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Roadmap to

Financial Success
Take control of your financial future
Hey clever girl!
We are so glad you've decided to
embark on this journey to achieving
your financial success.

The goal of this roadmap is to equip

you with the knowledge and
confidence to help you handle your
money, get out of debt, and create a
sound financial future for yourself.

Take control of your life and finances

with the help of this roadmap.

You got this!

Roadmap Components

The Overview

1 Adjust your mindset

2 Get organized

3 Budget & save

4 Destroy your debt

5 Build real wealth

6 Plan for the necessary

1 Adjust your mindset

Let go of your money mistakes

Write your money mistakes down
Assess why they happened
Consider the lessons
Forgive yourself and move forward

Affirm yourself
Write down affirmations on what you want to accomplish
Use present tense
Put your affirmations where you can see them everyday
Review them on a daily basis

Shift your circle of influence

Consider the 5 people you spend the most time with
Review the 5 things you spend the most time doing
Determine who you need to spend more or less time with
Determine what you need to spend more or less time doing
2 Get organized

Organize your records (digitally or physically)

Banking documentation
Loan and other debt documentation
Tax returns
Investment records
Birth certificates, death certificates, social security info

Define your core values

Make a list of what you would do if money were no object
Prioritize this list based on what is most important to you

Set your goals

Write down your short, mid, and long terms goals
Set a measure of success and a timeline
Set reminders to review your goals often

Address your bad money habits

List out the bad money habits you have
Write down actions you can take to break each habit
Write down new habits you would like to develop instead

Track your spending

Review your spending history from the last 3 to 6 months
Track your spending with a spending journal over the next
30 days
3 Budget & save

Find a budgeting style that works for you

Test our various budgeting styles and apps for a week or
month at a time until you find one that works for you
Create a new budget in advance of each new month
Remember budgeting is a work in progress

Create an emergency fund

If you have high interest debt, start with a fund of $1,000
Next plan to increase your fund to 3 to 6 months or more

Save for your goals

Start saving based on the priority of your short, mid and long
term goals
Establish seperate accounts for each goal so you can track
your progress
4 Destroy your debt

Create a debt freedom plan

List out all of your debts and prioritize them by smallest
balance or highest interest rate
Create a payoff plan off plan based on the priority you have

Work the plan

Pay more than the minimum to your top priority debt
Pay on time and don't skip debt payments
Call to negotiate your interest rates if possible
Consider consolidation if you get a lower interest rate and if
the fees make sense BUT do no extend your payoff timeline

Get creative to accelerate the plan

Consider what you can do to generate additional income to
pay your debt off faster. For instance:
Selling things you own but don't need
Getting a part-time job
Getting a better paying job
Starting a low cost but profitable side hustle
Downsizing your lifestyle

Reward yourself
Build small rewards into your budget that are within each
reason as you reach your payoff milestones.
5 Build real wealth

Learn how investing works

Educate yourself on how investing works with investing 101
books or courses. The more you know, the less you fear

Create a plan to invest

Write down your investing objectives and timeline
Determine your risk tolerance
Consult a financial advisor or planner that is a fiduciary if
need more help

Invest for the long term

Don't try to time or game the market
Don't make rash decisions during short term market

Establish an estate plan

Consider what you would like to happen to your assets if you
are no longer here, keeping your dependents in mind
Leverage estate planning as a means of passing down
generational wealth
Consult with an estate planning professional to help you
establish a plan
6 Plan for the necessary

Build & maintain credit

Your credit is used to make decisions by loan providers,
landlords, utility providers, employers etc
Understand how your credit history, score and report work
Monitor your credit and protect yourself from identity theft

Protect yourself with the right insurance

Make sure you have the right kind of insurance in place to
protect you and your financial plans
Cheapest if not always best. Be sure to assess your situation.
Types of insurance to consider include auto, health,
homeowners, renters, disabilty, pet, life, business etc.

Make more money

Get comfortable negotiating raises, bonuses and benefits at
Increase your income with a better paying or part -time job
Start a low cost side hustle or business to increase your
We got you!
Get the support and guidance you need

Take a Clever Girl Finance course at, join our community,
schedule free calls with our mentors.

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Clever Girl Finance Books!
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sold in physical, ebook, and
audiobook formats.

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