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Bahrul Ilm - Where you embark

the ship of the seekers Books to

begin with:
What to begin with:
Imam Ahmad ‫ رحمه هللا‬said: "The foundation of knowledge

How to Begin is the fear of Allāh, the Most High," so adhere to fearing
Allāh openly and in secret as you embark upon this path of
the seekers.
Thalathatul Usool Nawaqidul Islam
Usool As Sittah

Kitab at Tawhid
Know that the one who wishes to attain knowledge all in Al Qawaa’id Al Muthla
Qawaid Ar arba
one go will also lose it all in one go. Ilm is sought in stages
Kashf Ash Shubuhaat
- step by step. Each step requiring patience and

perseverance for one does not sail across a bahr without a Al Aqidah al Wasitiyyah
ship - rather the ship is built undergoing hardship so that Hadith
one sails with ease.
Al Arbaeen an nawawi
Initially, one should strive to perfect their recitation of the
Qur'an and their memorisation of it. Take time out of your
day to memorise, contemplate and act upon it. For the Riyaadus Saliheen
sahaabah did not go beyond 10 ayāt until they had learnt Fiqh
and acted upon them and this is the way of the salaf in
Ad Duroos Al Muhimma
seeking knowledge. One may also study tafsir alongside
this and what is advised is Tafsir As Sa'adi due to its Sifat Salat An Nabiyy ‫صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬
simplicity and ease to understand. Umdat Ul Ahkam
It is upon you to also learn the arabic language - how Tafseer
many people have deviated solely because of there Tafseer As Saadi
ignorance of the arabic language?! The taalib who is
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
ignorant of arabic will not have the same understanding as
Al Muqadimah fee tafsir
the one fluent in its rules of nahw , sarf and balagha. It is
as Imam Shaf'ī ‫ رحمه هللا‬said "The companions of the arabic Usool Fi Tafsir
language are the Jinn of mankind! They see that which Seerah
other than them can not see!" Short biography of the Prophet ‫ صلى الله عليه و سلم‬and
Dar al-Hadith institute in Dammaj before its destruction
One must also take time to learn the correct Aqeedah but his 10 companions by Al Maqdisi
this is not sought alone by simply reading books - it is The Sealed Nectar
Sheikh Muqbil Al - Wadi'ee said: upon you to learn under the scholars firm upon salafiyyah
so you may take from their insight and wisdom. Begin with To learn arabic
"O My children! If knowledge the small texts and do not jump in the stages of seeking Qaa’ida Nooraniyyah
Madinah Books
Matn al Ajrumiyyah
could be poured into a glass, I knowledge. The one who overburdens himself with more Noor Al Bayaan
Alfiyyah Bin Malik
lessons and books that he can bear will find himself An Nahw As Sagheer
would pour it for you, but it is not exhausted after a short while. Rather, one should focus on
one or two books (depending on there ability) and strive to General books to read
obtained except by hard work, understand them completely and if he is able - then to also The book of knowledge - Sheikh Uthaymin
exhaustion and scraping memorise the matn and the most important parts of its Stages and means of seeking knowledge - Sheikh Raslan
sharh (explanation). The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge - Bakr Abu Zayd
of the knees," The sciences of ilm are many - aqeedah, fiqh, hadith, usul
Sincere Counsel to the Seekers of Sacred Knowledge
‫مع المحبرة إىل المقبرة‬
etc. Take two or solely one to begin with and focus on
truely understanding.
- Ibn Al Jawzi bahrul._ilm
Advise from Hilyatul AN INSPIRATION -
Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd mentions in his book “The etiquette of

