU/m2, and mean pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
risk factors such as CHD or prematurity [40,33,36,39,44]. One study sure of 12 mm Hg. Patients not meeting these criteria were
compared risk factors for mortality in severe RSV cases admitted at excluded, as were patients with (residual) left heart disease. If
PICU and found an OR of 7.20 in the DS subgroup (p = 0.036) [45]. right-heart catheterization could not be performed, patients could
However, this was based on a small number of DS patients (9 DS exceptionally be enrolled based on echocardiography or
children on a total of 186 PICU patients, 2 DS patients deceased). histopathology results. They found that 11.6% (42/362) of the total
A retrospective case series of 53 DS patients who died from RSV- number of patients with PHT were DS children [55]. Unsurpris-
related causes, showed no difference in age of death between DS ingly, DS was highly present in group 3 PHT (PHT associated with
patients with or without comorbidities, or non-DS groups (median respiratory conditions such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, inter-
age of death 6 months old) [46]. stitial lung disease or ILD, obstructive sleep apnea [OSA]) with 21%
Usefulness of Palivizumab - A subgroup of children with DS (9/42), compared to 10% (32/317) of group 1 PHT (pulmonary arte-
(those with congenital diaphragmatic hernia [CDH] or prematu- rial hypertension of PAH). Of the latter, 26 patients had associated
rity) were eligible for monthly RSV prophylaxis (Palivizumab or CHD [55].
PVZ). However, given the substantial disease burden from RSV Bush et al. [56] conducted a retrospective cohort study, identi-
infections, several research groups have investigated the useful- fying 1252 DS children with 28% (346/1252) of them meeting their
ness of RSV prophylaxis in all DS children. The CARESS group definition of PHT (mPAP > 25 mmHg, ratio PAP/SAP > 1/3, interven-
(Canadian RSV Evaluation Study of Palivizumab) compared chil- tricular septal flattening, and right ventricular dilatation or hyper-
dren immunized with PVZ because of prematurity to children with trophy). The initial diagnosis of PHT was made in the first year of
underlying disorders (with 193 or 20.3% of them having DS) [47]. life in 86% of patients (median age at initial diagnosis = 5 days,
This second group was found to be hospitalized more frequently reflecting the high incidence of persistent pulmonary hypertension
for respiratory infections in general, but not for RSV [47]. The same in the neonate or PPHN). Most patients had transient PHT (70%),
conclusion was made in another study by the CARESS group, com- 15% had persistent disease and 15% recurrent episodes of PHT
paring 600 DS patients who received PVZ to children immunized [56]. For initial diagnosis, 82% was classified as PHT group 1,
because of prematurity, CHD and other underlying medical ill- whereas recurrent episodes were mostly group 3 PHT. The most
nesses: DS children have a higher hazard ratio for hospitalization important risk factors were CHD (with left-to-right shunt), OSA,
due to respiratory infections, but not for RSV after PVZ [48]. Later intermittent hypoxia, recurrent pneumonia, various airway
on, they compared similar but larger groups of immunized chil- anomalies, reactive airway disease, and others [56].
dren, but this time they did find a significantly higher risk of RSV A study by Hawkins et al. [57] prospectively included 25 pedi-
hospitalization (RSVH) in the group with underlying conditions atric DS patients with PHT (defined as a tricuspid regurgitation
such as DS [49]. In the DS subgroup, they calculated an OR of jet of 2.7 m/s in the absence of right ventricular outflow tract
1.83 for RSVH compared to prematurity and of 2.25 compared to obstruction) over a 4-year period. Patients with a large left-to-
near-term infants [49]. A German study also found a higher RSVH right shunt and high pulmonary blood flow with low vascular
rate of 1.2% in 249 immunized DS children versus 0.71% in the total resistance were excluded. Median age in this study sample was
group of 12,729 immunized children [50]. Two other studies com- 12.5 months. All children had some form of CHD. Furthermore,
pared groups of DS children with and without PVZ prophylaxis and the prevalence of respiratory disease was also significant (18/25
found a significant reduction in RSV-related admission when PVZ or 72% of patients), with polysomnography showing upper airway
was administered in all DS children (from 6–9.8% without prophy- obstruction in 12/18; endoscopy showing tracheomalacia or bron-
laxis to 1.5–3% in DS children with PVZ) [51,52]. However, this chomalacia in 8/16, laryngomalacia in 4/16, adenotonsillar hyper-
reduction was less convincing when excluding DS children with trophy in 8/16 and tracheo-oesophageal fistula in one; and CT-scan
additional risk factors [52]. A Japanese post-marketing surveillance showing ILD in one [57]. These children had lower mPAP at cardiac
study found good tolerance of PVZ in a cohort of DS and immuno- catheterization than estimated from echocardiography (23 mmHg
compromised children, with a low RSVH rate of 0.7% (2/304) [53]. compared to 34 mmHg in those without airway obstruction). The
In conclusion, (RSV) bronchiolitis imposes a significantly authors suggested that this difference was attributable to the pro-
greater disease burden in DS children than in the general popula- cedural intubation and subsequent relieve of airway obstruction
M. De Lausnay, K. Ides, M. Wojciechowski et al. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 40 (2021) 65–72

[57]. They emphasized the importance of thorough pulmonary [61]. Some of them also had cysts along the lung fissures and bron-
assessment in PHT patients, given the specific therapeutic chovascular bundles, but not parenchymal. Given the very small
approach in case of concurrent respiratory problems. number of cases, it is not possible to make any assumptions about
A retrospective chart review by Shah et al. [58] identified 175 associated risk factors. In any case, the authors found no clear cor-
admitted DS infants of whom 17 were diagnosed with PPHN (de- relation with CHD, need of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
fined as hypoxemia refractory to oxygen therapy or lung recruit- or chronic ventilator support. However, both patients from the
ment strategies and extrapulmonary right-to-left shunting study cohort that were born <34 weeks, had subpleural cysts, sug-
(ductal or atrial) in absence of severe pulmonary parenchymal dis- gesting a possible association with prematurity [61].