Bahrul Ilm was established to aid the tulaab, for the seeking of ilm should not only
seeking knowledge “ that there are a number of things that you be restricted to the one who can afford many books, but to every sincere seeker
have to take into consideration in every subject you study - so pay who wishes to embark upon this path.
heed to this:
Ibn Al Jawzī ‫رحمه هللا‬ We advise the seekers of knowledge or merely those who wish to purchase a book
was serious about his studies both in his childhood and after from us in order to benefit from it - to pay close attention to their niyyah [intention]
1.Memorise a concise book on it and to renew it constantly. The Salaf would say: “We sought this knowledge for
growing up. He dedicated himself to learning and would not
2. Perfect it [by studying it] under a proficient Shaykh allow anything of his time to be wasted. He says about himself in
other than the sake of Allaah. But the knowledge refused that it should be sought
except for the sake of Allaah.” It is incumbent upon the student to armour himself
3. Do not engage yourself with long books and compilations on : 235 ‫صيد الخاصر‬ with ilm upholding the flag of Tawheed for the sake of Allah. Especially in these
many different subjects before perfecting the basics and times where bidah is widespread. The sincere tulaab are few. We are in need of
becoming proficient in it. " During my pursuit of this quest for increasing our number to educate the people but firstly in rectifying our own
4. Do not swap from one [concise] book to another without any knowledge I would go through difficulties that, to me, were selves and increasing in taqwa. Oh flag bearers of Tawheed ! Come forth and build
sweeter than honey due to what I was expecting to gain. When I your ships to cross this bahr of ilm !
necessity, for this is from impatience.
was small used to take some dry bread with me and go out to learn
5.Capture the benefits and precepts of knowledge [by writing
hadīth. I would sit by the Īsa river, and as I was unable to eat the
them down] : ‫قال ابن الوردي الميته‬
bread without washing it down with water, I took a sip after every : Ibn Al Wardi said
6. Mentally prepare yourself to seek knowledge and progress in bite. My ambition only allowed me to see the delight of learning.
it. Also, be concerned with, and zealous in attaining and reaching Due to that I became known for having heard much of the hadīth ‫في ازدياد العلم إرغام العدى‬
what is above you, until you progress onto the long compilations of Allah's Messenger ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬and his conditions and In the increasing of knowledge is that which defeats the enemies in rage
with ease. ways along with the life of his companions and their followers. My
dealings with the creation also elevated to level that cannot be ‫و جمال العلم إصالح العمل‬
And the beauty of knowledge is the rectification of action
The Sheikh later mentions the importance of acquiring achieved except through knowledge. In my childhood and during
the times of lust and being a stranger I could have done things Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadi ‫حفظه هللا‬
knowledge from the mashaa’ikh. He mentions that the basis of
that the soul desires like a thirsty man does cold water, and only said, “O youth! Strive [and hasten earnestly], for indeed your Ummah – in this era –
acquiring knowledge should be way of dictation and acquisition
the fear of Allāh caused by knowledge stopped me from doing is greatly in need of those who are distinguished with [knowledge] of this robust
from the teachers, and by being in the continuous company of them," Sharee’ah and those who possess sound understanding in this mighty religion.
the scholars and taking from the mouths of men, and not from Strive [earnestly] and in front of you there are Islamic universities with great
the scrolls and depths of books alone. The one who becomes Ibn Al Jawzī also mentions in Laft al Kābid ila Nasiha al Walah : Manaahij [syllabuses, educational curriculums, programmes of study] that
.nurtures one towards [attaining the level of] scholarship by the will of Allaah
involved in seeking knowledge without a shaykh will emerge
without knowledge, because knowledge is a profession and every "The kids used to go down to Tigris River and play on the bridge, The Messenger ‫صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬
profession has its experts, therefore it is necessary to have a but when I was small I used to take a book and sit far from people said, “Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allaah will make easy for
by the shore studying Sacred Knowledge. Then I was inspired to him a path to Paradise.” This is a great promise for the one who seeks knowledge
proficient teacher in order to learn.
abandon the vanities of this world so I began constant fasting and for the sake of Allāh
reduced my food intake to very little. I
The deen is the most important of affairs, so one O brothers! I warn you against harbouring intentions of seeking after the Dunyah,
trained myself to be patient, embarking on a continuous pursuit
must not expect to understand it by solely reading a its status and authority in the affair of learning and seeking knowledge; for indeed
in order to do so and staying up at night. I didn’t feel satisfied with
book alone- but requires one to teach them and aid studying just one science so I read jusrisprudence, sermon
[knowledge of the religion] is worship – amongst the best types of worship; rather
the religion, acts of worship, Jihaad and a [successful] life cannot be established
them upon the path of seeking ilm delivery and hadith and followed those who practiced Zuhd. After except by way of this knowledge. However, it is obligated on us to purify our
that I studied linguistics. There was not a narrating scholar or a intentions in this worship. [The Messenger (sallal laahu alayhi wasallam) said]:
preacher where I lived who I didnt sit with and whenever such a ‘Whoever seeks knowledge by which the pleasure of Allah is sought, but he only
person would arrive from elsewhere I would go to him. I used to ’’.acquires it for worldly gain, he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise
choose of virtuous deeds what suited me and if I had to choose
]Marhaban Yaa Taalibal Ilm’ pages 53-55. abridged & slightly paraphrased[
between two things I usually chose the right of al Haqq(Allāh). He
has planned my life and cultivated me in a beautiful fashion, We ask Allah to increase us in beneficial knowledge and keep us sincere upon this
guiding me towards what is best for me. He has protected me path. May Allah allow us to benefit from the establishment of this maktabah and
from my enemies, the jealous, and those who might plot against place barakah in it
me. He has made everything convenient for my studies of Sacred
Knowledge and sent me books from unexpected places. He gave
me good understanding , the ability to memorise and write
quickly and a talent for authoring books.

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