ease). They excluded infants with CHD (n = 7), with other poten- Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) - This is an extre-
tially biasing congenital malformations and preterm babies. mely rare condition that is seen relatively frequently in DS. It is
PPHN was diagnosed in 13.7% of total DS admissions or in 10% defined by a triad of iron deficiency anemia, respiratory symptoms
when excluding children with serious structural cardiac malforma- (including dyspnea, cough and hemoptysis) and pulmonary infil-
tions. Of the 13 patients not lost to follow-up, 11 patients had nor- trates on chest imaging. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence
malization of the right ventricular pressure with conservative of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in broncho-alveolar lavage
measures, whereas two infants required PDA closure and resolu- fluid and/or on lung tissue specimens. A publication from the
tion of airway obstruction. French RespiRare group (the French Reference Center for Rare Lung
Despite the different definitions of PHT, all of these studies con- Diseases) retrospectively found a cases series of 25 IPH patients
firm the high incidence of this condition in (mostly very young) DS over a 16-year period, with 5 (20%) of them having DS [62]. A pos-
children. They reflect the importance of adequate airway manage- sible link with autoimmune diseases and autoantibodies is sug-
ment in PHT patients and, on the other hand, timely screening for gested. Although most IPH patients had a favorable outcome, one
PHT in DS children with airway/lung disease. of the DS children had a fatal pulmonary hemorrhage [62]. A
follow-up paper a few years later compared data from pediatric
6) Miscellaneous IPH patients with and without DS [63]. They included 34 patients,
nine (26%) presented with DS. Children in the DS group presented a
Additionally, we found some noteworthy papers about other
more severe form of the disease with an earlier onset, frequent sec-
pulmonary complications frequently associated with DS.
ondary pulmonary hypertension, and an increased risk of fatality
Wheeze - Given the high prevalence of LRTI and specifically
bronchiolitis as mentioned above, it could be assumed that post-
infectious wheeze is also a more common problem in DS children.
A combined retrospective and prospective study by Bloemers et al. LIMITATIONS
[59] compared four groups of children to investigate whether pre-
vious RSV LRTI is a risk factor for recurrent wheeze in DS. DS chil- Although we have tried to make our search as broad as possible,
dren previously hospitalized for RSV-induced LRTI (n = 53) had a we had no access to other databases such as Embase and we also
36% prevalence of physician-diagnosed wheeze, compared to 30% limited our search to articles published in English. Most studies
of DS children without RSV hospitalization (n = 110). In non-DS were retrospective and often, a comparison to controls is lacking.
children hospitalized for RSV (n = 48) this was 31% but in healthy Nevertheless, we found 60 relevant articles that were of relatively
controls (n = 49) it was only 8% [59]. This means that recurrent good quality and that came to coherent conclusions about the dis-
wheeze is very common among DS children and that RSVH did cussed topics.
not seem to significantly contribute to the risk of recurrent wheeze
Another possibility is that the high prevalence of wheeze in DS
is attributable to atopy or allergic asthma. This was investigated by Pulmonary complications are frequent and a major health bur-
Weijerman et al. [60] by questioning parents of 130 DS children. As den in children with DS. Airway anomalies (both single and multi-
controls, they selected siblings of the DS children (n = 167) and ple) are prevalent in DS children and require a specific approach.
non-related children matched for age and sex (n = 119). Parents There is a remarkable proportion of DS children with aspiration
reported significantly more wheeze in the past 12 months in the (often silent), which sometimes results in protracted and
DS children than in siblings (RR 2.8, p = 0.003) and controls (RR difficult-to-treat symptoms. Respiratory tract infections are often
2.75, p = 0.01), particularly in children below 4 years of age [60]. more severe and associated with a greater need for hospitalization
Conversely, DS children were less frequently diagnosed with and a prolonged stay, a well-known example of this is the high
asthma (3.1%) than control children (6.7%; p = 0.04). The 24 DS prevalence rate and severity of RSV bronchiolitis in DS. Prophylaxis
children who had been diagnosed with asthma in the past were with PVZ could benefit all patients with DS, even without addi-
followed prospectively for 4 years by a single pediatrician. Based tional risk factors such as CHD. Pulmonary hypertension and other
on international guidelines, a diagnosis of asthma could not be (sometimes rare) conditions are much more common in DS.
confirmed in any of these 24 patients. The researchers also found Increased awareness and a low threshold for investigation of pul-
no sensitization to inhalation allergens [60]. monary complications in children with DS are required. A multidis-
Despite wheezing being frequent in DS, these two papers con- ciplinary approach for the diagnosis and management of
clude that neither prior (RSV) bronchiolitis nor asthma seems to respiratory problems in this population may ultimately result in
contribute a great deal to this phenomenon in contrast to the gen- lower morbidity and mortality with an improvement in develop-
eral pediatric population. ment, wellbeing and quality of life of patients and their caregivers.
Subpleural cysts - Biko et al. [61] reviewed DS children with
prior CT imaging of the lungs to determine the prevalence of sub- DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
pleural cysts. These are benign small cystic dilatations along the
subpleural surface of the lungs of unknown etiology, frequently  Explore the impact of airway anomalies e.g. on the prevalence
seen in DS patients and rarely in other persons. In this study, sub- or severity of obstructive sleep apnea in DS children.
pleural cysts were observed on scans from 9/25 (36%) DS children  Investigate the role of GOR in pulmonary aspiration.
(age range 3 months to 6 years old with a mean age of 5.5 years)

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